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      Cancer ResearchMarine Natural Products
The use of pesticides to kill wild plants that disturb crops is a problem that is quite severe in the world. Based on data from a study at the International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences that discusses the use of... more
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      Computer ScienceTerrainMechanism in Biology
Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk melakukan uji aktivitas enzim α-amilase dalam hidrolisis pati, menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi aktivitas enzim, dan menghitung nilai Km dan Vmax aktivitas enzim serta penentuan jenis inhibitor.... more
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Parijoto (Medinilla speciosa (Reinw ex BL)) is one of the Indonesian indigenous plants widely used as traditional medicine. A previous study showed that ethanol and methanol extracts of Parijoto fruit could inhibit T47D breast cancer... more
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SMK Muhammadiyah Minggir memiliki jurusan farmasi. Siswa-siswa jurusan farmasi membutuhkan pengetahuan yang lebih tentang teknologi farmasi. Teknologi farmasi meliputi industri farmasi, parameter obat berkualitas, CPOB, dan macam bentuk... more
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    • Physics