Papers by Dhastagir Sheriff
Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, Jul 1, 2006
Assisted reproductive technology has helped many childless couples. It has also raised questions ... more Assisted reproductive technology has helped many childless couples. It has also raised questions about how appropriate the technology might be in different situations. How we understand parenthood is crucial in taking a stand on such scientific intervention. It is suggested that physicians should decide on offering artificial insemination, surrogacy and in-vitro fertilisation only after considering if the child will have good parents and if there will be legal complications from the use of the technology.

Biochemia Medica, 2010
Original scientifi c article The pre va len ce of meta bo lic syndro me in a local popu la tion i... more Original scientifi c article The pre va len ce of meta bo lic syndro me in a local popu la tion in In dia Ma nop riya Thi ru va goun der 1* , Sha heen Khan 2 , Dhas ta gir Sul tan She ri ff 3 1 In sti tu te of Re sear ch in Scien ce and Me di ci ne, Sa lem, In dia 2 In sti tu te of Car dio lo gy, Ban glo re, In dia 3 De par tme nt of Bioc he mis try, Al Arab Me di cal Uni ver si ty, Ben gha zi, Li bya *Cor res pon di ng aut hor: dhas ta gir @ya Ab stra ct In tro duc tion: Peop le wi th meta bo lic syndro me are about twi ce as li ke ly to de ve lop ce reb ro vas cu lar di sea se (CVD) and over four ti mes as li ke ly to de ve lop type 2 dia be tes com pa red to sub jec ts wit hout me ta bo lic syndro me. This cro ss-sec tio nal po pu la tion ba sed stu dy was un der ta ken to explore the pre va len ce of me ta bo lic syndro me in a lo cal po pu la tion in In dia. Ma te ria ls and met ho ds: The pre va len ce was as ses sed in a group of 1,568 pa tien ts re fer red to Hi gh Te ch Hos pi tal affi lia ted to Vi naya ka Mis sio ns Uni ver si ty, Sa lem, In dia. We ha ve ana lyzed the ove ra ll pre va len ce of me ta bo lic syndro me, as we ll as the num ber of com po nen ts of the me ta bo lic syndro me pre se nt in the in di vi dua ls in this stu dy. For all sub jec ts fol lowi ng va riab les we re col lec ted: age, gen der, wai st cir cum fe ren ce, blood pressu re and fas ti ng cli ni cal che mis try pa ra me te rs. Blood pres su re was mo ni to red and mea su red in a sit ti ng po si tion by a mer cu ry sphygmo ma no me ter. Blood sam ples for HDL-cho les te rol, trig lyce ri de and fas ti ng glu co se we re col lec ted af ter 12h over nig ht fa st. Re sul ts: In our group 33.17% of ma les and 27.04% of fe ma les we re iden ti fi ed as ha vi ng the me ta bo lic syndro me. Wai st cir cum fe ren ce, dysli pi de mia and im pai red glu co se to le ran ce we re sig ni fi can tly mo re pre va le nt in our ma le sub jec ts than in fe ma les. Mul tip le lo gis tic reg res sion ana lysis showed that in crea si ng age (OR (95% CI) = 1.06 (1.040-1.070); P < 0.001) and ma le gen der (OR (95% CI) = 1.50 (1.190-1.890); P < 0.05) we re sig ni fi ca nt pre dic to rs of me ta bo lic syndro me in In dia. Con clu sion: The me ta bo lic syndro me is substan tial ly pre va le nt in In dia. Its pre va len ce in creases wi th age and is hig her in men than in wo men. A fur ther stu dy is requi red to un der sta nd the ro le and in te r-re la tion ship be tween so me mo re and le ss known fac to rs pos sib ly as so cia ted wi th the meta bo lic syndro me. Key wor ds: dysli pi dae mia; me ta bo lic syndro me; pre va len ce; glu co se in to le ran ce; wai st cir cum fe ren ce
Medicine, Sep 19, 2015
It is proven today that kidney both utilizes, forms and releases assumes greater significance in ... more It is proven today that kidney both utilizes, forms and releases assumes greater significance in overall glucose metabolism in the fedand starve state. The studies elucidating the role of ki in blood glucose homeostasis is opened up new avenues of looki kidney acts as a dual organ with respect to glucose metaboli cortex for glucose formation and release. Renal medulla is rich i Therefore renal medulla is obligate user of glucose like the brain cells. Renal cortex has glucose 6 phosphatase activity and gluconeogenic enzymes for glucose formation and release. starve conditions have been areas of recent focus of research and study. These studies have paved way to look for newer forms drugs to treat diabetes. Therefore, sodium-glucose co indicated for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
IntechOpen eBooks, Jan 27, 2021
Sultan Sheriff "Ethics is not neutral information. Ethics is active formation," Jordan wrote in a... more Sultan Sheriff "Ethics is not neutral information. Ethics is active formation," Jordan wrote in an email. "So an essential part of teaching sexual ethics is getting people to reflect honestly both on what they believe and on how they have been led to those beliefs.
IntechOpen eBooks, Oct 5, 2022

Annals of SBV, 2020
The word infodemic is a blending of two words information and pandemic. Modern information techno... more The word infodemic is a blending of two words information and pandemic. Modern information technologies have mixed facts with fear, speculation, and rumor that has caught the world with information overflow. Medicine is an art and science. Uncertainty is one of the key principles of medicine. "Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability" mused William Osler. The information collected from available data from world regulatory bodies of public health reflects the nature and importance of uncertainty with newer facts emerging from more studies regarding the virus and the disease. The indirect gesture of a leader not wearing a face mask projected by social media negatively influences ordinary people to decide whether to wear a mask or not. The 100-day agenda of President-elect Joe Biden of the USA mandates that every citizen wear a face mask after millions of US citizens were infected by coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). Social media have a more social responsibility to relay true information regarding the wearing of face masks. The process of communication regarding the pandemic like any other research question must go through tests of veracity, validation, and reliability. As health issues have become a global phenomenon, social media need to have a physician-scientist to verify the information to be relayed. It will be more effective if that information is communicated by a physician forming the media team, say a TV channel. The art of communication skills relating to pandemics needs to be taught and trained to disseminate facts by social media.

International Journal of Andrology, Dec 1, 1979
The effects of testosterone, progesterone or testosterone plus progesterone on testicular lipids ... more The effects of testosterone, progesterone or testosterone plus progesterone on testicular lipids of pubertal rats are presented. The hormones were administered for 1 day as well as 7 days continuously to study both short and long term effects. Testosterone induced marked depletion of glycerides in short and long term treatments. It elicited a significant increase in phospholipids only in long term treatment. Progesterone brought about marked increase in esterified cholesterol with a congenital fall in free cholesterol. It had no significant effect on testicular glycerides and phospholipids Testosterone plus progesterone administration caused marked increase in phospholipids with a fall in glyceride levels even in short term treatment. There was a marked increase in esterified cholesterol with a concurrent fall in free cholesterol level. Thus, testosterone plus progesterone treatment brought out marked changes in phospholipids, glycerides and cholesterol fractions. These hormonal treatments did not have any significant effect on testicular weight in short as well as long term studies.

Apart from its established role in lactation in females, there is a considerable body of evidence... more Apart from its established role in lactation in females, there is a considerable body of evidence to suggest a role for prolactin (PRL) in the testis and the male accessory organs1. These data include the demonstration of binding sites, trophic effects, stimulation of steroidogenesis, stimulation of steroid- metabolizing enzymes and effects on spermatogenesis2–6. In normoprolactin- aemia, PRL has little or no effect by itself, but potentiates the effect of LH on steroidogenesis, and synergizes with testosterone in its effect on the prostate and seminal vesicles4. PRL modulates testicular function by a direct effect on the Leydig cells, on their ability to bind LH3,7. The apparent stimulation of FSH release by PRL may also contribute to its influence on testicular steroidogenesis1. In the ejaculate PRL stimulates the ATPase activity of human spermatozoa, thus influencing their motility and fertilizing capacity via effects on the energy metabolism8–10. In the case of hyperprolactinaemia, PRL seems to counteract gonadal steroidogenesis, metabolism of testosterone and sperm motility11,17. In the present study the effect of hyperprolactinaemia on seminal cytology of infertile patients is presented with a view to bring out the importance of PRL on spermatid differentiation.
Advances in Physiology Education, Dec 1, 1995
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, May 1, 2017
Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1984
Endocrine profile and seminal plasma composition in 45 patients with tuberculoid-type Hansen's di... more Endocrine profile and seminal plasma composition in 45 patients with tuberculoid-type Hansen's disease are reported. There was marked reduction in sperm count and motility (p<O.Ol, p<O.Ol, respectively) with an increase in abnormal forms of spermatozoa (p<O=O5). The levels of serum prolactin and oestradiol-17B were increased significantly (p<O.O5, p<O.OS, respectively) with a marked reduction in serum FSH, LH and testosterone (p<OeO5, p<O.O5, p<O.O5, respectively). Thi: possible significance of these findings may help further to understand male reproductive function in Hansen's disease.

Reproductive Toxicology, 1991
Vanadium is a trace element that is considered to be essential for few organisms, has therapeutic... more Vanadium is a trace element that is considered to be essential for few organisms, has therapeutic value in pharmacologic doses, and is toxic when taken in large doses (1). It is widely distributed in human tissues, including the testis. Its brain toxicity is implicated as a possible causative factor in manic depressive illnesses. It is reported to inhibit brain protein biosynthesis and Na+-K ÷ ATPase activity in rats (2,3). Because it is also used as a cracking agent in petrochemical industries, it is appropriate to study its toxicologic effects on different tissues, including the testis. A recent study has shown that sodium metavanadate intoxication in rats leads to depletion of sulfhydryl groups and glutathione (GSH) (4). Like the brain, which is vulnerable to lipid peroxidation because of its high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and high aerobic metabolism (5), the testis may be prone to such lipid peroxidation due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in testicular phospholipids (6). Such lipid peroxidation is damaging because of the subsequent reactions of free radicals (mainly peroxy radicals) that are produced (7). Free radicals react with nucleotides in DNA and critical sulfhydryl groups of proteins (8). This may be one of the possible mechanisms of vanadium toxicity, a-tocopherol (vitamin E), which acts as a scavenger of free radicals (9), may help protect tissues from peroxidative damage. In the present study an attempt has been made to elucidate the toxic effects of vanadium on testicular lipid peroxidation and the possible protective effect of vitamin E against such toxicity. Fifty male Sprague-Dawley rats were weighed (200 to 300 g body weight; Central Animal House, AI

Series of endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism, Jun 24, 2019
Pregnancy is considered as a test for beta cell reserve. If there is a good function, insulin res... more Pregnancy is considered as a test for beta cell reserve. If there is a good function, insulin resistance will overcome. If not, gestational diabetes will occur. Insulin resistance (IR) present in normal pregnancy is required to provide nutrients to the growing fetus. There is a rapid increase of insulin in such an insulin resistant state. The possibility of lipid deposition in muscle fibers (intramyocellular) could be one of the possible mechanism of IR in gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). The poor response of insulin release, possible fat deposition in the skeletal muscle or ectopic fat deposition may cause dysfunctional homeostasis in GDM. This will definitely influence the fine tuning of metabolic machinery of a growing fetus. Children born with such subtle metabolic state will probably be more prone to glucose intolerance and ectopic lipid deposition. The finding that children born to GDM mothers are prone to glucose intolerance may be an eye-opener to monitor such children for beta cell function.
Semen anaJylleS wu carried out in a population cl 1250 rudomly Ie1eded Libyan males. Two SeDlm sa... more Semen anaJylleS wu carried out in a population cl 1250 rudomly Ie1eded Libyan males. Two SeDlm samples collected from eam volumeer wen: subjec:led to the routine ana1y_ following the World Health Organizatioo l'eiOOIDJl\endationa. The Libyan population had a hiaber percentage of men with sperm density in the range cl 4().{J() milliooa/ml The percc:nlap of men with sperm COUIlIS above 100 milIicJIII/mI iJ comparatively lower lban lb. iJ reported by MacLeod and Gold (9). The seminal plasma u.sferrin levels showed a poIitive correlation wiIh spmn density and alpba-glllCOlidase acUvity wiIb sperm motility.
The Journal of medical sciences, Jan 18, 2023
The need for self-directed learning (SDL) is more now in the lockdown period with the coronavirus... more The need for self-directed learning (SDL) is more now in the lockdown period with the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic (COVID-19). Online teaching and learning require SDL more than face-to-face teaching. Therefore, curiosity to learn is the first step to learning more, and the first attempt to learn is the need of the hour.

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Nov 30, 2019
Sexuality reflects a person's personality. Cancer, regardless of its location can affect sexualit... more Sexuality reflects a person's personality. Cancer, regardless of its location can affect sexuality. Cancer and its treatment have a bio-psycho-social impact on a patient.3 Research has shown that poor physical health and emotional distress can affect sexual health 4. Cancer survivors were reported to have sexual problem after cancer therapy.5following changes in body image. Materials and Methods: Subjects taken for the study were who had come for consultation regarding their physical health including sexual health. 65 subjects with breast cancer patients were included in the study. Informed consent was taken from the cases and it was approved by an Institute Ethics review Board attached to the institute. Basson's sexual response cycle formed the basis for formulating worksheet given to the patients to record breaks in their sexual response cycle following a sexual encounter they had with their partners (husbands). 5 takes into account the role of intimacy in understanding the women's sexual response cycle and it is non-linear in nature. This makes the model suitable for studying sexual response cycle in women in health and disease. Based on the model the work sheet was created to understand the sexual response cycle of women with breast cancer, The Breaks in the sexual response cycle were found to due to Biological factors like body image, fatigue and drug therapy along with psychological factors like pain, anxiety and depression. The main motivator of sexual response was physical intimacy and care in these patients.

Infertility is a major public health concern in developing and developed nations. In certain soci... more Infertility is a major public health concern in developing and developed nations. In certain societies, infertility carries a social stigma and is one of the key factors for breakup of families. The revolution created by assisted reproductive technologies (AIR) in infertility treatment has given hope to childless couples to have children. The quality of diagnosis plays an important role in helping to deliver proper therapy to such couples. Therefore, judicious use of diagnostic tests and its interpretation play a vital role in infertility treatment. The presence of andrologists and gynecologists has helped to identify and guide the patient to take proper treatment for their childlessness. Hormonal assays, its interpretation followed by hormonal stimulation, retrieval of healthy follicle, in vitro fertilization, implantation and growth of embryos require a team of experts to co-ordinate, advocate and advance the treatment to the patient. The promising field of stem cell therapy and storage banks of sperm, oocytes and embryos have opened new avenues of treatment and galvanized the field of reproduction. Therefore, books related to these aspects will help review, relate and redeem the field of infertility treatment. The ethical concerns of AIR will allow for introspection of the existing dilemmas and psychological concerns of the patient.
Clinical Chemistry, May 1, 1986
Journal of health research and reviews, 2014
Clinical laboratory tests form one of the major components of evidence-based medicine. Results ob... more Clinical laboratory tests form one of the major components of evidence-based medicine. Results obtained for the cases referred carry variations due to biological parameters including the effect of age, pre-analytical errors, analytical errors, as well as interpretation of the results obtained. In the present study, some of these concerns have been addressed with a view to prepare the physician to understand, interpret, as well as choose the required tests for a specific case in question.
Papers by Dhastagir Sheriff