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Rana prapovijest, prije svega paleolitička razdoblja, na prostoru Velog Rata poznata su u literaturi već više od 50 godina, a svako novo istraživanje proširuje spoznaje. Cilj posljednjega u nizu terenskih pregleda bio je prvenstveno... more
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      ArchaeologyGeologySea LevelQuaternary
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    • Maritime Archaeology
U službenu evidenciju hrvatske podmorske arheološke baštine već su dugi niz godina upisana dva nalazišta kojima donedavno nije bila posvećena osobita pozornost. Riječ je o brodolomima s teretom keramičkoga građevinskog materijala u vodama... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime History
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      Maritime ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyMediterranean archaeologyAncient Shipwrecks
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryHistory of the MediterraneanUnderwater Archaeology
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      Maritime ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyNautical ArchaeologyMediterranean archaeology
T ajanstveni svijet koji skrivaju morske dubine oduvijek je hranio ljudsku maštu, ulijevao strahopoštovanje, budio znatiželju i poticao želju za otkrivanjem. U 5. stoljeću prije Krista grčki povjesničar Herodot zapisao nam je kako su se o... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyHeritage TourismCultural Tourism
U rimsko se vrijeme na sjevernom dijelu otoka Paga nalazilo naselje zvano Cissa Portunata po kojemu se do 14. stoljeća nazivao i čitav otok. Lingvistička su istraživanja potvrdila kako se naziv Cissa održao u današnjem nazivu uvale Caske... more
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      ArchaeologyCultural Tourism
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyMaritime History
The book tells the story of Gagliana grossa, the Venetian ship that sunk off the islet of Gnalić in 1583.
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryUnderwater ArchaeologyNautical Archaeology
The book presents the research of the Late Roman shipwreck near the islet of Veli Školj, in its geological-geographical and cultural-historical context.
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      GeographyHistorical GeographyMaritime ArchaeologyGeology
Clay tobacco pipes from the collection of the Archaeological Department of the Varaždin City Museum were found during archaeological research, with one exception, in the wider area of Varaždin County. So, there is a pipe from the city... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyClay Tobacco PipesOttoman Tobacco PipesArchaeology of medieval and early modern city
Clavi Coctiles iz Cibala; naslov je tematskog seminar koji je održan u okviru projekta; „Život na rimskoj cesti-komunikacije, trgovina i identiteti na rimskim cestama u Hrvatskoj od 1. do 8. st. (HRZZ, UIP-05-2017-9768). Predavanje donosi... more
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      Roman ceramicsRoman brick and tileHypocaust
The topic of this paper is a segment of the old mountain road between the villages of Možđenec and Sudovec. Today, the road is mostly located beneath a recently built modern road, and small segments are separated from it. Over the western... more
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    • Archaeology of Roman Pannonia
Minor rescue archaeological excavations were conducted in 1990 in the area of the town of Vinkovci, on the position Šokadija, a part of an ancient residential building where a heating system was discovered. Detailed processing of the... more
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      SpacersRoman Baths (Archaeology)Roman heating systemsRoman Archaeology
Les objectifs de la campagne d’octobre 2019 étaient concentrés sur le secteur 6, qui ouvre sur la cour centrale et qui n’avait pas encore été dégagé, et sur la terrasse inférieure (secteur 4) qui a été identifiée à la fin de la campagne... more
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      Roman EconomyOlive and Olive Oil TechnologyAncient Roman economy, trade and commerceDalmatia
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Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce the organization of a scientific conference "Eating and drinking along ancient roads and rivers: Study opportunities, archaeological sources and open issues about diet habits" (Roads and rivers... more
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