Papers by Faizah Qurrata Aini
Hydrogen : Jurnal Kependidikan Kimia/Hydrogen: Jurnal Kependidikan Kimia, Oct 16, 2023
Hydrogen : Jurnal Kependidikan Kimia/Hydrogen: Jurnal Kependidikan Kimia, Apr 16, 2023

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Jan 25, 2024
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Discord instructional media integrated with fli... more This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Discord instructional media integrated with flipped guided inquiry learning on reaction rates on students' learning outcomes. The instructional media has been tested for its validity and practicality prior to the study. The study was conducted using quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design. Sample consists of 72 students from SMA Negeri 13 Padang participated in this study, with class F1 and F2 as the experiment and control group respectively. Students' learning outcomes were assessed with instrument consisting of multiple choices questions. Results shown the higher N-gain value from experimental group with 0.70 compared to control group with 0.33. Furthermore, the ttest results yielded a value of t-count = 8.11 > t-table = 1.99, indicating that the means were statistically significant. These findings suggest Discord instructional media integrated with flipped guided inquiry learning was effective to improve students' learning outcomes.

The Merdeka curriculum demand differentiated instruction in learning process. The implementation ... more The Merdeka curriculum demand differentiated instruction in learning process. The implementation of differentiated instruction has not been well facilitated because there is no teaching material that suits the learning needs of students. Teachers need adequate teaching materials to facilitate the implementation of differentiated instruction. One of the teaching materials that can be applied by teachers is worksheet. The purpose of this research is to develop of guided inquiry based worksheet to support differentiated instruction. The type of research is Educational Design Research (EDR). The research instruments were self evaluation sheets, one to one sheets, validity and practicality questionnaires. Worksheet was validated by 5 validators was done by 9 students for the practicality test. The results showed that guided inquiry based worksheet to supporting differentiated instruction had an average validity of 0.88. This number correspond to valid category and a practicality level of 93% of students had very practical category. This research is recommended for further research in terms of effectiveness test in small groups, practicality and effectiveness in field tests.

Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA, Sep 18, 2023
Penerapan kurikulum merdeka sebagai penyempurnaan kurikulum sebelumnya sehingga perlu dikaji stru... more Penerapan kurikulum merdeka sebagai penyempurnaan kurikulum sebelumnya sehingga perlu dikaji struktur dan konten materi pembelajarannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kesesuaian struktur dan konten kurikulum merdeka pada materi laju reaksi berdasarkan taksonomi Bloom revisi, taksonomi Dave dan Dyers, serta buku ajar kimia. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian analisis struktur isi yang diturunkan dari Model of Educational Reconstruktion (MER). Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu teknik analisis data Miller dan Huberman. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu tabel analisis standard konten dan tabel analisis standar isi. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dari analisis struktur yaitu (1) Unsur pemahaman kimia mengikuti taksonomi Bloom refisi, (2) unsur keterampilan proses hanya mendominasi keterampilan abstrak, (3) unsur profil pancasila terdapat unsur abstrak dan ranah sikap. Sedangkan pada analisis konten yaitu: (1) Keleluasan materi hasil belajar laju reaksi sesuai dengan buku SMA dari kemendikbud. (2) Kedalaman materi terdapat materi yang tidak cocok berdasarkan buku teks kimia yang di tulis oleh Raymond Chang dan buku teks karangan Nel D. Jespersen dan Jamen E. Brady.

Jadila: Journal of Development and Innovation in Language and Literature Education
Education is very important the frist one is for every child to have as the next generation of th... more Education is very important the frist one is for every child to have as the next generation of the nation. The development of ICT is currently having a major impact on human life in any aspect, one of which is in the aspect of education. One of the conveniences and sophistication of current ICT developments is the availability of many tools or applications that educators can use as learning media. Powerpoint is a tool that is currently widely used by teachers to support learning. This research aims to find out what are the students' perceptions about the use of powerpoint by English teachers as a teaching media. The method used in this study is a quantitative method. The sample of this study was 30 students from SMAIT IQRA Kota Bengkulu who were taken randomly. The research instrument used was a questionnaire. In analyzing the data, the study used descriptive analysis. Basd on the results, it is shows that the use of powerpoint media in english teaching and learning is fearlu go...

Journal of Educational Sciences
Students' conceptual understanding on acid-base topic has not been assessed comprehensively i... more Students' conceptual understanding on acid-base topic has not been assessed comprehensively in multiple representation. The test instrument is needed to determine levels of students' understanding on acid-base topic comprehensively. This research developed an instrument to asses students' understanding on acid-base concept based on macroscopic, sub-microscopic and symbolic levels that is claimed valid, reliable, had good difficulty index and discriminatory item. This research is Research and Development (R&D) using Rasch model. The research procedure adopted ten stages by Wei, et al in 2012. The research instrument is questionnaire sheet given to subjects from chemistry lecturers and chemistry teacher. The data were analyzed using Rasch model assisted by minifacet and ministep software. The exact agreement value is 89,2% which have small range from the expect agreement with a percentage of 89,5%. It’s mean that, there is a fit between the results of expert's agreemen...

Journal of Educational Sciences
This study created a test instrument that can test students' understanding of the macroscopic... more This study created a test instrument that can test students' understanding of the macroscopic, sub-microscopic and symbolic levels in acid-base titration material that has been tested for validity, reliability, difficulty index and differential power of the questions . This development research uses the Rasch model. The subjects of this study were four lecturers, two high school chemistry teachers and 35 students of SMA N 2 Padang. The object is the quality of the test instrument that meets the criteria of validity, reliability, difficulty index and discriminatory power . Data analysis used the MiniFac and Ministep programs. This study has 10 stages, namely: (1) Defining the construct, (2) Identifying the construct, (3) Designing the items, (4) Testing the product, (5) Analyzing the data, (6) Reviewing the results of the analysis, (7) Reviewing the map wright, (8) Repeat steps 4-7, (9) Claim product quality, (10) Develop documentation. The results showed that the suitability of ...

Jurnal Pijar Mipa
This study aims to develop a test instrument that can be used to evaluate the concept of chemical... more This study aims to develop a test instrument that can be used to evaluate the concept of chemical equilibrium at the macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic levels of high school students who are declared valid, reliable, have a difficulty index, and have good item discrimination. This study was designed using the Rasch development model, which Wei has modified with ten research stages. The results of the research to test content validity were analyzed through the minifacets program with five validators consisting of four chemistry lecturers at Padang State University and one teacher at high school SMAN 3 Padang, obtaining fit analysis results seen from the exact agreement value of 89.1%, which is very close to the expected agreement value of 89.7%. The test results on 30 students of SMAN 3 Padang who were analyzed through the ministep program showed valid results for all items because they met the criteria for the MNSQ, ZSTD, and Pt Mean Corr outfit scores. The reliability value ...

Jurnal Pijar Mipa
Today's test instruments used in schools are still ineffective in assessing students' mul... more Today's test instruments used in schools are still ineffective in assessing students' multi-representational understanding of the "rate of reaction" topic. Hence, teachers need to accurately and comprehensively know the depth of students' understanding. In this study, a test instrument was produced to assess the level of macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic understanding of high school students in the rates of reaction topic. The method used is Research and Development (R&D) based on the Rasch modeling approach, which is modified in ten stages, i.e., (1) defining construct, (2) identifying question indicators, (3) compiling items, scoring rubrics, scoring guidelines, and the guidelines to analyze student's level of understanding, (4) conducting the pilot test, (5) analyzing data with the Rasch model, (6) reviewing the suitability of items, (7) reviewing the Wright map, (8) repeating steps 4-7 until all items fit, (9) claiming the instrument's quali...

Entalpi Pendidikan Kimia
A variety of skills have shaped the teaching and learning of chemistry in the early 21st century.... more A variety of skills have shaped the teaching and learning of chemistry in the early 21st century. This includes fundamental changes in chemistry such as changes in understanding of how students learn, the application of computer and information technology in studying complex scientific phenomena, and others. Responding to this problem, chemistry education which originally used a "triangle shape" must be emphasized into a "tetrahedral" form, where the fourth peak represents the human context in studying chemistry or is called the human element. Highlighting the human element provides compelling reasons to emphasize case studies, active learning, and investigative projects to link school chemistry to everyday life. This study aims to describe the phenomena that exist regarding the human element in chemistry learning, especially in textbooks. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive analysis technique with library research. The data used are secondar...

Entalpi Pendidikan Kimia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran dengan ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran dengan pendekatan saintifik menggunakan representasi tetrahedral kimia terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi literatur. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data sekunder. Data sekunder ini diperoleh dari buku dan artikel ilmiah berupa artikel. Prosedur penelitian dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap yaitu merancang topik serta tujuan penelitian, melakukan tinjauan, melakukan analisis data, dan menulis ulasan. Hasil penelitian studi literatur ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran Problem Solving dan Problem Posing menggunakan representasi kimia berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Kelas yang menggunakan model Problem Posing memberikan hasil belajar yang lebih baik. Model pembelajaran lainnya seperti Project Based Learning, Problem Based Learning, Constructive Controversy, dan Inkuiri Terbimbing yang mengunakan representasi tetrahed...
Entalpi Pendidikan Kimia
Chemistry is a science that studies phenomenology and abstraction. In addition, chemistry is rela... more Chemistry is a science that studies phenomenology and abstraction. In addition, chemistry is related to all things that exist in nature. This study aims to discuss the use of tetrahedral chemistry representation in chemistry learning. The research method used is literature study or library research. Meanwhile, the data sources used are secondary data obtained from various sources such as journals, books, and other sources relevant to the research. The results showed that learning with tetrahedral chemistry representation is very suitable for 21stcentury learning and the 2013 curriculum. The use of tetrahedral chemistry representation can help in understanding abstract concepts. Then students can use chemistry appropriately to solve complex problems in real life.
Pelita Eksakta
Chemistry Teacher Association of the 5th region in West Sumatera is a discussion media for chemis... more Chemistry Teacher Association of the 5th region in West Sumatera is a discussion media for chemistry teacher in Sijunjung, Sawahlunto, and Darmasraya District. There are 33 Senior High School in these area with 42 members. They have difficulty in implementing Problem Based Learning and Project Based Learning model due to lack of understanding. Some expected competences in the 2013 curriculum require teaching learning process to be conducted by PBL dan PjBL particularly the competences with operational verb “designing and creating”. Moreover, they do not have any teaching material based on PBL and PjBL since these kinds of learning models have to provide contextual problems related to chemisty topics. Students will propose solutions and products, via discussion and project. The training successed in guiding teachers to compile 8 PBL and 6 PjBL learning materials.

Pelita Eksakta, 2020
Classroom Action Research (CAR) is one of the activities which teachers must carry out to improve... more Classroom Action Research (CAR) is one of the activities which teachers must carry out to improve and develop their professionalism. This community service activity aimed at train and improve the professionalism of chemistry teachers through CAR activities. The method was conducted with lectures, discussions, questions and answers, and workshops on proposal preparation, literature searching, CAR implementation, report, and CAR research articles preparation. The number of participants is 34 who are the members of MGMP Kimia Kabupaten Tanah Datar. There were six meetings with the total time was 36 hours in July-December 2019. The instrument used was a questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed using the percentage and equation techniques of Kappa Cohen's. Based on the results, of the 34 participants, 15 CAR titles were obtained, 11 CAR titles were carried out, 8 CAR reports were produced, and 4 CAR articles were drafted. Based on the teacher's questionnaire responses, the ...
Calculus is a must course of many major in higher education. It caused by calculus has a role as ... more Calculus is a must course of many major in higher education. It caused by calculus has a role as basic foundation of many theories and its application is used in many aspects of various majors. However, many students had difficulty to undersatand calculus course. Its difficulty was caused by calculus course could not been integrated with topics that was learned in each of majors. Solution of that problem is to integrated topics from various majors in calculus course and it can be done with STEM learning. STEM learning integrates science aspect (S), technology aspect (T), engineering aspect (E), and mathematics aspect (M) in learning process so it can makes calculus course to be more realistic so students can easily understand it.

Pelita Eksakta, 2021
Chemistry Teacher association of Pesisir Selatan district needs a workhop regarding to develop HO... more Chemistry Teacher association of Pesisir Selatan district needs a workhop regarding to develop HOTS intrument since they still questioning the correct way to do HOTS evaluation. Therefore, community service team of Chemistry Department conducted a workshop to improve pedagogy competency particularly in HOTS evaluation. This workhop was implemented via zoom meeting by giving explanation about evaluation and revised Bloom Taxonomy for knowledge domain. It continued workshop to develop HOTS evaluation that started by interpreting Basic Competences (BC) to competence achivement indicator (CAI), the CAI to HOTS question indicators and develop the HOTS question through on job learning. The team assessed the result and discussed it with the teachers. They revised the mistakes and the team compile it to be the HOTS question bank. As an evaluation, the teachers fill the questionnaires about the online workshop

Edukimia, 2020
Basic Competence (BC) is a minimum students’ achievement after learning process. Most of the BC i... more Basic Competence (BC) is a minimum students’ achievement after learning process. Most of the BC in the 2017 revised Indonesian curriculum requires students to have higher order thinking skills (HOTS), therefore teachers have to prepare assessment instruments referring HOTS. However, there are still many teachers who misperceive HOTS and think that HOTS is a difficult problem. This causes the teacher’s understanding of HOTS questions to be low. This study aims to describe chemistry teachers’ competence in evaluating HOTS of students. 19 teachers from 14 Senior High Schools was examined using structured essay test to figure out their ability and problems in compiling HOTS assessment instrument. The data collected was analysed using Miles Huberman methods starting with data reduction, data display and conclusion. Through this evaluation, it is known that only 10.53% of teachers comprehended HOTS and were able to apply it in evaluation, 57,89% of them understood the HOTS but weren’t abl...
Papers by Faizah Qurrata Aini