Papers by Nicoleta Ianovici
AgroLife Scientific Journal, 2019

Frontiers in Materials, 2021
The 17th–19th century wooden and stone churches are an iconic symbol for the Romanian national he... more The 17th–19th century wooden and stone churches are an iconic symbol for the Romanian national heritage, raising urgent needs for the development of efficient and ecofriendly restoration and preservation solutions. Nanotechnology has a great but largely unexplored potential in this field, providing new tools and methods to achieve higher consolidation and protection efficiency, mainly due to the ability of nanoparticles to inhibit the growth and metabolic activity of different biodeteriorating agents, including fungi. The purpose of the present study was to report for the first time on the efficiency of MgB2materials, mainly prized for their practical superconducting properties, against a large collection of filamentous fungal strains recently isolated from biodeteriorated wooden and stone heritage objects. Four types of MgB2powders, with a crystallite size of 42–113 nm, were tested by qualitative (on 149 strains) and quantitative (on 87 strains) assays. The cytotoxicity was evaluat...

Journal of Central European Agriculture, 2020
This paper aim was to adapt a physiological parameter which reflects plant growth and productivit... more This paper aim was to adapt a physiological parameter which reflects plant growth and productivity for wheat plants in relation with the applied nitrogen dose. This index can be used for various plants due to the fact that can be easy calculated and gives information about the status and requirements of diverse crops. Nitrogen is the most widely used chemical fertilizer and the adjustment of the dose is really important for farmers, who are searching for an optimum cost-benefit ratio. For this study, five experimental N doses were utilized, between 0 and 200 kg/ha. Experimental field was located within Didactic Station of BUASMV Timisoara, Romania. Nitrogen supply index was determined for healthy leaves and mathematical models were developed. The optimum N amount used for this study was 119 kg/ha and the analysis of differences reflected the modifications for doses ranging between 0 and 200 kg/ha.
Science of The Total Environment, 2018
• No operational forecasting model for allergenic fungal spore exposure exists in Europe. • Poten... more • No operational forecasting model for allergenic fungal spore exposure exists in Europe. • Potential exposure in Europe was assessed and predicted for 2 major allergenic fungi. • Random forest modelling was applied to N7000 daily time series. • Air temperature and vapour pressure were the most significant variables. • Classification models showed higher capacity for large-scale spore predictions.

University Department of ORL, Medical University of Vienna, Austria; Email: sikoparijabranko@yaho... more University Department of ORL, Medical University of Vienna, Austria; Email: [email protected] Mapping the distribution and abundance of alien plants is important in the process of understanding their invasive potential. It provides basic information that can be used in estimating their ecological preferences but also the success of eradication strategies. Mapping of vegetation is a time consuming task and especially problematic for annuals whose population distribution and abundance show year–to-year variability. Alternatives to this bottom-up approach are therefore highly needed when producing vegetation maps and inventories. The paper examines the potential of using the top-down approach for producing pollen source inventories, which employs spatial variations in annual airborne pollen counts to indicate the abundance of invasive species. The ragweed pollen source inventory over Vojvodina is presented here as an example. The degree in which the performance of the method is affected by spatial resolution is investigated.

This paper aim is to present data from a field experiment realized in 2018. The field is located ... more This paper aim is to present data from a field experiment realized in 2018. The field is located in Didactic Station of Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine „King Michael I of Romania” from Timișoara, Romania. The investigated species was Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare, Ciprian cv. Wheat was fertilized during spring with a liquid complex which contain zinc. This microelement has diverse biological roles in plants, being involved in enzymatically driven metabolism and pollen tube development. Soils and plants zinc deficiency is a global problem. Zinc deficiency can also be observed in humans, particularly in developing countries. Thus, increasing zinc content in plants, especially in widely consumed worldwide cereals became of interest. In this research zinc was sprayed to leaves of wheat plants in five experimental doses. Intact leaves were analyzed in the laboratory and the values of some physiological parameters were determined. The studied indices wer...

Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca
The aim of the present study was to analyse the effect of weather conditions on Ambrosia artemisi... more The aim of the present study was to analyse the effect of weather conditions on Ambrosia artemisiifolia airpollen concentrations in the highly invaded area of western Romania. The investigation of Ambrosia pollen concentrations was carried out from 2000 to 2010 by means of the volumetric method. Ambrosia pollen concentrations had increasing trend over study period. The results of cluster analysis show that two main groups were identified: group A, with lower SPI (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007) and group B, with much higher SPI (2006, 2008, 2009, 2010). The statistical correlation between pollen concentrations and meteorological factors was determined by Pearson’s test. The relationships between Ambrosia pollen concentrations and meteorological parameters, were further assessed using multiple linear regression techniques. The pollen emissions are affected by meteorological factors in the main pollen season. Our results suggest that the abundance of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in wes...
Romanian Biotechnological Letters
This study examined the phytotoxic effects of two herbicides, glyphosate (Glifotim) and 2,4-D (DM... more This study examined the phytotoxic effects of two herbicides, glyphosate (Glifotim) and 2,4-D (DMA 6) on onion bulbs (Allium cepa). Our aim was the identification of an adequate parameter to estimate phytotoxic effects on Allium cepa bulbs directly exposed to herbicides solutions. The experiment was conducted during 2019. The short-term phytotoxic consequences on A. cepa were determined after a 4-day exposure to varying concentrations of the herbicides. A gravimetric method was used for biomass (fresh, dried, organic, and mineral) determination. Eleven physiological parameters were calculated. The most sensitive parameter for all analyzed sets was relative growth rate. This parameter could represent a completion and optimization of phytotoxicity assays.

Acta Agrobotanica
Plants can be used as effective bioindicators of the quality of the urban habitat. In this study,... more Plants can be used as effective bioindicators of the quality of the urban habitat. In this study, physiological traits were examined in plants growing outdoors, in the proximity of a road. All material was collected from robust, well-grown plants. All measurements were performed during the generative phase. Here, the evaluations of some gravimetric parameters (fresh weight, turgid weight, dry weight, water content, ash content) and physiological parameters (initial water content, mineral content, organic content, organic content/mineral content ratio, succulence, mineral deposition in tissues, tissues density, leaf relative water content, specific leaf area) were calculated for <em>Taraxacum officinale</em> from urban unmanaged areas, across the different seasons (winter, spring, summer, fall). One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare these traits in leaves, scapes, and roots. Initial water content and relative water content are good indicators of water s...

Aerobiologia, 2016
The European Commission Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action FA1203 ''SMARTER'' ai... more The European Commission Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action FA1203 ''SMARTER'' aims to make recommendations for the sustainable management of Ambrosia across Europe and for monitoring its efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The goal of the present study is to provide a baseline for spatial and temporal variations in airborne Ambrosia pollen in Europe that can be used for the management and evaluation of this noxious plant. The study covers the full range of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. distribution over Europe (39°N-60°N; 2°W-45°E). Airborne Ambrosia pollen data for the principal flowering period of Ambrosia (August-September) recorded during a 10-year period (2004-2013) were obtained from 242 monitoring sites. The mean sum of daily average airborne Ambrosia pollen and the number of days that Ambrosia pollen was recorded in the air were analysed. The mean and standard deviation (SD) were calculated regardless of the Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (

Modes of teaching and assessment need to take cognisance of all aspects of "special education nee... more Modes of teaching and assessment need to take cognisance of all aspects of "special education needs" for these students to reach their potential and some talent shown by these children is not lost to society. Attitudes, practices, values and beliefs about that every student belongs and feels membership in the community are essential for the inclusive school. Curriculum for these children needs some principles: course delivery modes and learning activities should take account the outcomes and the learning capacities of students with special education needs; course study materials should be made available in appropriate formats and, students with disabilities should not be disadvantaged by the time taken for learning; teaching and strategies should be adjusted to meet the learning needs of disabled students, including the provision of additional support; some activities conducted in non-classroom settings, such as field trips, should be designed.
The most predominant source of allergens in the outdoor environment is pollen, the male gametophy... more The most predominant source of allergens in the outdoor environment is pollen, the male gametophyte of flowering plants. Allergenic pollen has been identified in many flowering plant species including grass, weed, tree and crop species. Occurrence of pollens is monitored almost throughout Europe. We report here the results of the monitoring of airborne pollen concentrations throughout 1999 to 2007 from Timişoara (România). A total of 18 allergenic pollen types were identified of which Ambrosia artemisiifolia pollen showed maximum concentration. Pollens of many plants located in public or private gardens may cause pollinosis in predisposed individuals. In this study we suggest a list of recommended plants for public and private green.

This paper presents the histoanatomical characteristics of a halophilic species: Plantago schwarz... more This paper presents the histoanatomical characteristics of a halophilic species: Plantago schwarzenbergiana. The cross sections of the vegetative organs were subjected to the usual steps of the histoanatomical analysis. Results are presented with original photographs. We identified the protective trichomes and secretory trichomes in the epidermis of the aerial stem and the leaves. The aerenchyma is a histo-anatomical feature of these plants in the habitats with poor ventilation of saline soils. The relative lignification of aerial stem and the petiole can be related to an excessive salinity in soil. The analysis of leaf anatomy in P. schwarzenbergiana showed that the leaves contained xeromorphic traits. We determined the ecophysiological parameters: stomatal density, leaf lamina thickness, vascular bundles thickness, cuticle thickness, density and length of trichomes (protective and secretory), relative saturation deficit (LRDS) and succulence. LRDS was higher in leaves affected (average slightly damaged).

Journal of Horticulture Forestry and Biotechnology, 2009
This work presents the first aerobiological monitoring results for Betulaceae in Timisoara using ... more This work presents the first aerobiological monitoring results for Betulaceae in Timisoara using a volumetric spore-trap which is now the most commonly used aerobiologic measurement instrument in Europe. In order to collect the airborne pollen, we used a Hirst-type volumetric spore-trap, model Lanzoni VPPS 2000, placed on the West University terrace. The aim of this study was to determine characteristics of Betulaceae pollen occurrence in Timisoara atmosphere by measuring daily pollen concentrations and by comparing Betulaceae pollen season start dates calculated by different methods, as the base for a future forecasting model. Sampling was carried out during 4 years, starting in 2001, when the aerobiological monitoring unit was set up in the town, until 2004. The data showed that during the early spring the precise pollination periods for these allergenic tree species are highly variable. There were considerable variations in season length and cumulative season total (pollen index).

Aerobiologia, 2016
Present investigation was undertaken to study the dynamics of relationships between atmospheric f... more Present investigation was undertaken to study the dynamics of relationships between atmospheric fungal spores and meteorological factors in western Romania. The airborne spore sampling was carried out by employing volumetric sampling. A total of nine meteorological parameters were selected for this investigation. During 2008–2010, it was found the same pattern of behaviour in the atmosphere for selected spore types (Alternaria, Cladosporium, Pithomyces, Epicoccum and Torula). The spores occurred in the air throughout the whole year, but maximum concentrations were reached in summer. Cladosporium and Alternaria peak levels were observed in June. Epicoccum peak value was found in September. The relationships between airborne spore concentrations and environmental factors were assessed using the analysis of Spearman’s rank correlations and multiple linear regressions. Spearman’s rank correlation analysis revealed that maximum, minimum and mean temperature, and number of sunshine hours were strongly (p < 0.01) and directly proportional to the concentration of all analysed fungal spores. Negative and significant correlations were with daily mean relative humidity. The variance explained percentage by regression analyses varied between 30.6 and 39.6 % for Alternaria and Cladosporium airborne spores. Statistical methods used in this study are complementary and confirmed stable dependence of Alternaria and Cladosporium spore concentrations on meteorological factors. The climate change parameters either increased temperatures, changed precipitation regimes or a combination of both affected allergenic fungal spore concentrations in western Romania. This study demonstrates the need for investigations throughout the year, from month to month, regarding the correct interpretation of airborne spore relationships with meteorological parameters.

In a previous paper we presented the localities in Romania where we identified populations of Amb... more In a previous paper we presented the localities in Romania where we identified populations of Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Between 2008-2011, investigations were continuing. Our data clearly show that Ambrosia is present throughout the country. The territories heavily infested are railway embankments, along traffic routes, gravel pits, building sites, forest edges, industrial areas, cemeteries and recreational areas. It is quite common to find ragweed in many private gardens, or flower pots in urban areas. The few foci observed along riversides got there by household waste and construction waste. In many rural communities find it on the drainage ditches. Disturbed and neglected land (on city limits and outside the city), abandonment of land without subsequent turning of stubble and another wrong agricultural practice, absence of ruderal weed control are the main causes that favor the dissemination of our country. Intensity of anthropogenic influence is manifested mainly by transport of materials and soil movement during road rehabilitation and construction of highways. The recent observations show that could be expected to appear on agricultural fields, now being found only on the outskirts of cultivated land, at 5-6 meters from high traffic roads. Ambrosia benefits from human activities to spread. This implies a strong control strategy. The main objective of the fighting activities need to be to reduce damages caused by its pollen and to limit its expansion. If invasion by Ambrosia is left uncontrolled, increase of allergies could heavily augment the treatments. Knowledge about mechanical or chemical control of ragweed could be very important for road and rail services, agricultural institutions, farmers, staff responsible for managing natural areas, institutions that approves and oversees residential sites and factories, responsible personnel of the administrations from cities and rural localities. Reducing the population is more required than simply reducing its biomass. Individual measures often do not solve the real problem. In Timisoara, the fight against such a quarantine organism became in fact obligatory by administrative decision in 2007. A. artemisiifolia has been fought by grubbing and repeated cutting (in parks, along the main roads). This taxa respond to the cutting by producing more secondary branches. Under these conditions we determined and compared several eco-physiological parameters. SLA and SLW are good indicators of leaf toughness. LWL is useful measure of the physiological water status of plants. Leaves of Ambrosia are highly plastic in response to their growing conditions, varying greatly in morphology, anatomy and physiology.

Poaceae pollens are known as very potent aeroallergens. The aim of this study was to present and ... more Poaceae pollens are known as very potent aeroallergens. The aim of this study was to present and to compare the characteristics of airborne Poaceae pollen in urban environment in Timisoara. Measurements were performed with the volumetric method. Analysis of the pollen concentrations and the pollen distribution was performed on the basis of the data collected in Timisoara in the seasons of 2000-2004. Pollen seasons were defined as the periods in which 90% of the total catch occurred during year. The majority of Poaceae species have constant periods of pollen release. The airpollen season is long and lasts from the beginning of May until the middle of September. The highest pollen count was noted in 2001. The maximum pollen concentrations were recorded in May for all investigated years. The urban ecosystem hosts a rich reservoir of strongly allergogenic plants. The present study show the high level of the biologic air pollution in Timişoara area with airborne pollens of Poaceae. Grăuncioarele de polen provenind de la Poaceae sunt cunoscute ca puternici aeroalergeni. Obiectivul acestui studiu a fost de a prezenta şi de a compara caracteristicile polenului aeropurtat de Poaceae în mediul urban din Timisoara. Măsurătorile au fost efectuate cu metoda volumetrică. Analiza concentraţiilor de polen şi distribuţia acestuia a fost efectuată pe baza datelor colectate în Timisoara in sezoanele 2000-2004. Sezoanele polinice au fost definite ca perioade in care a avut loc 90% din captura totală din timpul anului. Majoritatea speciilor de Poaceae au perioade constante de eliberare a polenului. Sezonul de aeropolen este lung şi durează de la începutul lunii mai până la mijlocul lunii septembrie. Cea mai mare cantitate de polen a fost observată în 2001. Concentraţiile maxime de polen au fost înregistrate în luna mai pentru toţi anii investigaţi. Ecosistemul urban adăposteşte un bogat rezervor de plante puternic alergogene. Prezentul studiu arată nivelul ridicat al poluării biologice al aerului în zona Timişoarei cu polen aeropurtat de Poaceae.

Journal of Horticulture Forestry and Biotechnology, 2009
This study analyzes the pollen representation of Taxaceae/Cupressaceae in the atmosphere of Timiş... more This study analyzes the pollen representation of Taxaceae/Cupressaceae in the atmosphere of Timişoara during the years 2000-2004. Annual variations in the concentration of pollen in the atmosphere were analysed by the volumetric method. During the studied period, interannual variations, concerning the total annual pollen counts and the beginning, peak and ending dates of the APS, were reported. Taxaceae/Cupressaceae is one of the best represented taxa in the atmosphere of the city of Timişoara where it constitutes between 2.6% and 4.9% of the total. The highest annual level was attained in 2004 with 854 PG/m 3. In the 5 years studied, the lowest concentration of Taxaceae/Cupressaceae pollen was observed in 2000. The highest monthly total concentrations were recorded in March and April. The mean annual concentration for 5 years of study was 623,8 PG. Pollen seasons were defined as the periods in which 90% of the total catch occurred. In the course of five years, significantly greater differences in annual totals of pollen grains of the studied taxa were observed in Timişoara. Taxaceae/Cupressaceae airpollen are not nearly as potentially relevant in pollinosis for the western România.
Papers by Nicoleta Ianovici