Papers by valentina tagliani

Il tempo attuale \ue8 caratterizzato da un grande sviluppo tecnologico che influenza tutte le sfe... more Il tempo attuale \ue8 caratterizzato da un grande sviluppo tecnologico che influenza tutte le sfere d\u2019azione dell\u2019uomo moderno. Anche la dimensione comunitaria ha risentito dell\u2019iper sviluppo tecnologico a tal punto che la tecnologia ha permesso il nascere di nuove forme di stare insieme, le cosiddette comunit\ue0 virtuali. Il motore propulsore di queste nuove modalit\ue0 relazionali \ue8 dato da Internet che ha contribuito alla loro diffusione con la nascita dei social network. Tra tutti, Facebook \ue8 il social network pi\uf9 diffuso e anche quello che permette di svolgere pi\uf9 funzioni al suo interno. Con gli smartphone che consentono l\u2019accesso a Internet in qualsiasi momento della giornata e molto velocemente, Facebook sembra rappresentare un\u2019appendice della vita reale, uno spazio che pur essendo virtuale sconfina prepotentemente nella vita quotidiana. Particolarit\ue0 tipica di Facebook \ue8 tutto quell\u2019insieme di contatti che si costruiscono con il suo aiuto e con i quali si condividono molti aspetti della propria vita, talvolta anche molto personali. Un quadro di questo tipo conduce a porsi determinate domande sul ruolo di Facebook, sulla sua importanza, sul tipo di relazioni esso produce e si ipotizza, considerate le caratteristiche che esso presenta, di poterlo leggere come una moderna provincia di significato, ossia come un piano di realt\ue0 diverso da quello quotidiano ma ad esso legato. Focus principale della ricerca \ue8 la fiducia: attraverso delle interviste qualitative realizzate tramite chat si vuole capire come si presenta la fiducia oggi, che ruolo ha e se rimane ancora un elemento fondamentale nelle relazioni cos\uec come in passato. Tale riflessione \ue8 logica, considerando gli innumerevoli cambiamenti in corso, la facilit\ue0 con cui si intessono e poi si sciolgono le relazioni, la rapidit\ue0 e la facilit\ue0 con cui si condivide e si rende pubblico il proprio pensiero e le proprie riflessioni e la moltitudine di contatti che, su Facebook, sembrano essere tutti sullo stesso piano, tutti egualmente importanti, tutti meritevoli dello stesso trattamento, tutti amici.The world we live in today stands out for its considerable development in technology that influences the entire breadth of activity of the modern man. Even the aspect of the community has been affected by this super technological development to the point that technology has allowed for the creation of new ways to be together, the so-called virtual community. The driving force behind these new forms of relationships is the Internet that has contributed to their diffusion with the creation of social networking. Among all of these, Facebook is the most widespread social network site and also one that allows you to carry out more functions within it. With smart phones giving you access to the Internet at any time of day and very quickly, Facebook seems to be an attachment of real life, a place that although it is virtual impacts powerfully on everyday life. A typical feature of Facebook is the whole set of contacts that are built up with its help and with whom many aspects of our life are shared, sometimes even some that are very personal. Such a description leads us to ask critical questions on the role of Facebook, its importance, aa well as on the type of relationships it produces. Considering its features, we can speculate to interpret it as a modern region of significance, that is, like a reality stage that is different from the everyday life but connected to it. The research is mainly focused on trust: by means of the qualitative interviews performed by chat forums we try to understand how trust is shown today, the role that it has and whether it still remains a fundamental aspect in our relationships as it did in the past. Such a consideration is logical bearing in mind the countless changes in progress, the ease with which relationships can be interwoven and then broken up, the speed and ease of sharing and making public our personal thoughts and opinions and the multitude of contacts that, on Facebook, all seem to be on the same level, all equally important, all worthy of the same treatment, all friends

Italian Sociological Review, 2015
Facebook today represents one of the main avenues that people use to create and develop relations... more Facebook today represents one of the main avenues that people use to create and develop relationships. Indeed, in the 10 years since its birth, Facebook has changed the concept of community, given new meaning to the sense of belonging and even produced a new language. However, what is its meaning? What is the real reason for its spread, which obviously goes beyond superficial and simplistic explanations? This article proposes a reading of Facebook using classical concepts of sociology such as the concepts of sense, action and meaning. Particular attention will be given to the phenomenology of Alfred Schutz and to his idea of finite provinces of meaning in order to discover whether it is a construct applicable to Facebook. To achieve this, we propose a phenomenology of Facebook to understand what kind of reality it represents and what similarities and differences are encountered in the prominent world of everyday life.
Papers by valentina tagliani