Papers by massimiliano costa
The article underlines that the migrant’s entrepreneurship, based on "capability approach", becom... more The article underlines that the migrant’s entrepreneurship, based on "capability approach", becomes the opportunity to achieve inclusion and active citizenship starting from the work. Various theoretical models offer an explanation as to why the international migration begin without considering the dimension of the human realization that expresses the choice of the migration project. The article shows the relationship between entrepreneurship and capabilities migrant and demonstrates how the choice to realize the personal project of migration, becomes the key factor to generate entrepreneurship able to create value and wellbeing for both the migrant and the accepting country. The role of education is to generate in the migrant an active vision of its inclusion able to leverage the potential of their own capacitative agency starting from the contexts of self employment.

Lo scopo di quest’articolo è di presentare un approccio innovativo all’orientamento scolastico e ... more Lo scopo di quest’articolo è di presentare un approccio innovativo all’orientamento scolastico e professionale. Si parte introducendo le cause strutturali della disoccupazione in Italia, per poi presentare il modello australiano di orientamento e le riforme che sono state introdotte in Italia sul tema. Successivamente si descrive un intervento di Change Laboratory realizzato nel 2012 in Australia che viene proposto come modello di orientamento basato sull’approccio delle capacitazioni. I diversi stakeholders partecipano attivamente generando una qualificazione formativa dell'orientamento basata sull'agency. Questo crea per gli studenti nuove capacitazioni sui possibili percorsi di carriera di studio o lavoro che vogliono intraprendere. Attraverso questo processo di dialogo pubblico informato si dà voce agli studenti, contribuendo così a formare lo sviluppo di un piano di vita personale verso percorsi formativi e o lavorativi, e questo processo è guidato dai valori degli studenti e delle loro comunità.
The aim of this article is to present an innovative approach for guidance. The article starts by introducing the structural reason of unemployment in Italy. It presents the Australian model of guidance and the new reforms on guidance which are being introduced in Italy. It then describes a Change Laboratory intervention carried in a vocational setting in Australia in 2012, which is proposed as model of guidance based on the capability approach. The different stakeholders actively participate in the process thus creating a formative characterization of guidance based on agency. This creates new capabilities for students on the possible career paths they want to undertake. Through this process of informed public dialogue, the students are given voice and contribute to shape the development of the personal life project into further education or work, and this process is led by their values and the values of their communities.
Quaderni di ricerca sull'artigianato
Registrazione del Tribunale di Venezia del 12-5-89 n° 975 del Reg. Stampa" V Indice Approfondimen... more Registrazione del Tribunale di Venezia del 12-5-89 n° 975 del Reg. Stampa" V Indice Approfondimenti 3 Le collaborazioni tecnologiche nelle attività di innovazione: un'opportunità anche per le imprese artigiane. Emanuele Pizzurno, Valentina Lazzaretti 39 Futuro artigiano: l'agire generativo tra comunità e network Massimiliano Costa 67 Apprendimento e sviluppo delle competenze dei titolari di microimprese Domenico Barricelli 99 Artigianato e piccole imprese: strategie di innovazione e di esportazione nel mercato globale Luigia Mirella Campagna, Attilio Pasetto Nuovi Scenari 115 Forme di decentralizzazione dei servizi e collaborazione tra aziende Lucio Fumagalli
Quaderni della SSIS, Jan 1, 2002
Page 1. 6 Massimiliano Costa Le comunità di pratica come leva per la formazione Autore:Massimilia... more Page 1. 6 Massimiliano Costa Le comunità di pratica come leva per la formazione Autore:Massimiliano Costa Massimiliano Costa è laureato in Economia Aziendale e ha conseguito un Master in Training Manager presso l'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia. ...
Mondadori, Milano, Jan 1, 2005
La bussola del valore, Jan 1, 2002
Papers by massimiliano costa
The aim of this article is to present an innovative approach for guidance. The article starts by introducing the structural reason of unemployment in Italy. It presents the Australian model of guidance and the new reforms on guidance which are being introduced in Italy. It then describes a Change Laboratory intervention carried in a vocational setting in Australia in 2012, which is proposed as model of guidance based on the capability approach. The different stakeholders actively participate in the process thus creating a formative characterization of guidance based on agency. This creates new capabilities for students on the possible career paths they want to undertake. Through this process of informed public dialogue, the students are given voice and contribute to shape the development of the personal life project into further education or work, and this process is led by their values and the values of their communities.
The aim of this article is to present an innovative approach for guidance. The article starts by introducing the structural reason of unemployment in Italy. It presents the Australian model of guidance and the new reforms on guidance which are being introduced in Italy. It then describes a Change Laboratory intervention carried in a vocational setting in Australia in 2012, which is proposed as model of guidance based on the capability approach. The different stakeholders actively participate in the process thus creating a formative characterization of guidance based on agency. This creates new capabilities for students on the possible career paths they want to undertake. Through this process of informed public dialogue, the students are given voice and contribute to shape the development of the personal life project into further education or work, and this process is led by their values and the values of their communities.