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In this paper we introduce the category of phrasal verbs in Croatian lexicon and grammar description in order to show their influence on semantic relations, namely synonymy and polysemy in Croatian WordNet (henceforth CroWN). We discuss... more
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      Lexical SemanticsWordnet
Wordnet is a standard semantic resource for several Natural Language Processing tasks and it is available for an increasing number of languages. The Croatian Wordnet (CroWN) was a relatively small resource with 10.026 synsets and 31.367... more
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CroDeriV i morfolo{ka ra{~lamba hrvatskoga glagola U radu se prikazuje izrada leksikona hrvatskih glagola CroDeriV i teorijske postavke na kojima ona po~iva. CroDeriV je ra~unalni leksikon koji sadr`ava podatke o morfolo{koj strukturi... more
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      MathematicsHrvatski Jezik
The paper analyzes a syntactic construction with the verbs doživjeti ‘experience-perf’and doživljavati ‘experience-impf’. Similar constructions are well recorded and described in Croatian and international literature. Verbs doživjeti and... more
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      SyntaxGenerative SyntaxSecondary Predication
E-Glava is an online valency dictionary of Croatian verbs. The theoretical approach to valency follows the German tradition, particularly that of the VALBU dictionary, with some minor changes and adjustments. The main principle of our... more
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Ovaj rječnik donosi detaljan valencijski opis pedeset sedam (57) psiholoških glagola u hrvatskome jeziku. Semantička skupina psiholoških glagola obrađena u rječniku izabrana je kao prva, pokusna skupina glagola zbog svoje značenjske... more
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      SyntaxCroatian LanguageValency of Verbs
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      SyntaxCroatian LanguageKnjFilologija
Tema su ovoga rada osnovne zna~ajke distribuirane morfologije (Halle & Marantz 1992, Halle & Marantz 1994), njezin smje{taj me|u ostale pristupe morfologiji u okviru generativne lingvistike te poseban osvrt na modele tvorbe rije~i u... more
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    • Hrvatski Jezik
The paper presents an analysis of Croatian agentive nominals with the suffix -ac within the Distributed Morphology approach, adopting and applying Alexiadou & Schafer’s (2010) model. The internal morphological structure of the -ac nouns,... more
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    • Linguistics
The paper compares the system of syntactic (valency) complements which are used for description of valency of Croatian verbs in the online valency dictionary e-Glava with systems of valency complements which are used in the valency... more
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    • Mathematics
U radu 1 se promatraju akuzativne dopune uz desetak neprijelaznih glagola u hrvatskome jeziku te se razmatra njihova pripadnost kategoriji unutrašnjih objekata. Uspoređuju se sintaktička i semantička svojstva takvih dopuna: broj imenica... more
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Morpheme (Marantz 2001) apstraktni morfem (distributivna morfologija) A-Morphous Morphology (Anderson 1992) a-morfna morfologija morfologija bez morfema Adjacency Condition (Siegel 1977) Uvjet priložnosti [u sintaksi često samo Adjacency... more
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    • Filologija
Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, Zagreb Imenice i pridjevi: Što nam pridjevi mogu otkriti o imenicama? U radu se pridjevni testovi događajnosti koje su formulirale I. Roy i E. Soare 2014. primjenjuju na odglagolske imenice... more
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The aim of the paper is to compare the representation of valency in five online valency dictionaries of slavic languages (the Russian FrameBank, the czech VALLEX, the Polish Walenty, and two online valency dictionaries of croatian,... more
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E-Glava is an online valency dictionary of Croatian verbs. The theoretical approach to valency follows the German tradition, particular ly that of the VALBU dictionary, with some minor changes and adjustments. The main pri nciple of our... more
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      Computer ScienceSemanticsCroatianSyntax
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U radu se govori o nastanku i razvoju morfoloskog nazivlja (ili morfoloskih nazivlja) u okviru generativne gramatike te o problemima koji se javljaju kod stvaranja nazivlja generativne morfologije na hrvatskom jeziku. Istražuje se... more
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      Computer SciencePhysicsTheoretical Morphology (in Biology)Generative grammar
My paper attempts to identify the phases of the computer lexicographical process as proposed by
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The paper analyzes a syntactic construction with the verbs doživjeti 'experience-perf'and doživljavati 'experience-impf'. Similar constructions are well recorded and described in Croatian and international literature.... more
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      SyntaxGenerative SyntaxSecondary Predication
The paper discusses about ten Croatian intransitive verbs, which can occur together with accusative marked noun phrases. The authors claim that the verbs can be divided into two groups according to some semantic and syntactic parameters... more
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