Papers by Marijana Kresić
KD Info : mitglied des internationalen Deutschlehrerverbandes, 2009

Syntax, 2019
A recurring hypothesis about the agreement phenomena generalized as closestconjunct agreement tak... more A recurring hypothesis about the agreement phenomena generalized as closestconjunct agreement takes this pattern to result from reduced clausal conjunction, simply displaying the agreement of the verb with the nonconjoined subject of the clause whose content survives ellipsis (Aoun, Benmamoun & Sportiche 1994, 1999; see also Wilder 1997). Closestconjunct agreement is the dominant agreement pattern in the South Slavic languages Slovenian and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. A natural question is whether closest-conjunct agreement in these varieties may indeed be analyzed as entirely derived from conjunction reduction. In this article, we report on two experiments conducted to test this. The results reject the hypothesis as far as these languages are concerned, thereby upholding the relevance of models developed to account for closest-conjunct agreement within theories of agreement.
Linguistik online, 2010
Eine aus wissenschaftlichem Erkenntnisinteresse heraus formulierte, linguistische Grammatik muss ... more Eine aus wissenschaftlichem Erkenntnisinteresse heraus formulierte, linguistische Grammatik muss für die Zwecke des Fremdsprachenlernens transformiert werden in eine didaktische Grammatik, 1 die eine dem Lernprozess entsprechende Progression aufweist und den Lernenden direkt vorgelegt werden kann (vgl. Helbig 2001: 179). Das Rahmenthema des vorliegenden Heftes ist die Neubestimmung des Verhältnisses von linguistisch-theoretischer und didaktisch-anwendungsbezogen konzipierter Grammatik auf der Folie ausgewählter jüngerer Entwicklungen in der Fremdsprachendidaktik, in der Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung und der Germanistischen Linguistik, und zwar unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Deutschen als Fremdsprache.

The study presented in this paper treats potential effective transfer as a strategy which can be ... more The study presented in this paper treats potential effective transfer as a strategy which can be a useful tool to point learners to cross-linguistic equivalencies with the purpose of facilitating learning. Using the example of modal particles and equivalent modalizing elements in Croatian, English, and German, the study investigates how many occurrences of potential transfer can be tracked in the cloze task answers of 136 Croatian students of German and English as a foreign language. In a qualitative analysis, the nature of potential effective transfer is determined and the relevant subtypes of transfer are defined. The learners’ first foreign language and all possible directions of possible transfer are also taken into account as relevant factors. Effective transfer is defined as the competence to correctly apply both the form and function of a particular linguistic element in performance in another language

The aim of this paper is to analyze the intensifying function of German modal particles and equiv... more The aim of this paper is to analyze the intensifying function of German modal particles and equivalent modal expressions in Croatian and English. Our hypothesis is that some modal particles in German and their functional equivalents in Croatian and English can express different degrees of intensity and types of intensification. The presented study comprises two parts. First, the use of intensifying modal particles by a group of speakers of L1 Croatian and L2 German/English is investigated. On the basis of the results obtained, and by means of a previously conducted corpus analysis (cf. Kresić and Batinić 2014), an intensification scale with respect to the inventory of German modal particles and corresponding particles in Croatian as well as equivalent English expressions is suggested. Some German and Croatian modal particles and equivalent modal elements in English can be classified on the upper and partially on the lower part of the proposed intensification scale when compared to t...
Diaspora Language Contact, 2021
Handbuch Sprache in der Bildung
Subjectivity in Language and Discourse, 2012
The simplicity of the grammatical pronominal paradigms belies the complexity of their use. Malone... more The simplicity of the grammatical pronominal paradigms belies the complexity of their use. Malone (2005, p. 44) The term 'subjectivity' refers to the way in which natural languages, in their structure and their normal manner of operation, provide for the locutionary agent's expression of himself and of his attitudes and beliefs. Lyons (1982, p. 102)

Second Language Learning and Teaching, 2012
ABSTRACT The presented study investigates interlingual identifications (Weinreich (Languages in C... more ABSTRACT The presented study investigates interlingual identifications (Weinreich (Languages in Contact, 1953); Ringbom (The importance of cross-linguistic similarity in foreign language learning: comprehension, learning and production, 2007)) as a specific form of linguistic transfer in language learning. University students’ interlingual identifications were analyzed with respect to modal particles and equivalent modal elements in Croatian, English and German. The participants were advanced Croatian learners of German and English, 148 students of German language and literature at Croatian universities. The study also investigates the learners’ psychotypology, i.e. their assessments of the overall similarities between their L1, L2, and L3 with respect to English, German and Croatian, and their competence concerning the use of modal particles and equivalent modal elements. Further variables, such as ‘‘year of study’’ and ‘‘the learners’ L2’’ are related to the results of the experimental study. A central conclusion is that pointing learners to cross-linguistic equivalencies can be an essential learning strategy that turns interlingual identifications into a process facilitating learning. German and Croatian as particle-rich languages are contrasted with English which uses other elements for modalizing and contextualizing utterances.

Strani jezici : časopis za unapređenje nastave stranih jezika, 2017
The study presented in this paper treats potential effective transfer as a strategy which can be ... more The study presented in this paper treats potential effective transfer as a strategy which can be a useful tool to point learners to cross-linguistic equivalencies with the purpose of facilitating learning. Using the example of modal particles and equivalent modalizing elements in Croatian, English, and German, the study investigates how many occurrences of potential transfer can be tracked in the cloze task answers of 136 Croatian students of German and English as a foreign language. In a qualitative analysis, the nature of potential effective transfer is determined and the relevant subtypes of transfer are defined. The learners’ first foreign language and all possible directions of possible transThe study presented in this paper treats potential effective transfer as a strategy which can be a useful tool to point learners to cross-linguistic equivalencies with the purpose of facilitating learning. Using the example of modal particles and equivalent modalizing elements in Croatian, English, and German, the study investigates how many occurrences of potential transfer can be tracked in the cloze task answers of 136 Croatian students of German and English as a foreign language. In a qualitative analysis, the nature of potential effective transfer is determined and the relevant subtypes of transfer are defined. The learners’ first foreign language and all possible directions of possible transfer are also taken into account as relevant factors. Effective transfer is defined as the competence to correctly apply both the form and function of a particular linguistic element in the performance in another language. fer are also taken into account as relevant factors. Effective transfer is defined as the competence to correctly apply both the form and function of a particular linguistic element in performance in another language.

U teorijskome dijelu knjige opisuje se kategorija modalnih cestica u njemackome i hrvatskome jezi... more U teorijskome dijelu knjige opisuje se kategorija modalnih cestica u njemackome i hrvatskome jeziku te se predlaže kategorizacija drugih modalnih konstrukcija u hrvatskome jeziku koje su njihove funkcionalne istovrijednice. U glavnome dijelu leksikona daje se leksikografski opis modalnih cestica u njemackome jeziku, modalnih cestica i njima istovrijednih modalnih konstrukcija u hrvatskome jeziku te prijevodne istovrijednice ovih modalnih elemenata u engleskome jeziku u kojemu cestice nisu izdvojene kao zasebna kategorija rijeci. Buduci da i u njemackome i u hrvatskome jeziku modalne cestice tvore kategoriju rijeci s istom funkcijom, odabran je kontrastivni, dvojezican pristup njihovu opisu. Modalne su cestice sinsemanticne rijeci cije znacenje ovisi o specificnome kontekstu njihove uporabe jer izražavaju subjektivne aspekte komunikacijske interakcije. Osim o kontekstu, njihovo znacenje ovisi i o vrsti recenice u kojoj se cestica nalazi te o ostvarenome govornome cinu. Opis utemeljen...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018
Hierarchical structure has been cherished as a grammatical universal. We use experimental methods... more Hierarchical structure has been cherished as a grammatical universal. We use experimental methods to show where linear order is also a relevant syntactic relation. An identical methodology and design were used across six research sites on South Slavic languages. Experimental results show that in certain configurations, grammatical production can in fact favor linear order over hierarchical structure. However, these findings are limited to coordinate structures and distinct from the kind of production errors found with comparable configurations such as “attraction” errors. The results demonstrate that agreement morphology may be computed in a series of steps, one of which is partly independent from syntactic hierarchy.

We conducted a comparison of preverbal and postverbal subjectverb agreement in an elicited produc... more We conducted a comparison of preverbal and postverbal subjectverb agreement in an elicited production study carried out with 60 speakers of different language varieties in South Slavic, spanning Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, and Slovenian at six local universities. These languages have three genders, and we measured the response type and total reaction time for production for the nine possible combinations of two plural noun phrases. Elicited production experiments for the preverbal and postverbal versions were conducted separately, with 54 items and 54 fillers. A sample target item involved a model sentence, immediately followed by a replacement phrase, and participants had to produce the entire sentence that resulted from combining the new replacement subject noun phrase (a coordination, such as the books and the magazines), with the remaining predicate, making morphosyntactic adjustments where necessary (e.g. in agreement). Our analysis of the gender agreement reveals that preverba...

, compiles twelve papers, written in German, that deal with the linguistic expression of emotions... more , compiles twelve papers, written in German, that deal with the linguistic expression of emotions and with narrative strategies that speakers employ in interviews in order to structure the course of a narration, to set the focal point of a narrated content, to mark dramatic climaxes in a narration etc. The studies presented in the individual chapters are focused on the analysis of narrative interviews from an oral history corpus which was compiled by Anne Betten and her collaborators in the period between 1989 to 1994, in 1998, and between 1999 and 2007. The so-called Israel corpus 1 comprises autobiographic interviews with German-speaking Jewish emigrants who escaped to Palestine / Israel in the 1930s, as well as interviews with the descendants of some of them. In this volume, the material is approached from a variety of perspectives, mainly linguistic and conversational linguistic ones, whereby the authors of the individual contributions pursue a number of hitherto unexplored research questions (cf. p. VII).
Papers by Marijana Kresić