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This research aims to find out the challenges and opportunities of online shop businesses in the age of digitalization. The findings in this study show that Human Resources have a very significant impact in an era of change that is full... more
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      Business ModelStrategic HR
The purpose of this study is to describe, analyze, and examine HR development strategies in facing challenges in the era of disruption 5.0. Examples for this study consist of several government agencies and several companies in Indonesia.... more
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      Hr AuditSDM & Organisasi Internal Audit
In accelerating this technology, we are required to prepare competencies in this 'Era' which is also called the VUCA Era. VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity, meaning the world we live in today. Many experts... more
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      Job DesignJob AnalysisJob Evaluation
The industrial revolution 4.0 is how experts and economic observers call the phenomenon of digital transformation. Every change of era there must be someone born and someone who dies,especially if we have brought technology as the... more
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      Digital CultureHR StrategyStrategic HRTransformasi Digital
In accelerating this technology, we are required to prepare competencies in this 'Era' which is also called the VUCA Era. VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity, meaning the world we live in today. If... more
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      Risk ManagementHuman CapitalHRM & Organisational BehaviourVUCA - Volatile Uncertain Complex Ambiguous
How to manage HC Risk in achieving sustainable competitive advantage? Sohere's what interesting is that we achieve competitive advantage that's how we always make sure that we become an organization that has tremendous benefits. And... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentRisk ManagementHuman CapitalOrganizational Sustainability
Culture is often associated with the ability to achieve desired performance. One competitive advantage that you can consistently leveragea differentiatior that cannot be duplicatedyour company culture. Your culture for your organization,... more
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      Human ValuesPerformance Management and AppraisalCulturePerformance Measurement
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Thin Capitalization, Intensitas Modal, dan Kompensasi Rugi Fiskal  terhadap Penghindaran Pajak dan untuk menguji Kepemilikan Institusional dalam memoderasi pengaruh Thin Capitalization... more
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of the distribution of government assistance to dropout communities based on the e-proposal management information system, organizational transformation, and human resource... more
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    • Management Leadership
The use of Integrated Engineering Procurement (IEP) information technology can allegedly be used to build HR competencies, service quality, project performance and project management to overcome problems of project time delays, costs, and... more
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses perencanaan strategis, penerapan strategi peningkatan kinerja di SMA Al Azhar 19 Ciracas untuk mencapai keunggulan kompetitif. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif... more
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    • Excellent
Tujuan penelitian ini meliputi identifikasi, pengukuran, dan penjabaran kontribusi variabel Lingkungan Kerja, Gaya Kepemimpinan yang Melayani, dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan secara eksplisit. Selanjutnya kegiatan penelitian... more
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    • Excellent
Employee buy-in is a key factor in ensuring small-and medium-size enterprise (SME) engagement with corporate social responsibility (CSR). In this exploratory study, we use participant observation and semistructured interviews to... more
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      EconomicsPhilosophyCorporate Social ResponsibilityHuman Resource Management
This research aims to assess the Determinants of Job Satisfaction and its Implications on Lecturer Performance in Kopertis Region III Jakarta. Population in this research is 17552 permanent lecturers in Kopertis Region III Jakarta.... more
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Penggunakan teknologi informasi Integrated Engineering Procurement (IEP) diduga dapat digunakan untuk membangun kompetensi SDM, Kualitas pelayanan, kinerja proyek serta manajemen proyek untuk mengatasi permasalahan keterlambatan waktu... more
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This study examines the effect of thin capitalization, capital intensity, and fiscal loss compensation on tax avoidance and to examine managerial ownership in moderating the effect of thin capitalization on tax avoidance in mining sector... more
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    • Business
Bureaucracy reform is one of the first steps to support the government’s program. It can be used to organize the good, effective, and efficient system of organizing the national police. It can be applied in realizing good governance and... more
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    • Management
ABSTRAK Pajak merupakan kontribusi wajib rakyat kepada negara yang terutang oleh orang pribadi atau badan yang bersifat memaksa berdasarkan Undang-Undang dengan tidak mendapatkan imbalan secara langsung dan digunakan untuk keperluan... more
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Study relates to the correlation between diversification strategy and corporate sustainability performance, many of them are conducted in service industry. In this study, it is explained about competitive advantage that also becomes the... more
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      BusinessIndustrial OrganizationCorporate SustainabilityMultidisciplinary