Papers by Meritxell Cortada-Pujol
En el marco del proyecto Design2Learn se presenta el proceso de codiseno–docentes e investigadore... more En el marco del proyecto Design2Learn se presenta el proceso de codiseno–docentes e investigadores– de escenarios de aprendizaje basados en laindagacion con soporte tecnologico. Se detallan los principios de diseno. Los resultadosincluyen los retos identificados por profesores de distintas disciplinas, asi como lasecuencia seguida para el proceso de co-diseno y creacion de escenarios de aprendizajebasado en el aprendizaje indagativo y potenciados por tecnologia en la formacionuniversitaria.
This article is focused on a case study of an educational innovation project supported by technol... more This article is focused on a case study of an educational innovation project supported by technology. Its aim is to analyze the socio-pedagogical effects of this project on the participants –students, teachers, family and community representatives– at individual and interpersonal levels applying an integrated methodology through different self perceptive research instruments –interviews, surveys and focus groups–, non-participant observations and semi-experimental tests. Results show significant effects at individual level are observed, not only during the teaching exercise but also during the pupils’ scholarly tasks. Also there are remarkable aspects in the interactions between the educational community agents –for example families, students and te

The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change
The adoption of co-design processes involving teachers and students is considered a helpful strat... more The adoption of co-design processes involving teachers and students is considered a helpful strategy for developing learner-centred scenarios. This research includes students in the co-design of learning scenarios that are inquiry-based (IBL) and enhanced by technology (TEL). In this paper, students’ contribution to the co-design process is analysed, as well as the impact it had on them. The data was collected before and after the project by means of interviews and a questionnaire applied to eleven students from two universities (one blended and one virtual). The results show that the students’ main contribution has a relationship with methodological and organisational aspects, and that the main benefit they perceive is gaining a better understanding of the teacher’s role and the complexity of designing learning scenarios. The study also shows some of the drawbacks and challenges of a co-design process.

Aula Abierta, 2012
The emergence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the last few years has becom... more The emergence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the last few years has become the stimulus for a change that affects many different fields of society. Many competing terms have been proposed to describe this phenomenon-Post Industrial Society, Information Revolution, Technotronic Society, Information Society, Knowledge Society, etc.-but the undeniable truth is: no matter the different implications and fine detail around every coined term, technological advances heavily influence our reality nowadays, not only politically, but also economically and socially. The accelerated evolution of science and technology allows us to face these transformations, thus creating a need to take new measures in the educational field to ensure that future citizens learn to live with these changes and to successfully deal with upcoming ones. The Spanish society certainly
Iii European Conference on Information Technology in Education and Society a Critical Insight 2012 Isbn 978 84 615 7734 7 Pags 305 307, 2012
Page 1. 305 Creació d'un Dipòsit Digital d'Activitats Docents amb l'ús de les TIC a l... more Page 1. 305 Creació d'un Dipòsit Digital d'Activitats Docents amb l'ús de les TIC a la Universitat de Vic Cortada Pujol, M.; Gastelaars, T.; Ginesta Portet, X.; Marimón Martí, M.; Solé-Casals, J. Universitat de Vic Avui en dia no ...
Cultura y Educación, 2015
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 2010
... Research performed in Spain (Telecommunication and Information Society Observatory of,... more ... Research performed in Spain (Telecommunication and Information Society Observatory of, 2006 ... an association between the attempts and successes; because of this students who have ... In examining the general impact generated by PdBP in the acquisition of basic ICT ...
The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, Apr 4, 2018

En el contexto socioeconómico actual la colaboración entre organizaciones educativas y sociales d... more En el contexto socioeconómico actual la colaboración entre organizaciones educativas y sociales de la comunidad supone un activo clave para la mejora de los resultados educativos. El presente artículo profundiza en el liderazgo de estrategias colaborativas en el ámbito escolar y educativo para gobernar de forma exitosa proyectos socioeducativos de ámbito comunitario. De este modo, describe las estrategias necesarias para liderar dichos proyectos, así como las estructuras de toma de decisiones requeridas para sacar el máximo rendimiento a la colaboración interorganizacional. Para ello se toma como referencia el caso de Barcelona (España), donde existe una destacada tradición de colaboración comunitaria mediante el desarrollo de Redes Socioeducativas (RS). El estudio lleva a cabo un análisis de contenido de 30 entrevistas realizadas a profesionales experimentados en el liderazgo y el gobierno de RS de éxito. Los resultados muestran un modelo de liderazgo dirigido a tejer alianzas a nivel comunitario, donde los líderes pretenden tejer sinergias entre las diferentes instituciones y servicios mediante la conexión cualitativa de los diferentes profesionales, generando confianza entre los mismos y fomentando la discusión, el consenso y la innovación. Además, los resultados subrayan la existencia de espacios específicamente diseñados para la toma de decisiones colaborativas, que van de más representativos –donde se deciden cuestiones generales o estratégicas-, a más operativos –donde se discuten cuestiones técnicas y de acción de proyecto-. Los resultados subrayan la importancia de equilibrar representatividad y operatividad para la efectividad en el gobierno de la red. Finalmente, se constata la existencia de 3 modelos diferenciados de gobernanza de la red, resaltando la importancia de adoptar el propio modelo a las características y necesidades de cada programa.

Introducción y objetivos: En el contexto socioeconómico actual la colaboración entre organizacio... more Introducción y objetivos: En el contexto socioeconómico actual la colaboración entre organizaciones educativas y sociales de la comunidad supone un activo clave para la mejora de los resultados educativos. Este artículo pretende describir las estrategias necesarias para liderar proyectos colaborativos comunitarios, así como las estructuras de toma de decisiones requeridas para sacar el máximo rendimiento a la colaboración interorganizacional. Metodología y tratamiento de datos: Para ello se toma como referencia el caso de Barcelona (España), donde existe una destacada tradición de colaboración comunitaria mediante el desarrollo de Redes Socioeducativas (RS). El estudio lleva a cabo un análisis de contenido de 30 entrevistas realizadas a profesionales experimentados en el liderazgo y el gobierno de RS de éxito. Resultados y discusión: Los resultados muestran un modelo de liderazgo dirigido a tejer alianzas a nivel comunitario, donde los líderes pretenden tejer sinergias entre las diferentes instituciones y servicios mediante la conexión cualitativa de los diferentes profesionales, generando confianza entre los mismos y fomentando la discusión, el consenso y la innovación. Además, los resultados subrayan la existencia de espacios específicamente diseñados para la toma de decisiones colaborativas, que van de más representativos –donde se deciden cuestiones generales o estratégicas-, a más operativos –donde se discuten cuestiones técnicas y de acción de proyecto-. Los resultados subrayan la importancia de equilibrar representatividad y operatividad para la efectividad en el gobierno de la red. Finalmente, se constata la existencia de 3 modelos diferenciados de gobernanza de la red, resaltando la importancia de adoptar el propio modelo a las características y necesidades de cada programa.

The impact of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has become the core of a chang... more The impact of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has become the core of a change that involves most of the society fields, consequently the technological and informational literacy are essential requirements in education. The research is a quasi-experimental and ex-post-facto study in schools from Spain. The aim was to describe and analyze the involvement showed by 219 students who participated in a development of ICT’s Project named Ponte dos Brozos. The research objective was to respond if the students who usually worked with ICT, had better knowledge and management with computing tools, and if they are better prepared in researching and selecting information. Results showed that students who have a higher contact with ICTs know about the technology and how to use it, also better knowledge and control of the computer and operative systems, a high information management level trough the Internet, although their literacy in information is devoid.
With the incorporation in education of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), especial... more With the incorporation in education of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), especially the Interactive Whiteboard (IWB), emerges the need for a proper teacher training process due to adequate the integration and the didactic use of this tool in the classroom. This article discusses the teachers' perception on the training process for ICT integration. Its main aim is to contribute to the unification of minimum criteria for effective ICT implementation in any training process for active teachers. This case study begins from the development of a training model called Eduticom which was putted into practice in 4 schools in Catalonia, Spain. Findings indicated different teachers' needs such as an appropriate infrastructure, a proper management and a flexible training model which essentially addresses methodological and didactic aspects of IWB uses in the classroom.

International Journal of Technology and Design Education
The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the involvement showed by 190 students who part... more The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the involvement showed by 190 students who participated in an introduction to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) project, in public schools from Spain. By means of an Internet browsing test, access and information selection processes were afforded. The purpose of the study was to explore whether students who usually worked with ICT in their classrooms, had better knowledge and management with computing tools, and if they are better prepared to research and select information. Results show that students of elementary and secondary education, who have a greater contact with ICT, but not specifically introduced to searching for information on the Internet, know how to use the technology. All these students show better knowledge and control of the computer as well as presenting better Web literacy skills. Although they found, organized, used and assessed the information better their literacy in Web information is missing key skills, especially in analyzing, assessing and summarizing information.

The impact of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has become the core of a chang... more The impact of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has become the core of a change that involves most of the society fields, consequently the technological and informational literacy are essential requirements in education. The research is a quasi-experimental and ex-post-facto study in schools from Spain. The aim was to describe and analyze the involvement showed by 219 students who participated in a development of ICT's Project named Ponte dos Brozos. The research objective was to respond if the students who usually worked with ICT, had better knowledge and management with computing tools, and if they are better prepared in researching and selecting information. Results showed that students who have a higher contact with ICTs know about the technology and how to use it, also better knowledge and control of the computer and operative systems, a high information management level trough the Internet, although their literacy in information is devoid.
With the incorporation in education of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), especial... more With the incorporation in education of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), especially the Interactive Whiteboard (IWB), emerges the need for a proper teacher training process due to adequate the integration and the didactic use of this tool in the classroom. This article discusses the teachers’ perception on the training process for ICT integration. Its main aim is to contribute to the unification of minimum criteria for effective ICT implementation in any training process for active teachers. This case study begins from the development of a training model called Eduticom which was putted into practice in 4 schools in Catalonia, Spain. Findings indicated different teachers’ needs such as an appropriate infrastructure, a proper management and a flexible training model which essentially addresses methodological and didactic aspects of IWB uses in the classroom.
Papers by Meritxell Cortada-Pujol