Papers by Sanja Smodlaka Vitas
Miscellanea Hadriatica et Mediterranea, 2019
This paper offers a detailed analysis of Mycenaean Greek toponyms whose root is related to the se... more This paper offers a detailed analysis of Mycenaean Greek toponyms whose root is related to the sea, and of such derivative ethnonyms that serve as anthroponyms, as well as of anthroponyms derived from words coming from a maritime context. With these, vocabulary related to the sea and seafaring from Mycenaean Greek is established, which can be confirmed in Classical Greek. In addition to the analysis of Greek words the author, whenever possible, establishes a relation with Croatian forms and their etymologies, not in the form of loan words, as such practically don’t exist in the sphere of Croatian toponymy, but in the form of naming patterns, whether or not the Proto-Indo-European roots used were the same.

Miscellanea Hadriatica et Mediterranea, 2018
This paper offers a detailed analysis of Mycenaean Greek toponyms whose root is related to the se... more This paper offers a detailed analysis of Mycenaean Greek toponyms whose root is related to the sea, and of such derivative ethnonyms that serve as anthroponyms, as well as of anthroponyms derived from words coming from a maritime context. With these, vocabulary related to the sea and seafaring from Mycenaean Greek is es-tablished, which can be confirmed in Classical Greek. In addition to the analysis of Greek words the author, whenever possible, establishes a relation with Croatian forms and their etymologies, not in the form of loan words, as such practically don’t exist in the sphere of Croatian toponymy, but in the form of naming patterns, whether or not the Proto-Indo-European roots used were the same.
Rad se bavi detaljnom analizom mikenskih grčkih toponima koji u svojoj osnovi imaju veze s morem, od takvih izvedenih etnika koji su u službi antroponima te analizom antroponima tvorenih od riječi s pomorskim kontekstom. Time se utvrđuje s morem i pomorstvom poveziv fond riječi korištenih u mikenskom, a koje se mogu potvrditi u klasičnom grčkom. Usporedo s analizom grčkih riječi u svakoj se prilici nastoji dati veza s hrvatskim oblicima i etimologijama, ne u vidu posuđenica, jer takvih gotovo i nema, već u vidu obrasca imenovanja, bilo da su korišteni isti ili različiti prajezični korijeni.
Hic textus, sicut omnes sequentes, citati secundum editiones in bibliographia relatas.
The purpose of this article is to reconsider the interpretation of the word ko-ni-jo and to offer... more The purpose of this article is to reconsider the interpretation of the word ko-ni-jo and to offer an alternate view of its meaning and role in the document, hence the lines .13-.14 whose entries form a coherent group in relation to the entire text. The term parenthetical note is used to indicate that this word further explicates the related entries and that the number that is written beside it does not indicate the total number of rowers. This interpretation necessarily also includes consideration of da-mi-ni-jo as the name of the person who has a function of a "collector" and who controls a group of flax-workers mentioned on the tablet with a note that indirectly points to maritime context.
Papers by Sanja Smodlaka Vitas
Rad se bavi detaljnom analizom mikenskih grčkih toponima koji u svojoj osnovi imaju veze s morem, od takvih izvedenih etnika koji su u službi antroponima te analizom antroponima tvorenih od riječi s pomorskim kontekstom. Time se utvrđuje s morem i pomorstvom poveziv fond riječi korištenih u mikenskom, a koje se mogu potvrditi u klasičnom grčkom. Usporedo s analizom grčkih riječi u svakoj se prilici nastoji dati veza s hrvatskim oblicima i etimologijama, ne u vidu posuđenica, jer takvih gotovo i nema, već u vidu obrasca imenovanja, bilo da su korišteni isti ili različiti prajezični korijeni.
Rad se bavi detaljnom analizom mikenskih grčkih toponima koji u svojoj osnovi imaju veze s morem, od takvih izvedenih etnika koji su u službi antroponima te analizom antroponima tvorenih od riječi s pomorskim kontekstom. Time se utvrđuje s morem i pomorstvom poveziv fond riječi korištenih u mikenskom, a koje se mogu potvrditi u klasičnom grčkom. Usporedo s analizom grčkih riječi u svakoj se prilici nastoji dati veza s hrvatskim oblicima i etimologijama, ne u vidu posuđenica, jer takvih gotovo i nema, već u vidu obrasca imenovanja, bilo da su korišteni isti ili različiti prajezični korijeni.