Edited Book by Julian Ausserhofer

Was bedeuten Big-Data-Untersuchungen für die Entwicklung von Theorien und für forschungsethische ... more Was bedeuten Big-Data-Untersuchungen für die Entwicklung von Theorien und für forschungsethische Aspekte? Wie können öffentliche Spuren digitaler Kommunikation eingefangen, analysiert und interpretiert werden? Wie lassen sich Metriken von Social-Media-Plattformen in empirisch fundierte Forschung überführen? Welche Strategien gibt es, um in algorithmische Blackboxes wie Suchmaschinen und News Feeds zu schauen?
Dieser Band beschäftigt sich mit diesen und vielen ähnlichen Fragen, die bei der kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Forschungsarbeit im digitalen Zeitalter auftreten. Das Buch versammelt dabei sowohl theoretische und ethische Auseinandersetzungen wie auch selbstreflexive Aufsätze, die Forschung zu (teil-)öffentlicher Online-Kommunikation dokumentieren. Immer im Mittelpunkt: Jene Praktiken, die sich an das Medium anpassen, die seine Objekte, Akteure und Infrastrukturen erforschen – also das, was wir „digitale Methoden“ der Kommunikationswissenschaft nennen.
Peer-reviewed papers by Julian Ausserhofer
This article explores the existing research literature on data journalism. Over the past years, t... more This article explores the existing research literature on data journalism. Over the past years, this emerging journalistic practice has attracted significant attention from researchers in different fields and produced an increasing number of publications across a variety of channels. To better understand its current state, we surveyed the published academic literature between 1996 and 2015 and selected a corpus of 40 scholarly works

The increasing use of Twitter by politicians, journalists, political strategists and citizens has... more The increasing use of Twitter by politicians, journalists, political strategists and citizens has made it an important part of the networked sphere in which political issues are publicly negotiated. The growing number of studies investigating the relationship between Twitter and politics supports this claim. To the knowledge of the authors, this is the first study that examines the interrelation of individuals on the basis of their professions, their topics and their connection to mass media. Taking the example of Austria, they developed a user-centred method that overcomes the limitations inherent to other approaches in this field. The different types of data they gathered – Twitter user data, 1,375 newspaper articles and manually coded 145,356 tweets – allowed them to perform several analyses which provided insights into the structure and topics of a national public Twittersphere. Their results show that the network formed by Austria's most relevant political Twitter users is dominated by an elite of political professionals but open to outside participation. The topic analysis reveals the emergence of niche authorities and the periodic divergence of the political discourse on Twitter with that of mass media. The article concludes with a summary of how these phenomena relate to political participation.
Book chapters by Julian Ausserhofer
Puschmann, C., & Ausserhofer, J. (2017). Social data APIs: Origin, types, issues. In M. T. Schäfe... more Puschmann, C., & Ausserhofer, J. (2017). Social data APIs: Origin, types, issues. In M. T. Schäfer & K. van Es (Eds.), The datafied society: Studying culture through data (pp. 147–154). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
In this chapter, we discuss different aspects of APIs from the perspectives of social scientists who use APIs for data collection. We describe (1) the origin of APIs in software development, (2) conduct a survey of popular Web APIs by type, and (3) discuss issues with regard to the reliability, validity and representativeness of data retrieved from APIs. We close by pointing to future developments in this area.

Zusammenfassung: Digitale Methoden haben in den letzten Jahren nicht nur in die Sozial- und Geist... more Zusammenfassung: Digitale Methoden haben in den letzten Jahren nicht nur in die Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften Einzug gehalten. Auch der Journalismus hat seine Verfahren digitalisiert und seine Recherchepraktiken sowie seine Darstellungsformen entsprechend angepasst. Immer öfter bedienen sich JournalistInnen für ihre Berichterstattung des Werkzeugkastens der digitalen Methoden. Am deutlichsten zeigt sich das am Datenjournalismus, der seit einem Jahrzehnt einen enormen Aufschwung erfahren hat. Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet digitale Methoden im Datenjournalismus. Zu diesem Zweck werden hier zunächst aus den Science and Technology Studies und der Digital-Methods-Forschung heraus die Grundzüge einer datenjournalistischen Methodologie entwickelt. Auf Grundlage von Redaktionsbesuchen und elf semistrukturierten Interviews mit PraktikerInnen werden im Anschluss konkrete Arbeitsabläufe und Akteure in datenjournalistischen Methoden beschrieben. Es wird erläutert, wie datenjournalistische Kollaborationen im Newsroom funktionieren, wie sich dort Routinen etablieren und welche Technologien dabei vermitteln. Abschließend werden Empfehlungen zur Weiterentwicklung digitaler Methoden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft und im Datenjournalismus formuliert.
Twitter and Society, 2014
Political discourses enter Twitter, develop a life of their own and become part of the #networked... more Political discourses enter Twitter, develop a life of their own and become part of the #networkedpublicsphere.
Conference papers by Julian Ausserhofer

Which news sources do supporters of populist islamophobic groups and their opponents rely on, and... more Which news sources do supporters of populist islamophobic groups and their opponents rely on, and how are these sources related to each other? We explore these questions by studying the websites referenced in discussions surrounding Pegida, a right-wing populist movement based in Germany that is opposed to what its supporters regard as is-lamization, cultural marginalization and political correct-ness. We draw on a manual content analysis of the news sources and the stances of Twitter users, to then calculate the overlap of sources across audiences. Finally, we perform a cluster analysis of the resulting user groups, based on shared sources. Preferences by language, nationality, region and politics emerge, showing the distinction between different groups among the users. Our tentative findings have implications both for the study of mass media audiences through the lens of social media, and for research on the public sphere and its possible fragmentation in online discourse. This contribution, which is the result of an interdis-ciplinary collaboration between communication scholars in Germany and journalists in Austria, is part of a larger ongoing effort to understand forms of online extremism through the analysis of social media data.
Today, journalists increasingly deal with complex, large, and heterogeneous datasets and, thus, f... more Today, journalists increasingly deal with complex, large, and heterogeneous datasets and, thus, face challenges in integration, wrangling, analysis, and reporting these data. Besides, the lack of money, time, and skills influence their journalistic work. Information visualization and visual analytics offer possibilities to support data journalists. This paper contributes to an overview of a possible characterization and abstraction of certain aspects of data-driven journalism in Austria. A case study was conducted based on the dataset of media transparency in Austria. We conducted four semi-structured interviews with Austrian data journalists, as well as an exploratory data analysis of the media transparency dataset. To categorize our findings we used Munzner´s analytical framework and the Data-User-Task Design Triangle by Miksch and Aigner.

Statistical open data is usually provided only in the form of spread- sheets or CSV files, which ... more Statistical open data is usually provided only in the form of spread- sheets or CSV files, which can sometimes be very large. The writer of an open data app is confronted with two choices: restrict them- selves to managable bite-sized chunks of data, which can be con- sumed (read, parsed, and held in memory) in one go, or install and maintain their own data server which the app can query on demand.
The Styrian Diversity Visualisation project was conceived to visu- alise the diversity of inhabitants of the Austrian Province of Styria (Land Steiermark) using open data served from a data server (triple store). The corresponding web app queries the data server at run rime with a SPARQL query to obtain exactly the data required at that particular time, greatly simplifying its internal logic. There is no need to parse and store entire data sets in memory.
The data server is an instance of a Virtuoso Open Source server. The web app (client) is written in HTML5 and uses the leafletjs JavaScript library to provide mobile-friendly interactive maps. The user interface was designed as a set of three stories, each guiding users through a scenario with accompanying interactive visualisa- tions based on corresponding open data sets.

Barcamps are conferences without predefined content, often referred to as ad-hoc conferences or u... more Barcamps are conferences without predefined content, often referred to as ad-hoc conferences or unconferences. Therefore, the outcomes of a barcamp are largely unknown before the event. This raises the question of participants' motivations to attend and contribute. To answer this question, we conducted an exploratory empirical study at the Barcamp Graz 2012. We applied a mixed-method approach: first we used a sociodemographic questionnaire (n=99) which allowed us to characterize the 'typical barcamper'. Second, we conducted qualitative interviews (n=10) to get a deeper understanding of the participants' motivations to attend, expectations and the use of social media in that context. We identified three concepts, which could be deducted from the interviews: people, format and topics. We found that the motivation to attend and even a common identity is quite strongly based on these three factors. Furthermore, the results indicate that participants share a set of activities and methods by following the barcamp's inherent rules and make extensive use of social media.
Conference Presentations by Julian Ausserhofer

Presented: April 21, 2016; University of Helsinki
at the Northern Data Journalism Conference (NO... more Presented: April 21, 2016; University of Helsinki
at the Northern Data Journalism Conference (NODA16) Academic Pre-Conference
This presentation aims at exploring the existing research literature on data journalism. Over the past years this emerging journalistic practice has been established and has also attracted significant attention from journalism scholars. It was time to take a closer look at the existing research literature in order to find out more about how this literature has been developing. Where are the research gaps and what does the future of data journalism research hold? These questions were tackled by carefully selecting a corpus of scholarly literature with empirical foundation in data journalism. This corpus was analyzed with a mixed method approach using qualitative and quantitative techniques. In this way the development of the literature over time could be illustrated and the most influential publications could be identified. Often-used theoretical frameworks and the applied research designs hinted at certain tendencies and gaps in the research literature on data journalism, for example, the dominance of qualitative research design over quantitative ones. Also, a shortcoming of cross-national investigations and ethnographic studies became visible.
Reports by Julian Ausserhofer
Edited Book by Julian Ausserhofer
Dieser Band beschäftigt sich mit diesen und vielen ähnlichen Fragen, die bei der kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Forschungsarbeit im digitalen Zeitalter auftreten. Das Buch versammelt dabei sowohl theoretische und ethische Auseinandersetzungen wie auch selbstreflexive Aufsätze, die Forschung zu (teil-)öffentlicher Online-Kommunikation dokumentieren. Immer im Mittelpunkt: Jene Praktiken, die sich an das Medium anpassen, die seine Objekte, Akteure und Infrastrukturen erforschen – also das, was wir „digitale Methoden“ der Kommunikationswissenschaft nennen.
Peer-reviewed papers by Julian Ausserhofer
Book chapters by Julian Ausserhofer
In this chapter, we discuss different aspects of APIs from the perspectives of social scientists who use APIs for data collection. We describe (1) the origin of APIs in software development, (2) conduct a survey of popular Web APIs by type, and (3) discuss issues with regard to the reliability, validity and representativeness of data retrieved from APIs. We close by pointing to future developments in this area.
Conference papers by Julian Ausserhofer
The Styrian Diversity Visualisation project was conceived to visu- alise the diversity of inhabitants of the Austrian Province of Styria (Land Steiermark) using open data served from a data server (triple store). The corresponding web app queries the data server at run rime with a SPARQL query to obtain exactly the data required at that particular time, greatly simplifying its internal logic. There is no need to parse and store entire data sets in memory.
The data server is an instance of a Virtuoso Open Source server. The web app (client) is written in HTML5 and uses the leafletjs JavaScript library to provide mobile-friendly interactive maps. The user interface was designed as a set of three stories, each guiding users through a scenario with accompanying interactive visualisa- tions based on corresponding open data sets.
Conference Presentations by Julian Ausserhofer
Workshop „Datenjournalismus in der Hochschulkommunikation”
Donnerstag, 15.09.2016, 14:15 bis 15:45 Uhr
Ausgehend von den Erfahrungen in einem Kooperationsprojekt zwischen Datenjournalisten und Wissenschaftlern beschreibt dieser Vortrag auf sehr praktischer Ebene die Synergien zwischen Datenjournalismus, Wissenschaft und Hochschulkommunikation. Das Manuskript ist auf http://ausserhofer.net zu finden
at the Northern Data Journalism Conference (NODA16) Academic Pre-Conference
This presentation aims at exploring the existing research literature on data journalism. Over the past years this emerging journalistic practice has been established and has also attracted significant attention from journalism scholars. It was time to take a closer look at the existing research literature in order to find out more about how this literature has been developing. Where are the research gaps and what does the future of data journalism research hold? These questions were tackled by carefully selecting a corpus of scholarly literature with empirical foundation in data journalism. This corpus was analyzed with a mixed method approach using qualitative and quantitative techniques. In this way the development of the literature over time could be illustrated and the most influential publications could be identified. Often-used theoretical frameworks and the applied research designs hinted at certain tendencies and gaps in the research literature on data journalism, for example, the dominance of qualitative research design over quantitative ones. Also, a shortcoming of cross-national investigations and ethnographic studies became visible.
Reports by Julian Ausserhofer
Dieser Band beschäftigt sich mit diesen und vielen ähnlichen Fragen, die bei der kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Forschungsarbeit im digitalen Zeitalter auftreten. Das Buch versammelt dabei sowohl theoretische und ethische Auseinandersetzungen wie auch selbstreflexive Aufsätze, die Forschung zu (teil-)öffentlicher Online-Kommunikation dokumentieren. Immer im Mittelpunkt: Jene Praktiken, die sich an das Medium anpassen, die seine Objekte, Akteure und Infrastrukturen erforschen – also das, was wir „digitale Methoden“ der Kommunikationswissenschaft nennen.
In this chapter, we discuss different aspects of APIs from the perspectives of social scientists who use APIs for data collection. We describe (1) the origin of APIs in software development, (2) conduct a survey of popular Web APIs by type, and (3) discuss issues with regard to the reliability, validity and representativeness of data retrieved from APIs. We close by pointing to future developments in this area.
The Styrian Diversity Visualisation project was conceived to visu- alise the diversity of inhabitants of the Austrian Province of Styria (Land Steiermark) using open data served from a data server (triple store). The corresponding web app queries the data server at run rime with a SPARQL query to obtain exactly the data required at that particular time, greatly simplifying its internal logic. There is no need to parse and store entire data sets in memory.
The data server is an instance of a Virtuoso Open Source server. The web app (client) is written in HTML5 and uses the leafletjs JavaScript library to provide mobile-friendly interactive maps. The user interface was designed as a set of three stories, each guiding users through a scenario with accompanying interactive visualisa- tions based on corresponding open data sets.
Workshop „Datenjournalismus in der Hochschulkommunikation”
Donnerstag, 15.09.2016, 14:15 bis 15:45 Uhr
Ausgehend von den Erfahrungen in einem Kooperationsprojekt zwischen Datenjournalisten und Wissenschaftlern beschreibt dieser Vortrag auf sehr praktischer Ebene die Synergien zwischen Datenjournalismus, Wissenschaft und Hochschulkommunikation. Das Manuskript ist auf http://ausserhofer.net zu finden
at the Northern Data Journalism Conference (NODA16) Academic Pre-Conference
This presentation aims at exploring the existing research literature on data journalism. Over the past years this emerging journalistic practice has been established and has also attracted significant attention from journalism scholars. It was time to take a closer look at the existing research literature in order to find out more about how this literature has been developing. Where are the research gaps and what does the future of data journalism research hold? These questions were tackled by carefully selecting a corpus of scholarly literature with empirical foundation in data journalism. This corpus was analyzed with a mixed method approach using qualitative and quantitative techniques. In this way the development of the literature over time could be illustrated and the most influential publications could be identified. Often-used theoretical frameworks and the applied research designs hinted at certain tendencies and gaps in the research literature on data journalism, for example, the dominance of qualitative research design over quantitative ones. Also, a shortcoming of cross-national investigations and ethnographic studies became visible.