Papers by Nadia McGowan
The crisis affecting film production models and its paradigm shift towards digital seems to also ... more The crisis affecting film production models and its paradigm shift towards digital seems to also imply an esthetic revolution. In this quantitative research we aim to explore the interrelation between exposure as an esthetic value and the implementation of digital internegative and capture in order to determine quantitative criteria relative to the adoption of these technologies. In order to do this, one frame every fourteen seconds was extracted out of 264 feature films produced in Hollywood, and their average light levels and low-light range levels were quantitatively analyzed. With this information, we aimed to relate different image-capture and image-treatment methods to their implementation in the Hollywood film-making industry and consider low-light reproduction a crucial factor
Fotocinema. Revista Científica de Cine y Fotografía
La mayor parte de estudios bibliométricos utilizan bases de datos indexadas, como Web of Science ... more La mayor parte de estudios bibliométricos utilizan bases de datos indexadas, como Web of Science o Scopus, para sus análisis. En este texto se propone el uso de textos no indexados como punto de partida para analizar cuáles son las obras más relevantes en el campo del Cine y la Fotografía. Se acude a Open Syllabus para obtener las obras más usadas en enseñanzas universitarias de este ámbito, las cuales se clasifican según su tipología sea ensayo, manual técnico, manual teórico o película. Las obras identificadas son consultadas en Web of Science para medir su impacto académico a través del número de citas. A continuación, se realiza un análisis de co-citación. Los resultados indican que los manuales teóricos y prácticos tienen poca repercusión científica, mientras que los ensayos sí reciben citas en escritos científicos.

Área Abierta
Este artículo analiza la presencia de mujeres en los Premios Goya en las ediciones realizadas des... more Este artículo analiza la presencia de mujeres en los Premios Goya en las ediciones realizadas desde el año 1987 hasta la del 2021. Se estudian tanto de forma global, según si son candidatas, nominadas o premiadas y por las 19 categorías de premios identificadas. El objetivo es analizar su presencia como autoras de forma global y por categoría para identificar si existe paridad en alguno de los baremos analizados. Se han identificado también las categorías con mayor y menor número de mujeres, que primero han premiado a una o que lo han hecho de forma más tardía. Las conclusiones hablan de una evolución positiva hacia la paridad en el tiempo, pero todavía insuficiente, dado que el número de mujeres premiadas, nominadas y candidatas, excepto en tres categorías, es significativamente inferior al masculino. Sin embargo, de continuar el incremento de presencia femenina observada, es de esperar que con el tiempo mejore la situación.
Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 2017
El presente artículo es el resumen de una investigación histórica sobre el fotómetro realizada en... more El presente artículo es el resumen de una investigación histórica sobre el fotómetro realizada entorno en diversos centros de investigación extranjeros, bibliotecas y registro de patentes. En este artículo se incorporan en anexos materiales inéditos y que se han solicitado en diversas oficinas de patentes y bibliotecas. El fotómetro es una invención reciente y de orígenes un tanto inciertos y poco estudiados, a pesar de ser una herramienta fundamental en el arsenal del fotógrafo y director de fotografía, puesto que sólo con él se podía determinar la exposición correcta del negativo. La presente investigación plantea subsanar una laguna de la historia del arte, proponemos una cronología de su invención, desde la fundamentación científica hasta la primera instancia de su configuración moderna, incluyendo antecedentes fotográficos primitivos.

Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 2020
Esta investigación presenta un análisis cuantitativo de la programación de series internacionales... more Esta investigación presenta un análisis cuantitativo de la programación de series internacionales en las cadenas generalistas españolas entre 1990 y 2010. Describe la nacionalidad, cadena de emisión original, formatos y series con mayor número de episodios emitidos y de mayor audiencia. También se determinan las tendencias de programación según formatos, temáticas y series en las distintas franjas horarias. En estos años, los formatos más emitidos y de mayor audiencia fueron las sitcoms y las series procedimentales de las networks estadounidenses. Las series internacionales tuvieron un papel esencial en el inicio de emisiones de las cadenas privadas (que las emplearon como producto de relleno) y fueron un valor seguro en el prime time. Las series estadounidenses permitieron a las cadenas generalistas diferenciar su oferta en un ecosistema televisivo de elevada competitividad.

El profesional de la información, 2017
La crisis en el modelo de producción cinematográfica, con su cambio de paradigma hacia el cine di... more La crisis en el modelo de producción cinematográfica, con su cambio de paradigma hacia el cine digital, parece implicar también una revolución estética. En la presente investigación cuantitativa se indaga sobre la interrelación entre exposición como valor estético y la implementación del internegativo y capturas digitales, para determinar criterios cuantitativos relativos a la adopción de estas tecnologías. Para ello se ha extraído un fotograma cada 14 segundos de 264 largometrajes producidos en Hollywood y se han monitorizado sus niveles de iluminación medios y de iluminación en el rango de bajas luces. Con esta información, se busca relacionar la respuesta a la luz de los diferentes métodos de captación y tratamiento de la imagen. Además, se estudia su adopción en la industria de Hollywood, en la que la reproducción de las sombras se considera un factor crucial. The crisis affecting film production models and its paradigm shift towards digital seems to also imply an esthetic revol...
The Cinematography Journal, 2021
Cinematographers are essential to the visual creation of films but have been insufficiently studi... more Cinematographers are essential to the visual creation of films but have been insufficiently studied in the academic world, despite having abundant publications regarding their discipline in the form of magazines such as American Cinematographer, which has been continuously published since 1920. This study examines how many academic articles have been published in Web of Science regarding cinematographers using a bibliometric study. The terms "cinematographer" and "director of photography" were searched and resulting entries were used to examine the number of articles per year, journals, languages, nationalities and citations received. Results indicate the impact of studies regarding cinematographers is limited.
Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación
Nuevos márgenes del cortometraje es una investigación multidisciplinar y con enfoques diversos so... more Nuevos márgenes del cortometraje es una investigación multidisciplinar y con enfoques diversos sobre la situación del cortometraje en el panorama audiovisual mundial. Los tres autores abordan desde tres líneas distintas de la industria cinematográfica la creación en el formato breve. Sus conclusiones indican que es un estímulo para la animación, el documental y nuevas formas de publicidad como el branded content.
Área Abierta, Jun 15, 2018
Resumen. La presente investigación se propone analizar la imagen de Nasrallah como líder carismát... more Resumen. La presente investigación se propone analizar la imagen de Nasrallah como líder carismático de Hezbollah, a partir de la definición de Weber y las aportaciones de House. Este análisis se realiza a partir de la imagen que se crea de su persona mediante discursos televisivos, cartelería y en espacios de ocio, como el Mleeta Landmark. Se introducen también las características de los discursos democráticos y de la propaganda terrorista para comprobar qué rasgos están presentes en su oratoria. Se concluye que mediante estas técnicas, se configura como una figura carismática, cercana y omnipotente de gran impacto social gracias a la combinación de las estrategias descritas.

ICERI. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 2021
Online teaching, especially in higher education, is a constantly evolving and changing environmen... more Online teaching, especially in higher education, is a constantly evolving and changing environment, especially as a result of the circumstances arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. This anomaly has led to the accelerated adoption of the digital medium as a classroom medium, which has required both methodological changes and constant adaptation from the teachers.
Online education offers its own advantages, but also poses unique challenges. Among the latter is the practical side of teaching and how it can be developed in an online environment. A particular case are virtual laboratories, where students perform tasks in subject-specific and dedicated environments. The spatial limitations of the online setting present inherent challenges to their adaptation. It is for this reason that the case study of the School of Engineering and Technology (Escuela Superior de Ingeniería y Tecnología – ESIT) of the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR) is presented. UNIR teaches its degrees in an online format, making it the ideal institution for this study. At ESIT, virtual laboratory-type class sessions are being implemented in many subjects, with the purpose of helping students to successfully gain the competences required by their courses. The present study aims to gather the main characteristics of these laboratories and their types and, subsequently, to make a proposal of good teaching practices in order to unify criteria and methodologies.
This study has required identifying relevant teachers, selected by their experience in teaching virtual laboratories and their evaluation by students. Having identified them, semi-structured interviews were then carried out. The following step consisted of analyzing the information collected in order to identify the different kinds of laboratory models taught and develop a guide of good practices.
Two main virtual laboratory models were identified. The first one involves the resolution of a problem by the teacher, who exemplifies it and interacts with the students during the process, while the second is the resolution by the students of a practical problem given by the teacher. The first model was deemed too similar to a traditional class to be correctly considered a laboratory.
Furthermore, this study has made it possible to identify five distinct phases within the laboratories: a preliminary phase prior to the start of the laboratory, an introductory phase, a collaborative work phase, a final phase and a post-laboratory stage. The recommendations that have been developed are adapted to the characteristics of each one of them.
Among the conclusions found we can highlight the need to present the activity in prior sessions, to distribute the students in small groups, to follow their activity during the work session and to finalize it with closing remarks from the teacher.

Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, 2020
Recibido: 12 de febrero de 2020 / Aceptado: 31 de marzo de 2020 Resumen. Esta investigación prese... more Recibido: 12 de febrero de 2020 / Aceptado: 31 de marzo de 2020 Resumen. Esta investigación presenta un análisis cuantitativo de la programación de series internacionales en las cadenas generalistas españolas entre 1990 y 2010. Describe la nacionalidad, cadena de emisión original, formatos y series con mayor número de episodios emitidos y de mayor audiencia. También se determinan las tendencias de programación según formatos, temáticas y series en las distintas franjas horarias. En estos años, los formatos más emitidos y de mayor audiencia fueron las sitcoms y las series procedimentales de las networks estadounidenses. Las series internacionales tuvieron un papel esencial en el inicio de emisiones de las cadenas privadas (que las emplearon como producto de relleno) y fueron un valor seguro en el prime time. Las series estadounidenses permitieron a las cadenas generalistas diferenciar su oferta en un ecosistema televisivo de elevada competitividad. Palabras clave: Serie internacional; programación; televisión; cadenas generalistas; identidad [en] International television series programming in Spanish generalist channels (Abstract. This research presents a quantitative analysis of the programming of international series in Spanish generalist channels from 1990 to 2010. It describes the nationality, original broadcasting network, format and series with the highest number of aired episodes and highest audience. Programming trends regarding formats, themes and series within different time slots are also discussed. During the period studied, the formats with the highest broadcast time and audience were North American network sitcoms and procedural series. The international series played an essential role in the launch of private networks (which used them as fillers) and were a reliable asset in prime time. American series helped generalist channels to distinguish their offer in a highly competitive television ecosystem. Sumario: 1. Introducción. 2. Muestra y metodología. 3. Resultados. 4. Conclusiones. 5. Referencias bibliográficas. Cómo citar: Fernández-Ramírez, Laura y McGowan, Nadia 2020): " La programación de series internacionales en la televisión generalista española (1990-2010)". Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico 26 (2), 541-553.

Resumen. La presente investigación se propone analizar la imagen de Nasrallah como líder carismát... more Resumen. La presente investigación se propone analizar la imagen de Nasrallah como líder carismático de Hezbollah, a partir de la definición de Weber y las aportaciones de House. Este análisis se realiza a partir de la imagen que se crea de su persona mediante discursos televisivos, cartelería y en espacios de ocio, como el Mleeta Landmark. Se introducen también las características de los discursos democráticos y de la propaganda terrorista para comprobar qué rasgos están presentes en su oratoria. Se concluye que mediante estas técnicas, se configura como una figura carismática, cercana y omnipotente de gran impacto social gracias a la combinación de las estrategias descritas.
Abstract. The present research aims to analyze Nasrallah's image as Hezbollah's charismatic leader, as defined by Weber and House's contributions. This analysis is based on the image created of his persona through televised speeches, posters and entertainment venues such as Mleeta Landmark. The characteristics of democratic discourse and terrorist propaganda are also introduced in order to ascertain which traits are present in his oratory. We conclude that, through these techniques, he is defined as a charismatic figure which is both accessible and omnipotent, with a great social impact due to the combination of the aforementioned strategies.
Conference Presentations by Nadia McGowan

Libro de actas del Congreso CUICIID 2016, 2016
Cinematographers, regardless of the relevance of their artistic contribution, haven’t always
been... more Cinematographers, regardless of the relevance of their artistic contribution, haven’t always
been recognized as authors. This is partially due to the emergence of auteur film theories in the
1950s, which granted directors the status as a film’s sole creator. Many director of photography
seek to be recognized because, in Storaro’s words, “cinematographers are authors of photography,
not directors of photography. We are not merely using technology to sell someone else’s thought
because we are also using our own emotion, our culture, our inner being” (Storaro in Bergery,
1989) because the image possesses a dimension beyond the purely physical and it implies
“expressing in spite of everything that which initially appears to be an experience of the
inexpressible” (Didi-Huberman, 2008).
The cinematographer’s status as an author depends on the country he works in, even though
his responsibilities and influence are the same. In some countries, he is granted moral rights over a
film, but no derivative rights; in others he is granted both and, in a final case, he is not granted any
right over a film.
There have been instances of meetings where they have tried to organize a strategy to claim
these rights. IMAGO, the European Federation of Cinematographers, strives to achieve legal
recognition of their status as co-authors of a film. In 1999 the Torun Declaration was signed in
Poland during the Camerimage Festival and in 2004, during the first International Congress on
Director’s of Photography’s Authorship, representatives from twenty-eight countries signed the
Huelva Declaration.
This paper aims to research what is their current authorship status throughout those countries
where there is a cinematographer’s association and to determine what action is being taken in order
to secure those rights. This information is especially relevant as their control over the image has
decreased with the arrival of digital technologies, making it necessary to secure their status to
enable them to adequately develop their trade.

Libro de actas del Congreso CUICIID 2016, 2016
Los estudios de género están propiciando nuevos acercamientos, desde perspectivas novedosas, a la... more Los estudios de género están propiciando nuevos acercamientos, desde perspectivas novedosas, a la comprensión y análisis de las diversas manifestaciones artísticas y, entre ellas, el séptimo arte. En el presente trabajo se busca aplicar este marco teórico interpretativo para acercarnos a la imagen de la mujer presentada en películas dirigidas por mujeres. Nuestro objetivo es analizar qué modelos y estereotipos femeninos se presentan y qué relevancia tienen estos personajes en las películas.
Para ello analizaremos de entre las películas más taquilleras a nivel mundial durante el siglo XXI aquellas que hayan sido dirigidas por mujeres. Concluiremos que los hombres siguen prevaleciendo como protagonistas y que a las mujeres se les otorga, salvo excepciones, papeles menores sin peso interpretativo y de mero acompañamiento del protagonista. Analizaremos las excepciones donde los personajes femeninos sí tengan una importancia destacada.
Papers by Nadia McGowan
Online education offers its own advantages, but also poses unique challenges. Among the latter is the practical side of teaching and how it can be developed in an online environment. A particular case are virtual laboratories, where students perform tasks in subject-specific and dedicated environments. The spatial limitations of the online setting present inherent challenges to their adaptation. It is for this reason that the case study of the School of Engineering and Technology (Escuela Superior de Ingeniería y Tecnología – ESIT) of the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR) is presented. UNIR teaches its degrees in an online format, making it the ideal institution for this study. At ESIT, virtual laboratory-type class sessions are being implemented in many subjects, with the purpose of helping students to successfully gain the competences required by their courses. The present study aims to gather the main characteristics of these laboratories and their types and, subsequently, to make a proposal of good teaching practices in order to unify criteria and methodologies.
This study has required identifying relevant teachers, selected by their experience in teaching virtual laboratories and their evaluation by students. Having identified them, semi-structured interviews were then carried out. The following step consisted of analyzing the information collected in order to identify the different kinds of laboratory models taught and develop a guide of good practices.
Two main virtual laboratory models were identified. The first one involves the resolution of a problem by the teacher, who exemplifies it and interacts with the students during the process, while the second is the resolution by the students of a practical problem given by the teacher. The first model was deemed too similar to a traditional class to be correctly considered a laboratory.
Furthermore, this study has made it possible to identify five distinct phases within the laboratories: a preliminary phase prior to the start of the laboratory, an introductory phase, a collaborative work phase, a final phase and a post-laboratory stage. The recommendations that have been developed are adapted to the characteristics of each one of them.
Among the conclusions found we can highlight the need to present the activity in prior sessions, to distribute the students in small groups, to follow their activity during the work session and to finalize it with closing remarks from the teacher.
Abstract. The present research aims to analyze Nasrallah's image as Hezbollah's charismatic leader, as defined by Weber and House's contributions. This analysis is based on the image created of his persona through televised speeches, posters and entertainment venues such as Mleeta Landmark. The characteristics of democratic discourse and terrorist propaganda are also introduced in order to ascertain which traits are present in his oratory. We conclude that, through these techniques, he is defined as a charismatic figure which is both accessible and omnipotent, with a great social impact due to the combination of the aforementioned strategies.
Conference Presentations by Nadia McGowan
been recognized as authors. This is partially due to the emergence of auteur film theories in the
1950s, which granted directors the status as a film’s sole creator. Many director of photography
seek to be recognized because, in Storaro’s words, “cinematographers are authors of photography,
not directors of photography. We are not merely using technology to sell someone else’s thought
because we are also using our own emotion, our culture, our inner being” (Storaro in Bergery,
1989) because the image possesses a dimension beyond the purely physical and it implies
“expressing in spite of everything that which initially appears to be an experience of the
inexpressible” (Didi-Huberman, 2008).
The cinematographer’s status as an author depends on the country he works in, even though
his responsibilities and influence are the same. In some countries, he is granted moral rights over a
film, but no derivative rights; in others he is granted both and, in a final case, he is not granted any
right over a film.
There have been instances of meetings where they have tried to organize a strategy to claim
these rights. IMAGO, the European Federation of Cinematographers, strives to achieve legal
recognition of their status as co-authors of a film. In 1999 the Torun Declaration was signed in
Poland during the Camerimage Festival and in 2004, during the first International Congress on
Director’s of Photography’s Authorship, representatives from twenty-eight countries signed the
Huelva Declaration.
This paper aims to research what is their current authorship status throughout those countries
where there is a cinematographer’s association and to determine what action is being taken in order
to secure those rights. This information is especially relevant as their control over the image has
decreased with the arrival of digital technologies, making it necessary to secure their status to
enable them to adequately develop their trade.
Para ello analizaremos de entre las películas más taquilleras a nivel mundial durante el siglo XXI aquellas que hayan sido dirigidas por mujeres. Concluiremos que los hombres siguen prevaleciendo como protagonistas y que a las mujeres se les otorga, salvo excepciones, papeles menores sin peso interpretativo y de mero acompañamiento del protagonista. Analizaremos las excepciones donde los personajes femeninos sí tengan una importancia destacada.
Online education offers its own advantages, but also poses unique challenges. Among the latter is the practical side of teaching and how it can be developed in an online environment. A particular case are virtual laboratories, where students perform tasks in subject-specific and dedicated environments. The spatial limitations of the online setting present inherent challenges to their adaptation. It is for this reason that the case study of the School of Engineering and Technology (Escuela Superior de Ingeniería y Tecnología – ESIT) of the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR) is presented. UNIR teaches its degrees in an online format, making it the ideal institution for this study. At ESIT, virtual laboratory-type class sessions are being implemented in many subjects, with the purpose of helping students to successfully gain the competences required by their courses. The present study aims to gather the main characteristics of these laboratories and their types and, subsequently, to make a proposal of good teaching practices in order to unify criteria and methodologies.
This study has required identifying relevant teachers, selected by their experience in teaching virtual laboratories and their evaluation by students. Having identified them, semi-structured interviews were then carried out. The following step consisted of analyzing the information collected in order to identify the different kinds of laboratory models taught and develop a guide of good practices.
Two main virtual laboratory models were identified. The first one involves the resolution of a problem by the teacher, who exemplifies it and interacts with the students during the process, while the second is the resolution by the students of a practical problem given by the teacher. The first model was deemed too similar to a traditional class to be correctly considered a laboratory.
Furthermore, this study has made it possible to identify five distinct phases within the laboratories: a preliminary phase prior to the start of the laboratory, an introductory phase, a collaborative work phase, a final phase and a post-laboratory stage. The recommendations that have been developed are adapted to the characteristics of each one of them.
Among the conclusions found we can highlight the need to present the activity in prior sessions, to distribute the students in small groups, to follow their activity during the work session and to finalize it with closing remarks from the teacher.
Abstract. The present research aims to analyze Nasrallah's image as Hezbollah's charismatic leader, as defined by Weber and House's contributions. This analysis is based on the image created of his persona through televised speeches, posters and entertainment venues such as Mleeta Landmark. The characteristics of democratic discourse and terrorist propaganda are also introduced in order to ascertain which traits are present in his oratory. We conclude that, through these techniques, he is defined as a charismatic figure which is both accessible and omnipotent, with a great social impact due to the combination of the aforementioned strategies.
been recognized as authors. This is partially due to the emergence of auteur film theories in the
1950s, which granted directors the status as a film’s sole creator. Many director of photography
seek to be recognized because, in Storaro’s words, “cinematographers are authors of photography,
not directors of photography. We are not merely using technology to sell someone else’s thought
because we are also using our own emotion, our culture, our inner being” (Storaro in Bergery,
1989) because the image possesses a dimension beyond the purely physical and it implies
“expressing in spite of everything that which initially appears to be an experience of the
inexpressible” (Didi-Huberman, 2008).
The cinematographer’s status as an author depends on the country he works in, even though
his responsibilities and influence are the same. In some countries, he is granted moral rights over a
film, but no derivative rights; in others he is granted both and, in a final case, he is not granted any
right over a film.
There have been instances of meetings where they have tried to organize a strategy to claim
these rights. IMAGO, the European Federation of Cinematographers, strives to achieve legal
recognition of their status as co-authors of a film. In 1999 the Torun Declaration was signed in
Poland during the Camerimage Festival and in 2004, during the first International Congress on
Director’s of Photography’s Authorship, representatives from twenty-eight countries signed the
Huelva Declaration.
This paper aims to research what is their current authorship status throughout those countries
where there is a cinematographer’s association and to determine what action is being taken in order
to secure those rights. This information is especially relevant as their control over the image has
decreased with the arrival of digital technologies, making it necessary to secure their status to
enable them to adequately develop their trade.
Para ello analizaremos de entre las películas más taquilleras a nivel mundial durante el siglo XXI aquellas que hayan sido dirigidas por mujeres. Concluiremos que los hombres siguen prevaleciendo como protagonistas y que a las mujeres se les otorga, salvo excepciones, papeles menores sin peso interpretativo y de mero acompañamiento del protagonista. Analizaremos las excepciones donde los personajes femeninos sí tengan una importancia destacada.