Teaching Documents by alessandra cordiano
ELSA DAY - 27 novembre, Università di Verona, Dipartimento di scienze giuridiche
Papers by alessandra cordiano
De Gruyter eBooks, Oct 24, 2016
L'esperienza didattica della clinica legale nel dipartimento di scienze giuridiche di Veron
Minori giustizia, Feb 1, 2023
Le innovazioni sui procedimenti minorili di urgenza restituiscono un quadro di luci e di ombre: i... more Le innovazioni sui procedimenti minorili di urgenza restituiscono un quadro di luci e di ombre: il lavoro si sofferma sullo strumento, tradizionalmente problematico, del provvedimento amministrativo dell'art. 403 cod. civ., rinnovato da una nuova procedura caratterizzata da una normativa sovrabbondante, da scansioni procedurali, da molteplici termini perentori, lasciando aperte molte questioni.
This paper provides an overview of the legal situation with regard to new family types that diffe... more This paper provides an overview of the legal situation with regard to new family types that differ from legitimate and natural families (such as homosexual, foreign and reconstituted families). A highly complex picture emerges featuring a \u201cnew measure of protection\u201d, which essentially takes shape in the means and compositional strategies of the conflict. On one hand it defines the need for the relevant legal professionals to be able to act using deflationary and conciliatory methods in cases and family crises. On the other hand, however, it prompts a rethinking of existing practices and measures in force in the light of a different culture of settling family litigation, leading to genuinely endorsed choices and effective reduction of the emotional and individual costs borne by the subjects involved
Il lavoro delinea una comparazione fra il sistema spagnolo e quello italiano della rottura ingius... more Il lavoro delinea una comparazione fra il sistema spagnolo e quello italiano della rottura ingiustificata della promessa di matrimonio, collocando l'istituto nel contesto del principio di autoresponsabilit\ue
Il lavoro \ue8 l'esito del progetto Prin 2008 finanziato "Competenze interculturali e so... more Il lavoro \ue8 l'esito del progetto Prin 2008 finanziato "Competenze interculturali e societ\ue0 complessa". L\u2019analisi delle competenze interculturali nel contesto giuri\uacdico, latamente inteso, costituisce terreno di vivo interesse sia per coloro, fra i giuristi, per i quali la globalizzazione e il feno\uacmeno migratorio rappresentano un dato di significativa portata e di grande influenza per la dogmatica giuridica, in termini di circola\uaczione di modelli; sia per quanti, viceversa, reputano l\u2019incontro tra culture un dato affatto irrilevante, in ragione della vocazione tendenzialmente neutra della disciplina del diritt

Italian Sociological Review, Dec 4, 2015
The work aims to analyse the theme of the stepmothers, as they are traditionally portrayed in cla... more The work aims to analyse the theme of the stepmothers, as they are traditionally portrayed in classic fairy tales: fairy tales often delineate caricatures and stereotypes; other times, instead, on the allegorical plane they propose archetypal figures, such as those in parental roles and, particularly, in the clear-cut opposition between mothers and stepmothers. This opposition of roles, which metaphorically opposes biological mother and social mother, is based in the supremacy of biological derivation and finds in consanguinity the presupposition of the bond. This feature is not translated only into the social representation of the phenomenon, but also extends to the use of more or less connoted language and, furthermore, it is found in different regulations and legal systems: in contemporary extended families, the two female figures coexist, perpetuating, in archetypal thought, the opposition of roles, of good and evil, in ways that do not occur with the paternal line, making it more difficult to delimit the confines of the role, also from the legal point of view.
Dykinson, S.L. eBooks, Sep 27, 2021

Springer eBooks, 2021
The phenomenon of “foreign minors” has always shown a difficulty of reconstruction, derived from ... more The phenomenon of “foreign minors” has always shown a difficulty of reconstruction, derived from the discipline of immigration and its juxtaposition with the general principles and the substantive and procedural legislation on minors: the bodies expressly empowered with regulating the phenomenon of immigration are, in fact, opposed to the norms of juvenile law, which are then forced to adapt to the peculiarities of the phenomenon. The increasing number of migrant children arriving, often unaccompanied, in the EU, has highlighted shortcomings, procedural obstacles and differences in the system of protection of their rights. This implies the urgency of a common approach, based on observance of the rights recognized by international conventions. The issue of the best interest of migrant children and their integration is a key theme for national law. There are a number of questions related to this issue. In fact, migration flows could include families or unaccompanied minors, and may require international, subsidiary and humanitarian protection, within a framework of reception and integration. The present work intends to focus on these critical issues, with particular attention to the transition to the age of majority, to be considered as a critical moment.
Il lavoro intende offrire una chiave di lettura unitaria delle numerose discipline che trattano i... more Il lavoro intende offrire una chiave di lettura unitaria delle numerose discipline che trattano il tema dei minori stranieri accompagnati, non accompagnati e richiedenti asil
Italian Sociological Review, 2013
This study provides a reconstruction of the legal framework surrounding family break-up proceedin... more This study provides a reconstruction of the legal framework surrounding family break-up proceedings in order to observe the overlaps in the responsibilities of and relations between the social services and the courtappointed technical advisor and the technical advisor chosen by the parties.
Ricostruzione teorica ed evoluzione storica del diritto alla salut
Rassegna di diritto civile, 2001
Rassegna di diritto civile, 2015
Il lavoro analizza il tema della transizione sessuale nel particolare profilo delle relazioni fam... more Il lavoro analizza il tema della transizione sessuale nel particolare profilo delle relazioni familiar
Analisi del caso della p.m.a. post morte
Teaching Documents by alessandra cordiano
Papers by alessandra cordiano