Books by Natascia Tosel
Derive Approdi, 2022
Controcorrente, inattuale, fuori dal suo tempo: Gabriel Tarde ha pagato lo scotto della sua vis p... more Controcorrente, inattuale, fuori dal suo tempo: Gabriel Tarde ha pagato lo scotto della sua vis polemica con un lungo oblio che lo ha condannato a riempire per molto tempo gli scaffali della letteratura minore. Questo testo si propone, al contrario, di valorizzare la sua sorprendente e inaspettata attualità ricostruendo con l’ausilio di cinque concetti-chiave i cardini del pensiero tardiano. Togliere la polvere dalle pagine di Tarde significa riscoprire al loro interno una filosofia della differenza, una microsociologia del desiderio e una politica degli affetti che, oggi più che mai, appaiono utili per pensare il nostro presente.
Chapters in Collective Works by Natascia Tosel
F. Buongiorno e X. Chiaramonte (a cura di), "Istituire. Filosofia, politica, diritto", Meltemi. , 2024
Volume pubblicato con il contributo del Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università degli... more Volume pubblicato con il contributo del Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze.
Mariano Croce (a cura di), Un dialogo con Santi Romano, ETS, Pisa., 2023
Studi critici di storia della loso a del diritto Rifrazioni Studi critici di storia della loso a ... more Studi critici di storia della loso a del diritto Rifrazioni Studi critici di storia della loso a del diritto Rifrazioni Comitato direttivo

C. G. Van Heerden and A. Eloff (edited by), Deleuze and Anarchism, Edinburgh University Press., 2019
My paper analyses the concept of anarchy in relation to that of institution, both conceived in a ... more My paper analyses the concept of anarchy in relation to that of institution, both conceived in a Deleuzian way of thinking. The starting point is the remark which Deleuze made on Sade in Masochism: Coldness and Cruelty (1967), where Deleuze talks about the possible strategies to criticize law. Among these strategies, Deleuze includes the Sadean one that uses irony and leads to an anarchy. Sade looks for a way out from law and he finds it in perfect institutions, which imply law as little as possible. Even if the solution proposed by Sade remains only ironical and provocative, Deleuze shares his political problem and, using also Humeʼ and Haurioʼ' theories, he thinks that it is possible to construct anarchist institutions that establish social relations completely different from those introduced by law and contract.
Papers by Natascia Tosel

The last four decades have witnessed the rise of a human rights-based, judicial-oriented politics... more The last four decades have witnessed the rise of a human rights-based, judicial-oriented politics that can be christened 'politics of judicial rights protection'. Legal institutions, rather than the legislature, are called upon to grant effectiveness and visibility to citizens' rights claims. As such, politics of judicial rights protection is alleged to be detrimental to representative politics. This article makes two claims, one diagnostic and the other normative. Diagnostically, we discuss how the expansion of politics of judicial rights protection has transformed courts into an arena in which people articulate their claims, produce general narratives, and define the political frameworks within which guidelines for legislation are produced. The normative claim is that while there is no democratic deficit resulting from this dynamic, the expanding scope of politics of judicial rights protection calls for greater integration of the legislative and judiciary. Thus, it is imperative that more scholarly attention be paid to this issue to facilitate an effective reform of legislative procedures.

Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica, 2023
The article aims to analyze the extent to which the recent proposal of a post-critical turn is ca... more The article aims to analyze the extent to which the recent proposal of a post-critical turn is capable of reconfiguring the current relationship between criticism, crisis, and hope. While today's critical attitude of thought predominantly takes the form of a diagnosis of the present that ends up confirming its inevitability, the post-critical turn aims to avoid this drift through a different epistemological and affective posture. Throughout the article, I will highlight the difficulties that this proposal encounters when it limits itself to embodying a different ethos towards the critical object that is not aimed at changing its ontological status. My thesis is that only by also embracing a processual ontological vision can post-critique, on the one hand, reopen the horizon of hope as a possibility, and on the other hand, allow theorists to divest the role of the judge and adopt a different epistemological posture, such as that-expressed in the plural feminine form and borrowed from the famous figure of Donna Haraway-of modest witnesses.

Politica & Società, 2022
The article focuses on the link between law and duration: to assure the endurance of a group is t... more The article focuses on the link between law and duration: to assure the endurance of a group is the fundamental job of every legal institution. Therefore, law is in charge of remedying conflicts, disputes and litigations that could break the unity of the group. The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate that this repair-work could be realized in two very different ways: on one side, it could be a work to prevent, minimize and limit the conflictuality. In this case, the endurance of a group is assured through a strong anchor with tradition that refuses every social change and forces the group to conform to a unique standard. On the other side, law can remedy social rifts through a work of continue mediation and negotiation between social actors, which aims to compose (and not to end) social divisions. The first kind of legal remedy will be analysed through the opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case Dobbs v. Jackson; the second type of legal remedy will emerge starting from the legal theory of Karl Llewellyn and Laura Nader.

Soft Power. Vol. 9 (2), 2022
The paper aims to analyse the current process of juridification that is altering the relation bet... more The paper aims to analyse the current process of juridification that is altering the relation between the political and the legal realms. In the first part of the article, I discuss the existing literature on the theme: the dominant view — which finds in Habermas its precursor — reduce the increasing use of law to a process of bureaucratization, reification and depoliticization of the social field which transforms law into an instrument at the service of neoliberal governance. However, a mapping of the phenomenon reveals also an increasing use of legal remedies “from below”, to wit, by social actors who seek to reach out to courts and avail themselves of legal remedies in order to have social and political claims satisfied. I argue that this kind of juridical practices show new forms of negotiation between social actors and the state that are certainly political, even if they are played in spaces not traditionally appointed to political struggles. I claim that this “politics of juridification” require a radical re-thinking of both law as a medium and law
as an institution. In order to do this, I call into question Tarde, Deleuze and Guattari and Latour, who help to redefine the juridical functioning in terms of semiotic machine, linkages and networks.
Chimères 2022/1 (N° 100), pages 173 à 183
Filosofia Politica, 2020
The article aims to understand the definition that Gilles Deleuze gives of jurisprudence as a pra... more The article aims to understand the definition that Gilles Deleuze gives of jurisprudence as a practice of subjectivation able to create a strong connection between law and life. Following Deleuze’s claims, we reconstruct three different genealogies, which concern the image of law, the critique of law and the juridical practice. In this way, the paper will show that jurisprudence is able to take into account singular cases and specific differences that no longer come under the umbrella of abstract laws.

Politica & Società, 2020
Deleuze in his book on Foucault defines government as the power to affect in all its aspects. The... more Deleuze in his book on Foucault defines government as the power to affect in all its aspects. The article follows Deleuze's reading of Foucault in order to clarify this definition. This concept of government opens a new perspective for political theory because it allows to see that governmental actions are operated not only by the State or big institutions, but also by social forces and actors. In order to understand what it means "power to affect" in this contest, we will reconstruct Deleuze's relation with the molecular ontology of Gabriel Tarde. Moreover, we will analyze the notion of institution that is crucial to explain the efficacy of government's affections. This will give us the opportunity to show the breaking point between Deleuze's micropolitics and Foucault microphysics of power. Foucault understands institutions only as limiting practices that normalize the social; on the contrary, Deleuze discovers the positive and productive character of institutions: they are able to satisfy desire and imagine new types of social assemblages.
Le parole e le cose, 2020
La vita bassa: per una postcritica molecolare è il secondo intervento della rassegna intitolata C... more La vita bassa: per una postcritica molecolare è il secondo intervento della rassegna intitolata Chi ha ucciso la critica? Un'indagine indiziaria, a cura di Mariano Croce, in cui autrici e autori si confrontano sulla recente contrapposizione, dialettica o meno, tra critica e postcritica.

Politica & Società, 2018
In the Coils of the Snake: The Betrayal of Postcritique This article discusses postcritique as de... more In the Coils of the Snake: The Betrayal of Postcritique This article discusses postcritique as developed in particular by Rita Felski, Bruno Latour and Davina Cooper. While postcritique has recently become subject of debate also in Italy, the aim of this essay is to show the relation between critique and postcritique, which I propose considering as a "betrayal". Critique requires a suspicious attitude always prepared to discover and denounce a betrayal. On the contrary, postcritique acts like a traitor that is not ashamed of its misconduct, but that takes pleasure in following its immoral passions. Indeed, a postcritical attitude offers at least four 'instruments of pleasure' that this article outlines. It deals with a cartography of surface, an ontology of relation, a pragmatics of mediation and a politics of affection. These instruments allow postcritics to complete a metamorphosis of moles (zoopolitical figures suited to the depths) into snakes (animals of surface). In this way, postcritique could be considered as a new attitude able to make its concepts slither to the surface of singular networks and everyday practices. Allorché qualcuno domanda a che cosa serva la filosofia, dob-biamo rispondere in modo aggressivo, poiché la domanda vuole essere ironica e mordace. La filosofia non serve né allo Stato né alla Chiesa, che hanno altre preoccupazioni. Non serve ad alcuna potenza costituita. La filosofia serve a turbare. Una filosofia che non turba e non contraria nessuno non è una filosofia" (Gilles Deleuze, Nietzsche e la filosofia)

Politica & Società , 2017
The Law between Difference and Repetition. Gabriel Tarde Encounters Gilles Deleuze This paper pro... more The Law between Difference and Repetition. Gabriel Tarde Encounters Gilles Deleuze This paper proposes a new genealogy of law, which is opposed to the Modern theory of sovereignty. The principal founders of this new perspective are Gabriel Tarde and Gilles Deleuze, as they consider the law as a flow of beliefs and desires that is able to propagate through a process of imitation. This does not mean that the law is a kind of model that is simply copied by the social actors, because the imitative propagation is an operation not only of repetition, but also of differentiation. In this way, a law always coincides with an action of invention of new social relationships, which have the opportunity to expand and to create new communities and new institutions. The micro-social origin of the law allows political philosophy to abandon modern contractualism and to rethink society as a positive encounter of flows and singularities, which interact according to a principle of sympathy. Therefore, Tarde and Deleuze, building on an ontology of difference, show an original way of thinking law as a practice of social integration and inclusion.

La Deleuziana, 2016
Deleuze has left to with two texts, 'Post-scriptum sur les sociétés de contrôle' and L'immanence:... more Deleuze has left to with two texts, 'Post-scriptum sur les sociétés de contrôle' and L'immanence: une vie.., which constitute his heritage. These two essays seem to stand far apart from each other, because while the first talks about the risk that individuals today will be reduced to a number by the machines that control our societies, the second is concerned with proposing the concept of an immanent and impersonal life. The aim of this article, however, is to connect these two texts, in order to show, firstly, that contemporary society has indeed become a system of control, governed by machines and statistical methods. The concept of 'gouvernamentalité algorithmique', proposed by Antoinette Rouvroy, will be used to examine how today the individual is forced into anonymity. On the other hand, however, the second aim of this article is to rethink the Deleuzian notion of the impersonal, which is always associated with a life. In fact, impersonality stands in opposition to the Cartesian subject, which possesses its own unity and identity, yet in no way does it correspond to any anonymity imposed by forms of power. An impersonal life is, instead, a virtual multiplicity: today this seems to be the only strategy of resistance possible, against the regime of quantitative, digital truth that has been developed by our societies.

La Deleuziana, 2016
Deleuze has left to with two texts, 'Post-scriptum sur les sociétés de contrôle' and L... more Deleuze has left to with two texts, 'Post-scriptum sur les sociétés de contrôle' and L'immanence: une vie.., which constitute his heritage. These two essays seem to stand far apart from each other, because while the first talks about the risk that individuals today will be reduced to a number by the machines that control our societies, the second is concerned with proposing the concept of an immanent and impersonal life. The aim of this article, however, is to connect these two texts, in order to show, firstly, that contemporary society has indeed become a system of control, governed by machines and statistical methods. The concept of 'algorithmic governmentality', proposed by Antoinette Rouvroy, will be used to examine how today the individual is forced into anonymity. On the other hand, however, the second aim of this article is to rethink the Deleuzian notion of the impersonal, which is always associated with a life. In fact, impersonality stands in opposition...
Books by Natascia Tosel
Chapters in Collective Works by Natascia Tosel
Papers by Natascia Tosel
Glossary of "Terms and Conditions" (a Harun Farocki Institute's project).
Available online:
as an institution. In order to do this, I call into question Tarde, Deleuze and Guattari and Latour, who help to redefine the juridical functioning in terms of semiotic machine, linkages and networks.
Glossary of "Terms and Conditions" (a Harun Farocki Institute's project).
Available online:
as an institution. In order to do this, I call into question Tarde, Deleuze and Guattari and Latour, who help to redefine the juridical functioning in terms of semiotic machine, linkages and networks.
Ce travail voudrait répondre par l’affirmative à cette question, utilisant comme exemple principal l’œuvre d’une artiste allemande, Cosima von Bonin, à laquelle a été dédiée l’exposition du Mumok (Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien) l’année dernière. Son exposition s’appelait “Hippies use side door” et elle incluait beaucoup d’œuvres différentes de l’artiste mais en lien entre elles. En particulier, on peut lire comme une série, la répétition du même sujet: des animaux en peluche qui servent de simulacres et qui sont pris sur un moment d’improductivité (plusieurs se reposent après le travail, certains vomissent après une fête, d’autres dorment tranquilles sur des missiles). Ces animaux rendent visible ce qui en réalité est toujours devant nos yeux, mais que nous ne sommes pas habitués à regarder, c’est-à-dire les paradoxes du capitalisme: le système qui a comme loi la production, produit des moments d’improductivité.
Von Bonin réussit cependant à éviter une rechute dans une critique au système peu originale, il ne s’agit pas ici de construire un anti-art. L’œuvre de l’artiste allemande, en utilisant l’instrument de l’humorisme, dépasse donc la dimension critique pour arriver à celle clinique: en effet, il n’y a aucun jugement sur l’improductivité des personnages et aucune condamnation de la fatigue du travail imposée par le capitalisme, il y a seulement une mise en série du repos. Ce dernier est éclairé par l’humorisme, car il nous indique une ligne de fuite imprévue et créatrice: le repos.
Donc, dans Deleuze autant que dans Von Bonin, il ne s’agit pas de chercher une logique de la négation, mais plutôt de découvrir une esthétique de l’attente. On peut donner un exemple de cette esthétique à travers une comparaison entre le masochiste deleuzien et l’œuvre que Von Bonin a appelé “Idler, Lezzer, Tosspiece.” La perversion masochiste, qui est caractérisée par l’humorisme, est selon Deleuze une expérience d’attente et de suspension: le masochiste attend un plaisir qui est toujours en retard et il s’attend à la douleur comme condition de plaisir possible. Par ailleurs, le petit homme blanc, qui est représenté par Von Bonin, est assis sur une chaise en hauteur dans une position d’attente, qui est confirmée par l’élément humoristique présent dans la scène: une araignée a fait sa toile sur le nez de l’homme. Dans les deux cas, il s’agit d’une méconnaissance de la réalité (le masochiste construit un plaisir-fantasme; l’homme blanc ignore les couleurs qui gravitent autour de lui), qui n’est pas une négation du réel, mais plutôt une perversion de la loi. Cette loi est celle du monde capitaliste, qui nous impose le principe de la frénésie et de la vitesse dans le travail autant que dans le temps libre. Au contraire, Deleuze et Von Bonin montrent, à travers l’humorisme, une clinique fondée sur la suspension dans l’action, c’est-à-dire, une esthétique de l’attente.