Stephanie Weismann
Currently Polonista-fellow (NAWA) at the Institute for Polish Culture/University of Warsaw with a Postdoc-project on "The Smellscapes of Lublin. An Olfactory History of the 20th Century in East Central Europe."
Accomplished literary scholar going cultural anthropology.
Background in Comparative Literature, German and Slavic Studies, and a strong interest in the social and cultural history of East Central and Eastern Europe in the 19th/20th century.
Current fields of interest:
Sensory Studies, sensory history
Urban History
History of everyday life, History of Experience
East Central, South Eastern, Eastern Europe, Russia
19th/20th/21st centuries
Accomplished literary scholar going cultural anthropology.
Background in Comparative Literature, German and Slavic Studies, and a strong interest in the social and cultural history of East Central and Eastern Europe in the 19th/20th century.
Current fields of interest:
Sensory Studies, sensory history
Urban History
History of everyday life, History of Experience
East Central, South Eastern, Eastern Europe, Russia
19th/20th/21st centuries
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InterestsView All (24)
Papers by Stephanie Weismann
Edited by Bodo Mrozek
Perspectives on Sensory History, Penn State Press
This paper is sniffing out the atmosphere and reputation of the Old Town of the Polish city of Lublin throughout the twentieth century. Nosing into the sensory experiences with Lublin's historical city centre as recalled by its inhabitants, the contribution takes a closer look at the complex emotional relationality of Lublin's inhabitants and the Old Town neighbourhood, triggered by sensory encounters, and analyses the sensory and mental mapping of a nogo area.
W publikacji z jednej strony istotne jest odniesienie do różnorodnych kontekstów kulturowych, z drugiej – wydobycie lokalnej specyfiki przedstawianych zjawisk oraz jak najszersza prezentacja polskiej perspektywy uwzględniającej rożne ośrodki miejskie. Publikacja stanowić może inspirację do namysłu nad kształtem stosunków między ludźmi i zwierzętami w miastach przyszłości oraz nad sposobami ich organizowania, zwłaszcza w kontekście dziedzictwa dziewiętnastowiecznych i dwudziestowiecznych ruchów modernizacyjnych.
Full article see also: https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/pls/article/view/24750/22804
Book Reviews by Stephanie Weismann
Woldan, Alois; Terpitz, Olaf (Hrsg.): Ivan Franko und die jüdische Frage in Galizien. Interkulturelle Begegnungen und Dynamiken im Schaffen des ukrainischen Schriftstellers.
Göttingen: V&R unipress 2016. ISBN: 978-3-8471-0521-3; 135 S.
Edited by Bodo Mrozek
Perspectives on Sensory History, Penn State Press
This paper is sniffing out the atmosphere and reputation of the Old Town of the Polish city of Lublin throughout the twentieth century. Nosing into the sensory experiences with Lublin's historical city centre as recalled by its inhabitants, the contribution takes a closer look at the complex emotional relationality of Lublin's inhabitants and the Old Town neighbourhood, triggered by sensory encounters, and analyses the sensory and mental mapping of a nogo area.
W publikacji z jednej strony istotne jest odniesienie do różnorodnych kontekstów kulturowych, z drugiej – wydobycie lokalnej specyfiki przedstawianych zjawisk oraz jak najszersza prezentacja polskiej perspektywy uwzględniającej rożne ośrodki miejskie. Publikacja stanowić może inspirację do namysłu nad kształtem stosunków między ludźmi i zwierzętami w miastach przyszłości oraz nad sposobami ich organizowania, zwłaszcza w kontekście dziedzictwa dziewiętnastowiecznych i dwudziestowiecznych ruchów modernizacyjnych.
Full article see also: https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/pls/article/view/24750/22804
Woldan, Alois; Terpitz, Olaf (Hrsg.): Ivan Franko und die jüdische Frage in Galizien. Interkulturelle Begegnungen und Dynamiken im Schaffen des ukrainischen Schriftstellers.
Göttingen: V&R unipress 2016. ISBN: 978-3-8471-0521-3; 135 S.
• Larissa Poluboiarinova, Леопольд фон Захер-Мазох: австрийский писатель эпохи реализма [Leopold von Sacher-Masoch: an Austrian Writer of the Age of Realism] (St. Petersburg: Hаука, 2006).
• Larry Wolff, The Idea of Galicia (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2010).
• Ulrich E. Bach, “Faraway, So Close: The Tropics of Vienna in Austrian Colonial Utopias” (PhD diss., University of California Los Angeles, 2004).
As a prolific producer of romanticized stories from the landscape of his childhood, enriched by masochistic fantasies of the ‘Slavic East’, he gained fame on the Western European literary market. This monograph aims at disentangling Sacher-Masoch’s Galician references from one-sided ‘Slavic obsessions’ and nostalgic mythologisations. What is more, it asks for the very strategy of Sacher-Masoch’s Galicia-allusions, his deeper interest for actual Galician realities, as well as carving out new Galician aspects of his literary work. Furthermore, also the Galician side is asked for its view on the writer’s relevance as a ‘Galician’ by evaluating contributions of the Polish and Ukrainian press on Sacher-Masoch.
Firstly, the study surveys the role of Galicia for Sacher-Masoch’s self-staging as a writer. As he nominated himself as the belletristic representative of Galicia in the Western world, the history of his perception on the Polish and Ukrainian side – from former Galicia up to its successor states today is of utmost interest.
Secondly, the ‘potential of the Slavic East’ for Sacher-Masoch is scrutinized. Galicia shall be construed as a multi-facetted borderland, most suitable for various functionalisations: On the one hand as a space of projection of an orientalized ‘Poetry of the East’, on the other hand as a space for socio-political negotiations up to utopian concepts.
Thirdly, the stunning frequency of actors, jesters and impostors in Sacher-Masoch’s texts which through their comedies invert social norms and traditional orders, raise the question whether they are only part of Sacher-Masoch’s private obsession with costumes and travesties – or whether they, especially in the context of multicultural Galicia, allude to a socio-subversive reading.
The study aims at adding a comparative facet to the hitherto Sacher-Masoch research, dominated by German and Masochism studies. The assumedly well-known writer shall be presented in a new light, where his Galicia-related work is not reduced to fantasized memoires, but introduced as a highly interesting Western European examination of Eastern peripheries, enriched by meaningful as well as provocative nuances.
The paper introduces smell-issues and olfactory nuisances emerging in East Central Europe in the interwar period, focusing on the city of Lublin in Eastern Poland. The paper discusses urban scents and sensibilities, focusing in particular on what Lublin's courtyard smells tell us about the condition, development an mindset of a Polish city in the interwar period.
"The Afterlife of the Shoah in Central Eastern European Cultures: Concepts, Problems, and the Aesthetic of the Postcatastrophic Narration"
Institut für Slavistik, Universität Hamburg, May 2017
This article is concerned with the olfactory perception of interwar Jewish Lublin – and further, addresses the question what was the discourse about the city’s (sensory) topography after the catastrophe of the Shoah?
Lublin’s Jewish neighborhood here is approached as a postcatastrophic space, both in terms of its immediate situation after the war as well as in terms of the discourse aabout "cleaning up" and "embellishing" evolving around the area of the former Jewish neighborhood in the second half of the 20th century.
Philosophische Fakultät der Universität Zagreb/Kroatien
Center for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies (ZIP)
13.07.2016-14.07.2016, Frankfurt Oder/Slubice
The paper provides a short reflection on studying “cultures of transition” from a sensory history perspective. I intend to introduce some preliminary thoughts, based on recent studies, focusing on the history of East Central and Eastern Europe in the twentieth century from a sensory perspective. This contribution discusses the prospects of the rather novel sensory approach to study the history of the region. It introduces recent approaches, indicates research lacunae and discusses the challenges of studying transformation through the human sensorium.
June 23-25, 2016, Center for Urban History, Lviv/Ukraine
World War II and the Collapse of Communism"
Wroclaw/Breslau 09/18 European Academy of Science / Academia Europaea (Knowledge Hub, Wroclaw)
Center for Urban History, Lviv/Ukraine August 2018