Teachers are an essential component of education as well as a determinant of the quality of educa... more Teachers are an essential component of education as well as a determinant of the quality of education. The Teacher’s professionalism is characterized by improving the learning quality (LQ) through the utilization and optimization of learning technology. Also, the quality of teaching is also supported by a conducive working environment conditions at the school. This study reported the results of research which investigated the correlation between school climate (SC) and learning technology utilization (LTU) with LQ. Sixteen participants from geographic subject teachers at the State Senior High School (PSHS) in Palangka Raya have responded to the questionnaire and recorded their perceptions of SC, LTU, and LQ. Spearman correlation analysis was used to test their correlation. This study revealed a positive relationship between LTU and LQ. As for the SC did not give influence on the LQ at PSHS in Palangka Raya. So that improving the LQ can be done by enhancing the ability of teachers in LTU and use it in teaching and learning activities in the classroom.
Terrestrial arthropods inhabit the Hanjulutung lake floodplain (HLF) were characterized. Terrestr... more Terrestrial arthropods inhabit the Hanjulutung lake floodplain (HLF) were characterized. Terrestrial arthropods were trapped with pitfalls where installed on two lakeside at nine different sampling site and two sampling date, April (before flooding) and July (after flooding). Carabidae, Formicidae, and Gryllidae dominated HLF. Carabidae and Formicidae were the primary dwellers of HLF on the outside and inside the lake, respectively. A result of Nonmetric-Multi Dimensional Scaling (NMDS) ordination was concluded that two lakeside does not show different terrestrial arthropods assemblages but outside of HLF showed higher terrestrial arthropods. The sensitivity of Carabidae to flood event and their existence in floodplain ecosystems are identification tool for successful floodplain restoration. ABSTRAK.Karakterisasi artropoda tanah yang mendiami dataran banjir danau Hanjulutung (DBDH) dilakukan. Artropoda tanah dijebak dengan perangkat sumur jebakan yang dipasang pada kedua sisi danau di sembilan lokasi yang berbeda dengan dua waktu pengambilan sampel, Bulan April (sebelum banjir) dan Juli (sesudah banjir). Komposisi artropoda tanah penghuni DBDH adalah didominasi kumbang karabid, semut, dan belalang. Kumbang karabid dan semut adalah penghuni utama DBDH pada masing-masing bagian danau. Hasil Ringkasan ordinasi Nonmetric-Multi Dimensional Scaling (NMDS) menyimpulkan bahwa kedua bagian danau tidak menunjukan perbedaan komposisi dan struktur artropoda terestrial tetapi sisi luar DBDH menunjukan kekayaan atropoda tanah yang lebih tinggi. Kepekaan kumbang karabid terhadap kejadian banjir dan keberadaannya di dataran banjir merupakan alat identifikasi keberhasilan restorasi dataran banjir.
This study was conducted to analyze the geographical learning media completeness (GLMC). Eight pu... more This study was conducted to analyze the geographical learning media completeness (GLMC). Eight public senior high schools (PSHS) were surveyed from August to September 2015. GLMC questionnaire used to explore those data. Descriptive statistics used to reveal school characteristics and GLMC. Cross-tabulation with chi-square analysis applied to measure not only school accreditation (SA) but also school quality (SQ) with GLMC. GLMC at PSHA in Palangka Raya were less full criteria. Software, laboratory equipment, mock-ups, visual-aids, and specimens were some samples of GLMC rarely found at PSHA in Palangka Raya. SA was not correlated with GLMC (χ2 = 8,533; C = 0,718; df = 4; p = 0,074) so it was SC (χ2 = 2,000; C = 0,447; df = 2; p = 0,368). Nevertheless, PSHA in Palangka Raya had higher SA and SQ indicated qualified GLMC. Apply school facilities and infrastructures management enhanced the quality of the geographical learning media (GLM). Teachers should optimize GLM at school by increasing their information technology literacy and skill. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kelengkapan media pembelajaran geografi (KMPG). Delapan SMA negeri (SMAN) di Kota Palangka Raya dipilih untuk disigi tentang KMPG dari Agustus-September 2015. Angket tentang KMPG digunakan untuk mengekplorasi data tersebut. Statistika deskriptif digunakan untuk mengungkap karakteristik sekolah dan KMPG. Analisis tabulasi silang digunakan untuk mengukur hubungan masing-masing peubah. KMPG di SMAN di Kota Palangka Raya secara umum menunjukan kriteria kurang lengkap. Perangkat lunak, peralatan laboratorioum, maket, peraga, dan spesimen jarang dimiliki oleh SMAN di Palangka Raya. Akreditasi sekolah tidak menunjukan hubungan yang nyata dengan KMPG (χ2 = 8,533; C = 0,718; df = 4; p = 0,074), begitu juga dengan kualitas sekolah (χ2 = 2,000; C = 0,447; df = 2; p = 0,368). Namun, SMAN dengan akreditasi dan kualitas lebih baik memiliki KMPG yang lebih bagus. Peningkatan kualitas manajemen media pembelajaran geografi (MPG) perlu diperbaiki. Disamping itu, guru-guru dapat mendayagunakan MPG yang ada dengan meningkatkan literasi dan keterampilan teknologi informasi.
There is the general consensus regarding the school library utilization and the learning motivati... more There is the general consensus regarding the school library utilization and the learning motivation have a contribution to the learning outcome. Neverthenless, both the school library utilization and the learning motivation increase learning outcome remain were not answered, especially at public senior high school students in Palangka Raya. Some research in this study was conducted still partially and only have few students involved. The purpose of this study was to test contribution of school library utilization and learning motivation to geography learning outcome for state senior high schools 4 Palangka Raya. On the data survey on 115 participants-students of X grade of major social science in SMA Negeri 4 of Palangka Raya was chosen, a questionnaire of the school library utilization and the learning motivation was distributed. Besides, results of the formative test were adopted to measure learning achievement of geography subject. All scores were obtained then ranked in three classes. A multiple linear regression was performed to test contribution two independent variables on learning outcome of geography subject. We find the school library utilization contribute to learning outcome but not in learning motivation. In addition, the school library utilization and the learning motivation enhance effectively on learning outcome of geography subject although less. However, further studies on the school library contribution as learning resources are highly recommended to support present study. Abstrak: Meskipun telah menjadi kesepakatan umum bahwa pemanfaatan perpustakaan sekolah dan motivasi belajar berperan penting dalam pencapaian hasil belajar. Namun, perpaduan antara pemanfaatan perpustakaan sekolah dan motivasi belajar dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar masih belum terjawab, khususnya siswa-siswa di SMA Negeri di Palangka Raya. Beberapa penelitian yang dilakukan masih parsial dan/atau melibatkan siswa dalam jumlah sedikit. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji peranan pemanfaatan perpustakaan sekolah dan motivasi belajar terhadap hasil belajar geografi siswa SMA Negeri 4 Palangka Raya. Berdasarkan sigi terhadap 115 siswa terpilih, angket tentang pemanfaatan perpustakaan Kata kunci: hasil belajar; motivasi belajar; pemanfaatan perpustaan sekolah; pelajaran geografi
Orangutan Kalimantan merupakan salah satu primata langka dan terancam punah di Indonesia. Upaya k... more Orangutan Kalimantan merupakan salah satu primata langka dan terancam punah di Indonesia. Upaya konservasi dilakukan dengan melakukan reintroduksi. Namun, keberhasilan proses reintroduksi tergantung pada proses perawatan di pusat rehabilitasi. Pengamatan perilaku harian anak orangutan dilakukan di pusat rehabilitasi Protect Our Borneo (POB) selama 15 hari. Teknik focal animal sampling diaplikasikan untuk pengamatan perilaku harian dua anak orangutan. Setiap aktivitas anak orangutan diamati selama empat jam per hari dari pukul 07.15-17.00 WIB. Aktivitas harian yang dominan dilakukan oleh kedua orangutan adalah bergerak, kemudian disusul dengan makan, dan bermain. Adapun aktivitas istirahat, agonistik, dan istirahat cenderung menunjukan sedikit perbedaan urutan. Aktivitas harian anak orangutan banyak dilakukan pada pagi hari. Siang hari banyak digunakan untuk istirahat. Aktivitas sore hari dilakukan untuk kembali bergerak dan makan pada sore hari dengan intensitas yang lebih rendah. Aktivitas harian anak orangutan dipengaruhi oleh umur, riwayat hidup, sertatipe dan cara pengasuhan. Indikasi keberhasilan proses perawatan anak orangutan di pusat rehabilitasi antara lain kemampuan beradaptasi dan perbaikan perilaku harian anak orangutan sesuai perilaku liarnya
The purpose of the blood donation social devotion program were: 1) to assisted the Blood Donor Un... more The purpose of the blood donation social devotion program were: 1) to assisted the Blood Donor Unit of The Indonesian Red Cross (UTD-PMI) increased blood reserves to fulfil the blood needs in Palangka Raya city, 2) to socialized blood donation activities on the Universitas PGRI Palangka Raya (UPP) for the communities in and around the campus. Blood donation social activities were attended by 99 participants from students of police school (SPN), students, UPP Lecturers, university student organisation board (BEM), student regiment (Menwa), and the general public. By sex participants of this activity were dominated by men (73 people) and the women (26 people). The amount of blood bags that can be collected during this activity were 69 blood bags. Blood donation activities that are attractively packaged, publicized, and involving organizations/institutions can increase the level of community participation.
A new species of open-air processional column termite is here described based on the soldier and ... more A new species of open-air processional column termite is here described based on the soldier and worker castes from eight colonies in north Barito, central Kalimantan. Hospitalitermes nigriantennalis sp. n. is readily distinguished in the field from related Hospitalitermes spp. by the light brown to orangish coloration of the soldier head capsule that, further, is with vertex yellowish and nasus brownish. The soldier antenna and the maxillary and labial palps are blackish. By contrast, soldiers from other species of Hospitalitermes from this region have a uniformly black head capsule and antennae. Finally, H. nigriantennalis sp. n. has a minute indentation in the middle of the posterior part of head capsule, which further helps to differentiate this new species from other Hospitalitermes from the Indo-Malayan and Austro-Malayan regions.
Biodiversitas, Journal of Biological Diversity, 2011
Termites ecological behaviour is much affected by land use change and disturbance level. Their v... more Termites ecological behaviour is much affected by land use change and disturbance level. Their variation in diversity can be used as bioindicator of environmental quality. However, termite community response to land use changes and habitat disturbance in highland ecosystems remains poorly under stood. This study was conducted to investigate the response of termite community to land use intensification and to explore their role as environmental bioindicator in Mount Slamet. A standard survey protocol was used to collect termites in five land use typesof various disturbance levels,i.e. protected forest, recreation forest, production forest,agroforestry, and ur ban area. It was found two termite families i.e. Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae with seven species, i.e Schedorhinotermes javanicus, Procapritermes sp, Pericapritermes semarangi, Macrotermes gilvus, Microtermes insperatus, Nasutitermes javanicus, and N. matanganensis. Termite species’ richness and evenness, Shannon-Wiener index, relative abundance, and biomass of termite were declined along with the land use types and disturbance level from protected forest to urban area. Habitat disturbance was the main declining factor of termite diversity. Termite composition changed along with the land use disturbance level. Soil feeding termites were sensitive to the disturbance – they were not found in urban area. Hence, their presence or absence can be used as environmental bioindicator to detect habitat disturbance.
Environment problems as results forest exploitation to point to major concern of environmentalist... more Environment problems as results forest exploitation to point to major concern of environmentalist and forestry practicing in world. Forestry discourse is not stopping on forest exploitation but effort to minimize of the adverse impact from forest exploitation. Reduced impact logging began introduced on decades of 1990 become one of alternative solution these problems. Reduced impact logging is a integrated between science, technology and management of forestry. Key of successfully from reduced impact logging is the planning and tightly supervision against all of forestry activities. Reduced impact logging is not substitutions from old silviculture system but one of silviculture elements
Ecosystem alterations not only affect habitat conditions but also have impact on biotic component... more Ecosystem alterations not only affect habitat conditions but also have impact on biotic components. The presence of organisms provides response of habitat alteration can be used as indication organism. Indication organisms or bioindicator are key component in ecosystem management. This paper aims to evaluate and review the role of termites as bioindicator. Bioindicator defined as organisms or group of organism reflect and inform the ecosystem circumstance; environmental, ecological and biodiversity status as well as. Main criteria of bioindicator are as follow: taxonomical and biological characters of these organisms well-knew, cosmopolitan organisms, they have a well-response to habitat alteration, and their responses are closed correlated to all communities or properties of stress factors. Termites showed responses to environmental change, especially in habitat alteration. Termites responded to habitat alteration on termites composition change and termites richness decrease. Furthermore, termite’s richness strong correlated with other taxon in their community. Biological and taxonomical termites are well-known. In addition, standard survey of termites has been developed to explore termite’s richness in tropics ecosystems. These implication, termites can be applied as one of indication organisms or bioindicator, notably their relation in ecological indicator and biodiversity indicator.
Cattles are big ruminant livestock most widely farmed and have prospective livestock to be develo... more Cattles are big ruminant livestock most widely farmed and have prospective livestock to be developed in Indonesia. This study was conducted to describe characteristics of beef cattle farmer, to predict potential development cattle agribusiness, and to determine centre of development cattle agribusiness in central Katingan sub-district. Characteristics of beef cattle farmer were analyzed by decriptive statistics. Potential development cattle business was measured by Capacity of additional ruminant population (CARP). Potential villages as centre of development cattle agribusiness was determined by location quotient (LQ) analysis. The result concludes that beef cattle farmers at central Katingan sub-district had experienced, productive age, fair labor force at the family, and most well educated. Beef cattle Agribusiness had done semiintensive at central Katingan sub-distric. The number of livestock can be added about 407.34 livestock unit/LU (equivalent to 234.64 LU of beef cattle) at central Katingan. Potential beef cattle Agribusiness basis at central Katingan sub-district i.e. Petak Puti, Tewang Panjang, and Telok where their LQ (effective CARP) values were 10.86 (38.76); 6.36 (70.33); and 1.24 (126.02), respectively. An optimally utilization of land resources management and crop-livestock systems development were applied to increase the number of beef cattle agribusiness.
Semi-natural habitats have contribution to conserve the balance of ecosystem and local biodiversi... more Semi-natural habitats have contribution to conserve the balance of ecosystem and local biodiversity. However, is the role of seminatural habitats on oil palm plantation also identity with termite’s biodiversity? Contribution seminatural habitat studies on termite’s biodiversity (especially on oil plam plantations) were rarely conducted. This research was done on PT. Bisma Dharma Kencana oil palm plantation consension located on Katingan district, central Kalimantan. On this research, termite assemblage in oil palm plantation and seminatural habitats were surveyed and were identified as oil plam plantation pests. Termites transects were placed to assess termites assemblage on five sites were chosen for study. Nine termite species were collected comprised two member of Rhinotermitidae (i.e. Coptotermes sp. and Schedorhinotermes sp.) and five species belonged Termitidae (i.e. Prohanitermes sp., Globitermes sp., Microcerotermes sp., Termes sp., Procapritermes sp., Pericapritermes sp., and Nasutitermes sp.). Seminatural habitat on oil plam plantation can conserve termite biodiversity. Two species of Rhinotermitidae are potential pests on oil palm plantation. Nevertheless, their termite control should implemented carefully.
Effort of improvement of wood quality on the efficiency of forest resources utilization scheme is... more Effort of improvement of wood quality on the efficiency of forest resources utilization scheme is always involve science and technology. However, this is circumstances frequently are obstructed by expenditure, environmentical issues and technical problems. Applications of high thermal as drying process continuation indicate increasing of some wood properties and negative effects simultaneously consequence of thermal degradation process. Effectiveness of high thermal heating was able to reach by vacuum heating method, molten metal heating method, regulation of temperature and timing heating method, and weight loss limitation method.
Soil arthropods are one of diverse and abundance ecosystem biotic components. Soil arthropods are... more Soil arthropods are one of diverse and abundance ecosystem biotic components. Soil arthropods are important organism in ecosystem, example in decomposition process, nutrient mineralization and soil engineering. Research conducted to know opening area on abundance and diversity of soil arthropods. Thirteen sampling plot was placed on two respectively habitats, open area and area with tree canopy. Four pitfall traps was used as trapping for active arthropods on soil surface in sampling plots respectively. Specimens were collected and identified in morphospecies base on their taxa. Species richness was analyzed by interpolation ACE. Diversity measurements were counted by Shannon-Weaver’s index, evenness in Simpson index and dominance index. Beta diversity was measured in Sorenson’s index. Different habitat in biodiversity was analyzed on Anova’s and t-test were. Tree canopy area has higher biodiversity than open area. Tree canopy area show more abundance, Alpha diversity (F = 1.11; p = 0,000) and species evenness (F = 1.59; p = 0,000) than open area. However, dominance species in open area higher than tree canopy area (F = 1.30; p = 0.000).
The purpose of this research was to predicte GOS area sufficiency in Palangkaraya based on three ... more The purpose of this research was to predicte GOS area sufficiency in Palangkaraya based on three measures: 1) area; 2) urban dwellers; 3) and oxygen requirement in 2010 and 2020. Minimum area of GOS was predicted according to the law of area design. While, the need of GOS related by population was forecasted according the regulation of public work ministry number 05/PRT/M/2008. Gerarkis method is used to calculate oxygen consumption. Population and vehicles growth were projected by compound interest equation. GOS area in Palangkaraya has been sufficed to sustain urban ecosystem until 2020 later. Oxygen was required by Palangkaraya dwellers and vehicles
approximately 790,304.68 Kg/Ha in 2010 and increased about 60 % in 2020. As a result, it was entailed minimum area 2,484.36 Ha of GOS in 2020. GOS expansion in Palangkaraya was done by development of new GOSs in central urban activities, highways, and flood plain of drainage otherwise increasing trees density as well as plants stratification.
Keywords: Urban development, Green open space, Oxygen requirement
Introduction -Termites are the main soil mesofauna in the tropics. Termites play an important rol... more Introduction -Termites are the main soil mesofauna in the tropics. Termites play an important role in the process of decomposition, nutrient turnover, and other processes in the soil. Land use change and their intensification plays a major role in the destruction of habitat and loss of biodiversity. Habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity affect ecosystem health and ecosystems function. Termites have the sensitivity to land use alteration and the level of habitat destruction that can be used as environmental bioindicator. Generally, research on the sensitivity of termites to land use was conducted in the lowland ecosystem, study the highland ecosystem remain poorly investigated.
Termites are important home building pest in Indonesia. Termite infestation cause seriously damag... more Termites are important home building pest in Indonesia. Termite infestation cause seriously damages on building components, especially in residence area. However, investigations to access their economic impact on suburban residence remain poor
studied. This study was conducted to know damage building level and economic impact cause termite infestation on residence building of suburban area. Inspection of residence building was executed in Gandasuli, Purbalingga District. Termite infestation was calculated based on ratio total of damage wood volume with total of wood volume from building components respectively. Economic impact value was estimated by termite infestation level times with price of building components. Result of investigation found all of home buildings in Gandasuli have been experienced termite infestation. Termite infestation
caused damage building 5.70 % level. Termite infestation have been caused damage of building components reach 18.09 % level from all of building components come from woods materials. Most seriously damage in building components were door and window
frames. Subterranean termites were termite groups caused seriously damage on building components. Termite infestation caused economic impact in building might exceed Rp. 11,401,528.92,-. Termite control to prevent damage in building components must apply before and after building construction, especially on building components near ground surface.
Teachers are an essential component of education as well as a determinant of the quality of educa... more Teachers are an essential component of education as well as a determinant of the quality of education. The Teacher’s professionalism is characterized by improving the learning quality (LQ) through the utilization and optimization of learning technology. Also, the quality of teaching is also supported by a conducive working environment conditions at the school. This study reported the results of research which investigated the correlation between school climate (SC) and learning technology utilization (LTU) with LQ. Sixteen participants from geographic subject teachers at the State Senior High School (PSHS) in Palangka Raya have responded to the questionnaire and recorded their perceptions of SC, LTU, and LQ. Spearman correlation analysis was used to test their correlation. This study revealed a positive relationship between LTU and LQ. As for the SC did not give influence on the LQ at PSHS in Palangka Raya. So that improving the LQ can be done by enhancing the ability of teachers in LTU and use it in teaching and learning activities in the classroom.
Terrestrial arthropods inhabit the Hanjulutung lake floodplain (HLF) were characterized. Terrestr... more Terrestrial arthropods inhabit the Hanjulutung lake floodplain (HLF) were characterized. Terrestrial arthropods were trapped with pitfalls where installed on two lakeside at nine different sampling site and two sampling date, April (before flooding) and July (after flooding). Carabidae, Formicidae, and Gryllidae dominated HLF. Carabidae and Formicidae were the primary dwellers of HLF on the outside and inside the lake, respectively. A result of Nonmetric-Multi Dimensional Scaling (NMDS) ordination was concluded that two lakeside does not show different terrestrial arthropods assemblages but outside of HLF showed higher terrestrial arthropods. The sensitivity of Carabidae to flood event and their existence in floodplain ecosystems are identification tool for successful floodplain restoration. ABSTRAK.Karakterisasi artropoda tanah yang mendiami dataran banjir danau Hanjulutung (DBDH) dilakukan. Artropoda tanah dijebak dengan perangkat sumur jebakan yang dipasang pada kedua sisi danau di sembilan lokasi yang berbeda dengan dua waktu pengambilan sampel, Bulan April (sebelum banjir) dan Juli (sesudah banjir). Komposisi artropoda tanah penghuni DBDH adalah didominasi kumbang karabid, semut, dan belalang. Kumbang karabid dan semut adalah penghuni utama DBDH pada masing-masing bagian danau. Hasil Ringkasan ordinasi Nonmetric-Multi Dimensional Scaling (NMDS) menyimpulkan bahwa kedua bagian danau tidak menunjukan perbedaan komposisi dan struktur artropoda terestrial tetapi sisi luar DBDH menunjukan kekayaan atropoda tanah yang lebih tinggi. Kepekaan kumbang karabid terhadap kejadian banjir dan keberadaannya di dataran banjir merupakan alat identifikasi keberhasilan restorasi dataran banjir.
This study was conducted to analyze the geographical learning media completeness (GLMC). Eight pu... more This study was conducted to analyze the geographical learning media completeness (GLMC). Eight public senior high schools (PSHS) were surveyed from August to September 2015. GLMC questionnaire used to explore those data. Descriptive statistics used to reveal school characteristics and GLMC. Cross-tabulation with chi-square analysis applied to measure not only school accreditation (SA) but also school quality (SQ) with GLMC. GLMC at PSHA in Palangka Raya were less full criteria. Software, laboratory equipment, mock-ups, visual-aids, and specimens were some samples of GLMC rarely found at PSHA in Palangka Raya. SA was not correlated with GLMC (χ2 = 8,533; C = 0,718; df = 4; p = 0,074) so it was SC (χ2 = 2,000; C = 0,447; df = 2; p = 0,368). Nevertheless, PSHA in Palangka Raya had higher SA and SQ indicated qualified GLMC. Apply school facilities and infrastructures management enhanced the quality of the geographical learning media (GLM). Teachers should optimize GLM at school by increasing their information technology literacy and skill. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kelengkapan media pembelajaran geografi (KMPG). Delapan SMA negeri (SMAN) di Kota Palangka Raya dipilih untuk disigi tentang KMPG dari Agustus-September 2015. Angket tentang KMPG digunakan untuk mengekplorasi data tersebut. Statistika deskriptif digunakan untuk mengungkap karakteristik sekolah dan KMPG. Analisis tabulasi silang digunakan untuk mengukur hubungan masing-masing peubah. KMPG di SMAN di Kota Palangka Raya secara umum menunjukan kriteria kurang lengkap. Perangkat lunak, peralatan laboratorioum, maket, peraga, dan spesimen jarang dimiliki oleh SMAN di Palangka Raya. Akreditasi sekolah tidak menunjukan hubungan yang nyata dengan KMPG (χ2 = 8,533; C = 0,718; df = 4; p = 0,074), begitu juga dengan kualitas sekolah (χ2 = 2,000; C = 0,447; df = 2; p = 0,368). Namun, SMAN dengan akreditasi dan kualitas lebih baik memiliki KMPG yang lebih bagus. Peningkatan kualitas manajemen media pembelajaran geografi (MPG) perlu diperbaiki. Disamping itu, guru-guru dapat mendayagunakan MPG yang ada dengan meningkatkan literasi dan keterampilan teknologi informasi.
There is the general consensus regarding the school library utilization and the learning motivati... more There is the general consensus regarding the school library utilization and the learning motivation have a contribution to the learning outcome. Neverthenless, both the school library utilization and the learning motivation increase learning outcome remain were not answered, especially at public senior high school students in Palangka Raya. Some research in this study was conducted still partially and only have few students involved. The purpose of this study was to test contribution of school library utilization and learning motivation to geography learning outcome for state senior high schools 4 Palangka Raya. On the data survey on 115 participants-students of X grade of major social science in SMA Negeri 4 of Palangka Raya was chosen, a questionnaire of the school library utilization and the learning motivation was distributed. Besides, results of the formative test were adopted to measure learning achievement of geography subject. All scores were obtained then ranked in three classes. A multiple linear regression was performed to test contribution two independent variables on learning outcome of geography subject. We find the school library utilization contribute to learning outcome but not in learning motivation. In addition, the school library utilization and the learning motivation enhance effectively on learning outcome of geography subject although less. However, further studies on the school library contribution as learning resources are highly recommended to support present study. Abstrak: Meskipun telah menjadi kesepakatan umum bahwa pemanfaatan perpustakaan sekolah dan motivasi belajar berperan penting dalam pencapaian hasil belajar. Namun, perpaduan antara pemanfaatan perpustakaan sekolah dan motivasi belajar dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar masih belum terjawab, khususnya siswa-siswa di SMA Negeri di Palangka Raya. Beberapa penelitian yang dilakukan masih parsial dan/atau melibatkan siswa dalam jumlah sedikit. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji peranan pemanfaatan perpustakaan sekolah dan motivasi belajar terhadap hasil belajar geografi siswa SMA Negeri 4 Palangka Raya. Berdasarkan sigi terhadap 115 siswa terpilih, angket tentang pemanfaatan perpustakaan Kata kunci: hasil belajar; motivasi belajar; pemanfaatan perpustaan sekolah; pelajaran geografi
Orangutan Kalimantan merupakan salah satu primata langka dan terancam punah di Indonesia. Upaya k... more Orangutan Kalimantan merupakan salah satu primata langka dan terancam punah di Indonesia. Upaya konservasi dilakukan dengan melakukan reintroduksi. Namun, keberhasilan proses reintroduksi tergantung pada proses perawatan di pusat rehabilitasi. Pengamatan perilaku harian anak orangutan dilakukan di pusat rehabilitasi Protect Our Borneo (POB) selama 15 hari. Teknik focal animal sampling diaplikasikan untuk pengamatan perilaku harian dua anak orangutan. Setiap aktivitas anak orangutan diamati selama empat jam per hari dari pukul 07.15-17.00 WIB. Aktivitas harian yang dominan dilakukan oleh kedua orangutan adalah bergerak, kemudian disusul dengan makan, dan bermain. Adapun aktivitas istirahat, agonistik, dan istirahat cenderung menunjukan sedikit perbedaan urutan. Aktivitas harian anak orangutan banyak dilakukan pada pagi hari. Siang hari banyak digunakan untuk istirahat. Aktivitas sore hari dilakukan untuk kembali bergerak dan makan pada sore hari dengan intensitas yang lebih rendah. Aktivitas harian anak orangutan dipengaruhi oleh umur, riwayat hidup, sertatipe dan cara pengasuhan. Indikasi keberhasilan proses perawatan anak orangutan di pusat rehabilitasi antara lain kemampuan beradaptasi dan perbaikan perilaku harian anak orangutan sesuai perilaku liarnya
The purpose of the blood donation social devotion program were: 1) to assisted the Blood Donor Un... more The purpose of the blood donation social devotion program were: 1) to assisted the Blood Donor Unit of The Indonesian Red Cross (UTD-PMI) increased blood reserves to fulfil the blood needs in Palangka Raya city, 2) to socialized blood donation activities on the Universitas PGRI Palangka Raya (UPP) for the communities in and around the campus. Blood donation social activities were attended by 99 participants from students of police school (SPN), students, UPP Lecturers, university student organisation board (BEM), student regiment (Menwa), and the general public. By sex participants of this activity were dominated by men (73 people) and the women (26 people). The amount of blood bags that can be collected during this activity were 69 blood bags. Blood donation activities that are attractively packaged, publicized, and involving organizations/institutions can increase the level of community participation.
A new species of open-air processional column termite is here described based on the soldier and ... more A new species of open-air processional column termite is here described based on the soldier and worker castes from eight colonies in north Barito, central Kalimantan. Hospitalitermes nigriantennalis sp. n. is readily distinguished in the field from related Hospitalitermes spp. by the light brown to orangish coloration of the soldier head capsule that, further, is with vertex yellowish and nasus brownish. The soldier antenna and the maxillary and labial palps are blackish. By contrast, soldiers from other species of Hospitalitermes from this region have a uniformly black head capsule and antennae. Finally, H. nigriantennalis sp. n. has a minute indentation in the middle of the posterior part of head capsule, which further helps to differentiate this new species from other Hospitalitermes from the Indo-Malayan and Austro-Malayan regions.
Biodiversitas, Journal of Biological Diversity, 2011
Termites ecological behaviour is much affected by land use change and disturbance level. Their v... more Termites ecological behaviour is much affected by land use change and disturbance level. Their variation in diversity can be used as bioindicator of environmental quality. However, termite community response to land use changes and habitat disturbance in highland ecosystems remains poorly under stood. This study was conducted to investigate the response of termite community to land use intensification and to explore their role as environmental bioindicator in Mount Slamet. A standard survey protocol was used to collect termites in five land use typesof various disturbance levels,i.e. protected forest, recreation forest, production forest,agroforestry, and ur ban area. It was found two termite families i.e. Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae with seven species, i.e Schedorhinotermes javanicus, Procapritermes sp, Pericapritermes semarangi, Macrotermes gilvus, Microtermes insperatus, Nasutitermes javanicus, and N. matanganensis. Termite species’ richness and evenness, Shannon-Wiener index, relative abundance, and biomass of termite were declined along with the land use types and disturbance level from protected forest to urban area. Habitat disturbance was the main declining factor of termite diversity. Termite composition changed along with the land use disturbance level. Soil feeding termites were sensitive to the disturbance – they were not found in urban area. Hence, their presence or absence can be used as environmental bioindicator to detect habitat disturbance.
Environment problems as results forest exploitation to point to major concern of environmentalist... more Environment problems as results forest exploitation to point to major concern of environmentalist and forestry practicing in world. Forestry discourse is not stopping on forest exploitation but effort to minimize of the adverse impact from forest exploitation. Reduced impact logging began introduced on decades of 1990 become one of alternative solution these problems. Reduced impact logging is a integrated between science, technology and management of forestry. Key of successfully from reduced impact logging is the planning and tightly supervision against all of forestry activities. Reduced impact logging is not substitutions from old silviculture system but one of silviculture elements
Ecosystem alterations not only affect habitat conditions but also have impact on biotic component... more Ecosystem alterations not only affect habitat conditions but also have impact on biotic components. The presence of organisms provides response of habitat alteration can be used as indication organism. Indication organisms or bioindicator are key component in ecosystem management. This paper aims to evaluate and review the role of termites as bioindicator. Bioindicator defined as organisms or group of organism reflect and inform the ecosystem circumstance; environmental, ecological and biodiversity status as well as. Main criteria of bioindicator are as follow: taxonomical and biological characters of these organisms well-knew, cosmopolitan organisms, they have a well-response to habitat alteration, and their responses are closed correlated to all communities or properties of stress factors. Termites showed responses to environmental change, especially in habitat alteration. Termites responded to habitat alteration on termites composition change and termites richness decrease. Furthermore, termite’s richness strong correlated with other taxon in their community. Biological and taxonomical termites are well-known. In addition, standard survey of termites has been developed to explore termite’s richness in tropics ecosystems. These implication, termites can be applied as one of indication organisms or bioindicator, notably their relation in ecological indicator and biodiversity indicator.
Cattles are big ruminant livestock most widely farmed and have prospective livestock to be develo... more Cattles are big ruminant livestock most widely farmed and have prospective livestock to be developed in Indonesia. This study was conducted to describe characteristics of beef cattle farmer, to predict potential development cattle agribusiness, and to determine centre of development cattle agribusiness in central Katingan sub-district. Characteristics of beef cattle farmer were analyzed by decriptive statistics. Potential development cattle business was measured by Capacity of additional ruminant population (CARP). Potential villages as centre of development cattle agribusiness was determined by location quotient (LQ) analysis. The result concludes that beef cattle farmers at central Katingan sub-district had experienced, productive age, fair labor force at the family, and most well educated. Beef cattle Agribusiness had done semiintensive at central Katingan sub-distric. The number of livestock can be added about 407.34 livestock unit/LU (equivalent to 234.64 LU of beef cattle) at central Katingan. Potential beef cattle Agribusiness basis at central Katingan sub-district i.e. Petak Puti, Tewang Panjang, and Telok where their LQ (effective CARP) values were 10.86 (38.76); 6.36 (70.33); and 1.24 (126.02), respectively. An optimally utilization of land resources management and crop-livestock systems development were applied to increase the number of beef cattle agribusiness.
Semi-natural habitats have contribution to conserve the balance of ecosystem and local biodiversi... more Semi-natural habitats have contribution to conserve the balance of ecosystem and local biodiversity. However, is the role of seminatural habitats on oil palm plantation also identity with termite’s biodiversity? Contribution seminatural habitat studies on termite’s biodiversity (especially on oil plam plantations) were rarely conducted. This research was done on PT. Bisma Dharma Kencana oil palm plantation consension located on Katingan district, central Kalimantan. On this research, termite assemblage in oil palm plantation and seminatural habitats were surveyed and were identified as oil plam plantation pests. Termites transects were placed to assess termites assemblage on five sites were chosen for study. Nine termite species were collected comprised two member of Rhinotermitidae (i.e. Coptotermes sp. and Schedorhinotermes sp.) and five species belonged Termitidae (i.e. Prohanitermes sp., Globitermes sp., Microcerotermes sp., Termes sp., Procapritermes sp., Pericapritermes sp., and Nasutitermes sp.). Seminatural habitat on oil plam plantation can conserve termite biodiversity. Two species of Rhinotermitidae are potential pests on oil palm plantation. Nevertheless, their termite control should implemented carefully.
Effort of improvement of wood quality on the efficiency of forest resources utilization scheme is... more Effort of improvement of wood quality on the efficiency of forest resources utilization scheme is always involve science and technology. However, this is circumstances frequently are obstructed by expenditure, environmentical issues and technical problems. Applications of high thermal as drying process continuation indicate increasing of some wood properties and negative effects simultaneously consequence of thermal degradation process. Effectiveness of high thermal heating was able to reach by vacuum heating method, molten metal heating method, regulation of temperature and timing heating method, and weight loss limitation method.
Soil arthropods are one of diverse and abundance ecosystem biotic components. Soil arthropods are... more Soil arthropods are one of diverse and abundance ecosystem biotic components. Soil arthropods are important organism in ecosystem, example in decomposition process, nutrient mineralization and soil engineering. Research conducted to know opening area on abundance and diversity of soil arthropods. Thirteen sampling plot was placed on two respectively habitats, open area and area with tree canopy. Four pitfall traps was used as trapping for active arthropods on soil surface in sampling plots respectively. Specimens were collected and identified in morphospecies base on their taxa. Species richness was analyzed by interpolation ACE. Diversity measurements were counted by Shannon-Weaver’s index, evenness in Simpson index and dominance index. Beta diversity was measured in Sorenson’s index. Different habitat in biodiversity was analyzed on Anova’s and t-test were. Tree canopy area has higher biodiversity than open area. Tree canopy area show more abundance, Alpha diversity (F = 1.11; p = 0,000) and species evenness (F = 1.59; p = 0,000) than open area. However, dominance species in open area higher than tree canopy area (F = 1.30; p = 0.000).
The purpose of this research was to predicte GOS area sufficiency in Palangkaraya based on three ... more The purpose of this research was to predicte GOS area sufficiency in Palangkaraya based on three measures: 1) area; 2) urban dwellers; 3) and oxygen requirement in 2010 and 2020. Minimum area of GOS was predicted according to the law of area design. While, the need of GOS related by population was forecasted according the regulation of public work ministry number 05/PRT/M/2008. Gerarkis method is used to calculate oxygen consumption. Population and vehicles growth were projected by compound interest equation. GOS area in Palangkaraya has been sufficed to sustain urban ecosystem until 2020 later. Oxygen was required by Palangkaraya dwellers and vehicles
approximately 790,304.68 Kg/Ha in 2010 and increased about 60 % in 2020. As a result, it was entailed minimum area 2,484.36 Ha of GOS in 2020. GOS expansion in Palangkaraya was done by development of new GOSs in central urban activities, highways, and flood plain of drainage otherwise increasing trees density as well as plants stratification.
Keywords: Urban development, Green open space, Oxygen requirement
Introduction -Termites are the main soil mesofauna in the tropics. Termites play an important rol... more Introduction -Termites are the main soil mesofauna in the tropics. Termites play an important role in the process of decomposition, nutrient turnover, and other processes in the soil. Land use change and their intensification plays a major role in the destruction of habitat and loss of biodiversity. Habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity affect ecosystem health and ecosystems function. Termites have the sensitivity to land use alteration and the level of habitat destruction that can be used as environmental bioindicator. Generally, research on the sensitivity of termites to land use was conducted in the lowland ecosystem, study the highland ecosystem remain poorly investigated.
Termites are important home building pest in Indonesia. Termite infestation cause seriously damag... more Termites are important home building pest in Indonesia. Termite infestation cause seriously damages on building components, especially in residence area. However, investigations to access their economic impact on suburban residence remain poor
studied. This study was conducted to know damage building level and economic impact cause termite infestation on residence building of suburban area. Inspection of residence building was executed in Gandasuli, Purbalingga District. Termite infestation was calculated based on ratio total of damage wood volume with total of wood volume from building components respectively. Economic impact value was estimated by termite infestation level times with price of building components. Result of investigation found all of home buildings in Gandasuli have been experienced termite infestation. Termite infestation
caused damage building 5.70 % level. Termite infestation have been caused damage of building components reach 18.09 % level from all of building components come from woods materials. Most seriously damage in building components were door and window
frames. Subterranean termites were termite groups caused seriously damage on building components. Termite infestation caused economic impact in building might exceed Rp. 11,401,528.92,-. Termite control to prevent damage in building components must apply before and after building construction, especially on building components near ground surface.
Langkah 4. Pendekatan nilai kritis. Karena α = 0,05; maka nilai kritisnya adl ± z 0,05/2 = ± z 0,... more Langkah 4. Pendekatan nilai kritis. Karena α = 0,05; maka nilai kritisnya adl ± z 0,05/2 = ± z 0,025 = ± 1,96.
TEROR RAYA PEMANASAN GLOBAL Akhir-akhir ini umat manusia menghadapi beragam permasalahan yang ber... more TEROR RAYA PEMANASAN GLOBAL Akhir-akhir ini umat manusia menghadapi beragam permasalahan yang berkaiatan dengan lingkungan. Silih berganti bencana menimpa, berpindah-pindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain, tak kunjung usai. Sejak gempa bumi dahsyat yang meluluhlantakkan Aceh di akhir 2004, rentetan gempa bumi makin eksesif. Nias,
dalantbiomissahutanEkosistern tetsimpan di hutan merupakan hutan menyirnpan sekitar 638 plasma nu... more dalantbiomissahutanEkosistern tetsimpan di hutan merupakan hutan menyirnpan sekitar 638 plasma nutfah yang dapat kebunrhan bneigl dunia, dimana 83 persenrrya untuk konsumsi di negera berkembang.
Thirty-six field trials with a size of 1 mx 1 m Response of peanut plants to 3 spacing settings c... more Thirty-six field trials with a size of 1 mx 1 m Response of peanut plants to 3 spacing settings consisting of J1 (20 cm x 20 cm), J2 (20 cm x 25 cm), and J3 (25 cm x 25 cm), and fourteen weeding frequencies as follows S0 (without weeding), S1 (weeding once), S2 (weeding twice) and S3 (weeding intensively) were tried in this study. Review the plants seen every week after planting, when the crop results are seen at the end of the observation. Weed in each plot is collected and the competition is weighed dry weight for the basis of calculating the competition value. The average of each variable requested by subsequent analysis of variance for further approval with the DMRT test at 5% significance level. This study determines plant spacing affects all plant yield variables such as (number of fruits and fruit weight either per plant or per plot) while the weeding frequency increases in increasing number of leaves. In general, the combination of S3J1 and S0J1 showed the best response to the number of fruits produced compared to other treatments. Furthermore, the distance and frequency of weeding increases the percentage of weeds and can increase the competition value of beans with weeds. The combination of S1J2 treatment determines the value of competition compared to other treatments and is able to reduce weed occupation by about 22%. The two main weeds in this study are Cyperus rontundus and Ageratum conyzodies.
Tourism based on ecological and social sustainability is now more widely known as one of the char... more Tourism based on ecological and social sustainability is now more widely known as one of the charms of favourable economic and continuously promoted heavily in conservation efforts. Peat forest of Jumpun Pambelom (JP) is one of the new tourist destinations in the form of peat ecosystem unspoiled. JP be a conservation area managed privately and became one of the pilot management of peatland in Palangkaraya. The potential of peat forest of JP measured for sustainable tourism development. The visitor behavior survey conducted to measure visitor demographics. The carrying capacity of the area is used to measure the relationship between an activity and the amount of use that will be used visitors JP is generally visitors with special purposes with the mission of education and conservation as the main motivation. Despite having a potential low tourist attraction. JP as peat ecosystem sustainability based ecotourism should be developed further. Promotion and addition of facilities and infrastructure of nature can increase tourist visits. JP travel lanes are physically able to accommodate visitors amounted to 134 per day. If exceed the carrying capacity of the region could pose a major threat to the ecosystem. To overcome this it is necessary to increase the value of the carrying capacity of the region to extend the boardwalk path.
Learning media are integral components in learning system. Learning media function as information... more Learning media are integral components in learning system. Learning media function as information deliver to increase learning quality. This study was conducted to analyze geographical learning media completeness (GLMC). Eight public senior high school (PSHS) were surveyed from August to September 2015. GLMC questionnaire used to explore those data. Descriptive statistics used to reveal school characteristics and GLMC. Cross tabulation with chi-square analysis applied to measure not only school accreditation (SA) with GLMC but also school quality (SQ) with GLMC. GLMC at PSHA in Palangka Raya were less complete criteria. Software, laboratorial equipments, mock-ups, visual-aids, and specimens were some samples of GLMC found rarely at PSHA in Palangka Raya. SA was not correlated with GLMC (χ2 = 8,533; C = 0,718; df = 4; p = 0,074) so it was SC (χ2 = 2,000; C = 0,447; df = 2; p = 0,368). Nevertheless, PSHA in Palangka Raya had higher AS and SQ indicated qualified GLMC than lower AS and SQ. Quality of learning media was enhanced by apply school facilities and infrastructures management. Teachers should to optimize GLMC at school by increasing their information technology literacy and skill.
The teachers are main component on educational system and educational quality determinant. Teache... more The teachers are main component on educational system and educational quality determinant. Teachers Professionalisme indicated by learning quality enhancement with utilization and optimise of learning technologies. Learning quality supported by the conducived school climate besides learning technologies. This study reported the results of study which investigated correlation of school climate and learning technologies utilization with learning quality. Sixteen participants, the geographical teachers, from state senior high school in Palangka Raya responded to a questionnaire which recorded their working school climate, learning technologies utilization, and learning quality perceived. Spearman correlation analysis was used to test their correlation. This study revealed positive correlation among learning technologies utilization and learning quality. Nevertheless, school climate not correlated with geography learning quality on state senior high school in Palangka Raya. Learning quality enhancement implemented by increase teacher technology literacy and applies them on their learning activities in the classroom.
A school library is one of educational infrastructure has an important role in learning achieveme... more A school library is one of educational infrastructure has an important role in learning achievement. The learning motivation has robust effect to learning achievement. However, studies on school library utilization and learning motivation contribution on learning outcome were less conducted, particularly on senior high schools in Palangka Raya. The purpose of this study was to explore contribution of school library utilization (SLU) and learning motivation in the geography learning outcome (GLO). The participants were 96 of 10th-grade students majoring social science from 4 State Senior High School of Palangka Raya. Descriptive analysis revealed over of half participants at intermediate level of SLU and learning motivation but less than of them has good level of GLO. Further, multiple linier regression analyses indicated that SLU was a learning outcome determinant (t = 2.174; p = 0.032), whereas learning motivation was not (t = 1.402; p = 0.164). Nevertheless, combination of SLU and learning motivation was positively and significantly contributed to GLO (F = 8.007; p = 0.001) but they explained <20% (ΔR2 = 0.129) of the variance in GLO. These results recommended that the educators should nurture student learning motivation and achievement in addition encourage students to exploit school library as a learning resource.
Rayap merupakan mesofauna tanah utama di kawasan tropis. Rayap berperan penting dalam dekomposisi... more Rayap merupakan mesofauna tanah utama di kawasan tropis. Rayap berperan penting dalam dekomposisi, perputaran unsur hara dan proses di dalam tanah. Perubahan dan intensitas penggunaan lahan berperan besar terhadap kerusakan habitat dan penurunan keanekaragaman hayati. Kerusakan habitat dan penurunan keanekaragaman hayati berdampak pada kesehatan dan fungsi ekosistem. Rayap memiliki kepekaan terhadap perubahan penggunaan lahan dan tingkat kerusakan habitat sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai bioindikator. Umumnya penelitian tentang kepekaan rayap terhadap penggunaan lahan dilaksanakan di ekosistem dataran rendah, masih sedikit yang mengkaji di ekosistem dataran tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari: pengaruh penggunaan lahan terhadap komunitas rayap dan parameter lingkungan yang mempengaruhinya serta pemanfaatan rayap sebagai bioindikator.
terhadap Serangan Rayap Tanah Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren dibimbing oleh Ir. Hj. MURNIATY, ... more terhadap Serangan Rayap Tanah Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren dibimbing oleh Ir. Hj. MURNIATY, AI dan Ir. AHMAD JAUHARI, M.P.
Nature tourism based on ecological and social sustainability is increasingly widely known as one ... more Nature tourism based on ecological and social sustainability is increasingly widely known as one of profitabel economic attraction and promoted continuously and intensivelly in natural conservation efforts. Jumpun pembelom ecotourism (JPE) is new tourist destination on natural peatland ecosystem. JPE is a conservation area managed privately and became one of the pilot management of peatland in Palangkaraya. JPE was measured potential for sustainable ecotourism development. Visitor characteristics survey was conducted to measure visitor demographics. Whereas, assessment objects and natural tourism attractions (ONTA) was applied to measure potential of ecotourism development. EJP visitors was visitors with special purposes with the education and conservation mission as their main motivation in most case. Nevertheless, JPE had low potential of tourist attraction. EJP was feasible to be developed further as a peatland ecosystem-based ecotourism sustainability. Promotion and addition of natural tourism facilities and infrastructure could completed to increase tourist visits.
Meningkatnya pengaruh antropogenik terhadap lingkungan membutuhan suatu perangkat bioindikasi seb... more Meningkatnya pengaruh antropogenik terhadap lingkungan membutuhan suatu perangkat bioindikasi sebagai peringatan dini. Polusi udara (industri, kendaraan bermotor, kegiatan rumah tangga) seperti adanya emisi gas-gas dan
PENGARUH ALLELOPATHY DAUN MINDI (Melia azadarach) DAN AKASIA MANGIUM (Acacia mangium) TERHADAP PE... more PENGARUH ALLELOPATHY DAUN MINDI (Melia azadarach) DAN AKASIA MANGIUM (Acacia mangium) TERHADAP PERKEMBANGAN TANAMAN JAGUNG (Zea mays) DAN KACANG HIJAU (Phaseolus radiatus) I. PENDAHULUAN A. Latar Belakang Suatu ekosistem selalu melakukan hubungan interaksi satu sama lain baik bersifat intraspesifik maupun interspesifik. Mekanisme ini dilakukan suatu tanaman untuk memperoleh bahan kehidupannya berupa unsur hara yang terdapat di tanah maupun udara, air dan sinar matahari serta ruangan untuk tumbuh dan berkembang. Mekanisme pertahanan diri ini sering merangsang tanaman untuk melakukan suatu metabolisme sekunder yang produknya biasa diendapkan dalam organ tumbuhan tersebut maupun dieksudat keluar untuk menolak kompetitor lainnya. Produk metabolisme suatu tanaman ini sering memainkan peranan penting dalam interaksi ekologis, mereka dapat menghambat herbivory, perlindungan terhadap patogen, alelopati, asosiasi simbiosisme, peningkatan perkecambahan, interaksi dengan pollinator, disamping itu juga perlindungan terhadap sinar ultraviolet maupun suhu tinggi (Lambers et al. 1998). Kajian tentang alelopati untuk pertama kali umumnya dilakukan pada ilmu kehutanan. Alelopati dapat mempengaruhi banyak aspek pada ekologi tumbuhan, meliputi pertumbuhan, suksesi tanaman, struktur komunitas tanaman dominansi, keragaman produktivitas tumbuhan. Pada awalnya kajian tentang alelopati hanya menekankan pada efek negatig alelopati pada tanaman pangan, namun sejak tahun 1980an penelitian alelopati mulai mengindentifikasi tanaman kehutanan yang memberikan pengaruh menguntungkan, netral dan selektif terhadap tanaman pangan. Perkembangan terkini, kajian tentang alelopati mulai mengamati pertumbuhan yang tidak baik pada tanaman kehutanan, kerusakan tanaman pangan, pengurangan prduksi, masalah replant untuk pohon hortukultura, kwasan bebas gulma, dan pola perubahan pada vegetasi (Ferguson & Rathinasabapathi, 2003) Krebs (2001) yang menyatakan bahwa allelopati (Allelopathy) adalah salah satu mekanisme penghambatan penyebaran suatu jenis dalam kompetisi karena kehadiran organisme lain. Menurut Molisch (1937) dalam Junaedi et al. (2006) alelopati adalah
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi persepsi pemuda terhadap pertanian dan mengidentifikasi fak... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi persepsi pemuda terhadap pertanian dan mengidentifikasi faktor faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi persepsi tersebut. Pendekatan deskriptif digunakan untuk mengevaluasi dan mendeskripsikan faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi pemuda terhadap pertanian. Responden dipilih secara purposif kemudian dilakukan wawancara terstruktur untuk mengevalusi dan mengidentifkasi persepsi pemuda. Data sekunder dipilih untuk mendukung dan melengkapi data dan memperkuat hasil yang diperoleh. Penelitin ini menunjukan bahwa persepsi pemuda cenderung kurang baik terhadap pertanian. Pertanian dipersepsikan sebagai pekerjaan yang melelahkan dan memerlukan waktu kerja yang lama. Namun demikian, hasil yang diperoleh rendah meskipun modal yang dikeluarkan besar. Pemudi cenderung memiliki persepsi yang kurang baik terhadap pertanian. Pemuda dengan pendidikan yang lebih tinggi cenderung memilih pekerjaan di luar pertanian. Lebih lanjut, pemuda yang berasal dari keluarga dengan ekonomi yang lebih mapan cenderung memilih pekerjaan di luar pertanian. Secara umum, pertanian dipandang sebagai sektor yang kurang memberikan kesejahteraan bagi pelakonnya.
The borneo orangutan is one of the rare and endangered primates in Indonesia. Conservation effort... more The borneo orangutan is one of the rare and endangered primates in Indonesia. Conservation efforts are carried out by reintroduction. However, the success of the reintroduction process depends on the treatment process at the rehabilitation center. The observation of the daily behavior of orangutan infant was done at the Protect Our Borneo (POB) rehabilitation center for 15 days. The focal animal sampling technique was applied to observe the daily behavior of two orangutan infants. Each orangutans activity is observed for four hours per day from 08.00-17.00. The dominant daily activities performed by both orangutan infants are moves, followed by feeding and playing. As for agonistic and rest activity tend to show little difference in sequence. Daily activities of orangutan infants are done more in the morning. Daytime is mostly used for rest. The afternoon activity is done to move and feed in the afternoon with a lower intensity. The daily activities of orangutan infants are affected by age, life history, types and modes of nurture. Indications of success for care of orangutan infants at rehabilitation center such as adaptability and improvement of daily behavior of orangutan children according to wild behavior.
Kepariwisataan alam berbasiskan kelestarian ekologi dan sosial saat ini semakin luas dikenal seba... more Kepariwisataan alam berbasiskan kelestarian ekologi dan sosial saat ini semakin luas dikenal sebagai salah satu daya tarik ekonomi yang menguntungkan dan terus dipromosikan secara gencar dalam upaya konservasi alam. Ekowisata Jumpun Pembelom (EJP) merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata baru berupa kawasan ekosistem gambut yang masih alami. EJP berupa kawasan konservasi yang dikelola secara privat dan menjadi salah satu percontohan pengelolaan lahan gambut di Palangka Raya. Potensi EJP diukur untuk pengembangan ekowisata berkelanjutan. Sigi tentang karakteristik pengujung dilakukan untuk mengukur demografi pengunjung. Sedangkan, penilaian obyek dan daya tarik wisata alam (ODTWA) diterapkan untuk mengukur potensi pengembangan ekowisata. Pengunjung EJP umumnya adalah pengunjung dengan tujuan khusus dengan misi pendidikan dan konservasi sebagai motivasi utamanya. Meskipun, memiliki potensi daya tarik wisata yang rendah. EJP sebagai ekowisata berbasis kelestarian ekosistem gambut layak dikembangkan lebih lanjut. Promosi dan penambahan sarana dan prasarana wisata alam dapat ditambahkan untuk meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan.
Papers by Teguh Pribadi
quality of teaching is also supported by a conducive working environment conditions at the school. This study reported the results of research which investigated the correlation between school climate (SC) and learning technology utilization (LTU) with LQ. Sixteen participants from geographic subject teachers at the State Senior High School (PSHS) in Palangka Raya have responded to the questionnaire and recorded their perceptions of SC, LTU, and LQ. Spearman correlation analysis was used to test their correlation. This study revealed a positive relationship between LTU and LQ. As for the SC did not give influence on the LQ at PSHS in Palangka Raya. So that improving the LQ can be done
by enhancing the ability of teachers in LTU and use it in teaching and learning activities in the classroom.
environmental quality. However, termite community response to land use changes and habitat disturbance in highland ecosystems remains poorly under
stood. This study was conducted to investigate the response of termite community to land use intensification and to explore their role as environmental bioindicator in Mount Slamet. A standard survey protocol was used to collect termites in five land use typesof various disturbance levels,i.e.
protected forest, recreation forest, production forest,agroforestry, and ur
ban area. It was found two termite families i.e. Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae with seven species, i.e Schedorhinotermes javanicus, Procapritermes sp, Pericapritermes semarangi, Macrotermes gilvus, Microtermes insperatus, Nasutitermes javanicus, and N. matanganensis. Termite species’ richness and evenness, Shannon-Wiener index, relative abundance, and biomass of termite were declined along with the land use types and disturbance level from protected forest to urban area. Habitat disturbance was the main declining factor of termite diversity. Termite composition changed along with the land use disturbance level. Soil feeding termites were sensitive to the disturbance – they were not found in urban area. Hence, their presence or absence can be used as environmental bioindicator to detect habitat disturbance.
approximately 790,304.68 Kg/Ha in 2010 and increased about 60 % in 2020. As a result, it was entailed minimum area 2,484.36 Ha of GOS in 2020. GOS expansion in Palangkaraya was done by development of new GOSs in central urban activities, highways, and flood plain of drainage otherwise increasing trees density as well as plants stratification.
Keywords: Urban development, Green open space, Oxygen requirement
studied. This study was conducted to know damage building level and economic impact cause termite infestation on residence building of suburban area. Inspection of residence building was executed in Gandasuli, Purbalingga District. Termite infestation was calculated based on ratio total of damage wood volume with total of wood volume from building components respectively. Economic impact value was estimated by termite infestation level times with price of building components. Result of investigation found all of home buildings in Gandasuli have been experienced termite infestation. Termite infestation
caused damage building 5.70 % level. Termite infestation have been caused damage of building components reach 18.09 % level from all of building components come from woods materials. Most seriously damage in building components were door and window
frames. Subterranean termites were termite groups caused seriously damage on building components. Termite infestation caused economic impact in building might exceed Rp. 11,401,528.92,-. Termite control to prevent damage in building components must apply before and after building construction, especially on building components near ground surface.
quality of teaching is also supported by a conducive working environment conditions at the school. This study reported the results of research which investigated the correlation between school climate (SC) and learning technology utilization (LTU) with LQ. Sixteen participants from geographic subject teachers at the State Senior High School (PSHS) in Palangka Raya have responded to the questionnaire and recorded their perceptions of SC, LTU, and LQ. Spearman correlation analysis was used to test their correlation. This study revealed a positive relationship between LTU and LQ. As for the SC did not give influence on the LQ at PSHS in Palangka Raya. So that improving the LQ can be done
by enhancing the ability of teachers in LTU and use it in teaching and learning activities in the classroom.
environmental quality. However, termite community response to land use changes and habitat disturbance in highland ecosystems remains poorly under
stood. This study was conducted to investigate the response of termite community to land use intensification and to explore their role as environmental bioindicator in Mount Slamet. A standard survey protocol was used to collect termites in five land use typesof various disturbance levels,i.e.
protected forest, recreation forest, production forest,agroforestry, and ur
ban area. It was found two termite families i.e. Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae with seven species, i.e Schedorhinotermes javanicus, Procapritermes sp, Pericapritermes semarangi, Macrotermes gilvus, Microtermes insperatus, Nasutitermes javanicus, and N. matanganensis. Termite species’ richness and evenness, Shannon-Wiener index, relative abundance, and biomass of termite were declined along with the land use types and disturbance level from protected forest to urban area. Habitat disturbance was the main declining factor of termite diversity. Termite composition changed along with the land use disturbance level. Soil feeding termites were sensitive to the disturbance – they were not found in urban area. Hence, their presence or absence can be used as environmental bioindicator to detect habitat disturbance.
approximately 790,304.68 Kg/Ha in 2010 and increased about 60 % in 2020. As a result, it was entailed minimum area 2,484.36 Ha of GOS in 2020. GOS expansion in Palangkaraya was done by development of new GOSs in central urban activities, highways, and flood plain of drainage otherwise increasing trees density as well as plants stratification.
Keywords: Urban development, Green open space, Oxygen requirement
studied. This study was conducted to know damage building level and economic impact cause termite infestation on residence building of suburban area. Inspection of residence building was executed in Gandasuli, Purbalingga District. Termite infestation was calculated based on ratio total of damage wood volume with total of wood volume from building components respectively. Economic impact value was estimated by termite infestation level times with price of building components. Result of investigation found all of home buildings in Gandasuli have been experienced termite infestation. Termite infestation
caused damage building 5.70 % level. Termite infestation have been caused damage of building components reach 18.09 % level from all of building components come from woods materials. Most seriously damage in building components were door and window
frames. Subterranean termites were termite groups caused seriously damage on building components. Termite infestation caused economic impact in building might exceed Rp. 11,401,528.92,-. Termite control to prevent damage in building components must apply before and after building construction, especially on building components near ground surface.
mengidentifkasi persepsi pemuda. Data sekunder dipilih untuk mendukung dan melengkapi data dan memperkuat hasil yang diperoleh.
Penelitin ini menunjukan bahwa persepsi pemuda cenderung kurang baik terhadap pertanian. Pertanian dipersepsikan sebagai pekerjaan yang melelahkan dan memerlukan waktu kerja yang lama. Namun
demikian, hasil yang diperoleh rendah meskipun modal yang dikeluarkan besar. Pemudi cenderung memiliki persepsi yang kurang baik terhadap pertanian. Pemuda dengan pendidikan yang lebih tinggi cenderung memilih pekerjaan di luar pertanian. Lebih lanjut, pemuda yang berasal dari keluarga dengan ekonomi yang lebih mapan cenderung memilih pekerjaan di luar pertanian. Secara umum, pertanian dipandang sebagai sektor yang kurang memberikan kesejahteraan bagi pelakonnya.