Papers by Andriyansah Andriyansah
© 20xx Segala bentuk plagiarisme dan penyalahgunaan hak kekayaan intelektual akibat diterbitkanny... more © 20xx Segala bentuk plagiarisme dan penyalahgunaan hak kekayaan intelektual akibat diterbitkannya paper pengabdian masyarakat ini sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab penulis.

Ekombis Review, Apr 4, 2024
The purpose of the research is to find out whether there are other strategies that can be done by... more The purpose of the research is to find out whether there are other strategies that can be done by companies to maintain and improve their performance. Three things that become important points of this research are the inconsistency in the implementation of strategies that can improve and even reduce the Company's performance, but other indications of business competition performance assessment show positive signals of the movement of the Indonesian business world. Researchers suspect that there are other strategies besides innovation that can improve performance. using a qualitative approach by exploring various literacies related to reciprocal. In addition, to support the research results, this study uses reliable respondents with the criteria being MSME actors who have run their businesses for 2 years. This research found a reciprocal concept that can improve the performance of MSMEs. Novelty in this research includes Reciprocity of Pricing, Reciprocity of Skill and Reciprocity of value product. The concept found is expected to improve relations between business people, the agreement between business people can improve the marketing performance of MSMEs.

Abdimas Indonesian Journal, Feb 7, 2024
The urgency of this activity is to increase the courage of the younger generation to appear with ... more The urgency of this activity is to increase the courage of the younger generation to appear with good communication in front of the public. The purpose of this activity is to train the younger generation who are students to be able to communicate. The problem that occurs is the lack of confidence to appear in front of the public, the benefit of this activity is that the training participants are expected to be able to appear in front of the public individually or in groups. The target of this activity is that participants display artistic creativity uploaded on social media, namely tiktok. generation to run the wheels of Indonesia EMAS for that it is necessary to carry out activities that can improve their abilities. There were 350 participants, the training technique used the Mapping Classroom Strategy approach so that participants could communicate in small groups as the first step. Then the material is given using the Quantum Teaching model which involves speakers and participants to explore talents that can be presented and staged in publications on social media.

Abdimas Indonesian Journal, Feb 7, 2024
This community service activity aims to provide entrepreneurship counseling to the community so t... more This community service activity aims to provide entrepreneurship counseling to the community so that they can take advantage of the main opportunities to explore the potential (resources) that exist. One of the opportunities that can have a direct economic impact on the community is to explore and optimize the role of the creative industry where the community can create, explore the uniqueness, potential advantages of resources and local wisdom that are owned so as to produce products that have added value. Entrepreneurship counseling in Senang Hati Village, Malimping Sub-district, Lebak Regency, Banten Province, is expected to open insights and knowledge about the essence of utilizing opportunities to creatively process the potential resources owned. Thus, the community can increase their capacity to start a profitable business. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to provide knowledge about the preparation of marketing strategies and product diversification (market segmentation, product development, promotion, branding, packaging).

Jurnal Pamator, Dec 25, 2023
From the results of research on the Lower-Level Bureaucratic Capacity Building Network Model in C... more From the results of research on the Lower-Level Bureaucratic Capacity Building Network Model in Community Empowerment Policy: Case Study of Implementation of Limam Foot Vendor (PKL) Policy in South Sulawesi Province. It aims to find effective implementation strategies so that street vendors can participate in world development, especially specifically in the province of South Sulawesi, precisely in the city of Makassar; the focus of this study includes (a). integrated human resource development in implementing street vendor empowerment policies, (b). Partly strengthen the organization in implementing PKL empowerment policies (c) institutions integrated into the collaborative implementation of street vendor empowerment policies. The research results use qualitative methods, such as case study strategic surveys. The data collection techniques used are in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study show that the development of empowerment coaching.

Journal of Human and Education, Jan 18, 2024
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan aplikasi Canva terhadap peningkatan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan aplikasi Canva terhadap peningkatan kreativitas guru PAUD di Tangerang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen semu dengan desain pretest-posttest control group. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 30 guru PAUD di Tangerang yang dibagi menjadi kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Kelompok eksperimen diberikan pelatihan penggunaan aplikasi Canva sebagai media pembelajaran, sedangkan kelompok kontrol tidak diberikan pelatihan. Data dikumpulkan melalui tes kreativitas sebelum dan setelah pelatihan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari penggunaan aplikasi Canva terhadap peningkatan kreativitas guru PAUD di Tangerang. Guru PAUD yang menggunakan aplikasi Canva sebagai media pembelajaran memiliki kreativitas yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan guru PAUD yang tidak menggunakan aplikasi Canva. Oleh karena itu, penggunaan aplikasi Canva dapat menjadi alternatif yang efektif dalam meningkatkan kreativitas guru PAUD di Tangerang.
PengabdianMu, Jul 30, 2023
Tumbuhan yang berbiji ini merupakan tanaman dengan pohon yang tumbuhnya tegak, dilengkapi dengan ... more Tumbuhan yang berbiji ini merupakan tanaman dengan pohon yang tumbuhnya tegak, dilengkapi dengan dahan yang ketinggian dapat mencapai 12 m. Kopi diklasifikasikan sebagai pohon, milik keluarga Rubiaceae, pohon kopi diketahui memiliki akar yang dangkal dengan akar tunggang, sehingga tidak mudah tumbang. Panjang akar utamanya 45-50 cm.
Abdimas Indonesian Journal, Feb 18, 2024
Although faced with various problems, MSMEs in Indonesia have increased every year, in 2021 MSMEs... more Although faced with various problems, MSMEs in Indonesia have increased every year, in 2021 MSMEs numbered 63, 955, 369 units and in 2022 the number reached 8.71 million units. The partners of this activity are fostered MSMEs in three villages, namely Romang Lompoa, Balang-Balang, and Borongloe Villages, Bontomarannu District, Gowa Regency. The urgency of this activity is to minimise difficulties in marketing, intense business competition The solution given to overcome partner problems is to improve the quality of product packaging for fostered partners and increase sales of fostered partner products. The solution given to overcome partner problems is to improve the quality of product packaging of fostered partners and increase sales of fostered partner products.

Journal of International Conference Proceedings, May 19, 2022
This study aims to determine the effect of the quality of tourist attractions and promotions on t... more This study aims to determine the effect of the quality of tourist attractions and promotions on tourist decisions and loyalty as a result of the decline in the number of tourists. The respondents of this study were 100 tourists who visited Ijen Crater in July 2019 both foreign tourists and local tourists. The data analysis technique used structural equation modeling (SEM) Warp PLS 5.0. The results showed that there was a positive and significant influence of tourist attraction on the decision to visit. There is a positive and significant effect of tourism promotion on visiting decisions. There is a positive and significant influence of tourist attraction on tourist loyalty. There is a positive and significant effect of tourism promotion on tourist loyalty. There is a positive and significant influence on the decision to visit on tourist loyalty. Path analysis test results show that there is a positive and significant indirect effect between tourist attraction and tourist loyalty through visiting decisions. And there is a positive and significant indirect effect of tourism promotion on visiting loyalty through visiting decisions.

Jurnal Darma Agung, Mar 29, 2023
Mikhalya Tupperware is a company that sells Tupperware. Employee work performance is beginning to... more Mikhalya Tupperware is a company that sells Tupperware. Employee work performance is beginning to deteriorate, as evidenced by low employee morale in completing tasks. Employees typically have a high school diploma and have received no training. Incentives have problems, such as commissions and overtime incentives that do not work as expected. This study employs quantitative descriptive research methods. The study's total population was 39 employees, with saturated samples used as a sampling technique. Simultaneously, there is a significant influence on the work performance of Mikhalya Tupperware employees of the variables of competence and incentives. While only partially found, the competence variable had a significant effect on Mikhalya Tupperware's work performance. In part, it was discovered that the incentive variable had a significant effect on Mikhalya Tupperware's work performance. According to the findings of this study, the competence variable has a greater impact on Mikhalya Tupperware's work performance than the incentive variable.
JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan), Nov 2, 2021

The journal of social sciences research, Apr 8, 2019
The current study aimed to investigate the factors affecting investment decision making. Moreover... more The current study aimed to investigate the factors affecting investment decision making. Moreover, the moderating effects of age, gender, and financial information were also tested. The study utilized a quantitative research design for that the data was collected using a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was sent to 570 individuals out of that 374 questionnaires were returned however 372 of the questionnaires were found to be useable. The study framework had 6 constructs namely heuristics, financial information, corporate governance, risk aversion, and experience were independent variables while investment decision making was dependent variable while age, gender and financial education were moderating variables. All the latent construct were measured using multi items based on 5 point Likert scales from 1 strongly disagree to 5 strongly disagree. The results found the Heuristics, Risk Aversion, Financial Information, Corporate Governance and Experience to be significant factors affecting the investment decision making. Moreover, the moderating effect of gender was found to be significant in the relationship of (financial information, corporate governance, and experience) and investment decision making. The moderating effect of age was found to be significant in the relationship of (Heuristics, Corporate Governance, and Experience) and investment decision making while the moderating role of financial education was found to be significant in the relationship of (financial information, corporte governance and experience) and investment decision making.

Budapest International Research and Critics Institute Journal (BIRCI-Journal), Mar 2, 2021
Budget absorption is one indicator in measuring the performance of the state revenue and expendit... more Budget absorption is one indicator in measuring the performance of the state revenue and expenditure budget. Quality state spending is the realization of state spending which is carried out on time. According to Setyawan (2016), work units are still experiencing delays in disbursing state expenditures and still show a tendency to accumulate disbursement of state expenditures at the end of the year. Most of the budget realization occurred in the fourth quarter. Some researchers have found a phenomenon, namely the realization of state spending is not carried out on time. What happens in the field shows that at the beginning of the fiscal year, the realization of central government spending tends to be low, but at the end of the fiscal year it has actually increased rapidly. The absorption of the budget, especially expenditure on goods and services, has a significant effect in driving economic

Media ekonomi dan manajemen, Jan 15, 2023
This study aims to determine the performance of local governments in improving city image brandin... more This study aims to determine the performance of local governments in improving city image branding in South Sulawesi Province. This research uses a proportional sampling technique based on the area of the city so that the number of samples between one region and another will be different, using survey techniques in the form of questionnaires. For data analysis, this study used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with a total data of 265 samples. The hypothesis proves that the exogenous variables of city image branding consisting of regiocentric policy, street vendor performance, iconic tourism culinary and revisit destination have a positive influence on city image branding variables. This research contributes to the development of marketing science, the implication is that it provides input to stakeholders to increase the role of government performance on image branding.

JBMP: Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen dan Perbankan, Apr 30, 2020
The present study aims to support the hypotheses proposed in the research model to prove the fact... more The present study aims to support the hypotheses proposed in the research model to prove the fact that the suggested variables can contribute towards performance improvement. The study offers a novel variable namely ergo-iconic service value. The object of this study includes 118 three-star hotels located in the business districts of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta and West Java. The study used questionnaires that were distributed to hotel managers to acquire research data. The ergo-iconic service value as a mediating variable is proven to improve the marketing performance of the hotels. Other variables, namely, the ability to implement management system certification and the ability to adapt to technology also increase the mediating role of ergo-iconic service value. The hypotheses are empirically proven as all three variables successfully improved the hotels' marketing performance. The current research also shows that the role of humans is still significant, and human presence is required to improve performance despite the fact that we are currently at the Industry 4.0 era; in this case, not all activities should be taken over by robots.

Diseminasi, Mar 15, 2022
The lack of public street lighting (PJU) at several crucial points for social and economic activi... more The lack of public street lighting (PJU) at several crucial points for social and economic activities is the main need for residents of Kuripan Village, Ciseeng, Bogor. Therefore, this community service program seeks to be directly involved in making improvements in the form of strengthening the people's economy. Improvements are made through appropriate technology with the installation of PJU sourced from solar panel. The limited use and utilization of PJU using solar panels is done because the maintenance costs are relatively cheap and can be carried out directly by the locals. Installation of PJU solar panels is carried out at two crucial points for social and economic activities. In addition, socialization in the form of training for the locals to assemble solar panel PJUs was also carried out. The benefits of installing solar panel PJUs at two crucial points are that it is easier for residents to carry out economic activities and also reduce criminal acts. The continuation of this program is so that in the future PJU solar panels can be developed to several points according to the needs of the residents.
Sketsa bisnis, Jul 15, 2022
This study aims to analyze whether the hypothesis in this study is able to show that the variable... more This study aims to analyze whether the hypothesis in this study is able to show that the variables in this study have a correlation to the Performance Improvement of School Administrative Personnel (TAS). This study has a variable that is still new in HR management research, namely the Use of Ergo-iconic Service Values, with the object of research consisting of nine SMA and eight State Vocational Schools in Wonosobo Regency with a total of 165 respondents. The research design is quantitative with the type of survey research. Data collection using google form links and data analysis using SmartPLS software version 3.3. iconic ergo service. Competence, SOP implementation, work environment have a smaller correlation to improving TAS performance than the direct effect if mediated. Utilization of ergo-iconic service values.

Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI)
The use of System Application Products at PT Asuransi XYZ is more intense in the Corporate Busine... more The use of System Application Products at PT Asuransi XYZ is more intense in the Corporate Business Department. This research was conducted to measure the level of satisfaction of SAP users and to see the actual use and use at PT Asuransi XYZ, by combining the implementation of the information system with the UTAUT model and the DeLone-McLean model. This study uses a questionnaire method with the research sample being employees who work using SAP in the Commercial Business section at PT Asuransi XYZ with a total of 72 respondents. Where the data collected is then analyzed by the Structural Equation Model method which is processed by the SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results of this study indicate that the level of satisfaction of using SAP at PT Asuransi XYZ is determined by the quality of information and work expectations. user goals may impact SAP's reuse intentions. Likewise, the intention to use can have an impact on the actual use of SAP

J-ABDI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
It is important for the global coffee industry to make robusta coffee safely and on time. In this... more It is important for the global coffee industry to make robusta coffee safely and on time. In this study, we look at how well a simple simulation-based method works and try to guess how much robusta coffee will grow in the Tuanggung area. The main process is the growth and development of coffee, which simulates its response to climate variations and potential water requirements during the foggy growing process. Such weather conditions make Robusta coffee unique in taste. This model was made and tested for people in Indonesia, especially in West Java, which has many coffee farms. The model building is very important for long-term coffee productivity studies in areas where the climate changes drastically and does not have long-term climate stations. This simple process-based model from research on community service (PkM) can be used as a starting point for making robusta coffee with a season that works with a weather forecasting system. This process will help farmers and businesses bet...

CosmoGov : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, Aug 4, 2022
This study aims to prove that government services that regulate the value of ergo-iconic services... more This study aims to prove that government services that regulate the value of ergo-iconic services are expected to improve services, think about existence, become the entrepreneurial government, build, and create innovative ideas. This study uses an electronic questionnaire that is distributed using the snowball sampling technique. The number of respondents collected was 202 people in one month, 20 days from February to March 2020. Questionnaires distributed through online media can limit the number of answers. If they are under 20 years of age or the same as those who have graduated from college, it can be assumed that they often perform transaction services provided by the government. The Ergo-iconic service value proposed in this study is used as an independent variable. This has proven to be a positive contribution and encourage the government to make improvements and accept the values of the community. In addition, the ergo-iconic value can monitor and provide a comfortable function that has succeeded in improving the performance of government services. The indicator of originality in this study is the value of ergo-iconic services developed from previous studies. The implication of the results of this study is that the ergo-iconic service value model can create public service performance and create agile governance.
Papers by Andriyansah Andriyansah