Papers by Rodrigo Salcedo

Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 2012
Scholars understand shopping malls as central commercial and social settings. Some argue that mal... more Scholars understand shopping malls as central commercial and social settings. Some argue that malls' designs attract and seduce consumers, while others contend that mall authorities exclude vulnerable groups and prohibit free expression. Ethnographic studies, by contrast, document how consumers interpret and shape malls as social settings. Drawing on qualitative research in two Santiago, Chile, malls, we contend that Santiago's patterns of socioeconomic segregation and ample public transport facilitate cross-class interactions in malls. These characteristics encourage visitors to transpose practices and meanings from other public settings to the mall, drawing on rules for public interaction. Residents adapt mall infrastructures for noncommercial uses and engage in informal and formal resistance, reflecting conflicts between abstract and social space. The analysis shows that distinctive urbanization patterns significantly shape how consumers access and use malls as social spaces.
Eure-revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Urbano Regionales, 2001
... Para McKenzie, al igual que para Richard Sennett (1977), la comunidad y el deseo de intimidad... more ... Para McKenzie, al igual que para Richard Sennett (1977), la comunidad y el deseo de intimidad atenta contra la sociedad y su ... Susan Fainstein tituló una reciente conferencia «A veces las rejas hacen buenos vecinos»; para McKenzie, las rejas únicamente crean rencores ...
Eure-revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Urbano Regionales, 2003
Eure-revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Urbano Regionales, 2004
Hoy, la Escuela de Los Ángeles es reconocida en el mundo académico como un grupo distintivo de in... more Hoy, la Escuela de Los Ángeles es reconocida en el mundo académico como un grupo distintivo de investigadores con una agenda común, que ha tenido un enorme impacto en el área de los estudios urbanos. Los tres libros que revisaré en esta reseña constituyen un ejemplo ...
Urban Affairs Review, 2010
Abstract The living conditions of the urban poor have dramatically changed in Chile in the past t... more Abstract The living conditions of the urban poor have dramatically changed in Chile in the past two decades. On one hand, through a massive program of investment in subsidized housing, more than a million Chileans have moved out from slums and shantytowns and ...
* este artículo forma parte del proyecto Fondecyt 1080263, del cual ambos autores son investigado... more * este artículo forma parte del proyecto Fondecyt 1080263, del cual ambos autores son investigadores. una versión preliminar de este artículo fue presentada en el congreso mundial de ciencia política de ipsa, realizado en santiago de chile, entre el 12 y 16 de julio de ...

Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 2012
Scholars understand shopping malls as central commercial and social settings. Some argue that mal... more Scholars understand shopping malls as central commercial and social settings. Some argue that malls' designs attract and seduce consumers, while others contend that mall authorities exclude vulnerable groups and prohibit free expression. Ethnographic studies, by contrast, document how consumers interpret and shape malls as social settings. Drawing on qualitative research in two Santiago, Chile, malls, we contend that Santiago's patterns of socioeconomic segregation and ample public transport facilitate cross-class interactions in malls. These characteristics encourage visitors to transpose practices and meanings from other public settings to the mall, drawing on rules for public interaction. Residents adapt mall infrastructures for noncommercial uses and engage in informal and formal resistance, reflecting conflicts between abstract and social space. The analysis shows that distinctive urbanization patterns significantly shape how consumers access and use malls as social spaces.
Arq (santiago), 2006
Inicialmente demonizado por una parte de los llamados sectores cultos, el esquema propuesto por e... more Inicialmente demonizado por una parte de los llamados sectores cultos, el esquema propuesto por el mall se ha incorporado sin complejos al repertorio de actividades ciudadanas, replicándose en diferentes barrios y escalas. Y el mall mismo se ha ablandado, desplazando sus primeros modelos hacia estructuras que incorporan al peatón e integran usos mixtos.
International Journal of Urban and …, Jan 1, 2004
American Behavioral Scientist, Jan 1, 2003
... The mall possesses two specific advantages that make it the preferred option of developers an... more ... The mall possesses two specific advantages that make it the preferred option of developers and customers: First, it allows shopping throughout the year because it has internal climate control, and second, it provides an efficient and planned use of space, which maximizes the ...
Housing Policy Debate, Jan 1, 2007
In Santiago, Chile, the number of gated communities has increased significantly during the past f... more In Santiago, Chile, the number of gated communities has increased significantly during the past few years. Although these communities are aimed at the elite, they are often located on the fringes of low-income neighborhoods and thus change traditional segregation patterns in the city.
Eure (Santiago), Jan 1, 2002
Publikationsansicht. 32299080. Towards a reconceptualization of post-public spaces / (2004).Salce... more Publikationsansicht. 32299080. Towards a reconceptualization of post-public spaces / (2004).Salcedo, Rodrigo. Abstract. Thesis (Ph. D. in Political Science)--University of Illinois at Chicago, 2004.. Vita.. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 161-171). ...
Revista de Geografía Norte …, Jan 1, 2003
Housing Policy Debate, Jan 1, 2007
Papers by Rodrigo Salcedo