Papers by José Martín-Albo
The aim of the present research was to translate and to analyze the psychometric properties of th... more The aim of the present research was to translate and to analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Échelle de Satisfaction des Besoins Psychologiques using a sample of 284 athletes (204 male and 78 female). Results of the confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the correlated three factor structure of the scale. Furthermore, the results showed evidence of convergence validity with the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale. The predictive validity was tested using a structural equation model in which task orientation climate predicted the three basic psychological needs and these, in turn, the intrinsic motivation. Likewise, we documented evidence of reliability, analyzed as internal consistency and temporal stability. Results partially support the use of the Spanish version of the scale in sport.
The aim of the present research was to translate and to analyze the psychometric properties of th... more The aim of the present research was to translate and to analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Échelle de Satisfaction des Besoins Psychologiques using a sample of 324 university students (99 males and 225 females). Results of the confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the correlated three factor structure of the scale. Likewise, internal consistence showed evidences of reliability. The concurrent validity was tested using a structural equation model which task orientation climate predicted the three basic psychological needs and these, in turn, the intrinsic motivation. Results support preliminary the use of the Spanish version of the scale in higher education.

In this study, we examined the relationships between intrinsic motivation, physical self-concept,... more In this study, we examined the relationships between intrinsic motivation, physical self-concept, and satisfaction with life using cross-lagged panel models analysed via structural equation models. The sample consisted of 293 participants (148 men, 145 women) aged 18–70 years who performed diverse types of physical exercise. Three alternative models were tested. The data were better represented by a model in which physical self-concept mediates the relationships between intrinsic motivation and satisfaction with life. Specifically, the direct effects of intrinsic motivation on physical self-concept, and of physical self-concept on satisfaction with life were significant, with the amount of explained variance increasing over time. In conclusion, people who perform physical exercise regularly, and who have fun over time will tend to have a better physical self-perception and, consequently, more psychological well-being.
The aim of this study was to translate into Spanish and to validate the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Sca... more The aim of this study was to translate into Spanish and to validate the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), completed by 420 university students. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the model that best fit the data, both in the total sample and in the male and female subsamples, was the one-factor structure with method effects associated with positively worded items. The results indicated high, positive correlations between self-esteem and the five dimensions of selfconcept. The scale showed satisfactory levels of internal consistency and temporal stability over a four-week period. Lastly, gender differences were obtained. These findings support the use of the RSES for the assessment of self-esteem in higher education.
Universitas Psychologica, 2011
The Sport Motivation Scale was firstly developed in French and later translated into English and ... more The Sport Motivation Scale was firstly developed in French and later translated into English and validated by Pelletier et al. (1995). It is based on the principles of self-determination theory. The present study translated the English version into Portuguese to access and validate it with Brazilian athletes using a sample of 419 athletes (127 women and 292 men) from ten sports. The Brazilian version of the scale showed satisfactory levels of internal consistency and temporal stability over a four-week period. The results of a confirmatory factor analysis partially supported the seven-factor structure. Finally, gender differences were found in all subscales. Taken together, these findings support the use of the Brazilian version of the scale for the assessment of motivation in sport.

Estudios de Psicología, 2010
El propósito de este trabajo fue adaptar y validar la Escala de Motivación Educativa (EME-E) en e... more El propósito de este trabajo fue adaptar y validar la Escala de Motivación Educativa (EME-E) en estudiantes de Secundaria postobligatoria. Participaron en el estudio 425 estudiantes, 239 de bachillerato y 186 de ciclos de formación profesional. La versión española adaptada denominada Escala de Motivación Educativa en secundaria (EME-S) mostró una estructura factorial oblicua de siete factores. Los resultados mostraron correlaciones positivas entre las subescalas más autodeterminadas y las variables autoestima y autoconcepto académico. La fiabilidad mostró niveles adecuados. El análisis de varianza multivariado mostró un perfil más autodeterminado en las mujeres y en los estudiantes de ciclos de formación profesional. Finalmente, los resultados apoyan parcialmente la utilización de la EME-S en el contexto de la educación secundaria postobligatoria para evaluar los diferentes tipos de motivación. Palabras clave: Autoconcepto, autodeterminación, autoestima, estudiantes de secundaria, validación.

Título: El problema de la hipótesis de interacción en la teoría de la autodeterminación: Una prop... more Título: El problema de la hipótesis de interacción en la teoría de la autodeterminación: Una propuesta de un nuevo índice de calidad de la motivación Resumen: Para comprobar los postulados de la teoría de la autodeterminación se ha usado frecuentemente una medida de la calidad de la motivación denominada índice de autodeterminación (IAD). Este índice se basa en la hipótesis de interacción, según la cual la motivación intrínseca y extrínseca no son constructos independientes, sino que cuando aumenta uno disminuye el otro. Sin embargo, la literatura ha revelado que estos constructos son ortogonales y por tanto el IAD presenta problemas de medida. Atendiendo a estas limitaciones, el objetivo de esta investigación fue proponer y comprobar la efectividad de una nueva forma de calcular un índice de calidad de la motivación (IMP: índice de motivación positiva), utilizando dos muestras de deportistas. Los resultados de los dos estudios llevados a cabo revelaron que el IMP se ajustaba mejor a las hipótesis derivadas de la teoría de la autodeterminación que el IAD, encontrándose correlaciones positivas entre la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas y el IMP, y entre éste y las emociones positivas. Los resultados obtenidos dan apoyo preliminar a la utilización, en la investigación sobre la teoría de la autodeterminación, del nuevo índice de calidad de la motivación propuesto. Palabras clave: Teoría de la autodeterminación; deporte; perfiles motivacionales; emociones positivas.
The purpose of this study was to analyse, experimentally, the relationships between motivation an... more The purpose of this study was to analyse, experimentally, the relationships between motivation and performance in a lateral movement test in physical education. The study group consisted of 363 students (227 boys and 136 girls), aged between 12 and 16, who were randomly divided into three groups: an experi- mental group in which an incremental ability belief was in- duced,

The purpose of this study was to analyse, experimentally, the relationships between motivation an... more The purpose of this study was to analyse, experimentally, the relationships between motivation and performance in a lateral movement test in physical education. The study group consisted of 363 students (227 boys and 136 girls), aged between 12 and 16, who were randomly divided into three groups: an experi- mental group in which an incremental ability belief was in- duced, another experimental group in which an entity ability belief was induced, and a control group where there was no intervention. Measurements were made of situational intrinsic motivation, perceived competence in executing the task and performance. The results revealed that the incremental group reported higher scores on the situational intrinsic motivation scale. The entity group demonstrated better performance in the first test attempt than the incremental group but, in the second attempt, the performance was similar in the different groups. Perhaps the initial differences in performance disappeared be- cause the ...
The purpose of this study was to analyse the effects of task motivational climate on female unive... more The purpose of this study was to analyse the effects of task motivational climate on female university students' motivational responses during basketball teaching. Different styles of cognitive teaching were used to convey a task climate. Guided discovery was used in one group, problem solving in another and a combination of both styles in the last group. Motivational climate, goal orientations and self-determined motivation were measured before and after the intervention. The MANOVA results after the intervention showed that the different styles created a similar motivational climate, since no significant differences were found between the three groups. The repeated measures ANOVA showed an increase in the perception of task climate and selfdetermined motivation and a decrease in the perceptions of ego climate and in ego orientation.
The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 2012
The goals of this research were to translate and analyze the psychometric properties of the Learn... more The goals of this research were to translate and analyze the psychometric properties of the Learning Climate Questionnaire (LCQ) and to develop a short form. The LCQ is a 15-item selfreport measure that assesses autonomy support in educational settings. A total of 422 students (60 men and 362 women) took part in this study. Results showed evidence of construct validity and adequate reliability for the LCQ. The short form consists of five items that showed sound psychometric properties. Results of Pearson correlation and Gower index showed high agreement between the long and short forms. In conclusion, both forms can be considered as preliminary versions of the original questionnaire to assess autonomy support in educational settings.

Journal of Sports Sciences, 2012
In this study, we examined the relationships between intrinsic motivation, physical self-concept,... more In this study, we examined the relationships between intrinsic motivation, physical self-concept, and satisfaction with life using cross-lagged panel models analysed via structural equation models. The sample consisted of 293 participants (148 men, 145 women) aged 18–70 years who performed diverse types of physical exercise. Three alternative models were tested. The data were better represented by a model in which physical self-concept mediates the relationships between intrinsic motivation and satisfaction with life. Specifically, the direct effects of intrinsic motivation on physical self-concept, and of physical self-concept on satisfaction with life were significant, with the amount of explained variance increasing over time. In conclusion, people who perform physical exercise regularly, and who have fun over time will tend to have a better physical self-perception and, consequently, more psychological well-being.

Perceptual and Motor Skills, 2006
The Sport Motivation Scale was developed in French and later translated into English and validate... more The Sport Motivation Scale was developed in French and later translated into English and validated by Pelletier, et al. in 1995. It is based on the principles of self-determination theory. In this study the scale was translated into Spanish to assess and validate it for a sample of 275 athletes (78 women and 197 men) whose mean age was 21.3 yr. (SD=3.8) and who represented eight sports (track and field, tennis, swimming, waterpolo, soccer, basketball, handball, and volleyball). The Spanish version showed satisfactory internal consistency (Cronbach a of .70 to 30) and temporal stability (test-retest r = .69 to .74) over a 4-wk. period. A confirmatory factor analysis partially supported the seven-factor structure. Correlations among the subscales indicated a simplex pattern supporting the construct validity of the scale. Sex differences were found. Taken together, these findings support use of the Spanish version for assessment of motivation in sport.
The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 2007
The aim of this study was to translate into Spanish and to validate the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Sca... more The aim of this study was to translate into Spanish and to validate the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), completed by 420 university students. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the model that best fit the data, both in the total sample and in the male and female subsamples, was the one-factor structure with method effects associated with positively worded items. The results indicated high, positive correlations between self-esteem and the five dimensions of selfconcept. The scale showed satisfactory levels of internal consistency and temporal stability over a four-week period. Lastly, gender differences were obtained. These findings support the use of the RSES for the assessment of self-esteem in higher education.

Perceptual and Motor Skills, 2009
This study analyzed the mediating role of interpersonal relations between intrinsic motivation an... more This study analyzed the mediating role of interpersonal relations between intrinsic motivation and sportsmanship. Athletes (98 men, 97 women), ages 11 to 43 years, completed measures of intrinsic motivation toward sports, self-concept of social and family relations, and sportsmanship orientation. A structural equation model indicated that self-concept of interpersonal relations mediated the relation between intrinsic motivation and sportsmanship. Also, intrinsic motivation was directly and positively associated with self-concept of interpersonal relations, which, in turn, was positively and significantly related to sportsmanship. Variances explained by self-concept of interpersonal relations and by sportsmanship were 32 and 56%, respectively. The motivational interaction between the context of interpersonal relations and the sports context proposed in the hierarchical model of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation was discussed

The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 2009
The purpose of the present research was to translate into Spanish and analyze the psychometrics p... more The purpose of the present research was to translate into Spanish and analyze the psychometrics properties of the Situational Motivation Scale (SIMS). The participants
were 373 undergraduate students (126 males and 247 females). Factor validity was tested via confirmatory factor analysis. Based on factor loadings and modification indexes, the SIMS was reduced to a 14-item model. This respecification showed adequate internal consistency and construct validity. The multistep analysis of invariance revealed that the factor structure of the SIMS is invariant across gender. Likewise, ANOVA revealed that amotivation was the only significant variable across gender. Predictive validity was assessed through path analysis. The results support the preliminary use of the Spanish version of the SIMS for the assessment of situational motivation in education.

The purpose of the present research was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Trait Meta-... more The purpose of the present research was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS) in sport context. The TMMS is a 24-item self-report measure that assesses perceived emotional intelligence, which is the extent to which people believe they pay attention to their emotions and are capable of distinguishing and regulating them. Participants were 368 athletes (257 male, 111 female; M age = 21.4 yr., SD = 5.5; range = 14-40). Factor validity was tested via Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Based on factor loadings, covariances, and modification indices, the TMMS was reduced to a 22-item model. This respecification showed adequate reliability and construct validity. Multistep analysis of invariance indicated that the factor structure of the TMMS is invariant across sex. Predictive validity was assessed through path analysis. The results support the use of the Spanish version of the TMMS in a sport context.

Journal of Happiness Studies, 2015
Research has shown that loneliness may impair mental health and psychosocial adjustment during ad... more Research has shown that loneliness may impair mental health and psychosocial adjustment during adolescence. There is separate evidence of the role of relatedness and
emotional repair as predictors of perceived loneliness during adulthood. The objective of the present study was to analyze the mediating role of relatedness between emotional repair and loneliness in high school students. The sample included 703 students attending five different schools. Results of a simple mediation analysis seemed to support the mediating role of relatedness. However, since the interaction between emotional repair and relatedness was significant, a moderated mediation was conducted, which showed that the proposed mediation was dependent on the levels on repair and relatedness. Specifically, relatedness only had a mediating role when the levels of relatedness were low and the levels of repair were high. These and other results point to a more complex relation between emotional repair, relatedness, and loneliness than initially expected. We discuss our findings in relation to Salovey and Mayer’s (Imagin Cognit Personal 9(3):185–211, 1990) theory of emotional intelligence and the basic psychological needs theory (Deci and Ryan in Psychol Inq 11:227–268, 2000).
Papers by José Martín-Albo
were 373 undergraduate students (126 males and 247 females). Factor validity was tested via confirmatory factor analysis. Based on factor loadings and modification indexes, the SIMS was reduced to a 14-item model. This respecification showed adequate internal consistency and construct validity. The multistep analysis of invariance revealed that the factor structure of the SIMS is invariant across gender. Likewise, ANOVA revealed that amotivation was the only significant variable across gender. Predictive validity was assessed through path analysis. The results support the preliminary use of the Spanish version of the SIMS for the assessment of situational motivation in education.
emotional repair as predictors of perceived loneliness during adulthood. The objective of the present study was to analyze the mediating role of relatedness between emotional repair and loneliness in high school students. The sample included 703 students attending five different schools. Results of a simple mediation analysis seemed to support the mediating role of relatedness. However, since the interaction between emotional repair and relatedness was significant, a moderated mediation was conducted, which showed that the proposed mediation was dependent on the levels on repair and relatedness. Specifically, relatedness only had a mediating role when the levels of relatedness were low and the levels of repair were high. These and other results point to a more complex relation between emotional repair, relatedness, and loneliness than initially expected. We discuss our findings in relation to Salovey and Mayer’s (Imagin Cognit Personal 9(3):185–211, 1990) theory of emotional intelligence and the basic psychological needs theory (Deci and Ryan in Psychol Inq 11:227–268, 2000).
were 373 undergraduate students (126 males and 247 females). Factor validity was tested via confirmatory factor analysis. Based on factor loadings and modification indexes, the SIMS was reduced to a 14-item model. This respecification showed adequate internal consistency and construct validity. The multistep analysis of invariance revealed that the factor structure of the SIMS is invariant across gender. Likewise, ANOVA revealed that amotivation was the only significant variable across gender. Predictive validity was assessed through path analysis. The results support the preliminary use of the Spanish version of the SIMS for the assessment of situational motivation in education.
emotional repair as predictors of perceived loneliness during adulthood. The objective of the present study was to analyze the mediating role of relatedness between emotional repair and loneliness in high school students. The sample included 703 students attending five different schools. Results of a simple mediation analysis seemed to support the mediating role of relatedness. However, since the interaction between emotional repair and relatedness was significant, a moderated mediation was conducted, which showed that the proposed mediation was dependent on the levels on repair and relatedness. Specifically, relatedness only had a mediating role when the levels of relatedness were low and the levels of repair were high. These and other results point to a more complex relation between emotional repair, relatedness, and loneliness than initially expected. We discuss our findings in relation to Salovey and Mayer’s (Imagin Cognit Personal 9(3):185–211, 1990) theory of emotional intelligence and the basic psychological needs theory (Deci and Ryan in Psychol Inq 11:227–268, 2000).