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Kata kunci: RFID, fingerprint, minutiae 1. PENDAHULUAN
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    • Qadi Iyad
A. TUJUAN 1. Mengenalkan pada mahasiswa tentang konsep QoS 2. Mahasiswa mampu menganalisa performansi antara jaringan IP dengan jaringan MPLS.
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Karang atau batu cadas bisa membuat sosok bonsai lebih alami dan unik di banding bonsai biasa.
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 Memperkenalkan setiap siswa kepada sesama temannya agar mereka lebih akrab dan mengadakan kuis agar tercipta interaksi positif antara siswa dengan guru dan antara siswa dengan sesama siswa.
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Pusat Sumber Belajar atau dapat juga disebut Wadah Sumber Belajar adalah suatu aktifitas yang terorganisir yang terdiri dari pimpinan, staf dan peralatan- peralatan yang dikelola guna kegiatan produksi, penyediaan dan penyajian material... more
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    • Mechanical Engineering Design
Research on the influence of clearance and punch velocity to determine the quality of the punched edge were conducted. This study uses pure copper sheet material with the clearance variation of 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10%. Punch velocity is based... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceIOP conference series-MSE
Joining carburized steel by welding process becomes promising technique to subtitute largely applied bolted connection on machine transmission elements which is often sustained from contact loading. The present study utilized microvickers... more
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      Materials ScienceIOP conference series-MSE
The pelvic bone fractured surgery commonly includes a plate implant as a part of assembling the fragmented bone fractured. One of the important process of pelvic bone surgery is a plate implant design that is often performed by bending... more
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    • Mechanical Engineering
A binder is any material used to strengthen the bonding of moulding sand grains. The primary function of the binder is to hold the moulding sand and other materialstogether to produce high-quality casts. In this study, there were four... more
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    • Materials Science
This study aims to identify the influences between clearance and punch velocity on the part edge quality of blanked parts. Experiments have been conducted using material copper, punch-die clearance and punch velocity variations. In order... more
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    • Materials Science
This research aimed to identify the effect of punch speed and tool blanking material on the quality of the sheared edge bone-implant product in the form of a keychain cranioplasty plate implant. This research used Ti-6AL-4V sheet metal,... more
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    • Materials Science
Keychain cranioplasty plate product has the potential to be produced using the blanking process because it is faster, low-cost, and requires low-energy consumption compared to other mechanical operations. This research aimed to find the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMaterials Science
This study aims to investigate the surface roughness and the time consume printing on PLA material using FDM 3D printing on differences in layer height. A 3D printer machine, Creality Ender 3 was involved to manufacture the specimen.... more
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      PhysicsMaterials Science
The increasing of needs on several industrial fields such as medical, electrical and mechanical field require accurate dimensional and geometrical function and efficiency in a product, one example being the manufacture of micro-hole and... more
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Abstrak: Proses pemanenan buah salak harus dikerjakan secara teliti untuk memilih buah mana yang layak panen. Untuk buah salak yang telah matang, biasanya dapat dipetik hanya menggunakan tangan. Namun, jika buah salak yang hendak dipanen... more
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Abstrak: Desa gajahrejo merupakan salah satu desa di pesisir pantai malang selatan yang memiliki sumber daya alam buah kelapa yang melimpah. Dengan kondisi demografis tersebut menjadikan buah kelapa sebagai komoditas utama desa Gajahrejo.... more
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Abstrak Penelitian dilakukan pada departemen Workshop Engineering PT Djarum Kudus, yang berperan penting dalam penyediaan komponen (spare part) bagi departemen pre process secondary untuk produksi rokok SKM (Sigaret Kretek Mesin).... more
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