Papers by Ljiljana Mikšaj - Todorović
Društvene devijacije, Oct 10, 2023

Besides verification of some previous findings on perpetrators of sexual abuse of children, the p... more Besides verification of some previous findings on perpetrators of sexual abuse of children, the purpose of this paper is to introduce new knowledge about the insufficiently researched, abovementioned subject matter in criminology and penology into the corpus of previous knowledge. The paper presents a preliminary communication of the project which was focused on the examination of socio-demographic, criminological and penological characteristics of sexual abusers (N=26) sentenced to imprisonment in 2019. Preliminary results describe the profile of perpetrators: they come from both urban and rural areas, are under the age of 50, are poorly educated, tend to live alone, are prone to alcohol and drug use, and are single recidivists or multirecidivists. The offenders are known to the victim or are in a close relationship and regardless of the offender-victim relationship, these offences most commonly occur in the offender?s or victim?s home. The respective results within the existing bo...

Izvršavanje kazne zatvora u RH za zatvorenike starije životne dobi organizirano je na način da se... more Izvršavanje kazne zatvora u RH za zatvorenike starije životne dobi organizirano je na način da se zatvorenicima osigura smještaj koji je primjeren njihovoj dobi i zdravstvenom stanju te da im se omogući neobvezujuća okupacijska terapija i dostupnost zdravstvene zaštite. Različitost u individualiziranim programima izvršavanja kazne zatvora kod starijih osoba u odnosu na druge zatvorenike ponajviše se očituje u smještaju, prehrani, zdravstvenoj zaštiti a djelomično i pogodnostima u smislu češćih dodira sa vanjskim svijetom. Opisane su specifičnosti programa izvršavanja kazne zatvora starijih osoba te posebnosti koje on sadržava u odnosu na specifične potrebe starijih osoba. Također i problemi sa kojima se starije osobe u zatvorskom sustavu susreću. Nadalje prikazuju se brojčani pokazatelji o starijim osobama na izdržavanju kazne zatvora u Republici Hrvatskoj. Posebno se radom želi istaći potreba za posebnim interesima vezanim uz kriminalitet osoba starije životne dobi te njihovih potr...
European Respiratory Journal, Sep 1, 2011
This paper presents a case of 12-year-old girl, who was admitted to the pulmonology department of... more This paper presents a case of 12-year-old girl, who was admitted to the pulmonology department of the Clinic for children's ilness KC Banja Luka in february 2010th year, because of the x-ray verified large tumor change in the left hemithorax. Insight into previous medical documentation, patient previously had two surgeries for a congenital deformity of the thoracolumbal spine. After admission in our department, in a differential diagnosis, we have done chest CT, GI passage, the serology of Echinococcus granulosus, ultrasonography and laboratory analasys, after which the patient was reffered to the surgical treatment at the Institute for Mother and child in New Belgrade. ![Figure][1] During the surgery a apscess cavity filled with green colored compress was found, which had been present for 2.5 years since spine surgery. [1]: pending:yes
European Respiratory Journal, Sep 1, 2011
This paper presents a case of 12-year-old girl, who was admitted to the pulmonology department of... more This paper presents a case of 12-year-old girl, who was admitted to the pulmonology department of the Clinic for children's ilness KC Banja Luka in february 2010th year, because of the x-ray verified large tumor change in the left hemithorax. Insight into previous medical documentation, patient previously had two surgeries for a congenital deformity of the thoracolumbal spine. After admission in our department, in a differential diagnosis, we have done chest CT, GI passage, the serology of Echinococcus granulosus, ultrasonography and laboratory analasys, after which the patient was reffered to the surgical treatment at the Institute for Mother and child in New Belgrade. ![Figure][1] During the surgery a apscess cavity filled with green colored compress was found, which had been present for 2.5 years since spine surgery. [1]: pending:yes

Maloljetničko kazneno pravo poseban je i specifičan dio kaznenog procesnog prava kojim se uređuje... more Maloljetničko kazneno pravo poseban je i specifičan dio kaznenog procesnog prava kojim se uređuje položaj maloljetnog počinitelja kaznenog djela. Kazna maloljetničkog zatvora u Republici Hrvatskoj se izvršava u nekoliko kaznionica i to u zatvorenim, poluotvorenim i otvorenim uvjetima. U ovom radu ću prikazati postupanje s maloljetnim počiniteljem kojem je izrečena kazna maloljetničkog zatvora ( kao najteža kaznenopravna sankcija) koja se može izreći mladim osobama u sukobu sa zakonom; od upućivanja, izvršavanja pojedinačnog programa postupanja, poslijepenalnog prihvata te otpusta sa izdržavanja kazne maloljetničkog zatvora. Prikazat ću specifičnost i različitost u individualiziranim programima izvršavanja kazne maloljetničkog zatvora u odnosu na druge zatvorenike ( nedostatak materijalnih i smještajnih kapaciteta, adekvatno stručno osoblje sa specifičnim znanjima i vještinama). U radu ću prikazati brojčane pokazatelje koji se tiču kazne maloljetničkog zatvora (izricanje te izvršavan...
6th European Conference …, 2002
Sažetak: The drug treatment project entitled" The model of intervention for convicted drug-a... more Sažetak: The drug treatment project entitled" The model of intervention for convicted drug-addicts in institutional and community settings", supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Justice of Republic of Croatia has been conducted for more ...
7. Međunarodni znanstveni …, 2007
Statistika bibliografskih podataka o projektima, znanstvenicima i znantsvenim institucijama.

Iako neke zemlje provode nacionalna istraživanja zadovoljstva poslom, istraživanja unutar pojedin... more Iako neke zemlje provode nacionalna istraživanja zadovoljstva poslom, istraživanja unutar pojedinih struka još su uvijek malobrojna, nedostatna i nesustavna. Mada postoji izvjestan broj istraživanja zadovoljstva zaposlenika poslom pomagačkih profesija u bolničkom i zatvorskom sustavu, nisu pronađena ona koja bi tražila razlike među njima. Cilj rada je ispitati zadovoljstvo poslom zaposlenika pomagačkih profesija (socijalnih pedagoga, rehabilitatora, logopeda, socijalnih radnika, psihologa i pedagoga) koji rade u bolničkom i zatvorskom sustavu i utvrditi razlike među njima.. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 180 ispitanika (112 iz bolničkog i 68 iz zatvorskog sustava). Podaci su prikupljani upitnikom Job-Satisfaction Survey (Spector, 1985) i obrađeni metodama deskriptivne statistike i t-testom za nezavisne uzorke temeljem ranije dobivenih faktora na Upitniku. Rezultati pokazuju da su nekim aspektima posla najviše zadovoljni (primjerice, nadređenima, suradnjom) odnosno nezadovoljni (primjerice plaćom) ispitanici oba uzorka, a u nekim aspektima se njihovo zadovoljstvo značajno razlikuje u pravcu nižeg zadovoljstva zaposlenih u zatvorskom sustavu. Kako se dobivene razlike mogu pripisati nekim objektivnim obilježjima posla karakterističnim za sustave u kojima rade, ali i subjektivnim obilježjima samih pomagača, nedostatna istraženost tih čimbenika predstavlja potencijal za buduće znanstveno-istraživačke projekte.
Kriminologija Socijalna Integracija, 2002
Istraživanja u edukacijsko - rehabilitacijskim znanostima, Knjiga sažetaka 8. međunardonog znanstvenog skupa, Zagreb, 27.-29- rujan 2012., 2012
Istraživanja u edukacijsko - rehabilitacijskim znanostima, 2012

Journal of Criminal Justice and Security, 2015
Purpose: This paper examines the distribution of elderly missing persons in the city of Zagreb pe... more Purpose: This paper examines the distribution of elderly missing persons in the city of Zagreb per variables (age, sex of the missing person, social and marital status, employment, place and duration of disappearance, method of finding the missing person, its outcome, reasons for disappearance, etc.) needed for the design of the plan of the search for the missing person. Design/Methods/Approach: The paper uses data collected through a questionnaire with 417 variables and processed with certain basic statistical methods. The collected data are examined on a sample of 170 elderly missing persons in the city of Zagreb, and through characteristics of methods, measures and actions, together with the methods of search for elderly persons in cities, with special reference to Zagreb. Findings: The statistically established behavioural modes of certain groups of elderly people are analysed: persons with Alzheimer’s disease and persons with suicidal risk. The stated findings largely assist in...

Bulletin du Groupèment international pour la recherche scientifique en stomatologie & odontologie
Results of morphometric analysis of the mandibular canal (MC), carried out on 105 conserved mandi... more Results of morphometric analysis of the mandibular canal (MC), carried out on 105 conserved mandibles, 70 being dentate and 35 edentate, was performed. The analysis was carried out on consecutive sections, at mutual intervals of 0.5 cm. In the mandibular ramus sections were carried out obliquely, approximately in the frontal plane, and horizontally, from mandibular foramen to the lowest region of the vertical part of the MC (all together two sections). In the mandibular corpus, consecutive transversal sections were carried out between existing teeth, or at mutual intervals of 0.5 cm in edentate regions. The obtained results pointed out the very close relationship between the MC and lingual cortical plate of the mandibular ramus. In its horizontal part, the average diameter of the MC was 2.6 mm. It was situated more lingually in the molar region; towards the front, it approached the vestibular cortical plate, being closest to it in the region of the second premolar. Similar relations...

In this paper the authors will reconsider the role of community in the Republic of Croatia in pre... more In this paper the authors will reconsider the role of community in the Republic of Croatia in prevention of drug abuse among youth. Also, it is reconsidering various possibilities that are extending toward young consumers in the Republic of Croatia in the meaning of giving up on consuming illegal drugs. The paper will also analyse the role that various community segments such as district councils, parents, school, peer groups, social care service, centers for substance abuse prevention, NGO's and institutions of represion (police, distric attorney, court), have in dealing with the drug abuse problem. For this, the authors are reffering on the statement that in the Republic of Croatia exist many various segments of community that have potential for preventive working but are not interlinked. So, the community responds inadequatly on necessities of preventive intervention toward yound people abusing drugs. Furthermore, the paper will discuss the results of a research conducted in ...
Papers by Ljiljana Mikšaj - Todorović