Papers by Alberth Alberth

Journal of teaching of English, Sep 11, 2019
This study aimed at finding out whether there is a significant effect of integrating scrabble int... more This study aimed at finding out whether there is a significant effect of integrating scrabble into numbered heads together at grade seven of SMP Negeri 12 Konawe Selatan or not. The research was conducted to answer the following question "Is there any significant effect of integrating scrabble into numbered heads together on students' vocabulary achievement at grade seven of SMP Negeri 12 Konawe Selatan?". The hypothesis of this research is "There is a significant effect of integrating scrabble into numbered heads together on students' vocabulary achievement at grade seven of SMP Negeri 12 Konawe Selatan". This research used quasi experimental design with population was all grade seven students at SMP Negeri 12 Konawe Selatan in academic year 2018/2019. The samples of this research were class VII E as the experimental class and VII B as control class. The experimental class consist of 28 students and control class consist of 26 students. The research instrument was 40 questions of vocabulary test. Collecting the data, the researcher gave pre-test, taught integrating scrabble into numbered heads together, and giving post-test. The result show that students' mean score in experimental class are 55.21 at pre-test and 75.13 at post-test, while students' mean score in control class are 55.61 in pre-test and 64.93 in post-test. Based on the calculation of T-test, it shows that the score of tcount = 5.636 is higher than ttable = 2.007 and the pvalue= 0.000 is lower than = 0.05. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and H is accepted. This can be conclude that there is a significant effect of integrating scrabble into numbered heads together on students' vocabulary achievement at grade seven students of SMP Negeri 12 Konawe Selatan.

Journal of Teaching of English, 2024
Language learning heavily relies on vocabulary acquisition for early skill development in reading... more Language learning heavily relies on vocabulary acquisition for early skill development in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Yet, memorizing extensive vocabularies often causes disinterest and frustration, primarily due to repetitive methods. This paper explores integrating Scrabble, an interactive resource, to innovate vocabulary acquisition. Gamification, a modern educational approach, engages students actively. Scrabble emerges as a potent tool for enriching vocabulary, fostering collaboration, and nurturing essential cognitive skills. It enhances not only vocabulary but also reading, writing, and critical thinking. Studies affirm Scrabble's positive impact on language proficiency, spelling, and retention. Its classroom integration promotes engagement, enjoyment, and cooperative learning, addressing the challenge of tedious vocabulary acquisition. Scrabble's role in language education, bolstering cognitive skills, and contributing comprehensively to language development is discussed, offering a holistic approach to enrich language learning.

TEFLIN Journal - A publication on the teaching and learning of English
The emergence of generative artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT has left people feeling ambiv... more The emergence of generative artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT has left people feeling ambivalent and disagreement among scholars, academicians, educators and the community at large prevails. While the artificial intelligence could potentially revolutionize how research is conducted and how research papers are written, a number of ethical concerns arise. In particular, the world of academia has reservations pertaining to whether this language model will actually do more good than harm, especially as far as academic writing is concerned. This paper argues that the cutting-edge technology is here to stay and the question is not whether to accept it, but rather, how to best utilize it judiciously, cautiously and responsibly to improve research performance by strictly adhering to academic integrity and transparency. Potential benefits and drawbacks of ChatGPT will be critically examined in light of current literature and, when relevant, potential solutions to the drawbacks will als...

Journey: Journal of English Language and Pedagogy, 2023
Research evidence shows that communicating and interacting with native speakers could boost stude... more Research evidence shows that communicating and interacting with native speakers could boost students’ self-confidence in their language proficiency. If this claim proves to be veritable, students who have the experience communicating and interacting with native speakers, either online or offline, would expectedly feel more confident than those who do not. The present study sought to examine whether significant differences existed in the self-confidence level of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners who (a) had the experience communicating with native English speakers and who did not; (b) had the intention to communicate with native English speakers and who did not; (c) were males and females, and (d) who were in different academic years (year 1, year 2, and year 3 respectively). Independent samples t-test revealed that, whereas males and females were equally confident, learners who had the experience interacting, or who had the intention communicating, with native English spe...

TEFLIN, 2023
The emergence of generative artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT has left people feeling ambiv... more The emergence of generative artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT has left people feeling ambivalent and disagreement among scholars, academicians, educators and the community at large prevails. While the artificial intelligence could potentially revolutionize how research is conducted and how research papers are written, a number of ethical concerns arise. In particular, the world of academia has reservations pertaining to whether this language model will actually do more good than harm, especially as far as academic writing is concerned. This paper argues that the cutting-edge technology is here to stay and the question is not whether to accept it, but rather, how to best utilize it judiciously, cautiously and responsibly to improve research performance by strictly adhering to academic integrity and transparency. Potential benefits and drawbacks of ChatGPT will be critically examined in light of current literature and, when relevant, potential solutions to the drawbacks will also be provided or commented on. Needless to say, the use of artificial intelligence in academic writing is still in its infancy and more discussion and debates pertaining to its use and merit are highly urged. This paper contributes to these ongoing debates.
KnE Social Sciences
The advent of online and hybrid learning in the English as a Foreign Language classroom has spark... more The advent of online and hybrid learning in the English as a Foreign Language classroom has sparked an extended debate. This paper aims to contribute to this ongoing debate by scrutinizing the effectiveness of the three different instructional methods: online, hybrid, and conventional face-to-face classrooms for the teaching of English grammar in the EFL setting. Students in online sections reported more challenges than those in the hybrid and face-to-face sections. The implications of this study are discussed in this paper. Keywords: Face-to-face, Hybrid, Instruction, Learning, Online

International Journal of Emotional Education, 2022
Whereas the role of anxiety and enjoyment in predicting learning outcomes is well documented in t... more Whereas the role of anxiety and enjoyment in predicting learning outcomes is well documented in the literature, the role of these two emotion dimensions in predicting perceived sense of classroom community is rarely discussed in the literature despite the fact that classroom community serves as a good predictor of learning outcomes. Conducted in a sociocultural context which is under-represented in the international literature, the present study was designed to predict participants’ perceived sense of classroom community based on their reported enjoyment and anxiety scores. A total of 402 senior high school students (male: 153, female: 249) participated in the study. Participants were invited to complete the questionnaires measuring foreign language enjoyment, foreign language anxiety, and perceived sense of classroom community. Multiple regression analysis indicated that foreign language classroom anxiety and enjoyment concurrently explained 39% of the total variance in sense of cl...

Issues in Educational Research, 2021
Online testing is now becoming more prevalent internationally, across different educational level... more Online testing is now becoming more prevalent internationally, across different educational levels. However, little is known about the impact of this mode of testing on male and female students' anxiety levels and test performance. Conducted in an Indonesian sociocultural context which is under-represented in the international literature, this paper presents results from a study examining the effect of two different modes of testing (online and paper-and-pencil tests) on test takers' anxiety levels and test scores. A total of 243 (99 males, 144 females) junior high school students were recruited. These students were assigned to either paper-and-pencil or online testing. The PHCC test anxiety questionnaire was administered immediately after the test. A 2 x 2 factorial ANOVA revealed that neither gender, mode of test administration nor the interaction between gender and mode of testing impacted on students' anxiety levels. The main effect of gender and the interaction effect between gender and mode of testing on test scores were significant. Students who experienced high anxiety levels performed significantly poorer than those who had medium or low anxiety levels.

International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 2020
Mobile assisted language learning offers tremendous opportunities for language learning. The use ... more Mobile assisted language learning offers tremendous opportunities for language learning. The use of short message service and, more recently, integration of the WhatsApp application into language classrooms has generally been reported to positively impact on language learning and learning experience for learners as well as for teachers. As a result, use of WhatsApp is gaining immense popularity in English as a foreign language classrooms across the globe. However, it is important to acknowledge that, while technology plays a critical role, it is how the tool is utilised per se that determines the successful integration of the new technology. How to use technology is pre-requisite to successful integration. Despite the popularity of the potential use of WhatsApp in language learning, currently there are no guidelines on how to use it for language teaching and learning. This paper attempts to offer some practical ideas and strategies for using WhatsApp for teaching English as a foreign language as well as for teaching other languages.

International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 2020
Social media has gained popularity in the realm of education. However, little research has examin... more Social media has gained popularity in the realm of education. However, little research has examined empirically the extent to which students interacting using social media experience a different level of social presence, sense of community and perceived learning compared to those interacting face-to-face. As many as 100 students who were taking a course on Education Profession at the Department of Primary School Teacher Education at Halu Oleo University were recruited for this study. The students were randomly divided into two groups: Group one attended conventional face-to-face classroom instruction over the course of seven weeks and Group two used WhatsApp for learning. Questionnaires measuring social presence, sense of community and perceived learning were pre- and post-tested, followed immediately by interviews. The WhatsApp group reported a stronger sense of community, but both groups experienced an equal level of social presence and perceived learning. Reported benefits of Wha...

Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 2018
The study aimed to scrutinise how incorporating Facebook into a conventional writing class might ... more The study aimed to scrutinise how incorporating Facebook into a conventional writing class might impact on students' intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy and writing performance, and to uncover how best to provide corrective feedback on students' writing posted on Facebook. Sixtyfour subjects from an intact group were recruited by means of purposive sampling. All participants sat the pre-test measuring intrinsic motivation to study writing, writing self-efficacy and writing performance. Following the pre-test, participants attended a regular conventional writing class incorporating Facebook for four months. At the conclusion of the study, participants sat the post-test and were interviewed regarding their learning experience. Participants were also requested to indicate which type of feedback provided on FB is preferred and to justify their responses. It was found that students' intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy, as well as writing performance, improved markedly in the post-test and that direct corrective feedback is more favoured by students. Overall, the study suggests that not only does incorporating Facebook into a conventional writing class benefit students academically, but it also helps boost their intrinsic motivation to study writing and writing self-efficacytwo critical variables that dictate success in foreign language learning.

Traditional tandem language learning (involving two students learning each other’s mother tongue)... more Traditional tandem language learning (involving two students learning each other’s mother tongue) is not a new concept. In fact, it has long been practiced in foreign language classrooms. However, a tandem approach involving learners of different countries using social media is something that has not been fully understood. Theoretically speaking, language acquisition occurs when rich comprehensible input is provided to language learners. Unfortunately, not all language learning contexts can provide this vital input, primarily owing to an inadequate language proficiency level of both teachers and students. In fact, this situation is not uncommon in the English as a Foreign Language (hereafter EFL) context. As a result, foreign language learning is hampered or impeded and little learning can occur, if at all. This paper argues that employing a telecollaborative social media-based tandem language learning approach could help to provide the missing input. With this approach, language le...
TEFLIN Journal - A publication on the teaching and learning of English, 2018
It is generally accepted that effective teacher professional development is critical to effective... more It is generally accepted that effective teacher professional development is critical to effective educational improvements and reforms of any educational institution. However, a conventional form of teacher professional development is constrained by time and space and, more often than not, there is a lack of perpetual support to teachers in the wake of a training program. An alternative way of teacher professional development therefore needs to be sought. This article argues that social media and all its facets open up new avenues for sustainable professional development and life-long learning in which case support can be obtained through virtual learning communities.

Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 2018
Socio-educational Model, Self-Determination Theory, and, more recently, L2 Motivational Self Syst... more Socio-educational Model, Self-Determination Theory, and, more recently, L2 Motivational Self System are arguably amongst the widely embraced theories of motivation in the field of foreign and second language learning. However, the relevance and validity of these theories across different sociocultural contexts and educational levels remain an open question, simply because motivation is context-specific. The present study seeks to fill this lacuna in research by exploring students' motivational orientations for learning English as a Foreign Language at a high school level within an Indonesian context. Fifty-one high school students were originally interviewed pertaining to the reasons why they had decided to learn English in the first place. Sixty-four orientations were identified during exhaustive interviews, but similar themes were subsequently merged resulting in fifty-four orientations. These fifty-four orientations were administered to 503 high school students. Following each orientation is a five-point Lickert scale (hereafter Lickert) of potential responses: very relevant, relevant, not sure, irrelevant, and not relevant at all. The results were subjected to a principal component analysis so that the underlying dimensions of students' motivational orientations for learning English in this particular context could be revealed. The principal component analysis resulted in the extraction of a five-component solution labelled as "ideal L2 self, ought-to L2 self and learning environment," "integrative orientation," "career orientation," "information access," and "self-confidence and intrinsic motivation" respectively. Implications of these findings on the theory of motivation in the realm of foreign/second language teaching and learning will be critically examined in this paper.

The advancement of digital technology has evoked a new teaching paradigm and the incorporation of... more The advancement of digital technology has evoked a new teaching paradigm and the incorporation of such technology into models of teaching has been highly appreciated in order to achieve certain learning goals such as students’ critical thinking. This study investigates and examines the difference in critical thinking skills of students taught through the flipped classroom, pure online and direct instruction models. The method of the study is quasi-experiment implemented to students of English majors of Halu Oleo University. A total of 96 students participated as samples sitting in three different classes. Each class was attended by an equal number of 32 samples. Data were collected by giving samples a critical thinking skills test after the model implementation. The data were analyzed by means of two-way analysis of variance. Results of the study show that there is a significant difference of students’ critical thinking skills after the implementation of the three models of teac...

The cultivation and development of the sago agro-industry in Southeast Sulawesi occurs naturally ... more The cultivation and development of the sago agro-industry in Southeast Sulawesi occurs naturally without holistic and comprehensive integrated planning. The cultivating and processing skills have long been handed down from generation to generation. The study aims to: 1) examine the response of sago farmers towards the development of integrated and sustainable sago agro-industry; 2) identify ideal land distribution for cultivation and processing of sago, on the basis of suitability of land, the areas of which become the centre of sago agroindustry in rural areas; 3) determine the priority areas for development of the sago agroindustry in Southeast Sulawesi. Research methods applied were: 1) the survey method and the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) to analyse the suitability of land for sago development and cultivation (and the regional mapping), especially for locations considered to be suitable for sago development and cultivation and; 2) descriptive method to determine t...

Social media as a by-product of Web 2.0 has had significant implications, both theoretically and ... more Social media as a by-product of Web 2.0 has had significant implications, both theoretically and practically, on teaching and learning in the digital era. This paper critically discusses the potential of integrating Facebook into the teaching and learning of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). It will begin by identifying classical challenges associated with EFL classrooms across different cultural contexts (with particular emphasis on Asian countries), and subsequently argue how such challenges could potentially be addressed by integrating Facebook into such classrooms. Contemporary learning theories will be critically discussed to demonstrate that the use of Facebook is inherently compatible with these theories. In particular, we will argue that social interaction mediated by technology is critical to both language learning and language acquisition. Some ideas on how to use Facebook in the EFL classroom, in terms of the learning activities, will also be presented and discussed an...

TEFLIN Journal, 2013
The online course offerings have grown exponentially globally since the turn of the 21st century ... more The online course offerings have grown exponentially globally since the turn of the 21st century – be they as a primary mode of instruction or as a supplement to traditional face-to-face classroom instruction, and this phenomenon is most noticeable in higher education. More recently, the new technology has also been integrated into the English as a Foreign Language, henceforth called EFL, classrooms. This article argues that the notion of technology-enhanced language learning is not just an intriguing idea – it is a necessity, for it has a great potential to offer in facilitating the development of English language proficiency of EFL learners through computer-mediated communication. Additionally, it contends that the new technology can potentially address most, if not all, of the shortcomings inherent to the EFL classroom including, but not limited to, lack of exposure to the target language, lack of practice, and lack of learning resources. Theoretical implications of technology-en...
With the proliferation of online courses nowadays, it is necessary to ask what defines the succes... more With the proliferation of online courses nowadays, it is necessary to ask what defines the success of teaching and learning in these new learning environments exactly. This paper identifies and critically discusses a number of factors for successful implementation of online delivery, particularly as far as online language learning is concerned. These include student and teacher characteristics, instructional design, provision of support to instructors and students, technology, and language skills characteristics. I argue that these factors need to be carefully considered when designing online language learning simply because they could potentially impinge on students’ learning and learning experience in these new learning environments.
Proceedings, 2023
The advent of online and hybrid learning in the English as a Foreign Language classroom has spark... more The advent of online and hybrid learning in the English as a Foreign Language classroom has sparked an extended debate. This paper aims to contribute to this ongoing debate by scrutinizing the effectiveness of the three different instructional methods: online, hybrid, and conventional face-to-face classrooms for the teaching of English grammar in the EFL setting. Students in online sections reported more challenges than those in the hybrid and face-to-face sections. The implications of this study are discussed in this paper.
Papers by Alberth Alberth