Papers by Ellyn Sugeng Desyanty
The COVID pandemic has brought many changes to the field of education so that educators are asked... more The COVID pandemic has brought many changes to the field of education so that educators are asked to have learning innovations that can help learners meet learning goals. This study aims to develop a facilitation model to develop conscientizacao during the COVID pandemic. This facilitation model utilizes SIPEJAR in compiling learning tools according to the learner's learning needs. The research method used was adapted from the R2D2 development model which showed the results that the facilitation model had been developed in accordance with predetermined indicators and in accordance with the learner's learning needs.

Papuan students who continue their studies in the city of Malang, especially the State University... more Papuan students who continue their studies in the city of Malang, especially the State University of Malang will certainly influence the interaction of intercultural communication reflected in their daily behavior into their new environment. The culture of Papuan students will be different when they take further study outside their regions, they are required to be able to adapt to their new environment in order to support the smooth running of daily life and success in studying S1 at UM. The same problem experienced by state universities in implementing Affirmations is the difficulty of fostering academic culture, especially special treatment for participants who often clash with the rules of learning on campus. The purpose of this research is: to find out the effectiveness of using the product Guidance for Assistance in the interaction of cultural intercultural communication in the residence for Papuan students studying in the Undergraduate Program at the State University of Malang. The type of research used by quantitative research with the experimental design in this study is a quasi-experimental type, because it does not randomize the selection of subjects for the experimental group. Measuring the effectiveness of mentoring intercultural interactions between ethnic Papuan students and Javanese ethnic informal educational settings in the neighborhood where ethnic Papuan students live undergraduate studies at Malang State University used an experimental design One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Conclusion the results of the trial were limited to mentoring from facilitators of intercultural interactions in informal education settings in residences / boarding houses for ethnic Papuan students with an average score at pretest of 80.3% and a test post of 87.2%. Based on the results of the pretest and post-test there is an increase in mentoring intercultural interaction informal education settings for ethnic Papuan students of 7.2%.
DISERTASI dan TESIS Program Pascasarjana UM, Jun 29, 2015

Aksara : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Nonformal, Sep 1, 2021
This study aims to determine the prospective bride and groom development program, determine the h... more This study aims to determine the prospective bride and groom development program, determine the household readiness of the prospective bride and groom coaching participants, and the contribution of the bride and groom coaching program to the readiness for marriage in KUA throughout Malang City. Respondents in this study were 88 participants of the bride and groom. The results of this study indicate that a) The Bridal Guidance Program is included in the good category, b) The household readiness of the bride and groom coaching participants is included in the good category, c) The contribution of the Bridal Guidance Program to Household Readiness is 70.04%, meaning that there is a significant contribution. There is a big difference between the prospective bride and groom development program on household readiness. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui program pembinaan calon pengantin, mengetahui kesiapan berumah tangga peserta pembinaan calon pengantin, dan kontribusi program pembinaan calon pengantin terhadap kesiapan berumah tangga di KUA Se-Kota Malang. Responden dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 88 peserta calon pengantin. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa a) Program pembinaan calon pengantin termasuk dalam kategori baik, b) Kesiapan berumah tangga peserta pembinaan calon pengantin termasuk dalam kategori baik, c) Kontribusi Program Pembinaan Calon Pengantin terhadap Kesiapan Berumah Tangga adalah 70,04% artinya terdapat kontribusi yang besar antara program pembinaan calon pengantin terhadap kesiapan berumah tangga. Kata Kunci: pembinaan, calon pengantin, kesiapan berumah tangga PENDAHULUAN Sarana yang sah dalam pembentukan keluarga berdasarkan ikatan agama adalah pernikahan. Pernikahan bukan hanya suatu cara terhormat untuk mendapatkan keturunan, menjaga faraj atau hanya menyalurkan naluri, atau hanya untuk menyalurkan biologis saja (Wahab dkk., 2017). Pernikahan yaitu penyatuan dua insan yang memiliki kepribadian yang berbeda dan disatukan untuk membangun rumah tangga dalam ikatan pernikahan untuk membentuk sebuah keluarga. Terwujudnya keluarga yang sakinah mawaddah warohmah merupakan hal yang didambakan setiap keluarga, yaitu keluarga yang penuh cinta dan kasih sayang, harmonis,

Abstract : Through this training is expected to improve the quality of care from the TPA caretake... more Abstract : Through this training is expected to improve the quality of care from the TPA caretakers, especially those located in Malang. Training activities are conducted in the form of in-on training, ie trainees are not only required to follow the theory exposure, but also given the opportunity to practice child-friendly practices in their institutions. The presentation of the theory of child-friendly nurturing is presented on a day-to-day basis on October 27, 2016, followed by guided practice for 2 weeks on 2-15 November 2016, which is guided by the head of the TPA. The training participants are 45 people from 15 TPA institutions. Each institution is represented by 3 people, consisting of 2 caregivers and a head of institution. Keywords : caregiver competence, child-friendly education, Childcare Park Abstrak: Melalui pelatihan ini diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kualitas pengasuhan dari para pengasuh TPA, khususnya yang berada di Kota Malang. Kegiatan pelatihan dilakukan dalam bentuk in-on training , yaitu peserta pelatihan tidak hanya diwajibkan mengikuti pemaparan teori, namun juga diberi kesempatan untuk melakukan praktik pengasuhan ramah anak di lembaganya. Pemaparan teori tentang pengasuhan ramah anak disajikan dalam waktu sehari pada tanggal 27 Oktober 2016, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan praktek terbimbing selama 2 minggu tepatnya tanggal 2-15 Nopember 2016 yang dibimbing oleh kepala TPA. Peserta pelatihan berjumlah 45 orang berasal dari 15 lembaga TPA. Setiap lembaga diwakili 3 orang, terdiri dari 2 orang pengasuh dan seorang kepala lembaga. Kata kunci : kompetensi pengasuh, pendidikan ramah anak, Taman Penitipan Anak

Empowerment of farmers is needed with the aim of farmers having expertise that can help their act... more Empowerment of farmers is needed with the aim of farmers having expertise that can help their activities towards independent farming and able to compete, able to establish cooperation with fellow farmers and with institutions of agricultural science or technology. This research is a study that uses a qualitative approach with a qualitative approach with phenomenological design to reveal the description of the efforts made by field agricultural extension officers in empowering farmers to improve the performance of farming in the "Mugi Rahayu" Farmer Group in Tegalsari Village, Jetis District, Ponorogo Regency. Empowerment of farmers in the farmer group "Mugi Rahayu" was carried out through extension activities carried out by field agricultural extension workers. Extension activities are carried out routinely to deliver material that is felt to be the learning needs of farmers in recognizing problems and finding solutions to existing problems in accordance with the characteristics and potential of the land owned. Empowerment of farmers through extension activities carried out through a series of processes consisting of planning, implementation and evaluation. The series of processes are carried out jointly between farmer groups, extension agents, and farmers as learning targets. Improving the performance of farms is not only seen from the addition of the amount of farm income every harvest period, the empowerment of farmers can also be seen from the ability of farmers to recognize problems and seek problem solving independently.

Journal of Nonformal Education, Aug 2, 2019
The Community Learning Center (CLC) is an institution of, by and for the community in providing e... more The Community Learning Center (CLC) is an institution of, by and for the community in providing educational services outside of the school system. The existence of CLC institutions is very important because various community learning needs cannot be accommodated in schooling education in the form of training, equality, entrepreneurship programs. Strengthening CLC institutions in providing non-formal education services with entrepreneurship to attract the interest of the community and equip the community with entrepreneurial abilities. This entrepreneurship program is capable of supporting non-formal education programs at CLC. Entrepreneurship-based CLC management is intended to maintain the sustainability of Non-formal Education programs (NFE), provide professional services and establish direct partnerships with the community. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. The data was collected using direct interview techniques, observation, and documentation. The data obtained is then analyzed by the procedure of collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, interpreting data, and concluding data. The results of this study indicate that the empowerment of CLC institutions in providing non-formal education services that lead to community empowerment includes as a complement to vocational skills, facilitation, motivation. The results of this study contributed significantly to the development of non-formal education programs in Indonesia.

Journal of Nonformal Education, Feb 28, 2021
Pos-PAUD is one form of non-formal PAUD unit as the development of Integrated Services Post (Posy... more Pos-PAUD is one form of non-formal PAUD unit as the development of Integrated Services Post (Posyandu) activities. Previous researches' results state that Pos-PAUD service quality is far from what is expected since the village society-built institution has many limitations. Its management's academic qualification and competence is not required as demanded by the law. This research aims at mapping Pos-PAUD management's managerial competence and its influence on its institutional service quality. The research was conducted with a correlational quantitative research design. The research population was the Pos-PAUD management in Malang City of about 156 people. The research samples were 65 people determined based on the proportional random sampling technique. The data were collected using a questionnaire technique. The questionnaire validity was tested using Pearson's Product Moment technique, while questionnaire reliability was tested using Cronbach's Alpha technique. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and regressive analysis techniques using SPPSS 23.00 for windows. The result of descriptive analysis shows that management's managerial competence and institutional service quality are not maximal yet since there is unmet indicator. The hypothesis test result shows that F count is 162.407 (Sig F = 0.000). F table at significance level 5% is 3.14. Since F count > F table (162.407 > 3.14) and Sig F < 5% (0.000 < 0.05) thus Ho is rejected, which means that management's managerial competence significantly influences Pos-PAUD service quality. This research result may be taken as the base to design Pos-PAUD management's competence building activity that is currently seldom performed and as the base of development of Pos-PAUD service quality improvement model.

SKRIPSI Jurusan Pendidikan Luar Sekolah - Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan UM, Mar 13, 2018
The family is the first and foremost center of education. The role of parents for the education o... more The family is the first and foremost center of education. The role of parents for the education of the child provides basic education, attitudes, and basic skills such as religious education, manners, manners, aesthetics, compassion, security, the basics to obey the rules and inculcate habits. Father is the head of the family responsible for the education of the child. Parenting is the whole interaction between parents and children where parents stimulate their children by changing the behavior, knowledge and values that are considered most appropriate by parents so that children can be independent, grow and develop in a healthy and optimal. Abstrak: Keluarga merupakan pusat pendidikan yang pertama dan terpenting. Peran orangtua bagi pendidikan anak memberikan dasar pendidikan, sikap, dan keterampilan dasar seperti pendidikan agama, budi pekerti, sopan santun, estetika, kasih sayang, rasa aman, dasar-dasar untuk mematuhi peraturan dan menanamkan kebiasaankebiasaan. Ayah adalah kepala keluarga yang bertanggung jawab dalam pendidikan anak. Pola asuh meruapakan keseluruhan interaksi antara orangtua dengan anak dimana orangtua menstimulusi anaknya dengan mengubah tingkah laku, pengetahuan serta nilai-nilai yang dianggap paling tepat menurut orangtua agar anak dapat mandiri, tumbuh dan berkembang secara sehat dan optimal.

The mother working as a parent remains the first figure for early childhood because most of the t... more The mother working as a parent remains the first figure for early childhood because most of the time the child is with her parents. Homes and parts of homes especially parents become an important part of early childhood life. This research will use phenomenological research methods because it intends to explore the experience felt by working married mothers and interpret every experience of parenting efficacy that emerged during being in the field. The purpose of this study was to describe the parenting efficacy in married mothers working with early childhood. The dimensions of parenting efficacy that appear in the informal self are: (1) the nurture dimension, (2) the health dimension, (3) the discipline dimension, (4) the playing dimension, and (5) the teaching dimension. The emergence of the various dimensions of parenting efficacy is influenced by the following factors: (1) past experiences, (2) culture and community, (3) experience with children, (4) parental knowledge, and (5) social and marital support. The significance of this research is that the informant understands that being a wife has the duty of not only caring for her family members but also helping her partner in finding additional income to support her family's economy. Her role as a mother is to give birth, nurture, and pay attention to her child's growth in various aspects of its development. The dual role that can be done by the informant with the understanding that he is a wife and mother simultaneously.

Jurnal Pendidikan Nonformal, Sep 15, 2021
Budaya sapi sonok merupakan budaya asli Madura yang sudah berlangsung 80 tahun didalam kehidupan ... more Budaya sapi sonok merupakan budaya asli Madura yang sudah berlangsung 80 tahun didalam kehidupan masyarakat Madura. Pertama kali yang mencetuskan kesenian budaya sapi sonok yaitu H. Achmad Hairudin di tahun 1940. Tercetusnya budaya sapi sonok berawal dar kabiasaan para petani Madura yang sering kali tidak melepas kayu perangkai atau yang biasa disebut pangonong yang digunakan membajak sawah tidak dilepas hingga sampai di rumah, hal tersebut dirasa menyenangkan dan memiliki nilai seni sehingga dijadikan sarana hiburan masyarakat lokal dalam bentuk pesta rakyat yang hingga saat ini dikanal dengan kesenian budaya kontes sapi sonok. Dalam keberlangsungan budaya secara turun-temurun maka orang tua (ayah) memiliki peran penting untuk memperkenalkan sekaligus mewariskan budaya kepada anak sehingga anak mencintai budaya yang sudah diwariskan oleh leluhurnya.

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2016
Early childhood education became the foundation for adults to develop the intellectual and emotio... more Early childhood education became the foundation for adults to develop the intellectual and emotional intelligence and character of the child. Education for every person starts throughout the lifetime of that since the person is in the womb until later headed to the grave. Family and parents to be first educators and foremost for the child who has the responsibility to play a role in designing the learning activities of the child when outside of school, so that learning activities time with educators (teachers) in schools can be integrated with the educational time with parents. Entrepreneurship education as one of education program soft skills can be one of the programs of learning which can form the character of children so that they are ready to grow and develop as a social being in accordance with the development of the world.

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Apr 1, 2018
This study aims to determine the implementation of scouting methods on guidance scout for achieve... more This study aims to determine the implementation of scouting methods on guidance scout for achievers in Malang kwarcab. This research uses qualitative method with case study design. The research subjects are scout leader, headmaster (mabigus), Gudep scout member 22099-22100 and Gudep 05111-05112 and staff of Kwarcab Malang Regency. Data were collected using observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results showed that the scouting methods used were eight, namely: (1) the practice of scout codes of honor, (2) learning by doing, (3) team system, (4) challenging and interesting activities, (5) outdoor activities, (6) partnerships with adult members, (7) sign systems of skill, and (8) separate unit systems for sons and daughters. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi metode kepramukaan pada pembinaan pramuka penggalang berprestasi di kwarcab Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus. Subjek penelitiannya yaitu pembina pramuka, mabigus, anggota pramuka Gudep 22099-22100 dan Gudep 05111-05112 serta pengurus Kwarcab Kabupaten Malang. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode kepramukaan yang digunakan ada delapan yaitu: (1) pengamalan kode kehormatan pramuka, (2) belajar sambil melakukan, (3) sistem beregu, (4) kegiatan yang menantang dan menarik, (5) kegiatan di alam terbuka, (6) kemitraan dengan anggota dewasa, (7) sistem tanda kecakapan, dan (8) sistem satuan terpisah untuk putra dan putri.

KOLOKIUM Jurnal Pendidikan Luar Sekolah
Children's character building is one of the tasks of parents and families, but it will be mor... more Children's character building is one of the tasks of parents and families, but it will be more effective if done in collaboration with school institutions and the community. This is because these three parties are the Tri Center of Education. The success of education will depend on how the synergy of the three parties in working together to educate children. This also applies to the formation of children's character. The purpose of this study is to obtain the results of an analysis of the synergy of the Tri Center of Education in shaping children's character, especially in the scavenger village environment. This research method uses a qualitative method of case study type. Data collection was conducted in Scavenger Village using interview, observation, and document study techniques. This was done to examine how the synergy of the Tri Center of Education in the middle to lower economic level, which is not a conducive environment to educate their children. The results sho...
Jurnal Pembelajaran, Bimbingan, dan Pengelolaan Pendidikan
This study examines efforts to empower the community with a focus on English literacy in a villag... more This study examines efforts to empower the community with a focus on English literacy in a village in Malang. This case study shows that the English literacy activities carried out by the Indocita institution for housewives consist of four processes, namely agreement, learning, learning modules, and learning media. The results of the study show that these activities can improve the English literacy of housewives and can be applied in daily life, such as in kitchen activities and helping children with their school tasks. The village has become a center for English language education, enabling housewives to interact with foreigners and develop a habit of using English.

Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, Aug 1, 2017
This study aimed to describe the community development through ecotourism program. This study use... more This study aimed to describe the community development through ecotourism program. This study used a qualitative research method with case study approach, and using data analysis interactive model. The results showed that the background of the emergence of ecotourism programs is to look at the natural potential that can be used as travel, ecotourism gave the changes to their economic advancement. Ecotourism development stages starting from identification of empowering agents to exploit the potential of nature into ecotourism activities that can empower local communities. The principles that appear on ecotourism are: (1) natural-based, (2) ecological value, (3) an insight into the environment, (4) the benefits to the local community, (5) the appeal and visitor satisfaction. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui program ekowisata. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dan menggunakan analisis data model interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa latar belakang kemunculan program ekowisata adalah dengan melihat potensi alam yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai wisata, ekowisata meberikan perubahan terhadap adanya peningkatan ekonomi. Tahapan pengembangan ekowisata dimulai dari identifikasi agen pemberdayaan untuk memanfaatkan potensi alam menjadi kegiatan ekowisata yang dapat memberdayakan masyarakat lokal. Prinsip-prinsip yang muncul pada ekowisata tersebut, meliputi (1) berbasis alam, (2) nilai ekologis, (3) wawasan lingkungan hidup, (4) manfaat bagi masyarakat lokal, dan (5) daya tarik dan kepuasan pengunjung.
2022 8th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET)
2022 2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Education (ICIT&E)

RINGKASAN Ikbar, A.Nauvalul. 2020 . Pewarisan Budaya Sapi Sonok Sebagai Aktivitas Belajar Informa... more RINGKASAN Ikbar, A.Nauvalul. 2020 . Pewarisan Budaya Sapi Sonok Sebagai Aktivitas Belajar Informal Bagi Masyarakat Madura . Tesis. Program Studi S-2 Pendidikan Luar Sekolah. Pasca Sarjana. Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing (1) Dr. Hardika, M.Pd., (2) Dr. Ellyn Sugeng Desyanty, M.Pd. Kata Kunci: Pewarisan, Budaya Sapi Sonok, Aktivitas Belajar Informal Budaya sapi sonok merupakan budaya asli masyarakat Madura yang berlangsung turun-temurun dari leluhur di keluarga pemilik sapi sonok. Budaya sapi sonok dicetuskan pertama kali oleh H. Achmad Hairudin pada tahun 1940. Dalam pelaksanaan budaya sapi sonok terdapat beberapa proses yang harus dilakukan oleh ketua paguyuban, panitia pelaksana, dan pemilik sapi sonok. Orang tua (ayah) memiliki peran penting dalam memperkenalkan sekaligus mewariskan budaya kepada anak sebagai generasi penerus di dalam keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan yaitu menganalisis pewarisan budaya sapi sonok sebagai aktivitas belajar informal yang dilakukan oleh oran...
Papers by Ellyn Sugeng Desyanty