Papers by Andini Linarsih, MA. TESOL

Jurnal Pelita PAUD
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran hewan khas Kalimantan Barat berba... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran hewan khas Kalimantan Barat berbasis Augmented Reality bagi anak usia dini 5-6 tahun, dengan target khusus menghasilkan produk media pembelajaran tentang mengenalkan hewan khas Kalimantan Barat berbasis Augmented Reality bagi anak usia dini 5-6 tahun sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip pengembangan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan model ADDIE (Analyse, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Tahapan penelitian meliputi analisis kebutuhan, merancang media, mengembangkan media, melakukan ujicoba, dan mengevaluasi. Ujicoba terbatas dilakukan di Kota Pontianak dan Kabupaten Sintang, Kalimantan Barat dengan subjek ujicoba guru. Pengumpulan Data dilakukan dengan: (a) observasi; (b) kuesioner; & (c) wawancara (focus group interview). Analisis data dalam penelitian ini terdiri atas analisis data kualitatif dan uji beda (t-test /U-Mann Witney/wilcoxon). Hasil penelitian berupa aplikasi berbasis Aug...

International Journal of Learning and Instruction (IJLI)
The research on teachers' efforts to increase interest in reading children aged 5-6 years dur... more The research on teachers' efforts to increase interest in reading children aged 5-6 years during COVID-19 pandemic at Integrated Early Childhood Education (PAUD) of Kartini was motivated by the exposure of UNESCO data which stated that Indonesia ranked second from the bottom in terms of world literacy, meaning that reading interest in Indonesia is very low. According to UNESCO data, the reading interest of the Indonesian people is very concerning, only 0.001%. This study aims to determine the efforts of teachers to increase interest in reading for children aged 5-6 years during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Integrated PAUD of Kartini in Pontianak. The research method used was descriptive qualitative research methods with case study research. The study results in an effort by teachers to increase reading interest in children aged 5-6 years during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Kartini Integrated PAUD Pontianak were carried out using various media methods and conducting appropriate l...

Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Meningkatnya penggunaan gadget di kalangan anak usia dini menimbulkan keresahan orang tua. Banyak... more Meningkatnya penggunaan gadget di kalangan anak usia dini menimbulkan keresahan orang tua. Banyaknya pengaruh negatif bagi anak akibat penggunaan gadget yang berlebihan, menyebabkan orang tua membutuhkan panduan mengenai bagaimana penggunaan gadget yang sesuai untuk anak usia dini. Oleh karena itu tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan saku panduan penggunaan gadget untuk optimalisasi perkembangan anak usia dini bagi orang tua dengan menggunakan model pengembangan 4D. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan angket. Subjek penelitiannya adalah guru PAUD di kota Pontianak dengan validator ahli materi dari praktisi Magister Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini dan validator ahli media dari praktisi lembaga PAUD. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan buku saku ini layak digunakan karena berisi materi yang bermanfaat dan dapat dipahami oleh orang tua serta memiliki tampilan yang menarik, ringkas disertai dengan ga...

Jurnal Visi Ilmu Pendidikan
The purpose of this study was to obtain information on the effectiveness of the digital literacy ... more The purpose of this study was to obtain information on the effectiveness of the digital literacy movement and what factors influence the effectiveness of the digital literacy movement in Sekolah Dasar Negeri dan Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri Kota Pontianak. The research approach used is quantitative research and descriptive study. The data for this study were sourced from schools, especially from principals and teachers, with details as many as 141 Sekolah Dasar Negeri and 28 Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri. The data collection technique is direct communication by conducting interviews with principals, teachers and students. Analysis of research data using Content Input Process and Product (CIPP) analysis, then the data is analyzed using SPSS statistics program. The digital literacy movement in Pontianak State Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools in general is still not effective. Judging from the class base, school culture base, and community base. There are several factors...

This is a great effort to summarize bright ideas about educational theory and practice, especiall... more This is a great effort to summarize bright ideas about educational theory and practice, especially English language education and teaching, during the COVID-19 pandemic. This anthology book will be very useful for teachers, lecturers, students, and education practitioners, especially language education, to gain experience that can be directly practiced in online, face-to-face classes, or a combination of online and faceto-face. Hopefully, this small effort that has great benefits can be continued by IELA (Indonesian English Lecturer Association) in particular and seminar organizers in general to produce important writings containing theoretical and practical ideas that are useful for the advancement of education, especially language education in Indonesia. By sharing this knowledge and experience, we can transfer these smart ideas to fellow teachers and lecturers, researchers, and practitioners to be able to solve some teaching problems with this solution.

Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Meskipun penanaman pendidikan karakter dalam praktik pedagogi telah banyak dibicarakan dan diberi... more Meskipun penanaman pendidikan karakter dalam praktik pedagogi telah banyak dibicarakan dan diberitakan dalam konteks pendidikan anak usia dini, namun masih sangat sedikit bukti empiris yang menunjukkan bahwa penanaman nilai-nilai karakter khususnya cinta damai dapat dilakukan melalui pendekatan saintifik. Untuk mengisi gap tersebut, artikel ini membahas studi kasus deskriptif yang menyelidiki bagaimana guru taman kanak-kanak di Indonesia menerapkan pendekatan ilmiah dalam menginternalisasi nilai perdamaian dalam praktik pedagogis di kelas. Artikel ini menampilkan bagaimana guru menggunakan berbagai strategi penerapan pendekatan saintifik dalam mengajarkan nilai-nilai perdamaian di Taman Kanak-kanak mulai dari strategi komunikasi, contoh, pembiasaan dan bercerita yang terintegrasi dalam setiap kegiatan pembelajaran melalui proses mengamati, menanya, mencoba, menganalisis/ menalar. , dan mengomunikasikan hasil karya anak secara individu maupun kelompok. Strategi ini dapat dilihat mula...

Jurnal Basicedu
Membaca pada anak usia dini tidak sama dengan membaca pada orang dewasa. Membaca pada anak usia d... more Membaca pada anak usia dini tidak sama dengan membaca pada orang dewasa. Membaca pada anak usia dini lebih dikenal dengan istilah membaca permulaan, yaitu pada tahap awal menerjemahkan simbol-simbol tertulis menjadi suara atau bunyi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan tentang pelaksanaan pembelajaran membaca permulaan bahasa Inggris melalui metode phonics pada anak usia 5-6 tahun di TK Cahaya Mentari Pontianak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah satu orang guru bahasa Inggris yang mengajar di kelas Kindergarten 2 Neverland. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran membaca permulaan bahasa Inggris melalui metode phonics dimulai dari: 1) Pengenalan simbol huruf lewat karakter yang ada di Letterland. Letterland yang didalamnya terdapat story phonics yang masing-masing karakternya mewa...

Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Penyelenggaraan pendidikan inklusi bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi pendidikan bagi setiap anak deng... more Penyelenggaraan pendidikan inklusi bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi pendidikan bagi setiap anak dengan berbagai karakteristik kemampuannya. Guru sebagai pendidik anak usia dini perlu memilikibagaimana pandangan pendidikan inklusif itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi guru Taman Kanak-Kanak dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan inklusif di Kota Pontianak menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan kuesioner. Sampelnya adalah 147 guru Taman Kanak-kanak di Kota Pontianak, dengan uji validitas menggunakan validitas konstruk pendapat ahli. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, persepsi guru TK terhadap penyelenggaraan pendidikan inklusi di Kota Pontianak cukup baik, tujuan penyelenggaraan pendidikan inklusi di Kota Pontianak cukup baik dan fasilitas dan Inklusi infrastruktur pendidikan di Kota Pontianak tergolong baik

VELES: Voices of English Language Education Society
Selecting joyful communication activities in English learning is indispensably essential. Undoubt... more Selecting joyful communication activities in English learning is indispensably essential. Undoubtedly, the students prefer joyful communication activities regardless the activities use assisted technology or not. Hence, this study sought to explore joyful communication activities based on EFL students' perceptions. It also aims to elicit students' attitudes toward technology-assisted and non-assisted communication activities. This study employed a mix-methods approach to obtain quantitative and qualitative data on 126 students from various non-English departments at a state university in Indonesia. Distributing the questionnaires was employed to obtain the quantitative data. Meanwhile, the qualitative data was obtained through semi-structured interviews. The findings show that three kinds of activities are recognized as the most joyful communication activities, and 12 are the medium of joyful communication activities. Furthermore, the other 16 activities are at a low positio...
JURNAL INDRIA (Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Prasekolah dan Sekolah Awal)
Integrasi teknologi di kelas sangat penting untuk meningkatkan transfer informasi di kelas. Salah... more Integrasi teknologi di kelas sangat penting untuk meningkatkan transfer informasi di kelas. Salah satu media terintegrasi teknologi yang dapat melatih kreativitas dan pemikiran komputasi guru-siswa adalah modul hyper content. Studi ini menyelidiki suara guru PAUD tentang manfaat e-modul hyper content setelah mereka menyelesaikan pelatihan e-modul hyper content mereka. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 80% peserta merasa materi pelatihan kali ini sangat dibutuhkan untuk pengembangan karir ke depan, dan mereka merasa materi yang diberikan mudah sehingga keterampilan mereka dalam membuat media pembelajaran bagi anak usia dini berupa modul hyper content telah ditingkatkan.

Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa (JPPK)
This study describes the application of storytelling methods to develop the character of caring f... more This study describes the application of storytelling methods to develop the character of caring for the environment for children aged 5-6 years in Kindergarten of the Model Laboratory of the University of Muhammadiyah Pontianak. Ex post facto research method qualitative descriptive approach. The research subjects were teachers of group B at the Model Laboratory Kindergarten, University of Muhammadiyah Pontianak. The results showed, 1. Teacher preparation for storytelling methods, the teacher had made initial preparations such as determining goals before storytelling, determining themes, determining fairy tale titles and preparing media/props, 2. The process of applying storytelling methods the teacher greeted children with something interesting, discussed thematerial. fairy tales, starting a fairy tale slowly, with the sentence "one day live", using storytelling techniques such as intonation, body movements, voice imitation, eye contact and there is interaction between tea...

Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa (JPPK)
The background of this research that children are not yet capable enough to listen actively, lear... more The background of this research that children are not yet capable enough to listen actively, learning in class is more about giving assignments while listening skills are not paid enough attention and many parents consider listening skilss to be less important. The method used in this research is an experimental type of classroom action research with a quantitative approach and the research design is pre-experimental design one group pretest-posttest. The subjects in this study were 8 children in group B of TK Aalam Kids Kubu Raya. The data collection technique used is observation and documentation. The results from before being given a chain wishper game in cycle 1 were BSH 37,5% and BSB 0%, while after being given a chain whisper game in cycle 1 were BSH 87,5% and BSB 12,5%. So it can be concluded that there is an increase in the listening skills of children aged 5-6 years through a series of whispering games in TK Aalam Kids Kubu Raya.Keywords: Game, Listening Skill, Whispering C...

Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa (JPPK)
This study aims to describe the application of the singing method in growing children's confi... more This study aims to describe the application of the singing method in growing children's confidence in TK LKIA 2 Pontianak. The research method used is a descriptive method with a qualitative research form. The subjects in this study were class B teachers and class B children at TK LKIA 2 Pontianak. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that: 1. Teachers at TK LKIA 2 Pontianak had prepared a daily lesson plan (RPPH) every day before learning began, the songs prepared by the teacher were in accordance with the learning theme, the selection of songs that were familiar/familiar to the world of children and easy to sing by children. such as the form of a song that is simple and not too long so that the lyrics are easily memorized by children, 2. The implementation of learning has been carried out quite well in accordance with the RPPH, in carrying out singing activities it is done by teaching techniques repeatedly, singing ...

Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa (JPPK)
At an early age, children's language development is included in the expressive language phase... more At an early age, children's language development is included in the expressive language phase. Children use expressive language because they are already able to express their thoughts, opinions and feelings through spoken language. This expressive language will make it easier for children to communicate and adjust to their environment. This research aims to find out the influence of Traditional Cang Cericit Games on Early Childhood Expressive Language Skills in Kemala Bhayangkari Kindergarten 13 Pontianak Kota. The research method used is quantitative with the Pre Experimental Designs approach with the form of One Group Pretest-Posttest Designs. The source of this research is all B4 graders at Kemala Bhayangkari Kindergarten 13 Pontianak Kota. The research instruction is using observation sheets and chek lists. This research data collection technique is observation and documentation. Based on the results of data analysis and hypothesis testing, the study showed that there was an...

Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa (JPPK)
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to describe the teacher's perception of online learning... more ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to describe the teacher's perception of online learning at Aisyiyah Busnatul Athfal 3 Kindergarten in Pontianak City. This study uses a qualitative approach with qualitative descriptive methods, data collection techniques used are interviews and documentation. This research uses data. Data analysis can be done by reducing data, presenting data, and verifying and drawing conclusions. Test the validity of the data using source triangulation, technical triangulation, time triangulation and member check. The results of this study indicate that, (1) the teacher's response in online learning at TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 3 Pontianak City, by knowing whether online learning has been successful. Effective or not, how the teacher handles it, (2) Organizing and implementing online learning at Aisyiyah Kindergarten Bustanul Athfal 3 City. Pontianak uses the Emergency RPPM and ten children activities.Keywords: Teacher's Perception of Online Lea...

Jurnal Visi Ilmu Pendidikan, Aug 5, 2022
This study aims to provide an overview of the implementation of inclusive education at the Inclus... more This study aims to provide an overview of the implementation of inclusive education at the Inclusive Pilot School in Pontianak, particularly at the preschool level. The Pilot Inclusion Preschool in Pontianak consists of West Pontianak Integrated Kindergarten/ Preschool and North Pontianak Selayar Kindergarten. The two kindergartens provide inclusive education for children with special needs ages 4-6. The method used in this study is a descriptive method to describe inclusive education objectively in the two preschools. The techniques used in this research are observation, interviews, and documentary studies. The data needed is related to the two preschool institutions' planning, implementation, and evaluation of inclusive education. Overall, findings revealed that the institutions have carried out planning, implementation, and evaluation in providing services to children with special needs. However, they did not entirely follow the techniqal instructions for implementing inclusive education.

This is a great effort to summarize bright ideas about educational theory and practice, especiall... more This is a great effort to summarize bright ideas about educational theory and practice, especially English language education and teaching, during the COVID-19 pandemic. This anthology book will be very useful for teachers, lecturers, students, and education practitioners, especially language education, to gain experience that can be directly practiced in online, face-to-face classes, or a combination of online and faceto-face. Hopefully, this small effort that has great benefits can be continued by IELA (Indonesian English Lecturer Association) in particular and seminar organizers in general to produce important writings containing theoretical and practical ideas that are useful for the advancement of education, especially language education in Indonesia. By sharing this knowledge and experience, we can transfer these smart ideas to fellow teachers and lecturers, researchers, and practitioners to be able to solve some teaching problems with this solution.

IJELTAL (Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics)
Decades-long researches in a language in contact field have proved that when a learner learns a n... more Decades-long researches in a language in contact field have proved that when a learner learns a new language, his/her knowledge regarding their first language might interfere with their learning. If it occurs, the learning process will be more challenging. The data in this research was collected by using document study technique on twenty-five research outlines written by preservice English teachers in order to investigate the potential of interferences of Indonesian subject – verb agreement pattern into English. To do so, a descriptive study was adopted. The data was analysed by incorporating error and contrastive analyses. The finding of this research confirmed that four types of subject – verb agreements pattern of English had been interfered by that of Indonesian. The grammatically incorrect sentences, which were caused by such interferences, occurred very individually. It means that the interference varies from one preservice English teacher to another.
GEEJ (Getsempena English Education Journal), 2019
Mastering English which is currently an international language is one of the golden tickets to ex... more Mastering English which is currently an international language is one of the golden tickets to explore the world globally. As an educator, having an accredited research journal is an obligation. Nowadays, most international accredited journals are written in English. Therefore, having the ability of English language will help teachers to publish their articles or their writing internationally. Currently, almost all countries in the world prepare their human resources in English language skills. This paper argues that government policies, society, and English language teaching practices are students' environments which promote the emergence of bilingual euphoria phenomenon. Also, this paper will presents how this phenomenon will marginalize local languages together with some suggestions to overcome the situation.
Jurnal Visi Ilmu Pendidikan, 2022
Teacher development is an ongoing process through which teachers keep growing with their capabili... more Teacher development is an ongoing process through which teachers keep growing with their capabilities. They must be adaptive to the demands of changing times and open to self-professional development. Today, teacher development is challenged to develop not only mastery of science and teaching abilities but also technology. In the perspective of Technology Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), the meeting of these three competence dimensions can be further divided into seven sub-competencies: technological knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, knowledge of course content, technological pedagogical knowledge, technological content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and technological pedagogical content knowledge. This paper ends with pedagogic implications for teacher professional development that demands high quality and perceived as valuable.
Papers by Andini Linarsih, MA. TESOL