Papers by Wolfgang Schleidt
Journal of Comparative Psychology, 2011
We present a historical account of the story behind the famous hawk/goose experiments of Lorenz a... more We present a historical account of the story behind the famous hawk/goose experiments of Lorenz and Tinbergen in a wider context of cognitive ethology. We discuss their significance, for ethological experimentation in general, and specifically for understanding innate constraints on cognition. As examples of the continuing significance of the hawk/goose paradigm of selective habituation, we discuss its relation to "exposure therapy" of human phobias and the use of hawk silhouettes as deterrents for songbirds. Finally we rephrase Uexküll's thesis of taxon-specific worlds ("Umwelten") as a "Theory of World."
Naturwissenschaften, 1952
Wean das in der vorstehenden Note yon TEUCI-IER beschriebene Ereignis als Erzeugung vieler~-Meson... more Wean das in der vorstehenden Note yon TEUCI-IER beschriebene Ereignis als Erzeugung vieler~-Mesonen durch den StoB zweier Nukleonen schon richtig gedeutet ist, so gestattet es interessante Rfickschliisse auf den Mechanismus derartiger Prozesse. Die Mesonenzahl ist hier, gemessen an der PrimXrenergie des stogenden Nukleons, aul3erordentlich hoch. F/it eine Prim~ renergie von 4" t01~ die F~ RMI-sche Theorie 1) ftir den Erwartungswert der Mesonenzahl nut 2, 7; die friiheren AbschXtzungen des Verfassers, die einen h6heren ...
Behavioural Processes, Sep 30, 1982
Crowing behavior was monitored constantly in male Japanese quail housed singly over 30 successive... more Crowing behavior was monitored constantly in male Japanese quail housed singly over 30 successive days. The photoperiod was 16h of light and 8 h of dark. A daily pattern in crowing was observed in which the frequencies were elevated in the afternoon and at the beginning of darkness. However, peak crowing occured 2 h prior to the onset of light. These rhythms were highly correlated among individuals and extremely repeatable over the sequential days of observation.
Zusammenfassung Hunde und Wölfe gehören zur breiten Palette von Raubtieren und Aasfressern, deren... more Zusammenfassung Hunde und Wölfe gehören zur breiten Palette von Raubtieren und Aasfressern, deren Evolution vor etwa 10 Millionen Jahren zusammen mit der von herdenlebenden Huftieren begann. Während der Eiszeit war der Grauwolf Canis lupus das vorherrschende Raubtier Europas. Indem er mit den Wanderungen der Huftierherden Schritt halten konnte, wurde er zum ersten „Hirten “unter den Säugetieren.
Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie, Jan 12, 1964
Als LORENZ 1937 den Begriff der,, Instinkthandlung" einfuhrte, betonte er, dai3 dieser Beweg... more Als LORENZ 1937 den Begriff der,, Instinkthandlung" einfuhrte, betonte er, dai3 dieser Bewegungstyp beim Fehlen geeigneter aui3erer Reize auch s pon t an,,, im Leerlauf" auftritt. In Anlehnung an Befunde von E. v. HOLST, der damals gerade nachgewiesen hatte, dai3 den Bewegungskoordinationen der Lokomotion automatisch-rhythmische Prozesse des Nervensystems zugrunde liegen (v. HOLST 1936b), postulierte LORENZ auch fur,, einmalige", dh nicht wie die Lokomotion sich rhythmisch wiederholende ...
Journal of Ornithology, 2011
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific re... more HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie, Jan 12, 1973
Skip to Main Content. Wiley Online Library will be disrupted on 4 August from 10:00-12:00 BST (05... more Skip to Main Content. Wiley Online Library will be disrupted on 4 August from 10:00-12:00 BST (05:00-07:00 EDT) for essential maintenance. ...
Human Ethology Bulletin
As an alternative to the domestication hypothesis, it has been proposed that "Wolves met humans i... more As an alternative to the domestication hypothesis, it has been proposed that "Wolves met humans in a phase of human apprenticeship to wolf pastoralism and, in a subsequent process of coevolution, wolves turned into dogs." (Schleidt, 1998, p. 4). Here we provide an update in the context of new information, notably on Pleistocene climate and ecology, and new insights from canid and human genetics and genomics.
We present a historical account of the story behind the famous hawk/goose experiments of Lorenz a... more We present a historical account of the story behind the famous hawk/goose experiments of Lorenz and Tinbergen in a wider context of cognitive ethology. We discuss their significance, for ethological experimentation in general, and specifically for understanding innate constraints on cognition. As examples of the continuing significance of the hawk/goose paradigm of selective habituation, we discuss its relation to “exposure therapy ” of human phobias and the use of hawk silhouettes as deterrents for songbirds. Finally we rephrase Uexküll’s thesis of taxon-specific worlds (“Umwelten”) as a “Theory of World.”
Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie, Jan 12, 1974
KONRAD 2. LORENZ, in a recent plea for more consideration of the description of behavior, warns o... more KONRAD 2. LORENZ, in a recent plea for more consideration of the description of behavior, warns of the danger of applying “technomorphic thinking” to living systems, and points out that “the current belief that only quantitative procedures are scientific and that description of structure is superfluous, is a deplorable fallacy...”(LORENZ 1973, p. 1). Throughout the years of my affiliation and close friendship with Dr. LORENZ, I often took the liberty of posing him very naive questions, and it seems to me proper to celebrate the occasion') not only by ...
ABSTRACT Several exogenous influences on the human female's menstrual cycle length have r... more ABSTRACT Several exogenous influences on the human female's menstrual cycle length have recently been demonstrated. Previously, sexual behavior and pheromonal influences have been described. This report evaluates lunar cyclicity patterns. A relationship is demonstrated between the onset of menstruation, among women who have 29.5 ± 1 day menstrual cycles, and the onset of full moon. Four separate prospectively gathered sets of data are presented from different years and seasons. It is demonstrated that these women tend to menstruate in the full of the moon with a diminishing likelihood of menses onset as distance from full moon increases.
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, Feb 28, 1951
Ahnliche VerhMtnisse fanden wir auch bei andern Mikroorganismen. So wird die ffir eine totale Hem... more Ahnliche VerhMtnisse fanden wir auch bei andern Mikroorganismen. So wird die ffir eine totale Hemmung des Wachstums der Kulturelt yon Staphylococcus aureus 2 benOtigte Menge yon Oxin durch die Anwesenheit yon Cu'" stark vermindert, wobei gleichfalls deutlich eine Abh~tngigkeit yon der Konzentration der Cu'" zu beobachten ist (Tabelle). ... I rn'/2OOR~ I rn/~m I 0 ... 0ber den Mechanismus und fiber entsprechende Versuche mit anderen Verbindungen und Ionen wird an anderer Stelle ausfiihrlich berichtet werden. E. SOR~IN, W. ROTH und H. ...
Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie, Jan 12, 1962
I. Einleitung und Aufgabestellung LORENZ ordnete 1935 in seiner Arbeit,, Der Kumpan in der Umwelt... more I. Einleitung und Aufgabestellung LORENZ ordnete 1935 in seiner Arbeit,, Der Kumpan in der Umwelt des Vogels" eine groi3e Anzahl von Einzelbeobachtungen unter dem Gesichtspunkt der phylogenetischen Anpassung und entwickelte dabei sein Konzept yon der Wechselbeziehung zwischen,, Ausloser" und,, Angeborenem ausliisendem Schema". Durch diese Gedankengange wurde nicht nur die Entstehung bisher unerklarbarer Diff erenzierungen von Organen und Verhaltensweisen verstandlich, sie regten auch zu ...
Experientia, Oct 15, 1961
1. Experientia. 1961 Oct 15;17:464-5. [Operative removal of the ear without injury to the adjacen... more 1. Experientia. 1961 Oct 15;17:464-5. [Operative removal of the ear without injury to the adjacent labyrinth part in young turkeys]. [Article in German]. SCHLEIDT WM. PMID: 14498534 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]. MeSH Terms. Behavior*; Hearing/physiology*.
Naturwissenschaften, 1956
Bet der Aufzucht junger GelbhaIsm~ use (Apodemus f. flavicollis iMELcHIOR), Hausm~ use (Mus muscu... more Bet der Aufzucht junger GelbhaIsm~ use (Apodemus f. flavicollis iMELcHIOR), Hausm~ use (Mus muscuhs domesticus RUTT~:) und Feldm~ use (Microtus a. arvalis PALLAS) konnten wir anBer den bereits bekannten und besehriebenen Lantgul3erungen nachweisen, dal3 die Jungen schon vom ersten Lebenstag an Gergusehe yon sich geben, yon denen wesent-Iiche Anteile im UltrasehalIgebiet liegen. Nimmt man z. B. eine 4 Tage alte Hansmaus aus dem Nest und lgl3t sie auf der flachen Hand liegen, so kann man synchron zu den ...

Dogs and wolves are part of the rich palette of predators and scavengers that co-evolved with her... more Dogs and wolves are part of the rich palette of predators and scavengers that co-evolved with herding ungulates about 10 Ma BP (million years before present). During the Ice Age, the gray wolf, Canis lupus, became the top predator of Eurasia. Able to keep pace with herds of migratory ungulates wolves became the first mammalian “pastoralists”. Apes evolved as a small cluster of inconspicuous treedwelling and fruit-eating primates. Our own species separated from chimpanzee-like ancestors in Africa around 6 Ma BP and‐ apparently in the wider context of the global climate changes of the Ice Age‐walked as true humans (Homo erectus) into the open savanna. Thus an agile tree climber transformed into a swift, cursorial running ape, with the potential for adopting the migratory life style that had become essential for the inhabitants of the savanna and steppe. In the absence of fruit trees, early humans turned into omnivorous gatherers and scavengers. They moved into the steppe of Eurasia an...
Summary. Konrad Lorenz gave a special meaning to the concept of "Kumpan" ("compani... more Summary. Konrad Lorenz gave a special meaning to the concept of "Kumpan" ("companion") to describe and discuss characteristic patterns in the social relations among birds and their change over the life cycle. This specific Kumpan concept can be applied to the human life cycle and integrated with Erik H. Erikson's concept of the eight stages of life, helping us in our understanding of human development.
During the 1940s and 1950s, Konrad Lorenz pioneered the use of cinematic film for studying bird b... more During the 1940s and 1950s, Konrad Lorenz pioneered the use of cinematic film for studying bird behaviour, focussing on dabbling duck courtship and the activities of goose species. Observations were made at Lorenz’s research station in Germany and also at the Severn Wildfowl Trust (now the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust) in the UK. This review paper describes how the films contributed to Lorenz’s research. Detailed information on Lorenz’s editing process and treatment of the data is published separately in the Journal of Ornithology. The original film footage is now available at the Austrian Film Museum, Vienna, Austria ( Researchers are invited to apply for access to this archive material.
Papers by Wolfgang Schleidt