Papers by Arrate Pinto Carral
Metas de enfermería, Mar 1, 2022

BMC Geriatrics
Background Dementia is a growing health concern that affects millions of people worldwide. Gait a... more Background Dementia is a growing health concern that affects millions of people worldwide. Gait and mobility disorders are often present and represent a major risk factor for falls. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of tango-therapy in gait speed, functional mobility, balance, falls, ability to perform activities of daily living and quality of life. Methods A randomised controlled trial with 31 participants living in a specialised dementia unit, aged 65 to 93 years old, who were randomly assigned to tango group (IG) or physical exercise group (CG). The primary outcome was gait speed and Timed Up and Go test. The secondary outcomes include the Short Physical Performance Battery, the ability to perform activities of daily living (Katz Index) and quality of life (Quality of life in Alzheimer Disease). Measurements were performed at baseline, and after one and three months of training. Results After 3 months, IG improved gait speed (p = 0.016), implying a st...

Background: dementia is a growing health concern that affects millions of people worldwide. Balan... more Background: dementia is a growing health concern that affects millions of people worldwide. Balance and gait disorders are often present and represent a major risk factor for falls. We investigated the effectiveness of tango-therapy in older people with dementia. Methods: A randomised controlled trial with 31 participants living in a specialised Alzheimer disease unit, aged 65 to 93 years old, who were randomly assigned to tango group (IG) or adapted physical activity group (CG). Physical abilities (gait speed, Timed Up and Go test, Short Physical Performance Battery), ability to perform activities of daily living (Katz Index) and quality of life (Quality of life in Alzheimer Disease) were assessed. Measurements were performed at baseline, and after one and three months of training. Results: after 3 months IG improved gait speed (p=0.035) while CG worsened (p=0.273), implying a statistically significant difference between groups (p=0.049). Both groups declined in their ability to pe...

Annals of Medicine
Abstract Background There have been few studies carried out into empathy in physiotherapists. Bur... more Abstract Background There have been few studies carried out into empathy in physiotherapists. Burnout can debilitate the quality of care and the efficacy of treatment as the empathetic capacity of the professional diminishes. Objective The objective of the study was to examine the association between the construct burnout, empathy and sociodemographic aspects in Spanish physiotherapists. Methods A cross-sectional electronic survey including the Maslach Burnout Inventory (for burnout assessment), the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (for empathy assessment) and sociodemographic data was answered by 461 Spanish physical therapists. A descriptive, bivariate and lineal regression analysis was performed. Results There was an association between burnout and empathy. Specifically, higher levels of burnout are associated with lower levels of empathy, whilst years of work experience is associated with lower levels of burnout. Conclusions The results of this study contribute to a greater understanding of the relationship between the level of burnout and the dimensions of empathy in physiotherapists. The influence of burnout, which causes difficulties in the mobilization of the professional towards the establishment of a quality therapeutic relationship, is highlighted. KEY MESSAGES Emotional exhaustion is associated to greater personal discomfort and less empathy. The depersonalization is associated to personal discomfort and less empathy. Depersonalization is negatively associated to the lack of perspective.

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Apr 1, 2019
Contexte : Les fractures de l'extrémité supérieure du fémur (FESF) chez les personnes âgées entra... more Contexte : Les fractures de l'extrémité supérieure du fémur (FESF) chez les personnes âgées entraînent souvent une longue période d'hospitalisation, source d'une mortalité élevée, ainsi que des pertes importantes quant aux capacités fonctionnelles. Objectif : Évaluer l'évolution des capacités dans la réalisation des activités de la vie quotidienne, chez des patients ayant eu une fracture de l'extrémité supérieure du fémur, et qui effectuent leur rééducation dans un Centre de soins de suite et de réadaptation. Méthode : Étude prospective de 42 patients âgés de plus de 65 ans, admis dans le Centre médical L'Egrégore entre novembre 2017 et juin 2018, suite à une fracture de l'extrémité supérieure du fémur. Les activités de la vie quotidienne ont été évaluées avant la fracture, à l'entrée dans l'établissement, puis à la sortie, en utilisant l'échelle de Katz.
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Cognitive impairment in older adults is associated with poor gait performance, physical decline, ... more Cognitive impairment in older adults is associated with poor gait performance, physical decline, falls and poor quality of life. This paper analyzes the feasibility and efficacy of tango-based intervention in older people living in nursing homes with and without cognitive impairment. A multicenter study, with pre- and post-test, was carried out. Intervention attendance, well-being, physical abilities (short physical performance battery), walking performance, functional capacities (Katz Index) and quality of life (quality of life in Alzheimer’s disease) were assessed. Fifty-four participants (84.9 ± 6.7 years, mini mental state examination 14.5 ± 7.4) completed the protocol. Intervention attendance was 92%, and the mean subjective well-being after each session was 4.5 ± 0.5 (on a five-point scale). A statistically significant improvement was found in the quality of life (p = 0.030). Non-statistically significant changes were found in walking performance (p = 0.159), physical abilitie...
International Journal of Nursing Practice

Musculoskeletal science and practice, Jun 1, 2022
BACKGROUND The central component of person-centred care is in having a therapeutic realtionship. ... more BACKGROUND The central component of person-centred care is in having a therapeutic realtionship. Furthermore, the empathy of the physiotherapist is one of the most important attributes in achieving a successful therapeutic alliance. OBJECTIVE The aim of the research was to determine the association between the constructs of empathy and therapeutic alliance in Spanish physical therapists and the possible influence of socio-professional variables on them. DESIGN Cross-sectional research. METHODS An electronic survey including the Working Alliance Inventory-Short Form, the Interpersonal Reactivity Index and sociodemographic data with 473 Spanish physiotherapists. A descriptive, bivariate and simple lineal regression analysis was carried out. RESULTS Work experience has a positive influence on bonding and the agreement on objectives and tasks (0.04 < B > 0.06; p < 0.01). The perspective taking dimensions and empathic concern positively influence the agreement on achievement (0.14 < B > 0.19; p < 0.001). Personal distress inversely influences bonding and the agreement on achievements and tasks (-0.13 < B > -0.09; p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS The dimensions of perspective taking and empathic concern seem to facilitate successful shared decision making in terms of treating objectives. Furthermore, the physiotherapist's personal distress acts as an obstacle to the development of the three subcomponents of the therapeutic alliance analysed.

The aim of this study was to quantify the level of burnout and competence for evidence-based prac... more The aim of this study was to quantify the level of burnout and competence for evidence-based practice among Spanish physical therapists and to determine if there is a relationship between these and other socio-professional factors. A cross-sectional study with 472 Spanish Physiotherapists. An electronic survey was conducted that included the Maslach Burnout Inventory, Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire and sociodemographic data. The three subscales of the Burnout correlated with attitude and total Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire. Attitude and practice for evidence-based practice, educational level and experience were the variables that showed the greatest influence on burnout. Burnout and the degree of evidence-based practice were identified as being discretely related. Specifically, it seems that the evidence-based practice could improve the lack of personal accomplishment, meaning that through interventions perceived as more effective and advantageous, a sense of mastery ...

Healthcare systems are immersed in transformative processes, influenced by economic changes, toge... more Healthcare systems are immersed in transformative processes, influenced by economic changes, together with social and health instability. The middle nurse manager plays a fundamental role, since he or she is responsible for translating the strategic vision, values and objectives of the organization. The objective of this study was to propose the model of competencies to be developed by the middle nurse manager in the Spanish healthcare system. Our methodology consisted in the application of the Delphi method in order to reach an agreement on the necessary competencies, and principal component analysis (PCA) was used to determine the construct validity, reducing the dimensionality of the set of data. Fifty-one competencies were identified for the definition of the model, highlighting decision-making, leadership and communication. The PCA pointed out the structural validity of the proposed model through the saturation of the main components (α Cronbach > 0.631). The results show th...

Scientific Reports
The aims: (i) analyze connectivity between subgroups of university students, (ii) assess which br... more The aims: (i) analyze connectivity between subgroups of university students, (ii) assess which bridges of relational contacts are essential for connecting or disconnecting subgroups and (iii) to explore the similarities between the attributes of the subgroup nodes in relation to the pandemic context. During the COVID-19 pandemic, young university students have experienced significant changes in their relationships, especially in the halls of residence. Previous research has shown the importance of relationship structure in contagion processes. However, there is a lack of studies in the university setting, where students live closely together. The case study methodology was applied to carry out a descriptive study. The participation consisted of 43 university students living in the same hall of residence. Social network analysis has been applied for data analysis. Factions and Girvan–Newman algorithms have been applied to detect the existing cohesive subgroups. The UCINET tool was us...
Journal of Nursing Management

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
The special situation brought about by the coronavirus pandemic and the confinement imposed by th... more The special situation brought about by the coronavirus pandemic and the confinement imposed by the Government, has given rise to numerous changes in working habits. The workers at the universities have had to start a period of teleworking that could give rise to consequences for the musculoskeletal system. The objective of this article is to analyze the impact of the confinement on the musculoskeletal health of the staff of two Spanish universities. A cross-sectional, observational study was carried out on the workers. Data was taken in April–May 2020 and included: The Standardized Kuorinka Modified Nordic Questionnaire, the Perceived Stress Scale and another one on sociodemographic data. This study comprised 472 people. The areas of pain noted during the confinement period concluded that it was less in all cases (p < 0.001). The frequency of physical activity carried out increased significantly during the period of confinement (p < 0.04), especially in women. The type of phys...

Journal of Clinical Medicine
The lockdown, due to the coronavirus, has led to a change in lifestyle and physical activity in S... more The lockdown, due to the coronavirus, has led to a change in lifestyle and physical activity in Spanish university students. The objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence of musculoskeletal pain and changes in physical activity and self-perceived stress in the student bodies of two Spanish Universities during the lockdown. A cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of 1198 students (70.6% women). The main instruments used for measuring were the Standardized Kuorinka Modified Nordic Questionnaire and the Perceived stress scale (the questionnaire regarding the practice of physical activity). A reduction in the prevalence of musculoskeletal pain (p < 0.001) was identified in the sample of men and women, an increase (12.5%) in the frequency of carrying out physical activity from moderate to frequent, and the preference for strength training (15.1%), especially among women, was identified. All of this may be taken into account by health institutions when implement...

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Nurses who are capable of developing their competencies appropriately in the field of management ... more Nurses who are capable of developing their competencies appropriately in the field of management are considered fundamental to the sustainability and improvement of health outcomes. These core competencies are the critical competencies to be developed in specific areas. There are different core competencies for nurse managers, but none in the Spanish health system. The objective of this research is to identify the core competencies needed for nurse managers in the Spanish health system. The research was carried out using the Delphi method to reach a consensus on the core competencies and a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to determine construct validity, reducing the dimensionality of a dataset by finding the causes of variability in the set and organizing them by importance. A panel of 50 experts in management and healthcare engaged in a four-round Delphi study with Likert scored surveys. We identified eight core competencies from an initial list of 51: decision making, relations...
Al director de esta tesis, el Dr. Antonio Molina, por enseñarme a investigar y a comprender la es... more Al director de esta tesis, el Dr. Antonio Molina, por enseñarme a investigar y a comprender la estadística; por sus inteligentes y oportunas aportaciones a este trabajo; por ser ejemplo de productividad, esfuerzo y constancia. A todos los fisioterapeutas que han colaborado con nosotros, porque sin su ayuda este estudio no hubiera sido posible. A todos los compañeros del servicio de fisioterapia del Hospital El Bierzo y de los centros de atención primaria del Área Bierzo, por incluir esta investigación entre sus objetivos y tareas diarias. A Fede, por su entusiasmo y gran ayuda en este trabajo.
Papers by Arrate Pinto Carral