Papers by mohammed aitdaoud
Economic development and social change have significantly changed family and preschool education ... more Economic development and social change have significantly changed family and preschool education worldwide. As a result, the preschool has become one of the top priorities of governments in many countries. Based on all the studies and work carried out by our research team, and taking advantage of the distance learning technology, we proceeded to the establishment of an educational preschool platform. This platform presents scripting and well-structured courses to meet the needs of a modern school education that fits the Moroccan context and affect the three main education stakeholders in the preschool: the child, the teacher and parents. This article describes the steps involved in setting up a training device for preschool teachers, from conception to online posting, as well as its educational and technical characteristics.
Economic development and social change have significantly changed family and preschool education ... more Economic development and social change have significantly changed family and preschool education worldwide. As a result, the preschool has become one of the top priorities of governments in many countries. Based on all the studies and work carried out by our research team, and taking advantage of the distance learning technology, we proceeded to the establishment of an educational preschool platform. This platform presents scripting and well-structured courses to meet the needs of a modern school education that fits the Moroccan context and affect the three main education stakeholders in the preschool: the child, the teacher and parents. This article describes the steps involved in setting up a training device for preschool teachers, from conception to online posting, as well as its educational and technical characteristics.

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)
Learning management system (LMS) such as Claroline, Ganesha, Chamilo, Moodle ..., are commonly an... more Learning management system (LMS) such as Claroline, Ganesha, Chamilo, Moodle ..., are commonly and well used in e-education (e-learning). Most of theTechnology Enhanced Learning (TEL) focus on supporting teachers in the creation and organization of online courses. However, in general, they do not consider individual differences of each learner. In addition, they do not provide enough indicators which will help to track the learners. In this paper, we investigate the benefits of integrating learning styles in the Web-based educational systems. Also we are interested in the use of interaction traces in order to address the lack of feedback between the learner and the teacher. Generally, we aim to offer a tool that allows the tutor and the instructional designer to interpret learner courses, in order to provide help as needed for each individual.
L’enquête a été effectuée en 2011, dans le cadre du projet volubilis qui regroupe l’équipe L’ORDI... more L’enquête a été effectuée en 2011, dans le cadre du projet volubilis qui regroupe l’équipe L’ORDIPU de l’université Hassan-II Mohammedia-Casablanca Maroc et l’équipe des sciences de l’Education et de statistiques de l’Université Pierre Mendès France Grenoble2. Le questionnaire a été envoyé aux étudiants de 3ème année de l’université Hassan-II Mohammedia-Casablanca. Les résultats visent à fournir des données relatives aux choix de formation et attentes par rapport aux études, aux parcours de formation, aux modalités d’organisation du travail, et à l’état de santé des étudiants. L’analyse des données va nous permettre de repérer les opinions des étudiants, interpréter les données en fonction de la discipline et au sexe. Une comparaison des résultats obtenus dans les deux universités devrait s’avérer particulièrement éclairante.

Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Edition 3, 2020
The orientations are the trends and behaviors that express an individual’s desire to pursue or ap... more The orientations are the trends and behaviors that express an individual’s desire to pursue or apply oneself to a specific occupation and, together, these orientations affect the individual’s decision-making process with respect to occupational choice. This study aimed at generating an acceptance model of the e-orientation Moroccan platform “” that can be used during the conceptual design of the future E-orientation platforms. Firstly We established a qualitative questionnaire based in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a theoretical model. Our experiment was conducted with the WEKA machine learning software by using four algorithms namely: NaiveBayes, J48, NLMT and SimpleLogistic. The results indicated that the highest classification accuracy performance is for the J48 and classifier gives us the best performance outcomes.

Today E-orientation systems are interested in helping learners to choose a suitable branch to the... more Today E-orientation systems are interested in helping learners to choose a suitable branch to their skills and preferences. In this context the research center within the University Hassan II Mohammedia Ain- Chock announced the appearance of MMSyOrientation project. This project focuses on the orientation of Moroccan student's education as a concern and a family, social, and political preoccupation. The student remains an educational system focus center, especially at the MMSyOrientation i project level, which requires suggesting a feasible model for this major actor. Thus we should refer to users' models specifically learners' profiles, which deal with these outlines in the EIAH domain (it environments for human learning). These models are generic and not dedicated to the academic E-Orientation systems. The purpose of this article is to propose a direction model to the student on the most appropriate way of their profile. In this context we could implement an ontology e...

New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2017
With the development of the society of knowledge, learning managment system (LMS) as Claroline, G... more With the development of the society of knowledge, learning managment system (LMS) as Claroline, Ganesha, Chamilo, Moodle ... are commonly used successfully in the online learning. In order to provide better service for the learners, most of these ILE (Interactive Learning Environment) focus on supporting teachers in the creation and organization of online courses. However, in general, they do not consider individual differences of each learner. In addition, they do not provide enough indicators to track the learners to determine their needs in a deadlock. In this article, we examine the benefits of the integration of learning styles in the Web-based educational systems. Also we are interested in the use of traces of interaction in order to remedy the lack of feedback between teacher and learner. Thus, we propose a standardized learning model based on traces and learning style of the learners that can be distributed using semantic web technologies.

International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 2017
The evolution of teaching is currently considered a very important task, both from an instituti... more The evolution of teaching is currently considered a very important task, both from an institutional and a moral viewpoint. The evaluation of such a domain, and its conduct, has been reported by several research studies in the literature. “Who? What? How? Drawing from which references? Which clues? Should the people assessed take part in the process? To what extent should the results be publicized?” (Demailly, 2001). For that reason, we will first draw some guidelines for the evaluation of teaching and try to define its possible objectives. Three main domains may be contemplated: teachers’ activity (teaching), the learning process (learning), and the effects of the teaching/learning process. These draw upon an enquiry carried out in three different faculties by our research team. This study is related to the VOLUBILIS project "Moroccan and European students: a comparative approach”, which aims to identify the challenges and expectations of Moroccan students. The purpose of thi...

2015 5th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and Accessibility (ICTA), 2015
Aligning ontologies is of particular importance in applications requiring the inclusion of semant... more Aligning ontologies is of particular importance in applications requiring the inclusion of semantic interoperability, it represents a great interest in the field of heterogeneous management knowledge. We present here the construction of an alignment between two domain ontologies (E-orientation[1], Extented Math Bridge [2]), whose interest is to guide the moroccan student in his learning curriculum. Thus, during the achievement of these activities, the student is automatically redirected to the appropriate exercises suitable to his profile (skills, preferences and motivation) [3]. Our goal is to find the possibility of alignment between the two models, and to determine their corresponding levels. For alignment methodes, we used: morphosyntactic matching technique [4], the resource WordNet [5] and the measuring structural similarity [6]. We also present a discussion of the results realized.

2015 5th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and Accessibility (ICTA), 2015
One of the most important element for adapting and personalizing Technology-Enhanced Learning (TE... more One of the most important element for adapting and personalizing Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) is the learner model because it contains a lot of useful information about an individual such as learning preferences, academic performance and learning styles. These latter, which are increasingly being incorporated into TEL, and seems to be a promising concept for making learning easier for students. The application of these concepts in traditional learning is almost impossible as we only have one teacher with thirty or even hundreds of students in a class, so he can not apply an adaptive learning for each of them. However, the emergence of adaptive learning management system (LMS) offers a great advantage for students, as it allows them to have a personalized learning process that can be suited with their needs and characteristics. Now days, many researchers has been working in this area. The purpose of this article is to propose a learner model ontology SLMonto based on popular student modeling standards. As well as the representation of the prior knowledge of the student's performance, motivation, and the learning style which is adapted from Felder-Silverman Learning Style Model.

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
The wide use of ePortfolio (electronic portfolio) in higher education has been a great technologi... more The wide use of ePortfolio (electronic portfolio) in higher education has been a great technological innovation. Currently, the ePortfolio is essentially used as a tool of learning and assessment, but less as a tool of orientation. The aim of our work is to provide IT tools to monitor, support and orientation for students in the academic and professional world. "The use of the portfolio as part of the orientation approach must engage the learner to develop a reflection on him, his education and career aspirations. The tool should be designed to promote reflection on the orientation process implemented for each learner. "(Duroisin, 2011). In this paper we propose a computerized system which allows not only the assessment of skills, but also acts as a monitoring and orientation ePortfolio of learners. Based on the Mahara technology "ISIFePortfolio" (Bentaib , et AitDaouad, 2014) is an application implemented by the research team of the computer laboratory at University Hassan II Mohammedia-Casablanca.

International Journal of Open Information Technologies, 2019
The goal of every company and public sector organization is to provide quality service to their c... more The goal of every company and public sector organization is to provide quality service to their customers and make them satisfied. However, as we move to-wards a more connected world where technology has been integrated into the business process, handling data has become more complicated. Today, businesses and High School Institutions (HSI) face one of the biggest challenge, which is characterized by the exponential growth of data storage in various formats such as plain text, relational database, etc. This massive data can be used to improve decision making and management, which requires proper extracting and cleaning methods. For that reason, data warehousing has become a major step in the knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) process which can guarantee a solid description of concepts and methods for transforming transactional data into analytical data formats. The aim of this paper is to provide a way to support and understand the educational processes of a HSI by offering a n...

Arabi : Journal of Arabic Studies, Jul 1, 2019
The misspellings are among the most important reasons that distort the Arabic language. It is bas... more The misspellings are among the most important reasons that distort the Arabic language. It is based on the letters that are added or deleted, the words that separates or connects, the Humazat "الهمزات" that are distinct, or the ones that are on one of the three soft letters. The spelling rules subject has received attention from various linguistic communities and specialized scientific commissions in the Arabic language. There have been numerous and various studies on spelling errors among students at different levels of study in a number of Arab countries. Students of educational institutions in Morocco are no exception to this phenomenon of spelling errors. The aim of our research is to shed the light on the types of spelling mistakes made in the Arabic language, how they are made and why. We used a survey that we analyzed using a statistical program to find out the cause of these mistakes, their intersecting and their frequency. Also, we suggest the establishment of a Learning Management System (LMS) based on the e-learning platform Moodle, to remedy to the problems of misspelling.

The evolution of teaching is currently considered a very important task, both from an institution... more The evolution of teaching is currently considered a very important task, both from an institutional and a moral viewpoint. The evaluation of such a domain, and its conduct, has been reported by several research studies in the literature. " Who? What? How? Drawing from which references? Which clues? Should the people assessed take part in the process? To what extent should the results be publicized? " (Demailly, 2001). For that reason, we will first draw some guidelines for the evaluation of teaching and try to define its possible objectives. Three main domains may be contemplated: teachers' activity (teaching), the learning process (learning), and the effects of the teaching/learning process. These draw upon an enquiry carried out in three different faculties by our research team. This study is related to the VOLUBILIS project "Moroccan and European students: a comparative approach " , which aims to identify the challenges and expectations of Moroccan student...

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
These last years drove to many mutations of learning in training terms throughout life. The Moroc... more These last years drove to many mutations of learning in training terms throughout life. The Moroccan universities began changing paradigm of education. This change consists in passing from a purely transmissive teaching paradigm to a learning paradigm where learners become the main actors of learning process and acquiring new skills and knowledge. Most of learning tools have adapted to this paradigm. Among these tools, there are the learning management system (LMS) and the electronic portfolio (ePortfolio). Our work focuses on monitoring and periodic evaluation of the formation of a student in higher education, particularly, the skills acquired by the student during his university education. Also we will show you other uses of the eportfolio. From this perspective we suggest a computer device " ISIFePortfolio " which not only allows monitoring of learners, but also acts as an ePortfolio (electronic portfolio) assessment skills, and a social network combined systems. Based on the Mahara technology, "ISIFePortfolio" is an application set up by the team ORDIPU University Hassan II Mohammedia-Casablanca. It has been integrated into the platform of distance education "Education Master ISIF" for the master " Engineering Information Systems and Training.".
L’enquête a été effectuée en 2011, dans le cadre du projet volubilis qui regroupe l’équipe L’ORDI... more L’enquête a été effectuée en 2011, dans le cadre du projet volubilis qui regroupe l’équipe L’ORDIPU de l’université Hassan-II Mohammedia-Casablanca Maroc et l’équipe des sciences de l’Education et de statistiques de l’Université Pierre Mendès France Grenoble2. Le questionnaire a été envoyé aux étudiants de 3ème année de l’université Hassan-II Mohammedia-Casablanca.
Les résultats visent à fournir des données relatives aux choix de formation et attentes par rapport aux études, aux parcours de formation, aux modalités d’organisation du travail, et à l’état de santé des étudiants.
L’analyse des données va nous permettre de repérer les opinions des étudiants, interpréter les données en fonction de la discipline et au sexe. Une comparaison des résultats obtenus dans les deux universités devrait s’avérer particulièrement éclairante.
Papers by mohammed aitdaoud
Les résultats visent à fournir des données relatives aux choix de formation et attentes par rapport aux études, aux parcours de formation, aux modalités d’organisation du travail, et à l’état de santé des étudiants.
L’analyse des données va nous permettre de repérer les opinions des étudiants, interpréter les données en fonction de la discipline et au sexe. Une comparaison des résultats obtenus dans les deux universités devrait s’avérer particulièrement éclairante.
Les résultats visent à fournir des données relatives aux choix de formation et attentes par rapport aux études, aux parcours de formation, aux modalités d’organisation du travail, et à l’état de santé des étudiants.
L’analyse des données va nous permettre de repérer les opinions des étudiants, interpréter les données en fonction de la discipline et au sexe. Une comparaison des résultats obtenus dans les deux universités devrait s’avérer particulièrement éclairante.