arash salek
I am an Urban Historian ; Policy advisor for Cultural Heritage & Regional development and a freelance researcher of Metropolitan Agglomeration inside the Europe
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Papers by arash salek
Focusing on the vital-interdependency of qanāts and local communities in the central Iranian arid and semi-arid areas, we will describe how in the course of millennia, some collective qanāt organisations have been established to provide a structure for human-water interaction related to sustainable management of limited water-resources in this region.
The transformation of many cities inside this region is not only marked by morphological and physical changes, but also by transformation of their institutional structures and changes in the position and the roles of the decisive actors engaged in the process of urban planning and spatial development.
Therefore, in the age of rapid globalization, it seems that due to speedy changes inside the urban areas, the urban identity and spatial characteristics of the cities inside this region need to be redefined.
To achieve this goal, I make a distinction between the monocentric ´capital´ metropolises and polycentric ´trade-orientated´ metropolitan regions based on Max Weber’s classification of urban spaces into “consumption” and “commercial/production” cities.
This paper provides a starting point for further analysis of identity of the metropolitan urban spaces according to their historical process of urban fabrication and presents a new perspective to discover the similarities and dissimilarities between them.
Metropolitan regions, Weberian urban typology ´consumer/capital´ and ´productive/delta´ metropolitan areas, polycentric and monocentric metropolitan spaces, urban interconnections, institutional settings, decisive actors and factors
Therefore, we will deal with the phenomenology of two distinct theories about the results of
dynamical urban metamorphoses in the age of globalization. One involves the global
institutions and sets of economical networks and actors, like banking and transportation
systems.1 Another theory (which is popular between the critical regionalists and poststructuralist
urban scholars) remarks the cultural domains and praises the locality and urban
identity and strives the lack of the placeless-ness and anonymity of the urban spaces due the
globalization process.
Drafts by arash salek
Books by arash salek
Focusing on the vital-interdependency of qanāts and local communities in the central Iranian arid and semi-arid areas, we will describe how in the course of millennia, some collective qanāt organisations have been established to provide a structure for human-water interaction related to sustainable management of limited water-resources in this region.
The transformation of many cities inside this region is not only marked by morphological and physical changes, but also by transformation of their institutional structures and changes in the position and the roles of the decisive actors engaged in the process of urban planning and spatial development.
Therefore, in the age of rapid globalization, it seems that due to speedy changes inside the urban areas, the urban identity and spatial characteristics of the cities inside this region need to be redefined.
To achieve this goal, I make a distinction between the monocentric ´capital´ metropolises and polycentric ´trade-orientated´ metropolitan regions based on Max Weber’s classification of urban spaces into “consumption” and “commercial/production” cities.
This paper provides a starting point for further analysis of identity of the metropolitan urban spaces according to their historical process of urban fabrication and presents a new perspective to discover the similarities and dissimilarities between them.
Metropolitan regions, Weberian urban typology ´consumer/capital´ and ´productive/delta´ metropolitan areas, polycentric and monocentric metropolitan spaces, urban interconnections, institutional settings, decisive actors and factors
Therefore, we will deal with the phenomenology of two distinct theories about the results of
dynamical urban metamorphoses in the age of globalization. One involves the global
institutions and sets of economical networks and actors, like banking and transportation
systems.1 Another theory (which is popular between the critical regionalists and poststructuralist
urban scholars) remarks the cultural domains and praises the locality and urban
identity and strives the lack of the placeless-ness and anonymity of the urban spaces due the
globalization process.