Books by Claudio Scarvaglieri
Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2013) ›Nichts anderes als ein Austausch von Worten‹. Sprachliches Handeln ... more Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2013) ›Nichts anderes als ein Austausch von Worten‹. Sprachliches Handeln in der Psychotherapie. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter (Reihe germanistische Linguistik, 298).
Graf, Eva-Maria; Scarvaglieri, Claudio & Spranz-Fogasy, Thomas (2019) (Hgg.) Pragmatik der Veränd... more Graf, Eva-Maria; Scarvaglieri, Claudio & Spranz-Fogasy, Thomas (2019) (Hgg.) Pragmatik der Veränderung. Zur Kommunikation in helfenden Berufen. Narr: Tübingen
Papers by Claudio Scarvaglieri

Working Papers in Urban Language & Literacies 302, 2022
Public discourse in a range of countries has been reported to be characterised by Othering practi... more Public discourse in a range of countries has been reported to be characterised by Othering practices that support dichotomies between a national and monolingual "in-group" and multilingual speakers who are constructed as secondary citizens and often associated with special needs, even if they have grown up locally. Less in the focus of analysis is the fact that such patterns are also found in our field, and a closer look at linguistic publications reveals that certain patterns of Othering might be typical or even systemic, rather than exceptional. Exclusionary practices are evident in terminology that continues to reflect a narrow, monolingual view of (ethnic and) linguistic in-groups. Monolingual practices still tend to be canonised as defining the normal, unmarked case, and bilinguals are then assessed against this yardstick in terms of deviations. As a result, they can be erased as native speakers, have their language use analysed through a lens of potential errors and problems, or be excluded from the speaker pool for linguistic analysis. We present examples from different linguistic subdisciplines and discuss language-ideological implications and possible effects on research perspectives and agendas.

Frontiers in Psychology
This article examines how therapists and patients start building and managing relationships and p... more This article examines how therapists and patients start building and managing relationships and pursue institutional goals at the same time. Based on a corpus of 6 audio-recorded therapies (client-centered therapy and psychodynamic therapy), I investigate first encounters between therapists and patients as the starting points of any therapeutical process and the place where a relationship between the interactants is established for the first time. Following a microlinguistic qualitative approach and applying methods from conversation analysis and discourse analysis, I show how therapists, on the one hand, try to align with patients to build a positive working alliance and, on the other hand, work to fulfill specific interactive tasks of therapeutic discourse which demand disaligning with the patients’ communicative activity and their interactive expectations. Specific interactive “jobs” that need to be fulfilled in psychotherapy are identified, namely the performance of institutiona...

Communication and Medicine
Based on a corpus of 70 tape-recorded therapy sessions (client-centered therapy, psychodynamic th... more Based on a corpus of 70 tape-recorded therapy sessions (client-centered therapy, psychodynamic therapy), this paper presents analyses of therapists’ interventions that have the potential to trigger change processes. Using a conversation analytic approach, we identify utterances that re-formulate the patient’s experience from a different perspective. In a second step, we draw on concepts from cognitive and pragmatic linguistics, mainly “frame” and “category”, to analyze the conceptual side of these rewordings. We show that, besides processes of general abstraction, the conceptualization of the patient’s experience from a societal perspective is a crucial part of the rewordings. The verbal re-framing creates a potential for accessing stocks of societal knowledge that would not have been accessible based on the patient’s initial, individualistic and often erratic presentation of events. By changing the wording an experience is referred to, the therapist thus creates links to establishe...
Hamburg Studies on Linguistic Diversity, 2013
Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2020) The ordinarization of translinguistic diversity in a ‘bilingual’ cit... more Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2020) The ordinarization of translinguistic diversity in a ‘bilingual’ city. In: Lee, J. & Dovchin, S. (eds) Translinguistics. Negotiating Innovation & Ordinariness. Routledge: Oxford, 49-60.
Scarvaglieri, Claudio & Luginbühl, Martin (2020) The Linguistic Landscape and beyond: The Swiss P... more Scarvaglieri, Claudio & Luginbühl, Martin (2020) The Linguistic Landscape and beyond: The Swiss People’s Party’s (SVP) campaign posters in urban areas, in the media and as temporary public places of urban communication. In: Busse, Beatrix & Warnke, Ingo (eds) Place-making in the declarative city. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter, 143-166.
Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2019) Starting points for therapeutic change: Therapists’ rewordings of pa... more Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2019) Starting points for therapeutic change: Therapists’ rewordings of patients’ experiences. In Communication & Medicine, 16(2), 117–128.
Pick, Ina & Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2019) Helfendes Handeln. Zum Begriff sprachlichen Helfens und ... more Pick, Ina & Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2019) Helfendes Handeln. Zum Begriff sprachlichen Helfens und seinen Implikationen für Veränderung. In: Graf, E.-M.; Scarvaglieri, C. & Spranz-Fogasy, T. (Hrsg.) Pragmatik der Veränderung. Zur Kommunikation in helfenden Berufen. Narr: Tübingen, 25-64.
Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2019) Veränderung durch Verstehen in der Psychotherapie. In: Graf, E.-M.; ... more Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2019) Veränderung durch Verstehen in der Psychotherapie. In: Graf, E.-M.; Scarvaglieri, C. & Spranz-Fogasy, T. (Hrsg.) Pragmatik der Veränderung. Zur Kommunikation in helfenden Berufen. Narr: Tübingen, 121-145.
Graf, Eva-Maria; Scarvaglieri, Claudio & Spranz-Fogasy, Thomas (2019) Pragmatik der Veränderung i... more Graf, Eva-Maria; Scarvaglieri, Claudio & Spranz-Fogasy, Thomas (2019) Pragmatik der Veränderung in helfenden Berufen – Einführung. In: Graf, E.-M.; Scarvaglieri, C. & Spranz-Fogasy, T. (Hrsg.) Pragmatik der Veränderung. Zur Kommunikation in helfenden Berufen. Narr: Tübingen, 7-24.
Scarvaglieri, Claudio; Graf, Eva-Maria & Spranz-Fogasy, Thomas (2019) Dimensionen von Veränderung... more Scarvaglieri, Claudio; Graf, Eva-Maria & Spranz-Fogasy, Thomas (2019) Dimensionen von Veränderung in helfenden Berufen – Befunde und Perspektiven. In: Graf, E.-M.; Scarvaglieri, C. & Spranz-Fogasy, T. (Hrsg.) Pragmatik der Veränderung. Zur Kommunikation in helfenden Berufen. Narr: Tübingen, 291-303.
Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2018) Spracheinstellungen und Sprachideologien im „zweisprachigen“ Biel/ B... more Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2018) Spracheinstellungen und Sprachideologien im „zweisprachigen“ Biel/ Bienne. In: Onabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheorie (OBST) 93, 169-188.
Luginbühl, Martin & Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2018) Diskursive Interdependenz im Abstimmungskampf. D... more Luginbühl, Martin & Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2018) Diskursive Interdependenz im Abstimmungskampf. Die Plakate der Schweizerischen Volkspartei (SVP) und ihre Verarbeitung in verschiedenen Kommunikationsbereichen. In: Pappert, S. & Michel, S. (Hgg.) Multimodale Kommunikation in öffentlichen Räumen. Texte und Textsorten zwischen Tradition und Innovation. Ibidem: Stuttgart, 159-186.
Scarvaglieri, Claudio & Pappenhagen, Ruth (2018) Sprachliche Praxis und Spracheinstellungen in me... more Scarvaglieri, Claudio & Pappenhagen, Ruth (2018) Sprachliche Praxis und Spracheinstellungen in mehrsprachigen Grenzräumen: Fallstudien in Biel/ Bienne (CH) und Ústí nad Labem (CZ). In: Schiedermair, S. (Hg.) Deutsch als Fremdsprache und Kulturwissenschaft. Zugänge zu sozialen Wirklichkeiten. Iudicium: München, 108-132.
Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2018) Das Fremde in der Linguistic Landscape. Die Plakate der Schweizerisc... more Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2018) Das Fremde in der Linguistic Landscape. Die Plakate der Schweizerischen Volkspartei und ihre diskursive Verarbeitung. In: Ulz, M. & Rass, Ch. (Hgg.) Migration ein Bild geben. Visuelle Aushandlungen von Diversität. Heidelberg u.a.: Springer (Migrationsregime), 327-355.
Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2018) Sprachliche Praxis und Spracheinstellungen. Exemplarische Untersuchu... more Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2018) Sprachliche Praxis und Spracheinstellungen. Exemplarische Untersuchungen im zweisprachigen Biel/ Bienne. In: Kress, B.; Da Silva, V. & Grigorieva, I. (Hgg.) Mehrsprachigkeit, Sprachkontakt und Bildungsbiographien. Frankfurt a.M.: Lang (Hildesheimer Schriften zur Interkulturellen Kommunikation), 101-130
Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2017) Beraten und Psychotherapie. Zur Differenzierung zweier Formate helfe... more Scarvaglieri, Claudio (2017) Beraten und Psychotherapie. Zur Differenzierung zweier Formate helfenden Handelns. In: Pick, I. (Hg.) Beraten ist Sprechen. Eine linguistische Typologie zu Beratungsgesprächen in verschiedenen Handlungsfeldern. Frankfurt a.M.: Lang (Forum Angewandte Linguistik), 53-76.
Books by Claudio Scarvaglieri
Papers by Claudio Scarvaglieri