Papers by Solange Lefebvre
McGill-Queen's University Press eBooks, Jun 1, 2014
Wiley-Blackwell eBooks, Nov 22, 2011
Spirale : arts • lettres • sciences humaines, 2010

Retraite et société, 2013
In research on relationships, contributions, similarities and differences, solidarity and injusti... more In research on relationships, contributions, similarities and differences, solidarity and injustice, age and generation receive less attention than social class or gender. Over the years, the author has tested several questions in this field, which have been greatly enriched by including age perspectives. This article provides several examples. The first two sections discuss fundamental concepts by considering the difficulty of distinguishing between the effects of age, generation and period and then by examining differentiated contributions of different age groups. Key paths for research and intervention are also examined. This begins with the creation of an inter-generational focus group in the late 1990s, which drew attention to previously unnoticed or unsuspected problems of imbalance between different age groups. As well as describing the creation of the group, the author gives the example of the highly revealing debate on “orphan clauses” in the workplace. She then mentions the resistance of the research community, raised by any discussion of inequality between age groups, and lastly the transmission of knowledge between different age groups in the workplace, which has been too rare so far. Finally, the study stresses the importance of the role of future generations, especially as regards management of the Earth’s resources, which highlights the temporal depth of inter-generational relationships.
Presses universitaires de Strasbourg eBooks, 2016
Sociology of Religion, Feb 14, 2011
I strongly recommend this theoretically interesting and empirically relevant book to scholars and... more I strongly recommend this theoretically interesting and empirically relevant book to scholars and students as well as people involved in community work and religious groups. In the context of the current debates on relations between the state and religion, it offers a very ...
Presses de l’Université de Montréal eBooks, Mar 23, 2018
Dans les sociétés démocratiques et pluralistes, la question de la religion dans la sphère publiqu... more Dans les sociétés démocratiques et pluralistes, la question de la religion dans la sphère publique donne lieu à de nombreux débats importants et complexes. Elle concerne ici les rapports entre les religions et les courants spirituels, l’Etat et la société civile, et ces trois paliers étroitement liés de la société traversent évidemment plusieurs domaines publics et parapublics : les institutions d’éducation, les services sociaux et de santé, les milieux carcéraux, les institutions du droit et..
Presses de l’Université de Montréal eBooks, Mar 23, 2018
• La chaire de recherche Religion, culture et société Titulaire : Solange Lefebvre À l’instar des... more • La chaire de recherche Religion, culture et société Titulaire : Solange Lefebvre À l’instar des sociétés occidentales, les sociétés québécoise et canadienne sont confrontées à la réalité du pluralisme religieux : au sein de l’espace social et politique, diverses traditions religieuses et de multiples expressions d’une reconfiguration du religieux sont présentes. Les dernières années, notamment les vifs débats sur la place du religieux à l’école, ont mis en évidence l’importa..

BRILL eBooks, 2008
This chapter reflects on the state of affairs in the province of Quebec focusing on Sikhism, Juda... more This chapter reflects on the state of affairs in the province of Quebec focusing on Sikhism, Judaism, and Islam. An "orthodox" religious group defends "the true doctrine" and the religious attitude of willing obedience to its norms. The concept of secularization refers to the autonomous nature of the political and religious spheres. Freedom means no one is forced to act in a way contrary to one's beliefs or conscience. For legal purpose, referring back to a lineage of belief would be judicious and would avoid having to depend solely on the advice of an expert or religious official and give a framework for interpreting the sincerity of the belief. Quebec has been facing a low threshold of tolerance for public opinion of minority religions. People in Quebec are reacting to the fact that the law is apparently willing to protect the religious freedom of individuals but rarely that of groups.Keywords: law; public opinion; Quebec; secularization
SCM Press eBooks, 2010
Concilium is an international theological journal published five times a year in five languages. ... more Concilium is an international theological journal published five times a year in five languages. With its origins in the renewal of Catholic theological thinking following the Second Vatican Council, Concilium draws together a wide range of the best of current leading theological writers from Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa. It is a catholic journal in the widest sense: rooted firmly in the Catholic heritage, open to other Christian tradition and the world's faiths. Each issue of Concilium focuses on a theme of crucial importance and the widest possible concern for our time.

Islam and Security in the West, 2021
Media certainly play a role in trajectories toward violent extremism (VE) and in the perception o... more Media certainly play a role in trajectories toward violent extremism (VE) and in the perception of VE within the population. The influence of mass media and social media on the perceptions of VE, on the one hand, and on the process leading to VE, on the other hand, is certainly an emerging issue with a strong contextual component; however, it has given rise to very few empirical studies. This chapter presents some of the results pertaining to Islamist violent extremism, stemming from a project that studied several types of extremism. Based on interviews with young extremists in Morocco and Quebec that shed light on their trajectories, this chapter presents the ideological sources, the ambivalence between Quietist and violent Salafism, the concrete media experience by young extremists, and several other determining factors. The first section presents the context and methodology of the project, as well as some general results. The conclusion exposes one of the key findings of the rese...
Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion, 2018
Catholicism represents an important area of research in sociology, as well as across several disc... more Catholicism represents an important area of research in sociology, as well as across several disciplines. On one hand, Catholicism is a religion that is gen- erally over-institutionalized and over-centralized in comparison to other re- ligions. On the other hand, it finds itself in an increasingly interrelated and globalized world, and is consequently immersed in a great plurality of social realities.

Los cambios sociales identificados con la modernidad han sido interpretados con frecuencia como u... more Los cambios sociales identificados con la modernidad han sido interpretados con frecuencia como un proceso histórico en el que los fundamentos religiosos del poder político y de las identidades colectivas se verían progresivamente sustituidos por referencias secularizadas. Los hechos no han desmentido totalmente este diagnóstico, pero durante las últimas décadas hemos sido testigos de cómo las relaciones entre la religión y la esfera pública se han convertido, una vez más, en objeto de atención.Aprovechando la rica experiencia de un país como Canadá, caracterizado por su diversidad cultural y por el grado de apertura de sus políticas para la gestión de la misma, este volumen ofrece una amplia visión sobre la cambiante interpretación de las identificaciones religiosas en las sociedades modernas y un muestrario de las dificultades políticas y jurídicas que, en ocasiones, plantea el acomodo de la nueva diversidad religiosa.
Papers by Solange Lefebvre