Papers by Jurnal Agrisilvika

Jurnal Hutan Tropis, 2018
Terrestrial arthropods inhabit the Hanjulutung lake floodplain (HLF) were characterized. Terrestr... more Terrestrial arthropods inhabit the Hanjulutung lake floodplain (HLF) were characterized. Terrestrial arthropods were trapped with pitfalls where installed on two lakeside at nine different sampling site and two sampling date, April (before flooding) and July (after flooding). Carabidae, Formicidae, and Gryllidae dominated HLF. Carabidae and Formicidae were the primary dwellers of HLF on the outside and inside the lake, respectively. A result of Nonmetric-Multi Dimensional Scaling (NMDS) ordination was concluded that two lakeside does not show different terrestrial arthropods assemblages but outside of HLF showed higher terrestrial arthropods. The sensitivity of Carabidae to flood event and their existence in floodplain ecosystems are identification tool for successful floodplain restoration.Karakterisasi artropoda tanah yang mendiami dataran banjir danau Hanjulutung (DBDH) dilakukan. Artropoda tanah dijebak dengan perangkat sumur jebakan yang dipasang pada kedua sisi danau di sembil...

Agrisilvika, 2018
Cow liquid waste has not been used comparing to solid waste. The objective of this research is to... more Cow liquid waste has not been used comparing to solid waste. The objective of this research is to know the effect of cow liquid waste with addition of humic acid (biourine plus) for variety of Pikatan during rainy season. Experimental design that was used in this research is Randomized Block Design (RBD 4x3) with four treatments and three replications. Biourine plus dossage was used as treatment, involving: B0 = control, B1 = low (soils: one liter biourine + 16.7 g humic acid; plant: 200 ml biourine + 5 gram humic acid per one liter water), B2 = medium soils: one liter biourine + 33.3 gram humic acid; plant: 200 ml biourine + 10 gram humic acid per one liter water), B3 = high (soils: one liter biourine + 50 g humic acid; plant: 200 ml biourine + 15 g humic acid per one liter water). The results showed that low dossage of biourine plus has positive effect compared to the control on growth parameters i.e plant height, number of leaves and number of shoot at the age of 20 days after planting (DAP) and 40 DAP. For dry production parameter, the best treatment was found at B3 with production of 12.11 ton/ha, followed by B2 with production of 11.50 ton/ha and they are significantly different than the control with production of 10.36 ton/ha, while the B1’s treatment is 11.28 ton/ha it is not significantly different to the control. The yield storage of crops showed that the number and weight of shallot decrease from month to month. During four months storage, the number of bulbs in control showed the highest percentage that is 77,72%, followed by B1 = 69,96%, B3 = 55,87% and B2 = 52,19%. While for weight of bulb, the B1 is the highest, that is 57.42%, followed by B0 = 55.59%, B3 = 43.62%, and B2 = 31.91

This study aims to determine the feasibility of economically wetland paddy farming and how much i... more This study aims to determine the feasibility of economically wetland paddy farming and how much its ability to sustain the life of farmers and their resistance to the crisis. This research uses descriptive method through survey research method. Purposive sampling is used to determine the village and simple random sampling is used to select respondents. Data were collected from 25 respondent. Research location in Tumbang Manggu Village District of Sanaman Mantikei Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan. The result of analysis shows that paddy farming business is feasible to be developed in 6 parameters measured, i.e R/C ratio (value 1.79), income (Rp 377.167), capital productivity (79%), BEP production, BEP price and BEP revenue. However, there is one parameter that is not feasible is labor productivity (Rp 377,167) is much lower than the UMR of Katingan Regency for senior high school level (Rp 1,800,000). This low productivity illustrates that rice farming is not a major economic support for families. It also caused the exodus of labor from the

Newly opened of lowland rice field is one source that has important role to national rice product... more Newly opened of lowland rice field is one source that has important role to national rice production. For this reason, a field research to study effects of water management, anorganic, organic fertilizers, and biofertilizer tolowland rice productivity of newly opened salin soil on Kleseleon Village, Weliman Sub Districts, Malaka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province has been done on 2015. The research tested three factors, namely two levels ponding water layer: 0.5 and 3.0 cm as the first factor; fertilizer kind (NPK, manure, biofertilizer) as the second factor; and dosage of anorganic NPK fertilizer (0.5 NPK recommendations, 0.75 NPK recommendations, 1.0 NPK recommendation) as the third factor. 10 treatments, combination of the three factors were tested, arranged in Randomized Block Design with 3 replications. The results showed that the research site can be grouped into salin soil with chemical properties of pH 8.9, electrical conductivity 5.01 dSm-1, and excheangable sodium percentage 15%. Submergence of 0.5 cm and 3.0 cm decrease soil pH at 1-3 early weeks’ period, increase at the following 4-5 weeks, and decrease to achieve pH value on the next week’s period. Incontrast, submergence of 0.5 cm and 3.0 cm increase soil Eh at 1-3 early weeks period, decrease at the following 4-5 weeks, and increase to achieve Eh value on the next weeks period. Intermittent irrigation showed pH and Eh value against to pH and Eh value of submergence irrigation. The highest plant height, tiller number, and lowland rice productivity of Ciherang variety was provided on NPK recommendation, consisted of 300 kg Urea ha-1, 50 kg SP-36 ha-1, and 75 kg KCl ha-1 + 2.0 ton rice straw ha-1 with each value were 87.8 cm, 28.83 steam hill-1, and 5.07 ton rice milling dry ha-1. Application of biofertilizer as source of Agrimeth of 500 gram 40 kg-1 seed could not increase plant heught, tiller number, and lowland rice productivity. The highest water productivity was provided by NPK recommendation + Intermittent1-1 around 0.898 gram rice milling dry litre-1, while the lowest water productivity was obtained on NPK recommendation + 2.0 ton rice straw ha-1 + 500 gram Agrimeth 40 kg-1 seed around 0.359 gram litre-1.

Preparation of a regional planning and spatial agriculture as well as policy programmed starting ... more Preparation of a regional planning and spatial agriculture as well as policy programmed starting from the available land resource information.Land use planning for agricultural development in the area of Barito Timur district is very necessary given the availability of the potential of land resources owned, especially its area.The purpose of this study was to compile an integrated spatial information of land availability into a land-based geographic information system (GIS) to support food security achievement programs.Application of GIS technology and remote sensing was applied in this study using land suitability evaluation approach and spatial analysis for rice field.The result of remote sensing identification based on spatial satellite imagery interpretation showed that the area of rice field in East Barito area as a whole is still very small, that is only 8,887 hectares (2.32%). Land availability evaluation for rice field development in east Barito based on consideration existing rice field, then new rice field reaches 37,560 hectares or 9.0%.
The ability to grow each varieties of shallot in a particular environment is the ability to adapt... more The ability to grow each varieties of shallot in a particular environment is the ability to adapt to the nature of the environment such as climate and soil physical properties that affect the growth, production, and root conditions. The purpose of this research was to see the capability of shallot adaptation on peat soil sand environment. The research used Randomized Block Design (RBD 3x3) consisted of three varieties of shallot namely Bima Brebes, Super Philip, and Pikatan. Parameters of land characteristics included temperature and humidity of air at position 10 cm above and below ground. Parameters of soil physical characteristic included weight of contents, moisture content, and

Tengkawang Layar (Shorea pinanga Sceff) has resilience to sunlight, especially during his youth. ... more Tengkawang Layar (Shorea pinanga Sceff) has resilience to sunlight, especially during his youth. One of the experiments conducted to improve the soil structure in polybags so as to support the improvement of seedling conditions in the form of sawn ash. The experimental environmental design used is Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Pattern experiments in nonfactorial form. The single factor tested was the ash sawdust treatment (A) with the treatment level as follows: A1 = 10%, A2 = 20%, a3 = 30%, a4 = 40%, and A5 = 50%. The results showed the treatment of sawdust ash on growing media, affecting the growth of tengkawang sapling puppies (Shorea pinanga Sceff). All the variables are the number of leaves, plant height, root number, root length and root weights are affected except the stem diameter is not affected. The percentage of sawdust ash powder on the medium grew by 20-30%, giving the best influence for growth on the observed variables.

Dukuh is a community forest system, the community forestry, developed by the Banjar community in ... more Dukuh is a community forest system, the community forestry, developed by the Banjar community in District of Banjar-South Kalimantan. Dukuh, fruit island, is a area dominantly overgrown by the kind of fruit plant. The existence of dukuh has existed for a long time. The purpose of this research was to analyze the composition and structure of dukuh in Kiram village, Karang Intan Sub district, District of Banjar. The 10 m x 20 m vegetation observation plot was placed in seven locations. The species, number, height, diameter and growth type of trees are recorded. The resulting data was analyzed for the important value indexes of each plant. The results of the research showedthat species of seedlings, saplings, poles, and 10 trees of growth type found were 5, 13, 7, and 5 respectively found on seven plots observed. Overall in the dukuh found the number of plants for seedling, sapling, pole, and tree were 13, 79, 33, and 25 respectively. Durio is dominant tree on dukuh of Kiram village.

Agrisilvika, 2017
This study was aim to explore the homegarden utilization cultivated by the community. A survey co... more This study was aim to explore the homegarden utilization cultivated by the community. A survey conducted in Sidomulyo Village, Kuala Kapuas, Kapuas-Central Kalimantan. Structured interviews applied with 164 households as respondents. The information related to home garden management and income from plants that are grown in home gardens explored. Statistical techniques t-test used to distinguish the crop plants and forestry characteristic is cultivated in homegarden. This research Results showed that plant cultivated in the Sidomulya village were 19 annual plants and 16 seasonal crops. Different of annual plants and seasonal crops based on the number of plants, wide of land, and revenues are 32.03; 387.39 m2, and Rp 432,475.76 per year respectively. While crop plants are 151.91; 100.78 m2, and Rp. 425,925.76 respectively. Forestry plant cultivated with crop plant showed statistically differences where number of plants (t = 9.264 > ttable = 1.974) and land area (t = 69.019 > ttable = 1.974). The income derived from annual plants are no different from seasonal crops (t
Ongoing development of agriculture since the Green Revolution has undergone a lot of dynamics. Th... more Ongoing development of agriculture since the Green Revolution has undergone a lot of dynamics. The increase in production has occurred, but problems also arise. It is thought-provoking to find innovative alternative solutions that the world's food supply could be met. The entire agricultural experts in the world are moving into a new direction that may not have been premeditated.
Concerns about the lives of local communities who are facing land and forest degradation spawned ... more Concerns about the lives of local communities who are facing land and forest degradation spawned efforts to develop sustainable livelihoods in several villages in the city of Palangka Raya. Humans interact with each other so as to form an institutional order to solve the problems of social, economic and environmental. Revitalization of local cultures and ecosystems is a choice for realising the human interaction with nature in a sustainable manner. Malan movement (farming in Ngaju language), restoration of social relations as handep and hajamuk (mutual assistance in land preparation, planting and at harvest), the movement of rubber gardening and sustainable forest management as well as nurseries of pantung prove that the local culture in all relevant to solving (at least partially) the problem faced by the people in the masses now.

Soybean is the most important food commodity besides rice and maize. Besides from being a source... more Soybean is the most important food commodity besides rice and maize. Besides from being a source of vegetable protein, soybean is used as animal feed and raw material for processing industrial of soy sauce and soymilk. Land in Palangka Raya is peat soil that mostly high level of acidity. This constraint for agriculture development because of low availability of plant nutrients. One attempt to overcome this obstacle is the application of oil palm bunch ash (OPBA).The aim of this study was to analyse the interaction between the time application and doses of OPBA on the growth and yield of soybean in peat soil. The research was conducted on peat soil in the Bereng Bengkel village, Sebangau subDistrict, Palangka Raya using randomised block design (RBD) with two factorial treatments. The first factor is the timing of OPBA application which consists of two levels i.e., two weeks before planting (WBP) and tree WBP planting. The second factor is the OPBA dosage which consists of four levels i.e., without OPBA, 250 kg/ha, 500 kg/ha and 750 kg/ha. Each treatment was repeated three times so that there were 24 experimental units. The experimental results showed the interaction time of timing and OPBA dosage on peat soil was highly significant; the number of effective root nodules on five weeks after planting (WAP) observation. The single factor of OPBA application time has very significant effect on a number of effective root nodules age five WAP, days to flowering and number of pods per plant. While single-dosage factor OPBA has very significant effect on the number of root nodules on five WAP observation, broad leaf age nine WAP, days to flowering and number of pods per plant.

The success of forest plantation development can not be separated from the provision of good qual... more The success of forest plantation development can not be separated from the provision of good quality seed. Most of the work in the form of forest management activities of protection against pests. In supporting the successful planting of plant species dipterocarp seedlings need to do intensive maintenance at the time in the nursery. Because in the maintenance of seedlings in the nursery is always found pests which can cause harm. Meranti cultivation technique has been known among foresters in forest rehabilitation and plantation establishment. Shorea selanica included in the group of red meranti, has few pests that attack, economically destructive and detrimental. Eradication of pests is one that needs attention because without this effort can lead to failure on principle-the principle that the use of intensive silviculture techniques. Given the very low stands attacked by pests, the pest
Drafts by Jurnal Agrisilvika
Papers by Jurnal Agrisilvika
Drafts by Jurnal Agrisilvika