University of Gujrat
Department of English
hen early prophase PtK 1 or Indian muntjac cells are exposed to topoisomerase II (topo II) inhibitors that induce little if any DNA damage, they are delayed from entering mitosis. We show that this delay is overridden by inhibiting the... more
PAMAM dendrimers are cationic polymers that have been used for the delivery of genes and oligonucleotides to cells. However, little is known about the behavior of dendrimer-nucleic acid complexes once they reach the cell interior. To... more
In the poem Tintern Abbey the poet has expressed his tender feeling towards nature. He has specially recollected his poetic idea of Tintern Abbey where he had gone first time in 1793. This is his second visit to this place. Wordsworth has... more
Schools also advertise through their slogans. Fifteen renowned slogans of District Gujrat Schools are collected to analyze. It is a qualitative research and describes semantic perspective of these slogans. Rhetorical figure theory... more
Urdu and Punjabi case markers are important to create a syntactic configuration, and they play a vital role in portraying their semantics. In different contexts, they expose different semantics. Urdu ko is equivalent to Punjabi nuN and... more
English in Pakistan is influenced by Pakistani languages, and the influence of these languages on English is one of the reasons for developing new features in Pakistani English. This paper documents the variant use of articles in... more
The present study investigates the Punjabi infixes which inflect the nouns for gender, number and case marking. The patterns of genders are formed by three infixes , those of numbers by three infixes and the ones of vocative case by two... more
This study examines the evaluative features from film reviews. The evaluative features of the almost similar grammatical category have been identified in each sub-value and the results have been generalized. This study inquires evaluative... more
The study investigates the predicated thematic structures in the English text and its Urdu translation. The first objective is to define the variations in the Urdu translation of English predicated thematic structures. The second... more
The study documents the morphological processes involved in the broken plural system of Urdu words. The pluralization system of Urdu is introduced briefly, however, a detailed investigation of morphological complexities of broken plural... more
The present study deals with metafunctional diversity of thematic relations i.e. ideational, interpersonal and textual in English and Urdu. The objectives are: (1) to describe the functional significance particular to thematic progression... more
This study describes the facework system in effect during oral argument in US state supreme courts. Drawing on two cases that occurred in the California Supreme Court in which attorneys and justices explored the legality of California's... more
- by Mehak Imaan
The aim of this paper is to re-examine the notions of indirectness and politeness as applied to requests. It is argued that (contrary to current theories of politeness) the two notions do not represent parallel demensions; indirectness... more
The purpose of this paper is to analyze a written discourse which is in the form of an official letter. There are many approaches for discourse analysis. The difference between these approaches is that a few of them include analysis of... more
T.S.Eliot as a metaphysical poet portrays his ideas dynamically unique way. His view on Unification of Sensibility and Dissociation of Sensibility are illustrated along with the foremost important discussed by him that is the how to... more