Papers by Gertrude Saxinger

Global Public Health, 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted global interdependencies, accompanied by widespread calls for w... more The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted global interdependencies, accompanied by widespread calls for worldwide cooperation against a virus that knows no borders, but responses were led largely separately by national governments. In this tension between aspiration and reality, people began to grapple with how their own lives were affected by the global nature of the pandemic. In this article, based on 493 qualitative interviews conducted between 2020 and 2021, we explore how people in Argentina, Austria, Bolivia, Ecuador, Ireland, Italy and Mexico experienced, coped with and navigated the global nature of the pandemic. In dialogue with debates about the parameters of the ‘global’ in global health, we focus on what we call people's everyday (de)bordering practices to examine how they negotiated (dis)connections between ‘us’ and ‘them’ during the pandemic. Our interviewees’ reactions moved from national containment to an increasing focus on people's unequal socio-spatial situatedness. Eventually, they began to (de)border their lives beyond national lines of division and to describe a new normal: a growing awareness of global connectedness and a desire for global citizenship. This newfound sense of global interrelatedness could signal support for and encourage transnational political action in times of crises.
Online publication -2010** / Книга в электронном виде -2010**
Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, Jan 9, 2024
Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie einschliesslich Tierernährung, Apr 26, 2010
McGill-Queen's University Press eBooks, Sep 15, 2022
Settlements at the Edge: Remote Human Settlements in Developed Nations edited by AndrewTaylor, Dean B.Carson, Prescott C.Ensign, LeeHuskey, Rasmus OleRasmussen, and GertrudeSaxinger, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 2016, 488 pp., cloth $195.00 (ISBN The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien, 2018
Papers by Gertrude Saxinger
Community presentation of results from the research project LACE - Labour mobility and community participation in the extractive industries in the Yukon/Canada
Mayo, Yukon (CAN) Na Cho Nyak Dun First Nation
in the Village of Mayo, October 5th, 2015
Donnie (Donald) Germaine, Bella Peter, Simon Mervyn, Nancy Hager and Margaret Ball.
All thirteen participants are First Nation of Nacho Nyäk Dun citizens and residents of the small town of Mayo, in
the Yukon Territory. First Nation of Nacho Nyäk Dun is the name people gave themselves at the time of the land
claims and Self-Government processes. Roughly translated it means ‘Big River People’. Before contact with Europeans, First Nations referred to themselves as Dän, meaning ‘people’. When a reference to this time is made the term Hude Dän, meaning ‘Old people’, is used.
The book is based on an oral history study conducted between 2015 and 2019. The main purpose of the study is to shed light on how Elders understand the influence of the extractive industry, settlers, and other mining related newcomers on their personal lives and the community in the present and the past. Their stories provide information of approximately one hundred years of interaction with and involvement in the mining industry. The time period covered in these accounts ranges from roughly 1915, the time of the relocation to the so-called ‘Old Village’ or ‘Dän Ku’, until life today.
Klimawandel hervorrufen, der im hohen Norden stärker spürbar ist als anderswo.....[...]
Auch befördern Kreuzfahrtschiffe Touristinnen zu den mannigfaltigen Naturschauspielen
und -phänomenen wie Eisberge, Nordlichter oder dem Polartag im Sommer. Viel älter als
die heutige Form des Arktistourismus sind jedoch die Forschungs- und Entdeckungsreisen.
Aus österreichischer Sicht ist dabei die österreichisch-ungarische Nordpolexpedition
(1872-1874) am wichtigsten, die in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts für eine
wahre Arktisbegeisterung in der Doppelmonarchie sorgte (Schimanski/Spring 2015).
Научно-популярные эссе, вошедшие в брошюру, рассказывают о том, как строительство Байкало-Амурской магистрали (БАМ) – последнего советского мегапроекта, изменило жизнь отдаленных регионов Восточной Сибири. Они также показывают, какую роль продолжает играть инфраструктура железной дороги для местных сообществ в постсоветский период. Среди групп местного населения выделяются коренные жители (эвенки и другие коренные народы Севера), русские старожилы, а также строители БАМа (бамовцы), проживающие в железнодорожных городах и поселках и в стороне от БАМа. Авторы брошюры - антропологи и географы пишут о социальной динамике, памяти и идентичности, трансформациях культуры, практиках природопользования и мобильности местного и приезжего населения в советский и постсоветский периоды. Эссе основаны на материалах исследований авторов и ориентированы, прежде всего, на читателей из числа жителей региона, в котором проводилось исследование, студентов, и на более широкую аудиторию. Брошюра является одним из результатов пятилетнего исследовательского проекта «Конфигурации «отдалённости»: взаимоотношения человека и транспортной инфраструктуры в регионе Байкало-Амурской магистрали (CoRe)», проведённого при поддержке Австрийского научного фонда FWF (P 27625). //
Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit bezieht sich auf Forschungsfelder wie Lebenslaufforschung, Gender Studies, Ungleichheitsforschung und Postsozialismusforschung. Es werden Fragen nach Inklusion und Exklusion in jene gesellschaftlichen Sphären gestellt, die ohne prestigereiche Universitätsdiplome nicht möglich wären. Korruption und informelle Netzwerke bilden eine der Ausgangsbasen zur Bestandsaufnahme von Potentialen sozialer Mobilität der in Moskau geborenen StudentInnen und jenen, die aus den russischen Provinzen an Moskauer Universtäten kommen. Damit werden Bezüge zu Migrationsverhalten und -möglichkeiten sowie zu den Umsetzungsvorstellungen der erzählten Lebensentwürfe hergestellt. Die Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Analyse der subjektiven Lebensplanung und der Handlungsstrategien von weiblichen und männlichen Studierenden in Moskau, die aus der Hauptstadt oder aus der Provinz stammen und sich der russischen oder einer der anderen Ethnien der Russischen Föderation zuzählen. Die untersuchte Gruppe studiert technische, geisteswissenschaftliche, wirtschaftliche und naturwissenschaftliche Disziplinen an staatlichen und privaten Universitäten in Moskau.
Long-distance commute work (LDC) and so called fly-in/fly-out (FIFO) operations are essential methods for the provision of labour force for the extractive industries in the remote Arctic and Subarctic. So far little research is available on this particular section of the mobile workforce. In public discourses as well as partly in academia, LDC workers are constructed as being problematic in their interactions with resource communities as well as in the context of their family life. Consequently, the mobile lifestyle is connoted with leading to abnormal behaviour. However, my research among mobile and multi-locally living workers in the Subarctic north of Western Siberia (the North) has shown that this group consists of a variety of people in terms of social characteristics such as gender, age and professions as well as in terms of values and ideas. The conception of normality and normalization of this particular life-style which is defined by the socially constructed spheres of Home – Journey – on Duty lies at the heart of this dissertation; as well as ways of negotiating and integrating the multiple meaningful spheres of life of long-distance commuters.
While using ethnographic methodology in a mobile and multi-site field that connects the North with the southern and central regions of Russia, the theoretical framework comprises aspects of social space, place making, social differences and conceptions of normality. Departing from the micro-level, this study aims to deliver insights on a broader societal level of contemporary Russia. This research has shown that LDC workers do not live in a social vacuum while on-site and therefore, should be seen not solely as human resources but as partners and stakeholders when it comes to the facilitation of LDC operations in general or to negotiations with communities near the extraction sites. Seeing LDC workers as mature stakeholders with specific needs and clear ideas about their way of life can foster the improvement of LDC as method for labour force provision for remote resource extraction sites. This dissertation contributes to LDC studies in the extractive industries, to circumpolar studies and to Russian studies from an anthropological angle.
Seidl, Gregor; Saxinger, Gertrude
Hunters and Gatherers in the Industrialised World (Editorial)
Full article:
Buela, Alberto
Hunter-Gatherer Transformations and Mixed Economies: A Case Study from Alaska
Hunter-Gatherer Transformations and Mixed Economies: A Case Study from Alaska
Dresscher, Sarah-Jane
Food Security in the High Arctic While Balancing the Demands of Commercial and Subsistence Hunting
Buenafe-Ze, Mayo; Minter, Tessa; Telan, Wilma G.
Against Mining and the Need for Mining: Conundrums of the Agta from the Northeastern Philippines
Roncero, Jose Miguel Martin
Security in the Arctic: High Politics in the High North
Kelesau, Nick
See Nick´s full paper:
Ein verbindendes Element dieser Beiträge bilden dabei Kolonisierungsprozesse und deren vielfältige, oftmals sehr verworrene Auswirkungen. Dies spannt wiederum den Bogen zur Einbettung der Region in globale Prozesse und politische sowie ökonomische Globalisierung mit ihren diversifizierten lokalen Konsequenzen. Neoliberale Prozesse haben in einer gesellschaftlich sich rapide verändernden Region neue Herausforderungen mit sich gebracht. Gleiches gilt für den im Norden massiv spürbaren Klimawandel, der nicht nur Umweltauswirkungen, sondern ganz besonders auch kulturelle und soziale Veränderungen mit sich bringt.
Die AutorInnen aus Geschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Politikwissenschaft, Philologie, Geographie und Sozialanthropologie richten sich an ein breites Publikum, das sich auf die Reise durch die unterschiedlichen Länder und Regionen rund um den nördlichen Polarkreis aufmachen möchte.
Einleitung 11
Eleanor Rosamund BARRACLOUGH – Stefan DONECKER Europa und die Arktis vor 1800
Entdeckungen, Begegnungen und Kontakte 24
Der hohe Norden als Teil des globalen Südens?
Koloniale und postkoloniale Entwicklungen in der Arktis und Subarktis
vom 19. bis ins 21. Jahrhundert 46
Russisch-Amerika und die Folgen 67
Indigene Oral History entlang des Eismeeres von Lappland bis zum Lena-Delta ... 83
Alicia KRÖMER – Lukas ALLEMANN Arktische Assimilierungspolitiken
Indigene Kinder in Internatsschulen des 20. Jahrhunderts 103
Kunst im Spannungsfeld von Tradition und Innovation
Grönlands Moderne Kunstszene 121
Joachim Otto HABECK
Gender Shift im hohen Norden Russlands
Verlauf und Folgen des sowjetischen Modernisierungsprojekts 150
Annett BARTSCH – Alexandra MEYER Klimawandel in der Arktis
Perspektiven aus den Natur- und Sozialwissenschaften 166
Emma WILSON – Florian STAMMLER – Gertrude SAXINGER Jenseits von Extraktivismus und alternativen Kosmologien
Arktische Gesellschaften und die Rohstoffindustrie in unsicheren Zeiten 183
Miguel RONCERO Sicherheit in der Arktis
Hohe Politik im hohen Norden 198
Autorinnen und Autoren 221
In the past, many remote settlements were important bases for opening up vast areas for resource extraction, working as strategic centres and as national representations of the conquering of frontiers. With increased contemporary interest from governments, policy makers, multinational companies and other stakeholders, this book explores the importance of understanding relationships between settlement populations and the economy at the local level. It features international and expert contributors who present insightful case studies on the role of human geography - primarily population issues - in shaping the past, present and future of settlements in remote areas. They also provide analysis of opportunities and challenges for northern settlements and the effects of climate change, resource futures and tourism. A chapter on the issues of populating future space settlements highlights that many issues for settlement change and functions in isolated and remote spatial realms are universal.
This book will appeal to those interested in the past, present and future importance of settlements 'at the edge' of developed nations as well as to those working in policy and programme contexts. College students enrolled in courses such as demography, population studies, human studies, regional development, social policy and/or economics will find value in this book as well.