Papers by Elena-Loreni Baciu
Sustainability, Sep 6, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Personnel Review, 2019
PurposeThis study is based on job demands-resources model and the conservation of resources theor... more PurposeThis study is based on job demands-resources model and the conservation of resources theory explores the roleof psychological capital (PsyCap), as a personal resource, and organizational justice (distributive and procedural), as a contextual resource, in enhancing health through work engagement. The paper aims to discuss this issue.Design/methodology/approachA sample of 193 Romanian social workers (87.60 percent women) from the national network was used to test two structural models.FindingsStructural equation modeling analysis revealed that work engagement partially mediates the relationship between PsyCap and health, and work engagement totally mediates the relationship between organizational justice and health.Research limitations/implicationsThe results emphasize the role of resources, PsyCap and organizational justice, in protecting the social workers’ health.Practical implicationsThese findings support the necessity of combined evidence-based programs to develop social ...

In the current article, we seek to understand the ways in which unfavorable macro-level circumsta... more In the current article, we seek to understand the ways in which unfavorable macro-level circumstances influence the employment outcomes of university graduates, in the long term. We use the 2007–2008 financial crisis as a historical setting and compare data about the later employment outcomes of 772 students who graduated a bachelor’s program at a public Romanian university before and after the financial crisis. The comparison includes a quantitative perspective and a qualitative one and refers to: duration of the job search after graduation; seniority levels; number of jobs held; profile of the first job gained after graduation; current status on the labor market; localization of the current employer; profile of the current job; satisfaction with the career status; perceived employability. Additionally, we also explore the influence of the following micro-level determinants on employment outcomes: attendance to internships programs; employment during the attendance of the BA progra...
This book is an open access publication.
EU Social Inclusion Policies in Post-Socialist Countries, 2019

Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 2021
Improving participation rates in education and reducing the number of persons who leave the educa... more Improving participation rates in education and reducing the number of persons who leave the educational system prematurely has increasingly become a concern for national governments and international organizations all over the world. The current paper is the result of the documentation process for a doctoral research project on school dropout (SD) and early school leaving (ESL) in Romania and the appropriate measures that could effectively tackle these negative phenomena. Based on information compiled from periodic reports issued by the relevant authorities, we present the evolution of the two phenomena in Romania, within the last decade. The most extended section of the article is dedicated to a review of the risk factors that have been associated with SD and ESL, based on the theoretical works, research findings and relevant policies consulted during the documentation stage. In the final section of the article, we systematize the relevant aspects resulted from the documentation pr...

International Conference on Economics, Education and Humanities (ICEEH'14) Dec. 10-11, 2014 Bali (Indonesia), 2014
Every child's right to proper education represents nowadays an axiom. The importance of education... more Every child's right to proper education represents nowadays an axiom. The importance of education in the personal development and its benefits for the social inclusion of an individual were analyzed, conceptualized and put into practice as priorities in every state of the EU. One of the permanent challenges that stands at the basis of the social integration of Roma population remains the approach used for enhancing their educational inclusion, so the questions that we ask and try to answer to are: What makes a strategy -good‖? What makes it -viable‖? Based on the analysis of the current Romanian strategy for Roma educational inclusion, we have drawn up the features that give an educational policy targeting the Roma population the potential to be acknowledged as successful, effective and viable.

Transylvanian review of administrative sciences, 2011
The article explores the topic of community participation as means not only for an efficient use ... more The article explores the topic of community participation as means not only for an efficient use of resources, but also as an instrument for increasing social solidarity, especially among citizens of rural communities, deprived of access to services that usually the inhabitants of urban communities take for “granted”. In an era of decentralization, where the delivery of services (especially social services) is based on the subsidiarity principle, community members have to rely more on themselves and their neighbors, than on the help from the state. The paper also presents the results of a study developed in two rural communities from Timis County, Romania. The study approaches the connection between community participation and involvement in social actions under three dimensions of the community: the remoteness of the village from a major city, the extent of the first level of community participation, and the level of social involvement. The findings about the relationship between c...
EU Social Inclusion Policies in Post-Socialist Countries, 2019
Журнал входит в Перечень изданий, рекомендованных Высшей аттестационной комиссией (ВАК) Журнал вк... more Журнал входит в Перечень изданий, рекомендованных Высшей аттестационной комиссией (ВАК) Журнал включен в международную реферативную базу данных и систему цитирования Scopus Адрес редакции, учредителя, издателя: 362021, РСО-Алания, г. Владикавказ, ул. Николаева, 44, Северо-Кавказский горнометаллургический институт (государственный технологический университет), редакция журнала «Устойчивое развитие горных территорий».

Using a qualitative approach based on an institutional ethnography of social organization of work... more Using a qualitative approach based on an institutional ethnography of social organization of work inclusion for disabled persons, the current paper addresses the specific ways in which the individual experiences of the Romanian disabled persons, in society and on the labour market, are influenced and shaped by the social relations of textually mediated discourse. It draws on the results of a larger study, conducted between 2014 and 2015 in Romania, as part of a research project focusing the dysfunctionalities that impede the labour market access of disabled persons in Romania and the institutional arrangements and structural mechanisms that underpin these dysfunctionalities. The paper reveals a particular type of consonance between the Romanian legislative provisions, institutional arrangements and local practices, that allows for the concept of ‘protection’ of the disabled persons to transcend its initial purpose and philosophy and start working against the disabled persons. The ar...

Sustainability, 2020
Entrepreneurship plays an essential role in modern urban growth and development. Successful busin... more Entrepreneurship plays an essential role in modern urban growth and development. Successful businesses engage more growth potential, but also failed ones produce significant losses. Therefore, in order to reduce losses, it becomes important to understand what contributes to entrepreneurial success. Based the character-based approach, the current study considers the entrepreneur a critical agent for the survival and success of the business, and aims to examine the differences between successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs in terms of human capital and personal characteristics. The sample consisted of 123 Romanian nascent urban entrepreneurs who participated in a government sponsored entrepreneurial support program and competed for a subsidy to start their business. A positive outcome in the competition (achieved by 39 study participants) was considered as entrepreneurial success. Based on the competition outcome, we split the sample in successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs and...

Sustainability, 2020
Summary: To counteract the negative consequences inherent to the emotionally demanding profession... more Summary: To counteract the negative consequences inherent to the emotionally demanding professions like social work, we need to advance the understanding of the resources that preserve the employees’ well-being. This study investigated the role of Psychological Capital (PsyCap) in protecting social workers from developing burnout and Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS). The design of the study builds on the job demands-resources model and the conservation of resources theory. A national sample of 193 Romanian social workers participated in the study. We used the structural equation modeling framework for data analysis. We tested two structural models that had burnout as a mediator for the relationship between PsyCap and STS: A partial mediation model and a total mediation model. Findings: The total mediation model was supported by our data suggesting that PsyCap has a protective role against burnout, and subsequently, STS. Moreover, the results indicate that burnout is the critical lin...

Journal of Comparative Social Work, 2016
The article reports on a qualitative study of Roma employability in Romania. Being the largest et... more The article reports on a qualitative study of Roma employability in Romania. Being the largest ethnic minority group in Europe, the Roma population is the object of profound marginalization in most of the countries where they reside, by measures such as spatial segregation and exclusion from the formal labour market. This article focuses particularly on the Roma living in rural segregated communities. Inspired by institutional ethnography, the aim is to explore the social organization of rural Roma employability from the standpoint of the Roma themselves. The main obstacles to employment, as they are known and shared by our interviewees, are a lack of available jobs within reach, their own lack of education and a rejection by employers on the grounds of them being Roma. As the analyses show, these obstacles, and the individual’s experiences and knowledge about them, are shaped and maintained by extended translocal relations of administration and governance, thus making the rural Rom...
EU Social Inclusion Policies in Post-Socialist Countries, 2019

Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 2017
Using a qualitative approach based on an institutional ethnography of social organization of work... more Using a qualitative approach based on an institutional ethnography of social organization of work inclusion for disabled persons, the current paper addresses the specifi c ways in which the individual experiences of the Romanian disabled persons, in society and on the labor market, are infl uenced and shaped by the social relations of textually mediated discourse. It draws on the results of a larger study, conducted between 2014 and 2015 in Romania, as part of a research project focusing on the dysfunctionalities that impede the labor market access of disabled persons in Romania and the institutional arrangements and structural mechanisms that underpin these dysfunctionalities. The paper reveals a particular type of consonance between the Romanian legislative provisions, institutional arrangements and local practices, that allows for the concept of 'protection' of the disabled persons to transcend its initial purpose and philosophy and start working against the disabled persons. The article also sheds some light on the way in which the fragmentation and parallelism that currently govern the system of protection for the disabled persons hamper the development of a consistent vision, backed by a homogenous approach, in dealing with or managing the multiple negative issues associated with disability in Romania.

European Review Of Applied Sociology, 2016
In our paper we will try to explore the process of reforming the “special needs education” ideolo... more In our paper we will try to explore the process of reforming the “special needs education” ideology of the Romanian school system toward the European target called “inclusive education”. Following the method of inquiry named Institutional Ethnography, our study investigated first the everyday dysfunctional experiences of special needs populations approaching the scholar system, and then the institutional response for these dysfunctionalities, the final target being a better understanding and finding solutions to the problematics encountered. After the dissolution of the communist regime very few disabled students succeeded to be integrated in the general education and these happy cases happened in the prestige schools with dedicated teachers and mainly because of the huge efforts of the parents. The most part of the disabled students had to address the old special schools (much less organized and financed than they used to be) to get vocational training for the special protected uni...
Papers by Elena-Loreni Baciu