Jurnal Berkala Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian (Journal of Agricultural Sciences)
Visual observation is a method of assessing the intensity of thrips infestation that assessors fa... more Visual observation is a method of assessing the intensity of thrips infestation that assessors favor because it is relatively easy to apply. However, on the other hand, it has many limitations. Therefore, a more accurate alternative method, such as digital image processing, is needed. This study aims to evaluate the accuracy of visual observation and digital image processing used to assess the thrips attack on cayenne pepper leaves. This study was designed following a Randomized Group Design with four treatments, namely P1 (1), P2 (3), P3 (5), and P4 (7 thrips/container cup). Each treatment was repeated three times (12 experimental units), and each experimental unit used five test leaves. The variable observed was the accuracy of assessing thrips attack intensity on chili leaves based on visual observation and image processing. The results show that high thrips populations can cause high attack intensity on chili plants based on visual observation results, while based on image proce...
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi and cow manure to y... more This study aims to determine the effectiveness of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi and cow manure to yield of sweet corn on Ultisol. This research was conducted using a randomized block design (RCBD) in a factorial pattern. The first factor is arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) which consists of four levels, namely without AMF (A0), AMF 5 g/planting hole (A1), AMF 10 g/planting hole (A2), AMF 15 g/planting hole (A3). The second factor is cow manure fertilizer (CMF) consisting of three levels, namely without CMF (B0), CMF 5 tons ha-1 (B1), CMF 10 tons ha-1 (B2). The treatment applied consisted of 12 treatment combinations which were repeated in 3 replications, so that there were 36 experimental units. The observed variables were: weight of cob with cob, weight of cob without cob, cob length, ear diameter, number of rows of seeds and crop production (ton ha-1). The results showed that the highest average weight cob with husk was obtained in a combination treatment of AMF 10 g/planting hole...
Some of the problems faced by the community as a result of the Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19... more Some of the problems faced by the community as a result of the Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) have limited social access to the community in everyday life. By looking at these problems, there is a need for Services on Information Dissemination and Education on Mitigation of Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19. The implementation of Community Service Program Lecturers Thematic Dissemination of Information and Education on Coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19) Mitigation, was carried out in several stages, namely: (i) socialization of the implementation of trials at the community level; (ii) carry out an understanding test about KKN on how to mitigate the Coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19); (ii) conducting training for the community on the use of local resources, such as coconut oil, ginger, saraba and moringa as COVID-19 mitigation materials. The results of the service show that: (i) the community is increasingly aware of the importance of mitigating COVID-19 and how to prevent COVID-19; (ii) the community knows the types of local resources that are easy to obtain and easy to make as medicine in the fight against COVID-19; (iii) the community is able to make and apply local resources (moringa, ginger and coconut oil) as a COVID-19 mitigation.
The use of synthetic chemical pesticides for cacao black pod rot disease control to remove heavy ... more The use of synthetic chemical pesticides for cacao black pod rot disease control to remove heavy metal residues on cacao beans needs to be reduced. This research aimed to find out the ability of botanical pesticides to lower BPR incidence, BPR infection rate, and botanical pesticides’ efficacy in controlling BPR. It was conducted at the Cacao Research Substation Garden of the Plantation and Horticulture Office of Southeast Sulawesi. The treatments experimented included control (no pesticide), CNSE, CNSE + CSLS, CNSE + whiteflower albizia bark extract, CNSE + siam weed leaf extract, CNSE + candle bush leaf extract, CNSE + whiteflower albizia bark extract + siam weed leaf extract + candle bush leaf extract, and synthetic pesticide with active ingredient copper oxysulfate at 345 g/L. Group-randomized trial was used as design in triplicate. The research results showed that the botanical pesticides of CNSE, and the was mixture with of CSLS, siam weed leaf extract, candle bush leaf extrac...
The use of ecoenzymes is an effort to answer the problem of using inorganic fertilizers and envir... more The use of ecoenzymes is an effort to answer the problem of using inorganic fertilizers and environmental damage which is increasingly being used among farmers because their use has a negative impact. The target of implementing community service activities that are integrated with the Thematic KKN program are farmers in Lebo Jaya Village, Konda District, South Konawe Regency which have been designated as Organic Agriculture Areas. Most of the farmers in Lebo Jaya Village still use inorganic fertilizers and synthetic pesticides. The purpose of this activity is to provide farmers with an understanding of organic farming through training on making ecoenzymes. The output of this activity is that farmers are expected to gradually reduce or even no longer use inorganic fertilizers and start switching to the application of organic farming based on household waste.Â
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui intesitas dan keparahan penyakit vascular streak dieback (VSD... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui intesitas dan keparahan penyakit vascular streak dieback (VSD) dan menganalisis unsur hara yang berpengaruh terhadap intesitas dan keparahan penyakit vascular streak dieback (VSD) yang disebabkan oleh Oncobasidium theobromae. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober sampai bulan November 2020 di lahan perkebunan kakao di Kabupaten Konawe dan Kabupaten Konawe Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggaradan Laboratorium Biomolekuler Fakultas MIPA Universitas Halu Oleo. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan melakukan survei pada pertanaman kakao untuk pengamatan intesitas dan keparahan penyakit serta pengambilan sampel tanah.Variabel yang diamati adalah intesitas dan keparahan penyakit di lapang, analisis sifat kimia tanah dan kadar unsur hara. Hasil penelitian menunjukan intesitas penyakit VSD di lapang berkisar 10 – 100%, keparahan penyakit VSD di lapang 2,5 – 95%. Unsur hara yang berpengaruh langsung meningkatkan intesitas penyakit VSD adalah P-tersedia. Unsur hara yang...
Phytophthora  palmivora adalah salah satu patogen tular tanah yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit bus... more Phytophthora  palmivora adalah salah satu patogen tular tanah yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit busuk akar, busuk buah, busuk tajuk dan hawar daun pada tanaman kakao. Penanganan patogen ini di lapangan relatif sulit karena adanya dugaan patogen ini mengalami perubahan virulensi dari waktu ke waktu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat virulensi isolat P. palmivora dari dua sentra produksi kakao di Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan perlakuan dua isolat P. palmivora yaitu isolat PPKT-Koltim dan isolat PPKS-Konsel ditambah kontrol. Inokulum diperbanyak pada buah kakao sehat lalu dicampurkan pada media tanam Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian inokulum P. palmivora pada media tanam berpengaruh nyata terhadap daya tumbuh dan perkembangan penyakit busuk akar pada tanaman kakao di persemaian. Isolat PPKT-Koltim memiliki tingkat virulensi yang lebih tinggi dari isolat PPKS-Konsel dengan masa inkubasi, kejadian penyakit, dan ni...
ABSTRACK Phytophthora capsiciis a causal agent for footrot disease in pepper and classified as a ... more ABSTRACK Phytophthora capsiciis a causal agent for footrot disease in pepper and classified as a soil-borne pathogen. The inoculums of P. capsici in the soilis difficultto detect. The dynamics of P. capsici population in the soil is frequently and rapidly fluctuates and hard to detect, causing the pathogen to produce disease rapidly. The aimsof this research were todetect the pathogen P.capsici using black pepper leaf baiting and to quantify the inoculum of the pathogen P.capsici in the soil belonging to several disease intensities of the black pepper foot rot in the field. The first experiment: detecting the pathogen P. capsici using black pepper leaf baiting in the soil artificially infested using several sporangia, anda second experiment: quantification of propagul of the P.capsici in various categories of intensity on the black pepper foot rot disease in the field. The research results showed that the black pepper leaf baiting could be used to detect the existence of the propagu...
This Thematic Real Work Integrated with Community Service aims to increase the literacy of the pe... more This Thematic Real Work Integrated with Community Service aims to increase the literacy of the people of Southeast Sulawesi regarding COVID-19 and how to mitigate it by using creative content media. This thematic program is one form of community service, so that its implementation follow the action research method with 5 (five) stages, i.e. (1) Diagnosis; (2) Planning; (3) Implementation; (4) Evaluation; and (5) Special learning. This thematic program was attended by 22 students under supervision of three field lecturers and lasted for 30 days online. During this program, more than 20 posters/e-cards and 30 videos have been produced. The content has been disseminated on various social media through the accounts of students and supervisors as well as other internet media. Based on the results of creative content in the form of posters, the public can improve their literacy on social and physical distancing as an effort to accelerate COVID-19 mitigation. Meanwhile, creative content in...
Background: Low nutrient content in ultisol soils and the result of Maydis leaf rot are a major p... more Background: Low nutrient content in ultisol soils and the result of Maydis leaf rot are a major problem in efforts to increase corn productivity in Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The use of organic materials and biological agents is one of the solutions in increasing disease resistance and corn productivity in the environmentally friendly ultisol lands. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of the biological agent Biofresh combined with various types of organic material to increase resistance to Maydis leaf rot and maize productivity in ultisol lands.Methods: Research in April-August 2017 in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. With 21 units of experiments using a random block design with 7 treatments in combination of Biofresh with organic material ‘Bokashi’. consists of: B0 = Inorganic fertilizer; B1 = Organic material of cow dung; B2 = Biofresh Biological Agent; B3 = Biofresh biological agent combined with cow dung organic matter; B4 = Biofresh biological agent combinati...
This research aims to determine the effect of interaction and the main effect of soybean varietie... more This research aims to determine the effect of interaction and the main effect of soybean varieties with a dose of bokashi from agricultural waste and Trichoderma asperellum, besides, to determine the best dosage of bokashi on soybean growth and disease incidence of stem rot caused by Sclerotium rolfsii. The research design uses a factorial randomized block design, following the first factor is soybean varieties, namely V1 (Anjasmoro), V2 (Argomuliyo), and V3 (Dena). Furthermore, the second factor is the bokashi dosage, namely T0 (dose of 0 tons/ha), T1 (5 tons/ha), T2 (10 tons/ha) and T3 (15 tons/ha). All data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance. If the effect is significant, then continue with Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) 95% confidence level. The results showed that the best variety of growth is Anjasmoro, while a variety of Dena is the best for reducing stem rot disease incidence and more resistance from other varieties. Bokashi dose of 15 tons/ha is the most e...
1 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Kendari 93232, So... more 1 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Kendari 93232, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia 2 Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Kendari 93232, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia 3 Agricultural Quarantine Center Kendari, Ministry of Agriculture, Kendari 93212, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia . *Correspondence: [email protected] Accepted: 10 Feb 2018 Published online: 27 Mar. 2018
The success of foot rot disease control is largely dependent on information data of pepper cultiv... more The success of foot rot disease control is largely dependent on information data of pepper cultivation conditions, distribution pattern of the disease, and the magnitude of the intensity of the disease. This study aimed to determine the condition of pepper cultivation, distribution pattern of pepper foot rot disease, the development of disease symptoms, and intensity of pepper foot rot disease in Southeast Sulawesi. Data cultivation conditions, distribution of the disease, progression of symptoms, and the intensity of the disease were obtained by means of surveys in pepper plantations and interviews with pepper farmers. The results showed that the pepper plantations in Southeast Sulawesi were cultivated on flat to hilly topography, and the cultivation method was very conventional but herbicide use was very intensive. The development of wilt symptoms on pepper plants was very quick in dry weather but slow in the wet. Pepper foot rot disease has patch distribution. The highest intensi...
Phytophthora capsiciis a causal agent for footrot disease in pepper and classified as a soil-born... more Phytophthora capsiciis a causal agent for footrot disease in pepper and classified as a soil-borne pathogen. The inoculums of P. capsici in the soilis difficultto detect. The dynamics of P. capsici population in the soil is frequently and rapidly fluctuates and hard to detect, causing the pathogen to produce disease rapidly. The aimsof this research were todetect the pathogen P.capsici using black pepper leaf baiting and to quantify the inoculum of the pathogen P.capsici in the soil belonging to several disease intensities of the black pepper foot rot in the field. The first experiment: detecting the pathogen P. capsici using black pepper leaf baiting in the soil artificially infested using several sporangia, anda second experiment: quantification of propagul of the P.capsici in various categories of intensity on the black pepper foot rot disease in the field. The research results showed that the black pepper leaf baiting could be used to detect the existence of the propagul of P.ca...
Coconut (cocos nucifera) has the economic potential that the strategy to be developed by farmers ... more Coconut (cocos nucifera) has the economic potential that the strategy to be developed by farmers with Integrated Processing so as to Improve Welfare of farmers. Objective the research is to explore the potential for coconut production and describe farmer’s characteristics, coconut plantation, and coconut processing business in North Buton. Specifically, this study aims to analyze the economic potential of coconut processing and explains the strategy of developing an integrated coconut processing. The approach of this research is explanatory research with collecting data by survey method. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with 112 respondents Family Head coconut farmers. Data analysis method used is descriptive and financial feasibility analysis NPV; NBCR, and IRR. These results indicate: (1) the potential for coconut crop production in North Buton, tend to decrease due to old age of the plant, (2) the characteristics of coconut farmers on average are in the productive a...
Pola tanam tumpangsari jagung-kacang tanah telah lama dikembangkan oleh masyarakat Muna dan merup... more Pola tanam tumpangsari jagung-kacang tanah telah lama dikembangkan oleh masyarakat Muna dan merupakan bentuk kearifan lokal pada pertanian lahan kering. Model budidaya tanaman semusim ini dilakukan dengan tanpa olah tanah (TOT) dan belum menggunakan pupuk kimia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui intensitas penyakit pada tanaman jagung dan kacang tanah dalam pola tumpangsari jagung-kacang tanah pada pertanian tanpa oleh tanah di lahan kering dan kondisi yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini di lakukan di Desa Wakontu Kecamatan Wadaga Kabupaten Muna Barat. Waktu penelitian dilakukan pada musim tanam bulan Januari 2015. Data diperoleh melalui survei pada kebun petani yang menerapkan pola tanam tumpangsari jagung-kacang tanah pada fase pertumbuhan vegetatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyakit yang terdapat pada tanaman jagung yaitu penyakit bulai dengan intensitas penyakit sebesar 29,5%, dan penyakit pada kacang tanah yaitu penyakit bercak daun, penyakit belang, dan pen...
Background and Objective: Exploration of drought-tolerant endophytic bacteria is significant to i... more Background and Objective: Exploration of drought-tolerant endophytic bacteria is significant to identify bacteria that can provide plant resistance to drought stress. This study aims to obtain the potential of endophytic bacteria to promote plant growth from tomato plants in dry land. Materials and Methods: Exploration of endophytic bacteria from healthy tomato plants in a dry and rocky land, Muna Regency, Indonesia. Selection of drought-tolerant endophytic bacteria using polyethylene glycol 6000. Selected isolates were tested to increase the viability of tomato seeds using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Results: There were 123 isolates of endophytic bacteria isolated from the roots and stems of local tomato plants in a dry and rocky land, Muna Regency, Indonesia. There were 39 (31.70%) isolates sensitive to drought, 55 (44.71%) isolates very sensitive to drought, 8 (6.50%) isolates tolerant to drought and 21 (17.02%) isolates very tolerant to drought. Dryness for the maximum polyethylene glycol concentration at osmotic pressure of -2.00 MPa. Inoculation of endophytic bacteria in local tomato seeds increased the viability and vigour of local tomato seeds compared to the absence of endophytic bacteria. Of the 21 isolates of drought-tolerant endophytic bacteria, there were 12 potential isolates in increasing the viability of local tomato seeds belonging to the Pseudomonas sp. and Bacillus sp. bacterial groups. Conclusion: Pseudomonas sp. and Bacillus sp. isolates identified the endophytic bacteria, which can be drought-tolerant and increase tomato seeds' viability.
Jurnal Berkala Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian (Journal of Agricultural Sciences)
Visual observation is a method of assessing the intensity of thrips infestation that assessors fa... more Visual observation is a method of assessing the intensity of thrips infestation that assessors favor because it is relatively easy to apply. However, on the other hand, it has many limitations. Therefore, a more accurate alternative method, such as digital image processing, is needed. This study aims to evaluate the accuracy of visual observation and digital image processing used to assess the thrips attack on cayenne pepper leaves. This study was designed following a Randomized Group Design with four treatments, namely P1 (1), P2 (3), P3 (5), and P4 (7 thrips/container cup). Each treatment was repeated three times (12 experimental units), and each experimental unit used five test leaves. The variable observed was the accuracy of assessing thrips attack intensity on chili leaves based on visual observation and image processing. The results show that high thrips populations can cause high attack intensity on chili plants based on visual observation results, while based on image proce...
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi and cow manure to y... more This study aims to determine the effectiveness of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi and cow manure to yield of sweet corn on Ultisol. This research was conducted using a randomized block design (RCBD) in a factorial pattern. The first factor is arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) which consists of four levels, namely without AMF (A0), AMF 5 g/planting hole (A1), AMF 10 g/planting hole (A2), AMF 15 g/planting hole (A3). The second factor is cow manure fertilizer (CMF) consisting of three levels, namely without CMF (B0), CMF 5 tons ha-1 (B1), CMF 10 tons ha-1 (B2). The treatment applied consisted of 12 treatment combinations which were repeated in 3 replications, so that there were 36 experimental units. The observed variables were: weight of cob with cob, weight of cob without cob, cob length, ear diameter, number of rows of seeds and crop production (ton ha-1). The results showed that the highest average weight cob with husk was obtained in a combination treatment of AMF 10 g/planting hole...
Some of the problems faced by the community as a result of the Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19... more Some of the problems faced by the community as a result of the Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) have limited social access to the community in everyday life. By looking at these problems, there is a need for Services on Information Dissemination and Education on Mitigation of Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19. The implementation of Community Service Program Lecturers Thematic Dissemination of Information and Education on Coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19) Mitigation, was carried out in several stages, namely: (i) socialization of the implementation of trials at the community level; (ii) carry out an understanding test about KKN on how to mitigate the Coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19); (ii) conducting training for the community on the use of local resources, such as coconut oil, ginger, saraba and moringa as COVID-19 mitigation materials. The results of the service show that: (i) the community is increasingly aware of the importance of mitigating COVID-19 and how to prevent COVID-19; (ii) the community knows the types of local resources that are easy to obtain and easy to make as medicine in the fight against COVID-19; (iii) the community is able to make and apply local resources (moringa, ginger and coconut oil) as a COVID-19 mitigation.
The use of synthetic chemical pesticides for cacao black pod rot disease control to remove heavy ... more The use of synthetic chemical pesticides for cacao black pod rot disease control to remove heavy metal residues on cacao beans needs to be reduced. This research aimed to find out the ability of botanical pesticides to lower BPR incidence, BPR infection rate, and botanical pesticides’ efficacy in controlling BPR. It was conducted at the Cacao Research Substation Garden of the Plantation and Horticulture Office of Southeast Sulawesi. The treatments experimented included control (no pesticide), CNSE, CNSE + CSLS, CNSE + whiteflower albizia bark extract, CNSE + siam weed leaf extract, CNSE + candle bush leaf extract, CNSE + whiteflower albizia bark extract + siam weed leaf extract + candle bush leaf extract, and synthetic pesticide with active ingredient copper oxysulfate at 345 g/L. Group-randomized trial was used as design in triplicate. The research results showed that the botanical pesticides of CNSE, and the was mixture with of CSLS, siam weed leaf extract, candle bush leaf extrac...
The use of ecoenzymes is an effort to answer the problem of using inorganic fertilizers and envir... more The use of ecoenzymes is an effort to answer the problem of using inorganic fertilizers and environmental damage which is increasingly being used among farmers because their use has a negative impact. The target of implementing community service activities that are integrated with the Thematic KKN program are farmers in Lebo Jaya Village, Konda District, South Konawe Regency which have been designated as Organic Agriculture Areas. Most of the farmers in Lebo Jaya Village still use inorganic fertilizers and synthetic pesticides. The purpose of this activity is to provide farmers with an understanding of organic farming through training on making ecoenzymes. The output of this activity is that farmers are expected to gradually reduce or even no longer use inorganic fertilizers and start switching to the application of organic farming based on household waste.Â
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui intesitas dan keparahan penyakit vascular streak dieback (VSD... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui intesitas dan keparahan penyakit vascular streak dieback (VSD) dan menganalisis unsur hara yang berpengaruh terhadap intesitas dan keparahan penyakit vascular streak dieback (VSD) yang disebabkan oleh Oncobasidium theobromae. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober sampai bulan November 2020 di lahan perkebunan kakao di Kabupaten Konawe dan Kabupaten Konawe Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggaradan Laboratorium Biomolekuler Fakultas MIPA Universitas Halu Oleo. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan melakukan survei pada pertanaman kakao untuk pengamatan intesitas dan keparahan penyakit serta pengambilan sampel tanah.Variabel yang diamati adalah intesitas dan keparahan penyakit di lapang, analisis sifat kimia tanah dan kadar unsur hara. Hasil penelitian menunjukan intesitas penyakit VSD di lapang berkisar 10 – 100%, keparahan penyakit VSD di lapang 2,5 – 95%. Unsur hara yang berpengaruh langsung meningkatkan intesitas penyakit VSD adalah P-tersedia. Unsur hara yang...
Phytophthora  palmivora adalah salah satu patogen tular tanah yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit bus... more Phytophthora  palmivora adalah salah satu patogen tular tanah yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit busuk akar, busuk buah, busuk tajuk dan hawar daun pada tanaman kakao. Penanganan patogen ini di lapangan relatif sulit karena adanya dugaan patogen ini mengalami perubahan virulensi dari waktu ke waktu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat virulensi isolat P. palmivora dari dua sentra produksi kakao di Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan perlakuan dua isolat P. palmivora yaitu isolat PPKT-Koltim dan isolat PPKS-Konsel ditambah kontrol. Inokulum diperbanyak pada buah kakao sehat lalu dicampurkan pada media tanam Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian inokulum P. palmivora pada media tanam berpengaruh nyata terhadap daya tumbuh dan perkembangan penyakit busuk akar pada tanaman kakao di persemaian. Isolat PPKT-Koltim memiliki tingkat virulensi yang lebih tinggi dari isolat PPKS-Konsel dengan masa inkubasi, kejadian penyakit, dan ni...
ABSTRACK Phytophthora capsiciis a causal agent for footrot disease in pepper and classified as a ... more ABSTRACK Phytophthora capsiciis a causal agent for footrot disease in pepper and classified as a soil-borne pathogen. The inoculums of P. capsici in the soilis difficultto detect. The dynamics of P. capsici population in the soil is frequently and rapidly fluctuates and hard to detect, causing the pathogen to produce disease rapidly. The aimsof this research were todetect the pathogen P.capsici using black pepper leaf baiting and to quantify the inoculum of the pathogen P.capsici in the soil belonging to several disease intensities of the black pepper foot rot in the field. The first experiment: detecting the pathogen P. capsici using black pepper leaf baiting in the soil artificially infested using several sporangia, anda second experiment: quantification of propagul of the P.capsici in various categories of intensity on the black pepper foot rot disease in the field. The research results showed that the black pepper leaf baiting could be used to detect the existence of the propagu...
This Thematic Real Work Integrated with Community Service aims to increase the literacy of the pe... more This Thematic Real Work Integrated with Community Service aims to increase the literacy of the people of Southeast Sulawesi regarding COVID-19 and how to mitigate it by using creative content media. This thematic program is one form of community service, so that its implementation follow the action research method with 5 (five) stages, i.e. (1) Diagnosis; (2) Planning; (3) Implementation; (4) Evaluation; and (5) Special learning. This thematic program was attended by 22 students under supervision of three field lecturers and lasted for 30 days online. During this program, more than 20 posters/e-cards and 30 videos have been produced. The content has been disseminated on various social media through the accounts of students and supervisors as well as other internet media. Based on the results of creative content in the form of posters, the public can improve their literacy on social and physical distancing as an effort to accelerate COVID-19 mitigation. Meanwhile, creative content in...
Background: Low nutrient content in ultisol soils and the result of Maydis leaf rot are a major p... more Background: Low nutrient content in ultisol soils and the result of Maydis leaf rot are a major problem in efforts to increase corn productivity in Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The use of organic materials and biological agents is one of the solutions in increasing disease resistance and corn productivity in the environmentally friendly ultisol lands. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of the biological agent Biofresh combined with various types of organic material to increase resistance to Maydis leaf rot and maize productivity in ultisol lands.Methods: Research in April-August 2017 in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. With 21 units of experiments using a random block design with 7 treatments in combination of Biofresh with organic material ‘Bokashi’. consists of: B0 = Inorganic fertilizer; B1 = Organic material of cow dung; B2 = Biofresh Biological Agent; B3 = Biofresh biological agent combined with cow dung organic matter; B4 = Biofresh biological agent combinati...
This research aims to determine the effect of interaction and the main effect of soybean varietie... more This research aims to determine the effect of interaction and the main effect of soybean varieties with a dose of bokashi from agricultural waste and Trichoderma asperellum, besides, to determine the best dosage of bokashi on soybean growth and disease incidence of stem rot caused by Sclerotium rolfsii. The research design uses a factorial randomized block design, following the first factor is soybean varieties, namely V1 (Anjasmoro), V2 (Argomuliyo), and V3 (Dena). Furthermore, the second factor is the bokashi dosage, namely T0 (dose of 0 tons/ha), T1 (5 tons/ha), T2 (10 tons/ha) and T3 (15 tons/ha). All data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance. If the effect is significant, then continue with Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) 95% confidence level. The results showed that the best variety of growth is Anjasmoro, while a variety of Dena is the best for reducing stem rot disease incidence and more resistance from other varieties. Bokashi dose of 15 tons/ha is the most e...
1 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Kendari 93232, So... more 1 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Kendari 93232, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia 2 Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Kendari 93232, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia 3 Agricultural Quarantine Center Kendari, Ministry of Agriculture, Kendari 93212, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia . *Correspondence: [email protected] Accepted: 10 Feb 2018 Published online: 27 Mar. 2018
The success of foot rot disease control is largely dependent on information data of pepper cultiv... more The success of foot rot disease control is largely dependent on information data of pepper cultivation conditions, distribution pattern of the disease, and the magnitude of the intensity of the disease. This study aimed to determine the condition of pepper cultivation, distribution pattern of pepper foot rot disease, the development of disease symptoms, and intensity of pepper foot rot disease in Southeast Sulawesi. Data cultivation conditions, distribution of the disease, progression of symptoms, and the intensity of the disease were obtained by means of surveys in pepper plantations and interviews with pepper farmers. The results showed that the pepper plantations in Southeast Sulawesi were cultivated on flat to hilly topography, and the cultivation method was very conventional but herbicide use was very intensive. The development of wilt symptoms on pepper plants was very quick in dry weather but slow in the wet. Pepper foot rot disease has patch distribution. The highest intensi...
Phytophthora capsiciis a causal agent for footrot disease in pepper and classified as a soil-born... more Phytophthora capsiciis a causal agent for footrot disease in pepper and classified as a soil-borne pathogen. The inoculums of P. capsici in the soilis difficultto detect. The dynamics of P. capsici population in the soil is frequently and rapidly fluctuates and hard to detect, causing the pathogen to produce disease rapidly. The aimsof this research were todetect the pathogen P.capsici using black pepper leaf baiting and to quantify the inoculum of the pathogen P.capsici in the soil belonging to several disease intensities of the black pepper foot rot in the field. The first experiment: detecting the pathogen P. capsici using black pepper leaf baiting in the soil artificially infested using several sporangia, anda second experiment: quantification of propagul of the P.capsici in various categories of intensity on the black pepper foot rot disease in the field. The research results showed that the black pepper leaf baiting could be used to detect the existence of the propagul of P.ca...
Coconut (cocos nucifera) has the economic potential that the strategy to be developed by farmers ... more Coconut (cocos nucifera) has the economic potential that the strategy to be developed by farmers with Integrated Processing so as to Improve Welfare of farmers. Objective the research is to explore the potential for coconut production and describe farmer’s characteristics, coconut plantation, and coconut processing business in North Buton. Specifically, this study aims to analyze the economic potential of coconut processing and explains the strategy of developing an integrated coconut processing. The approach of this research is explanatory research with collecting data by survey method. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with 112 respondents Family Head coconut farmers. Data analysis method used is descriptive and financial feasibility analysis NPV; NBCR, and IRR. These results indicate: (1) the potential for coconut crop production in North Buton, tend to decrease due to old age of the plant, (2) the characteristics of coconut farmers on average are in the productive a...
Pola tanam tumpangsari jagung-kacang tanah telah lama dikembangkan oleh masyarakat Muna dan merup... more Pola tanam tumpangsari jagung-kacang tanah telah lama dikembangkan oleh masyarakat Muna dan merupakan bentuk kearifan lokal pada pertanian lahan kering. Model budidaya tanaman semusim ini dilakukan dengan tanpa olah tanah (TOT) dan belum menggunakan pupuk kimia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui intensitas penyakit pada tanaman jagung dan kacang tanah dalam pola tumpangsari jagung-kacang tanah pada pertanian tanpa oleh tanah di lahan kering dan kondisi yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini di lakukan di Desa Wakontu Kecamatan Wadaga Kabupaten Muna Barat. Waktu penelitian dilakukan pada musim tanam bulan Januari 2015. Data diperoleh melalui survei pada kebun petani yang menerapkan pola tanam tumpangsari jagung-kacang tanah pada fase pertumbuhan vegetatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyakit yang terdapat pada tanaman jagung yaitu penyakit bulai dengan intensitas penyakit sebesar 29,5%, dan penyakit pada kacang tanah yaitu penyakit bercak daun, penyakit belang, dan pen...
Background and Objective: Exploration of drought-tolerant endophytic bacteria is significant to i... more Background and Objective: Exploration of drought-tolerant endophytic bacteria is significant to identify bacteria that can provide plant resistance to drought stress. This study aims to obtain the potential of endophytic bacteria to promote plant growth from tomato plants in dry land. Materials and Methods: Exploration of endophytic bacteria from healthy tomato plants in a dry and rocky land, Muna Regency, Indonesia. Selection of drought-tolerant endophytic bacteria using polyethylene glycol 6000. Selected isolates were tested to increase the viability of tomato seeds using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Results: There were 123 isolates of endophytic bacteria isolated from the roots and stems of local tomato plants in a dry and rocky land, Muna Regency, Indonesia. There were 39 (31.70%) isolates sensitive to drought, 55 (44.71%) isolates very sensitive to drought, 8 (6.50%) isolates tolerant to drought and 21 (17.02%) isolates very tolerant to drought. Dryness for the maximum polyethylene glycol concentration at osmotic pressure of -2.00 MPa. Inoculation of endophytic bacteria in local tomato seeds increased the viability and vigour of local tomato seeds compared to the absence of endophytic bacteria. Of the 21 isolates of drought-tolerant endophytic bacteria, there were 12 potential isolates in increasing the viability of local tomato seeds belonging to the Pseudomonas sp. and Bacillus sp. bacterial groups. Conclusion: Pseudomonas sp. and Bacillus sp. isolates identified the endophytic bacteria, which can be drought-tolerant and increase tomato seeds' viability.
Papers by Santiaji Bande