Papers by Vera RIBAUDO
Dante nel Rinascimento europeo. Religione e politica, a cura di E. Ardissino, G. Cordibella, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2024
The present article analyzes the Lodovico Castelvetro’s argumentative strategies in the commentar... more The present article analyzes the Lodovico Castelvetro’s argumentative strategies in the commentaries to Dante and Petrarca by shedding light on his Nicodemism.

JOURNAL OF QUR'ANIC STUDIES, , vol. 25, n. 2, pp. 93-119, 2023
Since the publication of Asín Palacios's theses, the issue of Arab sources in the Comedy has arou... more Since the publication of Asín Palacios's theses, the issue of Arab sources in the Comedy has aroused considerable controversy among supporters and detractors of Dante's dependence on Muslim traditions. Rethinking the terms of the debate, scholars prefer nowadays to evaluate not only the role played by Latin or Romance intermediaries, but also the judgement that the Middle Ages expressed on Muslim religion. On the other hand, the perception of the Qur'an has remained insufficiently investigated. The Qur'an was known to the Christian Middle Ages as Lex Mahometi and therefore as a normative corpus which, being identified with the Prophet himself, ended up being denigrated through the usual tópoi of anti-Islamic propaganda. The present article will attempt to reconstruct the image of the Holy Book of Islam in the commentaries on the Comedy in relation to the concepts of heresy and schism.

LINGUISTICA E LETTERATURA, 1-2, pp. 209-284 , 2019
This article reviews a text, Women’s Secrets, a vernacular translation of the Secrés des Dames, a... more This article reviews a text, Women’s Secrets, a vernacular translation of the Secrés des Dames, a compendium of De secretis mulierum by Pseudo-Albertus Magnus. The survey takes place on two levels : a study of the Italian collection, now benefiting from the finding of new manuscript evidence, and an analysis of the transmitted text. As to the former, a thorough review of every single production provides interesting results about the spreading of the treatise, probably ahead of the one argued from the oldest known codex (mid-XV cent.), the readership of such text, given the role played by the Florentine upper and lower middle classes, and the reception of the scientific culture underlying Women’s Secrets. As to the latter, an analysis of the tradition found two families of witnesses that bear a different reception of such knowledge, as well as making different choices in the translation.
INTERPRES, 36, pp. 7-50, 2018
The present article puts the Libro de l’arte de la mercatura by Cotrugli, a merchant born in Ragu... more The present article puts the Libro de l’arte de la mercatura by Cotrugli, a merchant born in Ragusa (in Dalmatia), in the cultural context in which the author worked, and namely the Aragonese court of Alfonso the Magnanimous. The author’s exhortation to the merchant, on the authority of Cicero’s De officiis, to reconcile profit with honesty, finds in the knowledge of the utrumque ius (civil and canon law) a valid normative support capable of harmonizing the law of trade with that of conscience.
COTRUGLI BENEDETTO, The Book of the Art of Trade, London, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.219-222, 2017
The article explains the philological criteria followed in The Book of the Art of Trade’s critica... more The article explains the philological criteria followed in The Book of the Art of Trade’s critical edition.
PHILOSOPHICAL READINGS, 8, pp. 83-88, 2016
The diletto obliquo, which in Ludovico Castelvetro's commentary to Aristotle's Poetics, the spect... more The diletto obliquo, which in Ludovico Castelvetro's commentary to Aristotle's Poetics, the spectator feels facing the unjust suffering of the tragic hero plunged into misery, is felt by Dante at the sight of the damned in the Spositione. The paper shows how the dynamic of pleasure is oblique and how the Aristotelian precept is based on a common, philanthropic feeling.
Edizioni Aspasia, pp. 103-118, 2015
Prue Shaw’s study on the digital editions of Comedy is carried out on two levels: the accessibili... more Prue Shaw’s study on the digital editions of Comedy is carried out on two levels: the accessibility of hypertexts and the impact of the phylogenetic analysis on a manuscript tradition, which has revealed the shortcomings of the so-called Lachmann’s method. The results of the survey are unanimous: the computerized procedure succeeds, to its utmost, to establish the groups of manuscripts, but it fails to establish the direction of the dependence (which is always determined through the errors) and tends to offer a distorted account of the historical truth, influenced by the demands of statistical calculation.
RIVISTA DI STUDI DANTESCHI, 15, pp. 356-373, 2015
The article shows that the attribution to Castelvetro of the glosses on the incunable kept in Mod... more The article shows that the attribution to Castelvetro of the glosses on the incunable kept in Modena, Biblioteca Estense Universitaria (Alpha K.1.13), is unfounded.

L’ALIGHIERI, 42, pp. 95-127, 2013
Prue Shaw’s study on the digital editions of Monarchy and Comedy is carried out on two levels: th... more Prue Shaw’s study on the digital editions of Monarchy and Comedy is carried out on two levels: the accessibility of hypertexts and the impact of the phylogenetic analysis on the two manuscript traditions, which have revealed the shortcomings of the so-called Lachmann’s method.
The results of the survey are unanimous: the computerized procedure succeeds, to its utmost, to establish the groups of manuscripts, but it fails to establish the direction of the dependence (which is always determined through the errors) and tends to offer a distorted account of the historical truth, influenced by the demands of statistical calculation. The fact remains that both the knowledge of the history of tradition and the qualitative evalu- ation of the single variants are still indispensable in order to prevent the computer analysis to go over and above the call of its duty as support of philological enquiry.
LETTERATURA E DIALETTI, 6, pp. 21-28 , 2013
The article aims at investigating the presence of Dante in the Giuseppe Gioachino Belli’s work, f... more The article aims at investigating the presence of Dante in the Giuseppe Gioachino Belli’s work, focusing on a series of Italian and dialectal texts.
L’ALIGHIERI, 40, pp. 5-10, 2012
Etymology, as Curtius himself pointed out, is peculiar to the way of thinking of medieval man. No... more Etymology, as Curtius himself pointed out, is peculiar to the way of thinking of medieval man. Not even Dante avoided using it in the Comedy, in which the rhetoricians’ precepts support a convenient style for the ethos of one who is, at the same time, a Poet, a Character and a Man. Beginning from the analysis of circumlocutio and annominatio, which reproduce the dynamics of the derivation process in both the semantic expansion and the enhancement of the word corpus, it is noticeable how Dante’s technical mastery and skilful re-elaboration are instrumental in both the expressiveness of diction and the single narrative moment. Rhetorical institutions, therefore, become language institutions, in a poetic fabric which is an expression of medieval culture.
INSTITUTIO, 1, pp. 191-203, 2005
PATAVIUM, 12, fasc. 24, pp. 91-100 , 2004
PATAVIUM, 12, fasc. 23, pp. 85-92 , 2004
Conference Presentations by Vera RIBAUDO
Convegno internazionale Università di Berna – 2-3 dicembre 2021 Online (via Zoom)
Titolo dell'... more Convegno internazionale Università di Berna – 2-3 dicembre 2021 Online (via Zoom)
Titolo dell'intervento (02/12/2021): Dissenso e polemica religiosa nella «Spositione a Dante» di Lodovico Castelvetro da Modena
I segreti delle femmine: tradizione, circolazione, fruizione (24/06/2021)

JOURNAL OF QUR'ANIC STUDIES, vol. 25, pp. 93-119, 2021
Comment le Qur’ān est-il nommé, défini, figuré? Comment le Qur’ān est-il jugé, évalué? Comment le... more Comment le Qur’ān est-il nommé, défini, figuré? Comment le Qur’ān est-il jugé, évalué? Comment le Qur’ān est-il lu et compris? Comment le Qur’ān est-il utilisé, transformé, exploité? Ces questions, au centre du débat des journées d’étude, ont été appliquées à la réception de l’Alcoranus dans les commentaires à la Comédie. La question des sources arabes de la Comédie, depuis la publication des thèses de Asín Palacios, a donné lieu à une polémique considérable entre partisans et decrateurs de la dépendance de Dante aux traditions musulmanes. Les chercheurs ont toutefois compris qu’il faut repenser les terms du débat et évaluer le rôle joué par les intermediares latins ou romans. On a donc insisté sur la reconstruction des canaux de transmission possibles de la culture arabe, à la fois dans le christianisme et dans l’Alighieri, ou sur l’évaluation de l’image de la religion musulmane et de son fondateur, Mahomet, répandue au Moyen Âge. En revanche, la réception du texte de l’Alcoranus est restée insuffisamment étudiée, confinée dans le cadre, qui est d’ailleurs philologiquement sûr, de la citation indirecte. La communication s'est concentrée donc sur l’image du livre sacré de l’Islam rendue par les anciens commentaires à la Comédie. Le texte de l’Alcoranus apparaît le résultat d’un filtrage idéologique et culturel réitéré qui devient une opportunité pour rappeler les tópoi les plus courants de la polémique anti-islamique.
Titolo dell'intervento (13/12/2018): Francesco Patrizi primo editore dell’Arte della mercatura di... more Titolo dell'intervento (13/12/2018): Francesco Patrizi primo editore dell’Arte della mercatura di Benedetto Cotrugli
Retorica e teologia del corpo -Presiede Theodore Cachey (University of Notre Dame) Danielle Calle... more Retorica e teologia del corpo -Presiede Theodore Cachey (University of Notre Dame) Danielle Callegari (University of California, Berkeley), I golosi danteschi: il consumo posizionale nella "Commedia
Papers by Vera RIBAUDO
The results of the survey are unanimous: the computerized procedure succeeds, to its utmost, to establish the groups of manuscripts, but it fails to establish the direction of the dependence (which is always determined through the errors) and tends to offer a distorted account of the historical truth, influenced by the demands of statistical calculation. The fact remains that both the knowledge of the history of tradition and the qualitative evalu- ation of the single variants are still indispensable in order to prevent the computer analysis to go over and above the call of its duty as support of philological enquiry.
Conference Presentations by Vera RIBAUDO
Titolo dell'intervento (02/12/2021): Dissenso e polemica religiosa nella «Spositione a Dante» di Lodovico Castelvetro da Modena
The results of the survey are unanimous: the computerized procedure succeeds, to its utmost, to establish the groups of manuscripts, but it fails to establish the direction of the dependence (which is always determined through the errors) and tends to offer a distorted account of the historical truth, influenced by the demands of statistical calculation. The fact remains that both the knowledge of the history of tradition and the qualitative evalu- ation of the single variants are still indispensable in order to prevent the computer analysis to go over and above the call of its duty as support of philological enquiry.
Titolo dell'intervento (02/12/2021): Dissenso e polemica religiosa nella «Spositione a Dante» di Lodovico Castelvetro da Modena
Introduzione di Marco Vitale
Con scritti di Carlo Carraro, Tiziana Lippiello e Fabio L. Sattin