Papers by Daniel Luger
The study focuses on a subject that has, as yet, received little scholarly attention: the humanis... more The study focuses on a subject that has, as yet, received little scholarly attention: the humanist reform attempts at the University of Vienna from the mid-1450s until the appointment of Conrad Celtis as professor in 1497. Unprinted files are available as source material from the faculty of arts, allowing for a re-evaluation of the supposed conflict between a seemingly conservative faculty of artists and ʻmodernʼ humanist poets as well as between representatives of an assumed Italian or German humanism.
Science Tracing: Spuren und Zeichen im öffentlichen Raum
... (sollicitavit) 34 . Mercatelli war zuvor bischöflicher Kanzler unter Enea Silvio Piccolomini ... more ... (sollicitavit) 34 . Mercatelli war zuvor bischöflicher Kanzler unter Enea Silvio Piccolomini und konnte über diese Verbindung wohl erste Kontakte an den Hof des Kaisers knüpfen 35 . Friedrich III. stand der Petition Mercatellis möglicherweise ...
Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, 2016

Studia historica Brunensia
The study is dedicated to an reappraisal of the sovereign's fief policy in late middle age Austri... more The study is dedicated to an reappraisal of the sovereign's fief policy in late middle age Austria. While the older research tendencies were mostly based on the idea of a slightly declining system signed by a rigid formalism, a new analysis of the fief structures in the hereditary territories of the Habsburg dynasty shows a slightly different picture. The anatomy of fief letters and books, reverses and letters of conveyance show that the increasing literacy transformed fiefdom into one of the central playgrounds of sovereign chancelleries. Mostly in case of dominion divisions or changes in late medieval rulership that vassality became important. Despite the reification of fiefdom, territorial rule and vasality do not oppose each other. The sovereign fiefdom in the 14 th and 15 th century is considered as an important often monetarised instrument among others, used to enhance and consolidate the sovereign's rule.
The study focuses on a subject that has, as yet, received little scholarly attention: the humanist reform attempts at the University of Vienna from the mid-1450s until the appointment of Conrad Celtis as professor in 1497. Unprinted files are available as source material from the faculty of arts, allowing for a re-evaluation of the suppo- sed conflict between a seemingly conservative faculty of artists and ʻmodernʼ humanist poets as well as between representatives of an assumed Italian or German humanism.
Festschrift für Christian Lackner, 2020
Sonderdruck aus „Blätter für deutsche Landesgeschichte“ Bd. 155 (2019)

Privilegium maius : Autopsie, Kontext und Karriere der Fälschungen Rudolfs IV. von Österreich, 2018
Daz … unser gedechtnuß dest lennger und seligclicher gehalten werde Die Bestätigung des Privilegi... more Daz … unser gedechtnuß dest lennger und seligclicher gehalten werde Die Bestätigung des Privilegium maius durch Kaiser Friedrich III. Daniel Luger Am 31. März 1440, wenige Wochen nach der Wahl des habsburgischen Herzogs Friedrich V. von Österreich zum römisch-deutschen König, hielt der kurfürstliche Gesandte Tilmann Joel in Wiener Neustadt eine Laudatio auf das Haus Österreich, die in einem Zitat aus dem Evangelium nach Matthäus kulminiert: ex te enim exiet dux, qui regat populum meum Israel 1 . Tilman pries in seiner Huldigungsrede nicht nur die Klugheit der Habsburger in Regierungsangelegenheiten, ihre Frömmigkeit und ihren Reichtum, weshalb die Kurfürsten nun erneut ein Mitglied dieser Familie an die Spitze des römisch-deutschen Reiches erwählt hätten, sondern betonte darüber hinaus die umfangreichen und wohlverdienten Privilegien, die die Herrschaft des Hauses Österreich zusätzlich stützten 2 . Der Adressat dieser Rede, der neu gewählte König Friedrich, hat sich der habsburgischen Privilegien, inbesondere der sogenannten Österreichischen Freiheitsbriefe, im Laufe seiner langen Regierungszeit in mehrfacher Weise angenommen. Die bekannten Bestätigungen der Rudolfinischen Fälschungen durch Friedrich III. als König und Kaiser des römisch-deutschen Reiches wurden von der Forschung zumeist aus gesamtdynastischer Perspektive betrachtet. So sah etwa Heinrich Koller in den Konfirmationen Friedrichs den Versuch, die Stellung der habsburgischen Dynastie im Reich zu erhöhen, sodass "das Kaisertum für alle Zukunft im Hause Österreich vererbt werden sollte" 3 . Ähnlich argumentiert Paul-Joachim Heinig, der diese Privilegienbestätigungen in erster Linie mit Friedrichs "dynastischem Prä-Eminenzbewusstsein" sowie einem "zukunftweisenden Verständnis von der Relation zwischen seiner Dynastie und dem Reich" verbindet 4 , während Peter Moraw das Handeln des Habsburgers darüber hinaus als Ausdruck eines sich zuneh-1 Deutsche Reichstagsakten unter Kaiser Friedrich III.

Das seit Februar 2016 vom Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank geförderte Forschungsp... more Das seit Februar 2016 vom Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank geförderte Forschungsprojekt "Das spätmittelalterliche Supplikenwesen am römischdeutschen Herrscherhof (1440 -1493) " hat sich eine systematische, quellenbasierte Analyse von Bittschriften an den römisch-deutschen König bzw. Kaiser Friedrich III. zum Ziel gesetzt. Die quellenmäßige Basis dieses Forschungsprojektes bilden etwa 750 im Original überlieferte Suppliken, die zum überwiegenden Teil in mehreren archivgeschichtlich zusammenhängenden Bestandsgruppen im Wiener Haus -, Hofund Staatsarchiv sowie im Tiroler Landesarchiv in Innsbruck verwahrt werden. Im Zuge dieses Forschungsprojektes wurden sämtliche relevanten Quellen digitalisiert und im Rahmen einer Datenbank erschlossen, wobei neben der Wiedergabe des Supplikentextes in Form von Vollregesten und Teileditionen unter anderem Angaben zu Datierung, sozialer und geographischer Herkunft der Petenten, zur Beglaubigung und Erledigung der Schriftstücke aufgenommen wurden.
Kaiser Maximilian I. – Ein großer Habsburger, 2019

Forschungsstand "Was ist [. . . ] Fortführung des Mittelalters und was weist in die Neuzeit?"¹ In... more Forschungsstand "Was ist [. . . ] Fortführung des Mittelalters und was weist in die Neuzeit?"¹ In zahlreichen Studien zur spätmittelalterlichen Höchstgerichtsbarkeit im römisch-deutschen Reich steht die Frage nach Kontinuität und Wandel am Übergang zur Frühen Neuzeit mehr oder weniger explizit im Zentrum der Untersuchung.² Dies gilt insbesondere für das königliche Kammergericht, das sich nach dem Verschwinden des Hofgerichts um die Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts zum möglicherweise wichtigsten Herrschaftsinstrument Kaiser Friedrichs III. überhaupt entwickelte.³ Dennoch stand die Erforschung des königlichen Kammergerichts -wohl hauptsächlich aufgrund der disparaten Quellenüberlieferung -lange Zeit im Schatten des im 1 Bernhard Diestelkamp: Vom Königlichen Hofgericht zum Reichskammergericht. Betrachtungen zu Kontinuität und Wandel der höchsten Gerichtsbarkeit am Übergang zur frühen Neuzeit, in: Gerhard Dilcher / Bernhard Diestelkamp (Hrsg.): Recht, Gericht, Genossenschaft und Policey. Studien zu Grundbegri en der germanistischen Rechtshistorie. Symposion für Adalbert Erler. Berlin 1986, S. 44-64, hier S. 44. 2 Siehe zuletzt Bernhard Diestelkamp: Vom einstu gen Gericht zur obersten Rechtsmittelinstanz. Die deutsche Königsgerichtsbarkeit und die Verdichtung der Reichsverfassung im Spätmittelalter (Quellen und Forschungen zur höchsten Gerichtsbarkeit im Alten Reich, künftig: QFHG, Bd. 64). Köln/Weimar/Wien 2014 mit weiteren Literaturangaben. Vgl. auch die älteren Studien zum Kammergericht: Otto Franklin: Das königliche Kammergericht vor dem Jahre 1495. Berlin 1871; Johann Lechner: Reichshofgericht und königliches Kammergericht im 15. Jahrhundert, in: Mitteilungen des Instituts für österreichische Geschichtsforschung Ergänzungs-Bd. 7 (1907), S. 44-186; Johann Adolf Tomaschek: Die höchste Gerichtsbarkeit des deutschen Königs und Reiches im XV. Jahrhundert, in: Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosophisch-Historische

Daniel Luger, Damit [...] unser statt Triest nicht gar verderb – Studies on Emperor Frederick III... more Daniel Luger, Damit [...] unser statt Triest nicht gar verderb – Studies on Emperor Frederick III’s administration of the City of Trieste in the Context of Cultural History (p. 285–306)
This paper looks at the relations of Emperor Frederick III with the city of Triest/Trieste from the point of view of cultural history. Topics include the working methods of the Emperor’s administration, the relative significance of written and oral administrative practices, and the recruitment and socialisation of his administrative staff. Frederick’s relations with the city can be described as a communicative network. Within this framework, the participants were not merely executing the Emperor’s orders but interacting in a wide range of ways. The sources investigated lay open these communicative practices between the Emperor, his court and the civic magistrates, the local bishop and the Emperor’s office-holders in the city and its surroundings.

In this paper the authors want to give a comprehensive insight into the life and works of Bernhar... more In this paper the authors want to give a comprehensive insight into the life and works of Bernhard Perger (ca. 1440 –1497), well known as humanist and latin grammarian. Based on a paleographic and diplomatic analysis, new facts are presented about Perger’s career as an imperial servant, both at the court of emperor Frederick III and as an imperial official in Vienna. The article also examines Perger’s private life giving proof of his wrongly neglected marriage and determining his previously unknown time of death.
A second goal is to widen the look on Perger’s scientific works. He was not only interested in latin philology, but also possessed a vast array of ancient and humanistic greek literature, inserted latin translations of greek texts and wrote marginal notes, which prove an active involvement in greek vocabulary and grammar. Perger also used greek letters to code personal notes as an imperial servant during the war between emperor Frederick III and king Matthias of Hungary.
Another neglected area of Perger’s activity are his interests for astronomy and astrology, not only proved by Perger’s calendar written and calculated for emperor Frederick III, but also by some autograph transcripts and compilations of texts written by members of the so-called First Vienna Mathematical School, especially by Georg von Peuerbach. Perger seems to play an important role as »knowledge broker« between Georg von Peuerbach and Johannes Regiomontanus
on the one hand and their well known followers of the early 16th century on the other hand.
Books by Daniel Luger

The goal of the present study is to investigate humanism and humanistic script in the chancery of... more The goal of the present study is to investigate humanism and humanistic script in the chancery of emperor Frederick III on the basis of current research discussions.
The main sources are charters, files, and books of the imperial chancery which were systematically examined concerning the use of humanistic script. By the means of the analysis of autographic handwriting eight chancery clerks could be identified by name who used elements of the humanistic script in different levels of intensity and contexts.
In a second step the results of the palaeographic studies were connected with an examination of the respective education and career paths of the humanistic scribes and their relationship to
humanism. A central result of the present study is the fact that all those investigated scribes had – apart from the palaeographic finding – individual, more or less intense interests in humanistic studies.
Based on the writers’ identifications, the analysis of the chancery documents, and recently discovered sources the biographies and specific fields of activity of the investigated humanists in the imperial service could be complemented with additional informations. In addition to their role in the chancery of emperor Frederick III, humanists served as diplomats, in the imperial council, as educators of princes, in other functions of imperial administration or as higher ecclesiastical dignitaries. Furthermore, towards the end of the investigated period there
can initiatives be discerned for the use of humanism for imperial propaganda, whereby previously humanistic education itself was not appreciated at the imperial court, but legal knowledge, excellent rhetoric, and stylistics of the chancery clerks trained in Italy. Based on the palaegraphic analysis of the surviving chancery documents for the first time light is shed on a part of a mainly neglected humanistic network at the imperial court which spanned over emperor Frederick’s whole period of reign. The reception of elements of humanistic script and the so created hybrid scripts are an expression of a selective cultural
transfer, which integrates not the whole humanistic program, but individual elements into an existing cultural environment.
It turned out that humanistic interests in the chancery of Frederick III existed already before the arrival of Enea Silvio Piccolomini in Austria and remained present even after his departure from the imperial court. The heyday of the courtly humanism under Maximilian I did not arise ex nihilo, but developed on the basis of a preform existing since the early days of emperor Frederick III.
Die vorliegende Publikation setzt die systematische Sammlung und Regestierung von Urkunden und Br... more Die vorliegende Publikation setzt die systematische Sammlung und Regestierung von Urkunden und Briefen Kaiser Friedrichs III. aus dem Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv in Wien bis zum Jahr 1475 fort. Im Mittelpunkt der 284 Regesten steht das konfliktreiche Verhältnis zwischen Kaiser Friedrich III. und Herzog Karl von Burgund, das in einem militärischen Einfall des Burgunderherzogs auf Reichsgebiet und dem energischen Widerstand des Kaisers seinen Höhepunkt fand. Daneben werden unter anderem auch Friedrichs Rolle als oberster Gerichtsherr des Reiches und die Beziehungen zu seinem Vetter Sigmund von Tirol behandelt. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt des gebotenen Materials stellt die landesfürstliche Aktivität des Kaisers da, wobei ein lebendiger und detailreicher Einblick in die Herrschaftspraxis des späten Mittelalters geboten wird.
Book Reviews by Daniel Luger
Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung , 2021
Daniel Luger, Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 129/1 (2021), pp... more Daniel Luger, Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 129/1 (2021), pp. 236-237
Der erfreulicherweise reich bebilderte Band wurde von den beiden Heraugebern Katia Occhi und Andrea Giorgi umsichtig bearbeitet und mit einem Personen- und Ortsnamenindex versehen. Insbesondere aufgrund ihrer innovativen, interdisziplinären Konzeption zwischen Geschichtsforschung, Diplomatik und Archivwissenschaft bietet diese Publikation nicht zuletzt auch für die Konzeption und Durchführung enschlägiger Editions- und Quellenschlieβungsunternehmen wertwolle Anregungen und Denkanstöβe, weshalb diesem Tagungsband auch über den italienischen Sprachraum hinaus eine brete Rezeption gewünscht sei.
Papers by Daniel Luger
The study focuses on a subject that has, as yet, received little scholarly attention: the humanist reform attempts at the University of Vienna from the mid-1450s until the appointment of Conrad Celtis as professor in 1497. Unprinted files are available as source material from the faculty of arts, allowing for a re-evaluation of the suppo- sed conflict between a seemingly conservative faculty of artists and ʻmodernʼ humanist poets as well as between representatives of an assumed Italian or German humanism.
This paper looks at the relations of Emperor Frederick III with the city of Triest/Trieste from the point of view of cultural history. Topics include the working methods of the Emperor’s administration, the relative significance of written and oral administrative practices, and the recruitment and socialisation of his administrative staff. Frederick’s relations with the city can be described as a communicative network. Within this framework, the participants were not merely executing the Emperor’s orders but interacting in a wide range of ways. The sources investigated lay open these communicative practices between the Emperor, his court and the civic magistrates, the local bishop and the Emperor’s office-holders in the city and its surroundings.
A second goal is to widen the look on Perger’s scientific works. He was not only interested in latin philology, but also possessed a vast array of ancient and humanistic greek literature, inserted latin translations of greek texts and wrote marginal notes, which prove an active involvement in greek vocabulary and grammar. Perger also used greek letters to code personal notes as an imperial servant during the war between emperor Frederick III and king Matthias of Hungary.
Another neglected area of Perger’s activity are his interests for astronomy and astrology, not only proved by Perger’s calendar written and calculated for emperor Frederick III, but also by some autograph transcripts and compilations of texts written by members of the so-called First Vienna Mathematical School, especially by Georg von Peuerbach. Perger seems to play an important role as »knowledge broker« between Georg von Peuerbach and Johannes Regiomontanus
on the one hand and their well known followers of the early 16th century on the other hand.
Books by Daniel Luger
The main sources are charters, files, and books of the imperial chancery which were systematically examined concerning the use of humanistic script. By the means of the analysis of autographic handwriting eight chancery clerks could be identified by name who used elements of the humanistic script in different levels of intensity and contexts.
In a second step the results of the palaeographic studies were connected with an examination of the respective education and career paths of the humanistic scribes and their relationship to
humanism. A central result of the present study is the fact that all those investigated scribes had – apart from the palaeographic finding – individual, more or less intense interests in humanistic studies.
Based on the writers’ identifications, the analysis of the chancery documents, and recently discovered sources the biographies and specific fields of activity of the investigated humanists in the imperial service could be complemented with additional informations. In addition to their role in the chancery of emperor Frederick III, humanists served as diplomats, in the imperial council, as educators of princes, in other functions of imperial administration or as higher ecclesiastical dignitaries. Furthermore, towards the end of the investigated period there
can initiatives be discerned for the use of humanism for imperial propaganda, whereby previously humanistic education itself was not appreciated at the imperial court, but legal knowledge, excellent rhetoric, and stylistics of the chancery clerks trained in Italy. Based on the palaegraphic analysis of the surviving chancery documents for the first time light is shed on a part of a mainly neglected humanistic network at the imperial court which spanned over emperor Frederick’s whole period of reign. The reception of elements of humanistic script and the so created hybrid scripts are an expression of a selective cultural
transfer, which integrates not the whole humanistic program, but individual elements into an existing cultural environment.
It turned out that humanistic interests in the chancery of Frederick III existed already before the arrival of Enea Silvio Piccolomini in Austria and remained present even after his departure from the imperial court. The heyday of the courtly humanism under Maximilian I did not arise ex nihilo, but developed on the basis of a preform existing since the early days of emperor Frederick III.
Book Reviews by Daniel Luger
Der erfreulicherweise reich bebilderte Band wurde von den beiden Heraugebern Katia Occhi und Andrea Giorgi umsichtig bearbeitet und mit einem Personen- und Ortsnamenindex versehen. Insbesondere aufgrund ihrer innovativen, interdisziplinären Konzeption zwischen Geschichtsforschung, Diplomatik und Archivwissenschaft bietet diese Publikation nicht zuletzt auch für die Konzeption und Durchführung enschlägiger Editions- und Quellenschlieβungsunternehmen wertwolle Anregungen und Denkanstöβe, weshalb diesem Tagungsband auch über den italienischen Sprachraum hinaus eine brete Rezeption gewünscht sei.
The study focuses on a subject that has, as yet, received little scholarly attention: the humanist reform attempts at the University of Vienna from the mid-1450s until the appointment of Conrad Celtis as professor in 1497. Unprinted files are available as source material from the faculty of arts, allowing for a re-evaluation of the suppo- sed conflict between a seemingly conservative faculty of artists and ʻmodernʼ humanist poets as well as between representatives of an assumed Italian or German humanism.
This paper looks at the relations of Emperor Frederick III with the city of Triest/Trieste from the point of view of cultural history. Topics include the working methods of the Emperor’s administration, the relative significance of written and oral administrative practices, and the recruitment and socialisation of his administrative staff. Frederick’s relations with the city can be described as a communicative network. Within this framework, the participants were not merely executing the Emperor’s orders but interacting in a wide range of ways. The sources investigated lay open these communicative practices between the Emperor, his court and the civic magistrates, the local bishop and the Emperor’s office-holders in the city and its surroundings.
A second goal is to widen the look on Perger’s scientific works. He was not only interested in latin philology, but also possessed a vast array of ancient and humanistic greek literature, inserted latin translations of greek texts and wrote marginal notes, which prove an active involvement in greek vocabulary and grammar. Perger also used greek letters to code personal notes as an imperial servant during the war between emperor Frederick III and king Matthias of Hungary.
Another neglected area of Perger’s activity are his interests for astronomy and astrology, not only proved by Perger’s calendar written and calculated for emperor Frederick III, but also by some autograph transcripts and compilations of texts written by members of the so-called First Vienna Mathematical School, especially by Georg von Peuerbach. Perger seems to play an important role as »knowledge broker« between Georg von Peuerbach and Johannes Regiomontanus
on the one hand and their well known followers of the early 16th century on the other hand.
The main sources are charters, files, and books of the imperial chancery which were systematically examined concerning the use of humanistic script. By the means of the analysis of autographic handwriting eight chancery clerks could be identified by name who used elements of the humanistic script in different levels of intensity and contexts.
In a second step the results of the palaeographic studies were connected with an examination of the respective education and career paths of the humanistic scribes and their relationship to
humanism. A central result of the present study is the fact that all those investigated scribes had – apart from the palaeographic finding – individual, more or less intense interests in humanistic studies.
Based on the writers’ identifications, the analysis of the chancery documents, and recently discovered sources the biographies and specific fields of activity of the investigated humanists in the imperial service could be complemented with additional informations. In addition to their role in the chancery of emperor Frederick III, humanists served as diplomats, in the imperial council, as educators of princes, in other functions of imperial administration or as higher ecclesiastical dignitaries. Furthermore, towards the end of the investigated period there
can initiatives be discerned for the use of humanism for imperial propaganda, whereby previously humanistic education itself was not appreciated at the imperial court, but legal knowledge, excellent rhetoric, and stylistics of the chancery clerks trained in Italy. Based on the palaegraphic analysis of the surviving chancery documents for the first time light is shed on a part of a mainly neglected humanistic network at the imperial court which spanned over emperor Frederick’s whole period of reign. The reception of elements of humanistic script and the so created hybrid scripts are an expression of a selective cultural
transfer, which integrates not the whole humanistic program, but individual elements into an existing cultural environment.
It turned out that humanistic interests in the chancery of Frederick III existed already before the arrival of Enea Silvio Piccolomini in Austria and remained present even after his departure from the imperial court. The heyday of the courtly humanism under Maximilian I did not arise ex nihilo, but developed on the basis of a preform existing since the early days of emperor Frederick III.
Der erfreulicherweise reich bebilderte Band wurde von den beiden Heraugebern Katia Occhi und Andrea Giorgi umsichtig bearbeitet und mit einem Personen- und Ortsnamenindex versehen. Insbesondere aufgrund ihrer innovativen, interdisziplinären Konzeption zwischen Geschichtsforschung, Diplomatik und Archivwissenschaft bietet diese Publikation nicht zuletzt auch für die Konzeption und Durchführung enschlägiger Editions- und Quellenschlieβungsunternehmen wertwolle Anregungen und Denkanstöβe, weshalb diesem Tagungsband auch über den italienischen Sprachraum hinaus eine brete Rezeption gewünscht sei.