Conference Presentations by Ioannis Mitsios

June 13 th 9:00 Welcome 9:35-12:00 Greek mercenaries (Chair: WOLFGANG SPICKERMANN) SZ 01.18 LENNA... more June 13 th 9:00 Welcome 9:35-12:00 Greek mercenaries (Chair: WOLFGANG SPICKERMANN) SZ 01.18 LENNART GILHAUS (Bonn, Germany / Essen, Germany)-The violence of the Ten Thousand: Dynamics and practices of a Greek community of violence ISABELL TSCHEINIG (Graz, Austria)-Peltasts: Mercenaries, allies or citizen-soldiers? ALEXANDER SCHACHNER (Graz, Austria)-From Iphicrates to Blackwater: What modern private military contractors can tell us about ancient Greek mercenaries KLAUS TAUSEND (Graz, Austria)-Mercenaries in Mycenaean Greece? 9:35-12:00 Roman republic (Chair: FERNANDO ECHEVERRÍA) HS 01.15 FABRIZIO BIGLINO (Turin, Italy)-Losing the battle, winning the war? The crisis of the Roman army during the mid-second century BC OLIVER BRÄCKEL (Leipzig, Germany)-The battle of Carrhae and its consequences MIGUEL ESTEBAN PAYNO (Madrid, Spain)-Warlike tension, war effort and military contribution: On the Celtiberian armies of the first Celtiberian war (182-179 BCE) BORJA VERTEDOR BALLESTEROS (Palma, Spain)-The sword and the word: Romanrepublican military officers acting as ambassadors (218-146 BC) 12:00-12:20 Coffee break 12:20-13:30 Weapons (Chair: KLAUS TAUSEND) SZ 01.18 SOBHI ASHOUR (Cairo, Egypt) / ERRIKOS MANIOTIS (Brno, Czech Republic)-Hellenistic and Roman era weapons from the Graeco-Roman Museum (GRM) of Alexandria, Egypt
City assaults and unbounded violence-The destruction of Motye as a model for the capture of citie... more City assaults and unbounded violence-The destruction of Motye as a model for the capture of cities in the Greek World OLE SEBASTIAN SIEMS (Berlin, Germany)-The last journey of the Argyraspids-a case study on the political role of Alexander's veterans in the early wars of the Diadochoi Coffee Break
Conference Schedule Friday 25th March 9am: Welcome and Introductions (Julia Tomas and Kathrine Be... more Conference Schedule Friday 25th March 9am: Welcome and Introductions (Julia Tomas and Kathrine Bertram) Panel 1-Understanding the interactions between monuments and their users. Chair: Julia Tomas (Open) 9:05-Marina Polito (Salerno) The Community and the 'Monument Use': the Construction of local History 9:50-Matthew Evans (Warwick) Built environment and social interaction in the gymnasion complexes of Olympia and Delos
Classics Association's Conference of Contemporary Classics Research series is dedicated to showca... more Classics Association's Conference of Contemporary Classics Research series is dedicated to showcasing ongoing or recently completed research in any field of Classics study, with a particular emphasis on the work of postgraduate students and early career scholars from around the world. The March 2022 Conference was held online between Thursday 24th and Saturday 26th March according to the below programme. A number of speakers very generously allowed the recording of their presentations to be shared through the Malta Classics Association's website.
Conference Presentations by Ioannis Mitsios
By employing a holistic methodology — taking into consideration the literary, epigraphic, iconographic and topographic evidence — my paper aims to answer how these primeval myths were displayed on the cults of the Erechtheion.
In this paper the phenomenon, context and impact of the voluntary sacrifice of the mythical Athenian heroines during times of pandemics, plagues and famine will be examined, taking into consideration the literary, epigraphic and topographic evidence, in close relation to the historical and ideological context of the classical period. The ultimate aim of the study is to relate the brave sacrificial act of the mythical virgins during the mythical pandemics to the current historical pandemic and the plague of Athens during 430 B.C. and furthermore emphasize the importance of the brave act of women for issues of Gender and Identity, further extending the research scope to the Anthropological Studies.