Papers by Elizabeth Tilley
Literature & History
The body of critical material available about Bram Stoker is confined almost exclusively to books... more The body of critical material available about Bram Stoker is confined almost exclusively to books and articles about Dracula. His two-volume Personal Reminiscences of Henry Irving, eight other novels, two collections of short stories and numerous shorter pieces for newspapers and ...
Victorian Periodicals Review, 2015
Victorian Studies, 2002
When Charles Lever died in 1872, he left behind a corpus of some thirty novels, five collections ... more When Charles Lever died in 1872, he left behind a corpus of some thirty novels, five collections of essays, innumerable short pieces for periodicals, and a reputation to rival that of Charles Dickens at the height of his powers. Unlike that of Dickens, however, Lever's reputation suffered ...
Ireland and the New Journalism, 2014
Irish Gothics, 2014
This file is to be used only for a purpose specified by Palgrave Macmillan, such as checking proo... more This file is to be used only for a purpose specified by Palgrave Macmillan, such as checking proofs, preparing an index, reviewing, endorsing or planning coursework/other institutional needs. You may store and print the file and share it with others helping you with the specified purpose, but under no circumstances may the file be distributed or otherwise made accessible to any other third parties without the express prior permission of Palgrave Macmillan.
Victorian Periodicals Review, 2005
Joseph Altholz's studies of the English religious periodicals' ... Walters sees the gro... more Joseph Altholz's studies of the English religious periodicals' ... Walters sees the growth and development of periodicals as a response to the social revolution resulting from the combination of the powerful reli gious revivals which swept early nineteenth-century Wales, unprece
University of Toronto Quarterly, 2008
Revue LISA / LISA e-journal, 2005
Cet article propose une étude de The Irish Builder, un magazine professionnel, du point de vue de... more Cet article propose une étude de The Irish Builder, un magazine professionnel, du point de vue de son lectorat et de son contenu, suggérant que le succès de ce périodique s'explique davantage par sa fonction et par l'espace de libre-expression qu'il représenta que par le service qu'il ...
Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies, 2004
Williams's discussion falters. Though the theory of the newspaper as politically charged com... more Williams's discussion falters. Though the theory of the newspaper as politically charged commodity is declared important, the bulk of the book concerns itself largely with descriptive material; discussion of theo retical concerns is left to the conclusion. The resulting split is unfortunate, I think, ...
Papers by Elizabeth Tilley