Papers by Laura O Gallardo
Journal of Adolescent Health

Behavioral Sciences
The current scientific literature has shown significant disparity in results when physical activi... more The current scientific literature has shown significant disparity in results when physical activity is linked to academic achievement among adolescents. Thus, the main objectives of this study were (1) to analyze the relationship among students’ academic achievement, intention to be physically active, and physical activity levels depending on the country (Spain or Chile), as well as to analyze these relationships based on students’ socio-economic status, type of school, school year, gender, and body mass index; and (2) to analyze the differences between all these variables depending on the students’ country and gender. In total, 3052 adolescents participated in the research (14.58 ± 1.39 years): 734 Chilean students (336 males and 398 females) and 2318 Spanish students (1180 males and 1138 females). Various questionnaires were used to measure the study variables. The results revealed significant relationships between academic achievement and the rest of the variables in Spanish adol...
Behavioral sciences, Jan 16, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Current Psychology
The main purpose of this study was to longitudinally test the relationships of Self Determination... more The main purpose of this study was to longitudinally test the relationships of Self Determination Theory variables on physical activity, analyzing the model based on stages of change. The study is a longitudinal and quantitative research. We have developed a longitudinal cross-lagged design for structural equation models of three time points and multigroup analysis. Participants were 772 Spanish college students from the University of Zaragoza (M = 19.74, SD = 2.76) studying several degrees. Participants completed different self-reports, assessing: physical activity, stages of change, motivation and basic psychological needs, at three time points (November, January and March). The analysis indicated that intrinsic motivation positively predicted physical activity at the 3-time points, both directly and indirectly. Intrinsic motivation was negatively predicted by autonomy and positively predicted by competence (from time point 2 to 3). No relationships were found with relatedness for the entire sample. Regarding the stages of change multi-group analysis were run: in the low active group, we found a negative relationship between relatedness and physical activity, and a positive association between competence and intrinsic motivation and physical activity, whereas intrinsic motivation did not predict physical activity. Our findings showed that intrinsic motivation was the most consistent predictor of physical activity. The competence need played an essential role in intrinsic motivation and physical activity for both active and passive subjects. However, the basic psychological needs have not worked as indicated by the theory when it was examined longitudinally. The findings of the study highlight the need for different strategies to improve physical activity levels according to the stages of change.
International Journal of Psychology, 2016

Disordered eating, unhealthy weight-control behaviours and body dissatisfaction are associated wi... more Disordered eating, unhealthy weight-control behaviours and body dissatisfaction are associated with diminished mental health. A key aspect that has been identified for the development of disordered eating behaviours and body dissatisfaction is to be teased. Additionally, the literature suggests that weight may affect the relationship between weight-teasing and disordered eating and body dissatisfaction, although this pattern is unclear. This study presents two cross-sectional studies with an adult and an adolescent sample. The adolescent sample comprised 15,224 participants, and the adult sample comprised 321 participants, all from Spain. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted. Aims: to assess the relations among disordered eating, body dissatisfaction, weight, and weight-teasing among adolescents and adults; and to examine whether weight-teasing, weight, age, and gender predict disordered eating and body dissatisfaction in adults and adolescents. The results showed that ad...
Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte, 2021
A. (2021). Análisis transcultural de los niveles de actividad física y la intención de ser física... more A. (2021). Análisis transcultural de los niveles de actividad física y la intención de ser físicamente activo en población adolescente de Chile y España en función de variables sociodemográficas.

Revista De Psicologia Social, 2016
espanolLas interacciones entre iguales en el contexto de las relaciones grupales tienen consecuen... more espanolLas interacciones entre iguales en el contexto de las relaciones grupales tienen consecuencias significativas en el ajuste social de los ninos y adolescentes durante sus vidas. De hecho, las relaciones entre iguales cambian sistematicamente con el desarrollo del individuo. Este estudio analiza el efecto de las interacciones positivas entre iguales, evaluadas como aceptacion entre iguales, sobre el rendimiento academico durante la etapa de desarrollo de la adolescencia. Los participantes fueron 766 estudiantes de entre 11 y 16 anos, a quienes se les pidio que contestaran a un cuestionario sociometrico sobre la aceptacion de sus iguales. Los datos sobre el rendimiento academico se recabaron a partir de sus calificaciones. Los analisis de regresion realizados revelaron que la aceptacion entre iguales predecia el rendimiento academico, y tambien se observo un efecto de moderacion con mayor impacto de la aceptacion entre iguales en el rendimiento academico de los adolescentes mas ...

espanolEl principal objetivo fue determinar si existen diferencias en el rendimiento academico en... more espanolEl principal objetivo fue determinar si existen diferencias en el rendimiento academico en funcion del cumplimiento de las recomendaciones de actividad fisica (AF) diarias. Participaron 2318 adolescentes (1138 chicas, 1180 chicos), media de edad 14,53 (DT = 1,37). El rendimiento academico se midio a traves de una pregunta autoinformada sobre la calificacion obtenida en el ultimo curso y los niveles de actividad fisica (NAF) se evaluaron con el International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form (IPAQ-SF). Los resultados confirman que hay diferencias en el rendimiento academico en funcion del cumplimiento de recomendaciones (t = 2,10; p = 0,04), siendo mas bajo el rendimiento en aquellos sujetos que realizan un nivel muy bajo o muy alto de actividad fisica moderada-vigorosa (AFMV). En conclusion, un mayor rendimiento academico se relaciona con unos niveles adecuados de AFMV. Por ello, habria que disenar intervenciones que permitan conocer las EnglishThe main objective was...
Current Psychology, 2016
Recently, it has been revealed that flavor perception and preference are modulated by food experi... more Recently, it has been revealed that flavor perception and preference are modulated by food experience and its learning. In the session, our recent research outcomes, which examined the effect of learning on flavor perception and preference using classical and higher-order conditioning paradigms on animal and human subjects, will be presented and discussed.

Revista de Psicología Social, 2016
Abstract Peer interactions in the context of group-level relationships have significant consequen... more Abstract Peer interactions in the context of group-level relationships have significant consequences on social adjustment across the lifespan of children and adolescents. Indeed, peer relations change systematically with individuals’ development. This study examined the effect of positive peer interactions measured as peer acceptance on academic achievement during the adolescence developmental stage. Participants were 766 students aged 11–16 years old. Adolescents completed a sociometric measure of peer acceptance. Academic achievement data were obtained from students’ report card grades. Regression analyses indicated that peer acceptance predicted academic achievement, and also a moderation effect was found displaying a higher impact of peer acceptance on academic achievement for younger adolescents than for older adolescents. It is suggested that improving peer relationships within the group, especially at early adolescence, can be a target of intervention to improve academic functioning at school.
Revista AUS. Chile. N. 14. 2013. p. 5-10. ISSN 0718-7262.
Este artículo describe el proceso de investigación-acción en la didáctica de proyectos arquitectó... more Este artículo describe el proceso de investigación-acción en la didáctica de proyectos arquitectónicos, en la relación de la teoría con la práctica a partir del recorrido del no-lugar al lugar. Se introduce la teoría en el taller (curso de proyectos) a través de conceptos relevantes tales como: no-lugar, lugar, ser humano, habitar y contexto, principalmente, desde disciplinas distintas pero complementarias como son: filosofía, antropología, sociología y arquitectura, a fin de abrir una reflexión que permita profundizar en los conceptos clave para poder fundamentar con mayor solidez y vincular con sus habitantes y el contexto los proyectos arquitectónicos.

Journal of Community Psychology
Aims: The aim of the study was to test the Self Determination Theory (SDT) sequence to predict ph... more Aims: The aim of the study was to test the Self Determination Theory (SDT) sequence to predict physical activity (PA) and intention to be active during adolescence: social factors (father, mother, friends, and physical education teacher) → basic psychological needs (BPN) → types of motivation were assessed→ PA and intention to be active. Method: Participants were 1150 adolescents (M age = 15.01 [1.55]) who completed questionnaires. Structural equation modeling supports the SDT sequence model. Results: results revealed that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation positively predicted both PA and intention to be active while amotivation did so negatively. Moreover, social factors behaved differently with BPN, finding positive relationships between father, friends and PE teachers with competence, autonomy and relatedness, whereas mother's support does not influence the sequence. Conclusion: The study shed light on the SDT theory to provide a better understanding of physical activity behaviors and intentions during adolescence.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
The purpose of the study is to comparatively test the expectancy-value model in Chilean and Spani... more The purpose of the study is to comparatively test the expectancy-value model in Chilean and Spanish samples. The model proposes: a social world (composed of social support, physical activity teasing, and weight teasing), expectancy (composed of perceived competence and appearance), task values (composed of enjoyment and stress) to predict physical activity and intention to be physically active. Participants were 497 (Chilean) and 1365 (Spanish) adolescents. Structural equation models and multi-group modelling were used. All the models presented adequate fit to the data. The results show that physical activity teasing is a contextual and essential variable; perceived competence and enjoyment influenced physical activity and intentions to be physically active; some differences appeared in the prediction of physical activity and intentions to be physically active when the multi-group model was run. Culturally tailored interventions are key to improving physical activity (PA) behaviors.
Universitas Psychologica
El objetivo del estudio es conocer el papel de un desplazamiento activo o pasivo en un modelo con... more El objetivo del estudio es conocer el papel de un desplazamiento activo o pasivo en un modelo con influencias económicas, como la ocupación del padre y de la madre, psicológicas, como la percepción individual de salud, y variables demográficas sobre la actividad física. 1618 adolescentes (734 chicas) de primero a cuarto curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (Medad = 14.46; DT = 1.28), muestra representativa de Aragón (3 %), contestaron cuestionarios sobre las variables estudiadas. El modelo de ecuaciones estructurales mixto multigrupo para clases conocidas muestra que en aquellos adolescentes que se desplazan activamente al centro escolar, su salud percibida está muy relacionada con su actividad física, y con el nivel socioeconómico parental, mientras que la influencia de género y edad permanece constante entre subpoblaciones.
Journal of Transport & Health

Journal of research on adolescence : the official journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Jan 9, 2018
Loneliness has been linked to many physical and mental health problems, especially during adolesc... more Loneliness has been linked to many physical and mental health problems, especially during adolescence. From evolutionary, social needs, and cognitive approaches, this study examined whether emotional repair, relatedness need, and peer-rated indicators of relations behave in predicting loneliness, considering all approaches together. The sample consisted of 373 adolescents measured longitudinally at three time points. Results of a cross-lagged panel design found that, considering all the influences together, relatedness need showed the highest strength to predict loneliness. Furthermore, adolescents who were accepted by their peers and whose relatedness need was satisfied activated emotional regulation which additionally produced a decrease in prospective feelings of loneliness. In addition, loneliness has been shown to be a consequence of these variables.

Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 2016
We explored peer acceptance and friendships during adolescence, and their relationship with subse... more We explored peer acceptance and friendships during adolescence, and their relationship with subsequent changes in the level of adolescents' academic achievement. Participants were 447 students (51% girls) aged from 11 to 16 years. The students completed sociometric assessments of their peer acceptance and friendships during the autumn semester (Time 1). Academic achievement data were also obtained from students' report-card grades at Time 1 as well as during the spring semester (Time 2) of the same academic year. Regression analysis indicated that peer acceptance positively predicted subsequent academic achievement. This relationship was also moderated by age, with the effect of peer acceptance on subsequent academic achievement being greater during early adolescence than in midadolescence. This research deepens understanding of the mechanisms by which positive peer relationships influence adolescents' academic achievement.

Journal of Community Psychology, Dec 21, 2017
Aims: The aim of the study was to test the Self Determination Theory (SDT) sequence to predict ph... more Aims: The aim of the study was to test the Self Determination Theory (SDT) sequence to predict physical activity (PA) and intention to be active during adolescence: social factors (father, mother, friends, and physical education teacher) → basic psychological needs (BPN) → types of motivation were assessed→ PA and intention to be active. Method: Participants were 1150 adolescents (M age = 15.01 [1.55]) who completed questionnaires. Structural equation modeling supports the SDT sequence model. Results: results revealed that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation positively predicted both PA and intention to be active while amotivation did so negatively. Moreover, social factors behaved differently with BPN, finding positive relationships between father, friends and PE teachers with competence, autonomy and relatedness, whereas mother's support does not influence the sequence. Conclusion: The study shed light on the SDT theory to provide a better understanding of physical activity behaviors and intentions during adolescence.

Peer acceptance has been linked to academic achievement in adolescents in previous research. Neve... more Peer acceptance has been linked to academic achievement in adolescents in previous research. Nevertheless, the relation between self-perception of acceptance and academic achievement is not clear. This study proposed a mediational model in which the degree of correspondence of self-other perceptions of acceptance is mediating the relation between self-perception of acceptance and academic achievement. Additionally, due to a lack of consistency regarding the method to assess the degree of correspondence of self-other perceptions of acceptance, four mediators have been tested and compared: status realism, accuracy by the subtraction method, bias by the regression method, and bias by the subtraction method. Data collection was carried out across two time points. The sample consisted of 539 adolescents at Time 1, 701 adolescents at Time 2, and a total of 345 adolescents that participated at both time points. Cross-sectional and longitudinal mediational models revealed different results for each mediator proposed. Only status realism and bias by the subtraction method were significant across time points and longitudinally. Implications regarding the use of the different measures of the degree of correspondence of self-other perception of acceptance are proposed.
Papers by Laura O Gallardo