Papers by Wahyudi Sayuti pono

Antifeedant activities of berberine isolated from the chloroform fraction of Tali kuning (Tinospo... more Antifeedant activities of berberine isolated from the chloroform fraction of Tali kuning (Tinospora dissitiflora Diels) were evaluated against two subterranean termites, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki and Reticulitermes speratus Kolbe, respectively. The chloroform fraction of methanol extracts of Tali kuning and authentic berberine chloride were used for comparison. Three replicates and levels of concentrations, 12.5, 25, and 50 mg/ml, respectively, were employed. Filtepapers treated with three chemical substances were used to evaluate the mass losses of the filter paper consumed by the termites, and filter papers treated only with MeOH were used for control. Mass loss (MS), termite mortality (TM) and antifeedant index (AFI) were used to determine the antifeedant variables. The results indicated that regardless of three chemical substances tested, the MS recorded from C. formosanus Shiraki were 2.87 times higher than those of R. speratus Kolbe, and among three levels concentration, 50 mg/ml gave the lowest MS (2.13%). Authentic berberine chloride gave the highest TM (99%), followed by chloroform fraction (88%) and berberine (73%). Interestingly, all antifeedant variables employed in this study gave AFI values less than 20%, indicating significant feeding deterrent activity against two subterranean termites.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Sawdust of three wood species, Merbau (Intsia sp.), Matoa (Pometia sp.), and Binuang (Octomeles s... more Sawdust of three wood species, Merbau (Intsia sp.), Matoa (Pometia sp.), and Binuang (Octomeles sumatrana), are manufactured into wood pellet using hand meat grinder as pelletizer and tapioca flour and sago pulp residue used for binding agents. Sawdust and sago pulp residue were homogenized with a hammermill to obtain 60 mesh powder sizes. Concentrations of binding agents ranging from 30 - 70% based on volume/weight were employed. Hot clean water was used for mixing wood powder and the binding agents by hands. Variables of wood pellets examined are diameter and length (cm), moisture content (%), density (g/cm3), ash and volatile content (%), fixed carbon (%), and caloric value (cal./g) according to SNI 8021: 2014. The results indicate that the wood dimension for a diameter of 0.45 cm and a length of 3.78 cm on average are matched the standard. Wood pellets have an average of moisture content 16.87%, higher than the standard of 12%. Means for density and ash content are 0.8 g/cm3 and...

This research highlights diversity of macro-features and density of major timber species from Pap... more This research highlights diversity of macro-features and density of major timber species from Papua. Thirty-one species of air-dried timber with sample size of 13 cm × 6 cm × 4 cm gathered across Papua were used for density measurement and macro-features observation, cover of colors, grain orientation, and wood texture. The results showed that whitish and straw to yellow brown are dominant color of timber mostly harvested from Papua tropical forest. Their grain orientations are mostly straight, while their textures are medium. With regard to their density, Xantostemum spp is the heaviest timber having density of 1,25 g/cm3 while Alstonia scholaris is the lightest species of timber with density of 0.29 g/cm3. Therefore, majority Papua`s timber species studied are classified into light class species or low density timbers. Pulp and paper, veneer, plywood, flooring, meubels, indoor urnitures and handles or woody utensils are the potential uses of these timber species.

Two different approaches have been used to determine the bioactive compounds in the medicinal pla... more Two different approaches have been used to determine the bioactive compounds in the medicinal plant of Tali kuning ( Tinospora dissitiflora Diels). Firstly, the conventional approach using column chromatography (CC), and preparative thin layer chromatography (PLC) eluted with benzene:ethyl acetate: formic acid (5:4:1, and 5:4:2, respectively), followed by CC eluted with benzene:methanol (3:2) were used to separate and isolate berberine from the chloroform fraction of Tali kuning. Structural elucidations of the isolated compounds were conducted using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS). Secondly, a rapid and simple approach use the integrated intensities of proton signals for H-13 and H-8 of berberine on 1 H-NMR spectra, then the qualitative and quantitative determination of berberine in Tali kuning can be achieved directly from the crude extracts using 1 H-NMR. The proton signals for H-13 and H-8 of berberine on 1 H-NMR spectra, which appeared at empty region...

Wood Research Journal
The aims of this study were to evaluate the main compounds and the effect of M. leucadendron, C. ... more The aims of this study were to evaluate the main compounds and the effect of M. leucadendron, C. odorata and P. cablin essential oil odors on human physiological responses. The chemical compounds of essential oils in this study were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and the physiological effects of essential oils on human were analyzed via the sense of smell olfactory system. Physiological parameters of systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, pulse rate, stress index, and brain wave were recorded before and after sniffing essential oils. The result shows that the main compound of M. leucadendron, C. odorata, and P. cablin is 1,8-cineole, Caryophyllene and Patchouli Alcohol, respectively. Our results demonstrated that M. leucadendron and C. odorata oil odors possessed sedative effect and P. cablin oil odor had tendency to contain stimulating effect on human physiologies.

Cassowary, Jan 10, 2019
Law number 41 of 1999 concerning Forestry mandates to maintain the area of forest area and forest... more Law number 41 of 1999 concerning Forestry mandates to maintain the area of forest area and forest cover for each rivers at least 30% of the total area, with a proportional distribution. The purpose of this study was to determine the area and percentage of the area and forest cover in the three watersheds, Arui, Prafi, and Wosi, in Manokwari District, analyze the composition, distribution, and changes in the area and forest cover, and describe the factors that influence these changes. this uses descriptive methods with quantitative analysis techniques. Data collection and analysis is done spatially using ArcGIS / ArcMap 10.1 software. The research variables consisted of area and forest cover in the watershed, composition, distribution, and change in the area and forest cover, area of forest cover inside and outside the area expressed in hectares (ha) and percent (%), as well as factors that influence changes in the area and forest cover. The results showed that until 2016, the percentage of forest area to the total watershed for the two watersheds (Arui and Prafi) was still above 30%, while the Wosi watershed was only 14.79%, but the percentage of forest cover for the three watersheds was still above 30% The composition of the Arui and Prafi Watershed Forest Areas is dominated by Permanent Forests, whereas the Wosi Watershed is dominated by convertible Production Forests. In the Arui and Prafi watersheds, the distribution of the forest area is more concentrated in the upstream area and is dominated by primary forest, while the Wosi watershed is only in a portion of the upstream area with a predominance of secondary forest. During 2006-2016, the largest deforestation occurred in the Arui watershed (4.71% at a rate of 121.80 ha / year), conversely the highest forest degradation occurred in the Wosi watershed (39% at a rate of 5.31 ha / year). The dominant factor causing the change in the area in the three watersheds is thought to be a factor in partial change of forest area designation and Changes in Spatial Planning for the Provinces of West Papua and Manokwari in 2013-2033. Furthermore, population growth and land conversion to oil palm plantations, both by companies and communities, are the dominant factors causing deforestation.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products
This paper describes the prospect of producing sago bark-glulam in combination with two less used... more This paper describes the prospect of producing sago bark-glulam in combination with two less used wood species. In total 51 glulam, 17-combined layers with three replications, were tested for flexural strength, density, and delamination. The results show that laminating increased the density compared to that of the original material. Plain sago bark has higher MOR and MOE than when it is combined with the two other species into glulam, with reductions of 8.2 and 43.9%, respectively. Delamination mostly occurred following 24 h of water immersion for the glulam of sago bark and its combinations, but it was absent in glulam without sago bark.

Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research, 2017
biodiversity richness of tropical forests in Papua provides substantial livelihood necessities fo... more biodiversity richness of tropical forests in Papua provides substantial livelihood necessities for most forest people. This includes Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs), under-valued, neglected, or minor forest commodities that play a key role for the entire livelihood of the forest people. This paper highlights the diversity of NTFP marketed by the local people of Papua at traditional markets in Manokwari, West Papua. Data were collected from twenty respondents selected randomly from two local markets at Manokwari and field visits to surrounding (primary or secondary) forests, and analyzed using simple statistical analysis. The result indicates that 29 NTFPs commodities were on the market, and grouped into vegetables (9), food (4), fruit (7), medicinal herbs (4), tools (3) and addictive material (2). These commodities give alternative incomes, create unskilled jobs to the female-forest dwellers at Manokwari, and provide daily fresh vegetables and nutritious products for local customers. The marketed NTFPs are harvested from surrounding primary or secondary forest areas of Manokwari. Banana is the most favorable commodity in high demand either serving as food or fruit. Sago (Metroxylon spp.) is the only commodity supplied from other areas out of Manokwari, mainly from Wondama, Biak, Jayapura, and Serui. Annual events of Christmas and New Year create the highest demand for sago processed to papeda, that represent cultural or heritage food for most of the Papuanese family gatherings. Cultivation of these NTFPs has to be seriously considered for sustainable harvest due to the current extensive harvesting from the nature which will deplete the resources if no intensive cultivation carried out. To sustain availability of fresh daily needs, and provide alternative income to local people, local government, forest institutions, universities, non government organizations, and motivators need to work together to gain added value and secure sustainable supply of those NTFPs.

Journal of Biota, 2014
Mangrove plays important role to coastal communities across Papua. Mangrove provides food, materi... more Mangrove plays important role to coastal communities across Papua. Mangrove provides food, material construction, firewood, medicine, shelter and others. This research is designed to determine the traditional practices of utilizing mangrove vegetation used for medicinal material remedieson for five ethnicgroups in Papua. Field observation, and intensive literature reviews were used to collect the data and information required. The results showed that seven spesies of mangrove belonging to five families were used for medicinal puposes by five ethnic groups in Papua. Utilizations of mangrove as traditional medicines could be used for treatments for twelve diseases or health syndromes, ranging from mosquito repellency, scabies medicine, cleanse for pregnancey, children’s speaking ability, insecticides, malaria medicine, tooth medicine, diarrhoea, energy booster and stimulant for birth delivery. More importanly, the method of extraction, preparation and dosages of comsumption among fi...

Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika (Journal of Tropical Forest Management), 2014
Mangrove at Bintuni bay offers various services to indigenous communities from ecology, social, a... more Mangrove at Bintuni bay offers various services to indigenous communities from ecology, social, and economic. Mangrove also could be harvested accordingly to optimize contributions to indigenous communities welfares. This paper highlights implementation of customary right compensation (CRC), and Forest Villages Development programs (FVDP) of mangrove company at Bintuni Bay, Papua Barat. Company reports and documents related to CRC and FVDP from 1988 to June 2013 were reviewed and analyzed. Field works were conducted to examine the implementation of both programs at four villages of two districts. Sustained mangrove harvest for chipwood production in Bintuni bay for more than 25 years is the most outstanding achievement of mangrove utilization and management in Indonesia. Huge amount of expenditure have been spent out, and given to indigenous communities through the CRC and FVDP programs, respectively. These cover from economic, social, and environmental related programs, manufactured public facilities, scholarships, and others. However, the indigenous communities are remained poor, and failed of being self-sufficient community. It clearly impresses that the main goals to improve the welfare, prosperity of indigenous people are considerable failed. It is presumably that social culture systems, and subsistence agriculture practices contribute to the failing these programs. Mostly, forest communities in Papua are practicing subsistence agriculture, hunting, heavily relying on their surrounding natural resources, and spending all their cash or money instantly for consumption, not for saving, investments or even productive activities. Therefore, several program could be initiated to improve in achieving the CRC and FVDP missions, such as building capacity, providing counselors and strengthen local community governance, which could accelerate of being self-reliant community.

Meskipun merupakan daerah otonomi baru, ketersediaan ruang terbuka hijau di pusat pemerintahan Te... more Meskipun merupakan daerah otonomi baru, ketersediaan ruang terbuka hijau di pusat pemerintahan Teuk BintunimemenuhikriteriaPeraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum No. 05 tahun 2008. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ketersedian ruang terbuka hijau saat ini dan menperkirakan kebutuhan untuk sepuluh tahun kedepan dengan pendekatan jumlah penduduk. Metode survey lapangan, pemetaan menggunakan Citra Satelit Resolusi Sangat Tinggi dan Citra lansat serta softawar GIS digunakan untuk menganalisis data digital. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketersediaan ruang terbuka hijau publik pada kawasan perkotaan diwilayah distrik Manimeri terdiri dari hutan kota (22,12 ha) sudah terpenuhi, jalur hijau jalan (17,94 ha), lapangan olahraga (4,56 ha), median jalan (0,914 ha), sempadan sungai (155,15 ha), taman kelurahan (0,21 ha) dan taman pemakaman umum (1,77 ha). Kebutuhan ruang terbuka hijau publik berdasarkan pendekatan jumlah penduduk sepuluh tanun kedepan bagi Taman rukun tetangga 0,95 h...

Sawdust of three wood species, Merbau (Intsia sp.), Matoa (Pometia sp.), and Binuang (Octomeles s... more Sawdust of three wood species, Merbau (Intsia sp.), Matoa (Pometia sp.), and Binuang (Octomeles sumatrana), are manufactured into wood pellet using hand meat grinder as pelletizer and tapioca flour and sago pulp residue used for binding agents. Sawdust and sago pulp residue were homogenized with a hammermill to obtain 60 mesh powder sizes. Concentrations of binding agents ranging from 30-70% based on volume/weight were employed. Hot clean water was used for mixing wood powder and the binding agents by hands. Variables of wood pellets examined are diameter and length (cm), moisture content (%), density (g/cm 3), ash and volatile content (%), fixed carbon (%), and caloric value (cal./g) according to SNI 8021: 2014. The results indicate that the wood dimension for a diameter of 0.45 cm and a length of 3.78 cm on average are matched the standard. Wood pellets have an average of moisture content 16.87%, higher than the standard of 12%. Means for density and ash content are 0.8 g/cm 3 and 1.54% respectively, corresponding to the standard. An average for caloric values of 4064 cal./g is exceeded the minimum value of 4000 cal./g. However, other characteristics for the volatile matter of 74% and fixed carbon of 7.19% are below the minimum recommended value that needs to be improved for the next manufacturing.

Sago is multi-functional crops for local ethnics living at coastal and low land areas in Papua as... more Sago is multi-functional crops for local ethnics living at coastal and low land areas in Papua as main carbohydrate and raw-material of traditional houses. This research is designed to document the utilization and socio cultural values of sago biomass by local ethnic around the Sentani Lake, Jayapura. Field survey and structural interview were used to collect data at Yoboi and Sereh villages. The results indicate that carbohydrates were extracted from pith and other sago's biomasses were used for green material for various puIDRoses. Leaf are for floor mate, filter starch, carrying bags, housing roof and fishing trap. Sago fronds are for extraction chamber and sedimented starch. Rounded fronds are used for house wall, burning media for lime stone and planting media boxes. Bark of trunks are for flooring and decking their stilts, balcony and firewood. Residual waste from sago pulp are good media for mushroom, planting vegetables, imago inhibitor, and compost. Its fruits are for wall accessories and necklace. Sago lands is also supply animal protein by providing habitat for hunting animals. Socio cultural values mean that sago is ancestor heritage to be saved, utilized, managed proportionally for next generation. This crop is cultural identity contributed to socio cultural and economic values, but these wisdom values are pressuring recently.

Kampung Saporkren Raja Ampat merupakan salah satu ikon ekowisata berbasis masyarakat lokal di Pro... more Kampung Saporkren Raja Ampat merupakan salah satu ikon ekowisata berbasis masyarakat lokal di Provinsi Papua Barat. Partisipasi masyarakat lokal dalam pengelolaan ekowisata sangat beragam, baik peran, unsur kelompok, maupun bentuk kegiatannya, sehingga diperlukan kajian tetang tingkat partisipasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat, fungsi/bentuk dan intensitas partisipasi lima kelompok responden masyarakat lokal (kepala/pemimpin, kelompok minat, anggota rumah tangga, wanita dan remaja), faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dan manfaat partisipasi pengelolaan ekowisata. Penelitan ini dilakukan dengan survey, dan wawancara semi struktural berpedoman kepada daftar pertanyaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat partisipasi empat kelompok responden dikategorikan sangat tidak aktif (1-25), dengan nilai indeks participation-empowerment index (PEI) di bawah 25, bahkan tingkat partisipasi kelompok responden remaja adalah nihil. Kepala/pemimpin memiliki fungsi partisipasi dalam perencanaan dengan intensitas pada pengendalian dan pengambilan keputusan. Kelompok anggota rumah tangga, kelompok minat dan wanita memiliki fungsi implementasi, perawatan, dan distribusi dengan intensitas pada pengambilan keputusan, konsultasi, dan memberi informasi. Akan tetapi kelima kelompok responden absen dalam fungsi partisipasi manajemen dengan intensitas partisipasi pada inisiasi kegiatan. Penyuluhan instansi teknis (70.8%), ajakan instansi teknis (41.7%), dan memperoleh pendapatan (37.5%) merupakan tiga faktor dominan yang mendorong partisipasi masyarakat lokal. Destinasi ekowisata, pendapatan melalui homestay, motorist, dan pemandu wisata, terbentuknya kelompok tani hutan, kader konservasi alam, smart patrol adalah beberapa manfaat dari partisipasi tersebut. Pendampingan dalam hal manajemen, inisiasi kegiatan dan keterlibatan kelompok remaja adalah tiga hal penting perlu dipertimbangkan dalam peningkatan tingkat partisipasi masyarakat lokal dalam pengelolaan ekowisata di Kampung Saporkren.

Protected forests play an important role in supporting human life, protecting land and water, and... more Protected forests play an important role in supporting human life, protecting land and water, and preventing the dangers of flooding and landslides, but a lot of conversions have taken place today. Research-based on techniques for observation, interviews, and case studies. Measurement of respondents' perceptions and attitudes is carried out using instruments in the form of questionnaires that refer to the Likert scale. Data analysis was performed descriptively to describe the level of perception, attitude with simple non-parametric linear regression. Maruni protected forest has the potential of limestone with 11 mineral elements, 5 of which are the largest Ca (93.62%), Si (2.45%), Mg (1.58%), Al (0.97%)), and K (0.47%). This forest allows conversion area, from an area of 969.84 ha with limestone potential of only 250 ha (25.78%), another 719.84 ha (74.22%) can still be designated as a protected forest. The public perception of conversion to cement mining was 59.03% negative, 14.83% neutral, and 26.12% positive. While the attitudes of the community 43.1% accept, 38.94% neutral and 47.92% reject the conversion to become cement mining. The community hopes that there will be economic improvement, community empowerment, and employment, especially in affected communities.
Jurnal Median, 2020
Pertumbuhan stek batang tumbuhan obat Tali kuning (Tinospora dissitiflora Diels) 131 Pertumbuhan ... more Pertumbuhan stek batang tumbuhan obat Tali kuning (Tinospora dissitiflora Diels) 131 Pertumbuhan stek batang tumbuhan obat Tali kuning (Tinospora dissitiflora Diels) pada media tanah dan pasir (Cutting growth of stem from medicinal plant of Tali kuning (Tinospora dissitiflora diels) using soil and sand medium

Jurnal Median, 2020
Meskipun merupakan daerah otonomi baru, ketersediaan ruang terbuka hijau di pusat pemerintahan Te... more Meskipun merupakan daerah otonomi baru, ketersediaan ruang terbuka hijau di pusat pemerintahan Teluk Bintuni memenuhi kriteria Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum No. 05 tahun 2008. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ketersedian ruang terbuka hijau saat ini dan menperkirakan kebutuhan untuk sepuluh tahun kedepan dengan pendekatan jumlah penduduk. Metode survey lapangan, pemetaan menggunakan Citra Satelit Resolusi Sangat Tinggi dan Citra lansat serta softawar GIS digunakan untuk menganalisis data digital. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketersediaan ruang terbuka hijau publik pada kawasan perkotaan di wilayah Distrik Manimeri terdiri dari hutan kota (22,12 ha) sudah terpenuhi, jalur hijau jalan (17,94 ha), lapangan olahraga (4,56 ha), median jalan (0,914 ha), sempadan sungai (155,15 ha), taman kelurahan (0,21 ha) dan taman pemakaman umum (1,77 ha). Kebutuhan ruang terbuka hijau publik berdasarkan pendekatan jumlah penduduk sepuluh tanun kedepan bagi Taman rukun tetangga 0,95 ha, Taman rukun warga 0,48 ha, Taman kelurahan/kampung 0,29 Ha. Taman kecamatan/distrik 0,1902 ha dan Taman kota 0,2853 ha. Pemenuhan kriteria RTH publik berdasarlan Permen PU No 05 Tahun 2008, untuk jenis RTH hutan kota secara umum terpenuhi, jenis RTH jalur hijau jalan seluruhnya terpenuhi, jenis RTH median jalan secara umum tidak terpenuhi, jenis RTH sempadan sungai seluruhnya terpenuhi, jenis RTH taman kelurahan secara umum tidak terpenuhi dan jenis RTH taman pemakaman umum secara umum tidak terpenuhi.

Kota Sorong merupakan salah satu kota di Provinsi Papua Barat yang sering menghadapi masalah banj... more Kota Sorong merupakan salah satu kota di Provinsi Papua Barat yang sering menghadapi masalah banjir. Namun seberapa luas daerah yang rentan terhadap kondisi ini, belum ada data mengenai hal tersebut. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui sebaran tingkat kerentanan bencana banjir di kota Sorong. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif menggunakan analisis dan sebaran pola tingkat kerentanan banjir dengan teknik analisa data menggunakan overlay, scoring, dan layout berdasarkan software Arc View 10.5. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kerentanan banjir di Kota Sorong diklasifikasikan dalam 4 tingkat kerentanan banjir yang meliputi sangat rentan, rentan, kurang rentan, dan tidak rentan. Seluas 4, 53 % wilayah kota Sorong tergolong sangat rentan terhadap banjir, rentan banjir seluas 33,65 % yang kurang rentan sebasar 42.11 % dan daerah tidak rentan sebesar 19,71 %. Wilayah yang harus diwaspadai karena rentan dan sangat rentan banjir adalah seluas 38,18 % meliputi Distrik Sorong Timur, Manoy, Sorong, Sorong Kota dan Sorong Barat. Daerah tersebut adalah pusat pemerintahan dan termasuk daerah padat pemukiman penduduk.

Jurnal Kehutanan Papuasia, 2020
Penelitian ini memaparkan tentang keragaman ciri-ciri makroskopis dan kerapatan beberapa jenis ka... more Penelitian ini memaparkan tentang keragaman ciri-ciri makroskopis dan kerapatan beberapa jenis kayu yang paling sering digunakan di Papua. Sample kering udara dari 31 jenis kayu dengan ukuran 4 cm × 6 cm × 13 cm digunakan untuk pengukuran kerapatan kayu dan pengamatan makroskopis yang meliputi warna kayu, orientasi serat dan tekstur kayu.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keputih-putihan dan kuning ke kuning kecoklatan merupakan warna yang dominan dari sebagian besar kayu yang dipanen dari hutan tropis Papua. Orientasi serat pada kebanyakan species adalah lurus, sedangkan teksturnya sedang. Terkait dengan kerapatan kayu, Kayu Sowang (Xantostenum spp) merupakan kayu yang paling berat dengan kerapatan sebesar 1,25 g/cm 3 , sedangkan kayu pulai (Alstonia scholaris). Jadi mayoritas jenis kayu dari hutan Papua yang telah diteliti dikategorikan ke dalam jenis-jenis kayu berkerapatan rendah (light class species). Pulp dan kertas, vinir, plywood, flooring, bahan mebel, indoor furniture dan perkakas berbahan kayu merupakan potensi penggunaan dari beberapa jenis kayu yang telah diteliti. Kata kunci: sifat makroskopis, kerapatan kayu, jenis kayu papua, pemanfaatan kayu Abstract. This research highlights diversity of macro-features and density of major timber species from Papua. Thirty-one species of air-dried timber with sample size of 13 cm × 6 cm × 4 cm gathered across Papua were used for density measurement and macro-features observation, cover of colors, grain orientation, and wood texture. The results showed that whitish and straw to yellow brown are dominant color of timber mostly harvested from Papua tropical forest. Their grain orientations are mostly straight, while their textures are medium. With regard to their density, Xantostemum spp is the heaviest timber having density of 1,25 g/cm 3 while Alstonia scholaris is the lightest species of timber with density of 0.29 g/cm 3. Therefore, majority Papua`s timber species studied are classified into light class species or low density timbers. Pulp and paper, veneer, plywood, flooring, meubels, indoor urnitures and handles or woody utensils are the potential uses of these timber species.
Papers by Wahyudi Sayuti pono