Books by Tiziano Vescovi
Encyclopedia of Pricing, 2024
EURAM 2019 Proceedings, 2019
Purpose: Empirical evidence is supportive of the influence of low context (LC) and high context (... more Purpose: Empirical evidence is supportive of the influence of low context (LC) and high context (HC) cultures on advertising design and execution (focused on text or context) and the content of the appeal (what utilities are highlightened). Specifically, functional, and socially
EURAM Proceedings, 2019
Purpose: Empirical evidence is supportive of the influence of low context (LC) and high context (... more Purpose: Empirical evidence is supportive of the influence of low context (LC) and high context (HC) cultures on advertising design and execution (focused on text or context) and the content of the appeal (what utilities are highlightened). Specifically, functional, and socially

Unexpected Lessons in Business Management brings together a series of stories that start in the m... more Unexpected Lessons in Business Management brings together a series of stories that start in the most unlikely places to then lead on to reflections upon business; a collection of tales that, it is hoped, will enable one to see things in a new light. The approach adopted aims to bring together history, literature, philosophy and business management in a way that reflects the real world, where such concerns are not rigidly separated but continually interact and influence each other. The hope is that those following these stories will be caught up within a learning process that gives free rein to their own curiosity. In short, Unexpected Lessons in Business Management is an attempt to apply the craft and fascination of story-telling to the study of business.
The book is intended for a varied public. First there is the general reader, curious to see how one can go beyond the supposed dryness of a subject such as business management and grasp it as part of a richer, perhaps surprising, body of knowledge and ideas. Then there are those who are actually studying the subject, who will clearly benefit from being able to see the phenomena of the business world from outside the confines of the usual textbook approach. Last but not least, there are those who are already working in business and who will welcome the opportunity to develop ideas and points of view that, at first sight, have little to do with their everyday world.
Tiziano Vescovi is Full Professor of Strategic Marketing at the Department of Business Management of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He is also Director of the Asian Studies and Management School and Co-Director of the International Management to Asia research project (IMA-lab). His main fields of research are international marketing and international management. Since 2007 he has been Scientific Director of the Italian School of Bookshop Management in Rome. He plays the flute in a rock band and, when he can, enjoys long cycle rides.

As they travel more, the Chinese consumers are making a rapidly-growing share of their luxury pur... more As they travel more, the Chinese consumers are making a rapidly-growing share of their luxury purchases outside the Mainland. There are several reasons that exhort Chinese luxury consumers to have their expenditures outside their home country, being economical, cultural and social. With so many Chinese visiting elegant store on their travels, luxury brands must try to provide consistent positioning in the outlets around the world.
In order to analyze the impact of Chinese globetrotters on European luxury retailing, a research was made inside a Christian Dior shop in Venice, by mean of the observation of 346 consumer behaviors in a period of four months. The evidences from the observation of the Chinese consumer behaviors in the Dior’s retail store in Venice underline some aspects should be analyzed and considered in facing the Chinese consumer going global. Despite the event limitations this research disclosed an additional aspect in the luxury goods buying behavior that is strictly connected with the globalization of the Chinese customer, influencing the sales strategy of western companies not only in China but also in their domestic markets.

"Questo volume affronta uno dei temi di maggiore attenzione per le imprese italiane negli scambi ... more "Questo volume affronta uno dei temi di maggiore attenzione per le imprese italiane negli scambi internazionali: le opportunità di penetrazione in uno dei principali mercati in grande sviluppo, quello cinese.
L'opportunità richiede però appropriate strategie di marketing. Accanto a importanti specificità culturali e sociali da conoscere e interpretare, l'emergere di nuovi consumatori nelle aree urbane, l'apertura dei mercati del lusso e del divertimento, l'impatto dei mass media e una relativa occidentalizzazione dei modelli di consumo sono infatti aspetti critici che hanno mutato di recente il mercato cinese.
La ricerca da cui deriva questo libro, che ha coinvolto Unità di Ricerca di quattro università italiane, Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Firenze, Macerata e Trieste attraverso indagini dirette su operatori e consumatori, si è posta l'obiettivo di individuare i fattori di successo e i modelli di business più corretti, su cui possono basarsi le imprese italiane per le loro strategie di presenza e di sviluppo internazionale verso la Cina.
Le imprese italiane, anche quelle minori, sono attori attivi nei mercati internazionali. È quindi molto interessante approfondire la conoscenza di quei modelli di business "all'italiana" adottati dalle aziende per competere oltre confine, verificando nel contempo come le connotazioni tipiche delle imprese (una tecnologia, un prodotto, una soluzione organizzativa, una marca) vengano trasferite al mercato cinese."
This volume deals with a subject of greater importance for the Italian companies in international trade: the opportunity to penetrate one of the most rapidly developing markets, the Chinese market.
The opportunity, however, requires appropriate marketing strategies. In addition to important cultural and social specificity to know and understand, the emergence of new consumers in urban areas, the growing markets for luxury and fun, the impact of media and the Westernization of consumption patterns are in fact critical aspects who are changing the Chinese market.
This book, which involved research units of four Italian universities, Ca 'Foscari University of Venice, Florence, Macerata and Trieste through direct surveys on operators and consumers, has the objective of identifying the success factors and business models used by Italian companies for their presence and strategies of international development to China.
Italian companies, even small ones, are active players in international markets. It is therefore very interesting to deepen the knowledge of those "Italian" business models adopted by companies to compete across borders.

"il libro propone uno schema di pianificazione basato su due livelli, strategico e operativo, in ... more "il libro propone uno schema di pianificazione basato su due livelli, strategico e operativo, in grado di seguire le diverse relazioni con differenti attori di mercato e quindi di declinarsi in vari piani di marketing relazionale , che consentono una completa e corretta gestione delle attività.
appendici pratiche e operative arricchite da una serie di esempi applicativi completano l'informazione e forniscono un valido supporto all'operatività dei manager.
il libro è destinato a studenti universitari e manager."
"The book proposes a scheme based on two levels of planning, strategic and operational, in order to follow the different relationships with different market players and then declined in various levels of relationship marketing, which enable a correct marketing management.
Operational and practical appendices. enriched by a series of application examples, provide valuable support to marketing managers.
The book is intended both for university students and managers. "
"il Web è uno strumento quotidiano nei comportamenti delle persone e nella gestione delle imprese... more "il Web è uno strumento quotidiano nei comportamenti delle persone e nella gestione delle imprese e come tale va integrato nelle strategie e nelle operazioni di mercato.
Il libro spiega come integrare l'uso della Rete nelle attività di marketing di un'impresa moderna e come la Rete cambia l'approccio strategico al mercato."
Papers by Tiziano Vescovi

Macro & Micro Marketing, 2024
New paths of luxury Luxury represents an extremely important economic, employment, skills, and im... more New paths of luxury Luxury represents an extremely important economic, employment, skills, and image value, especially for countries such as Italy and France, covering numerous industries and product categories, and for Switzerland in terms of watchmaking. These countries represent the absolute majority of the world's luxury brands. In particular, according to Deloitte, Italy is the world leader in the number of companies and brands in the top 100 luxury companies. The economic and employment value of this supremacy is obvious; perhaps less obvious, but equally important, is the value of the skills accumulated over time and that of the country's image. The first relates to the skills and capabilities involved in the creation and production of luxury goods, which are not easily transferable to other economies and are therefore the heritage of the places where these skills were born and consolidated. The creation and production of luxury goods requires high skills at all levels of business organization, as strategy, marketing, design, manufacture, distribution, customer service. They come from a tradition that has grown over time and are part of a specific cultural history that cannot be replicated. This type of production of goods and services therefore represents a heritage that is difficult to imitate, with a capacity for design, implementation and development that is worthy of protection. For example, the major French luxury companies keep most of their production in Italy precisely because they are rooted in the culture of specific localities, such as Tuscany, Veneto, Marche, each with its own specific characteristics. As a result, the image effect on the value of the country of origin is extremely important, since the visibility of luxury brands is high and the perceived value and quality of these productions is very high, giving the country of origin a dimension of excellence. This image creates a positive halo effect for all products with the same COO. It is enough to remember how much Champagne generates the attraction of French wines or luxury houses on Italian fashion and design.
... Agradezco también la diligente traducción de Maia F. Miret, que conoció la colección cuando s... more ... Agradezco también la diligente traducción de Maia F. Miret, que conoció la colección cuando sólo era un gameto, y el impul-so continuo de ... El último eslabón de la cadena está representado por los puntos de venta, de los cuales la librería constituye sin duda el negocio ...

Micro & Macro Marketing, 2017
di Petronio comincerò più da lontano. Durante il giorno dormiva e attendeva di notte alle necessi... more di Petronio comincerò più da lontano. Durante il giorno dormiva e attendeva di notte alle necessità e ai piaceri della vita. Come ad altri la loro operosità, così la sua indolenza gli aveva procurato grande rinomanza: ma non era ritenuto un crapulone e un dissipato, come la maggior parte di quelli che dànno fondo alle proprie fortune, bensì un voluttuoso raffinato, e quanto più negli atti e nelle parole si dimostrava libero da pregiudizi e noncurante, tanto più quella sua semplicità era accolta con simpatia. Tuttavia, come proconsole in Bitinia, e poi come console, aveva dato prova di energia e di competenza. Quindi fu accolto tra i pochi intimi del principe e alla corte di Nerone divenne l'arbitro del buon gusto, il fine intenditore di quello che fosse, in mezzo a tanta ricchezza, bello e raffinato. Di qui l'odio di Tigellino, che vide in lui un rivale e quasi un maestro più sofisticato nella scienza dei piaceri. In quei giorni l'imperatore si era recato in Campania e Petronio, che l'aveva accompagnato fino a Cuma, ricevette colà l'ordine di fermarsi. Egli non tollerò gli indugi del timore e della speranza, né volle una morte troppo precipitosa. Si incise le vene; poi le legò e di nuovo le riaperse; conversò con gli amici, ma non di cose gravi o tali che gli procurassero fama di fermezza: né stette ad ascoltare ragionamenti sull'immortalità dell'anima o massime filosofiche, ma poesie leggere e versi scherzosi. Alcuni servi premiò, altri fece frustare. Andò a pranzo e si as
Routledge eBooks, Apr 25, 2021
Books by Tiziano Vescovi
The book is intended for a varied public. First there is the general reader, curious to see how one can go beyond the supposed dryness of a subject such as business management and grasp it as part of a richer, perhaps surprising, body of knowledge and ideas. Then there are those who are actually studying the subject, who will clearly benefit from being able to see the phenomena of the business world from outside the confines of the usual textbook approach. Last but not least, there are those who are already working in business and who will welcome the opportunity to develop ideas and points of view that, at first sight, have little to do with their everyday world.
Tiziano Vescovi is Full Professor of Strategic Marketing at the Department of Business Management of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He is also Director of the Asian Studies and Management School and Co-Director of the International Management to Asia research project (IMA-lab). His main fields of research are international marketing and international management. Since 2007 he has been Scientific Director of the Italian School of Bookshop Management in Rome. He plays the flute in a rock band and, when he can, enjoys long cycle rides.
In order to analyze the impact of Chinese globetrotters on European luxury retailing, a research was made inside a Christian Dior shop in Venice, by mean of the observation of 346 consumer behaviors in a period of four months. The evidences from the observation of the Chinese consumer behaviors in the Dior’s retail store in Venice underline some aspects should be analyzed and considered in facing the Chinese consumer going global. Despite the event limitations this research disclosed an additional aspect in the luxury goods buying behavior that is strictly connected with the globalization of the Chinese customer, influencing the sales strategy of western companies not only in China but also in their domestic markets.
L'opportunità richiede però appropriate strategie di marketing. Accanto a importanti specificità culturali e sociali da conoscere e interpretare, l'emergere di nuovi consumatori nelle aree urbane, l'apertura dei mercati del lusso e del divertimento, l'impatto dei mass media e una relativa occidentalizzazione dei modelli di consumo sono infatti aspetti critici che hanno mutato di recente il mercato cinese.
La ricerca da cui deriva questo libro, che ha coinvolto Unità di Ricerca di quattro università italiane, Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Firenze, Macerata e Trieste attraverso indagini dirette su operatori e consumatori, si è posta l'obiettivo di individuare i fattori di successo e i modelli di business più corretti, su cui possono basarsi le imprese italiane per le loro strategie di presenza e di sviluppo internazionale verso la Cina.
Le imprese italiane, anche quelle minori, sono attori attivi nei mercati internazionali. È quindi molto interessante approfondire la conoscenza di quei modelli di business "all'italiana" adottati dalle aziende per competere oltre confine, verificando nel contempo come le connotazioni tipiche delle imprese (una tecnologia, un prodotto, una soluzione organizzativa, una marca) vengano trasferite al mercato cinese."
This volume deals with a subject of greater importance for the Italian companies in international trade: the opportunity to penetrate one of the most rapidly developing markets, the Chinese market.
The opportunity, however, requires appropriate marketing strategies. In addition to important cultural and social specificity to know and understand, the emergence of new consumers in urban areas, the growing markets for luxury and fun, the impact of media and the Westernization of consumption patterns are in fact critical aspects who are changing the Chinese market.
This book, which involved research units of four Italian universities, Ca 'Foscari University of Venice, Florence, Macerata and Trieste through direct surveys on operators and consumers, has the objective of identifying the success factors and business models used by Italian companies for their presence and strategies of international development to China.
Italian companies, even small ones, are active players in international markets. It is therefore very interesting to deepen the knowledge of those "Italian" business models adopted by companies to compete across borders.
appendici pratiche e operative arricchite da una serie di esempi applicativi completano l'informazione e forniscono un valido supporto all'operatività dei manager.
il libro è destinato a studenti universitari e manager."
"The book proposes a scheme based on two levels of planning, strategic and operational, in order to follow the different relationships with different market players and then declined in various levels of relationship marketing, which enable a correct marketing management.
Operational and practical appendices. enriched by a series of application examples, provide valuable support to marketing managers.
The book is intended both for university students and managers. "
Il libro spiega come integrare l'uso della Rete nelle attività di marketing di un'impresa moderna e come la Rete cambia l'approccio strategico al mercato."
Papers by Tiziano Vescovi
The book is intended for a varied public. First there is the general reader, curious to see how one can go beyond the supposed dryness of a subject such as business management and grasp it as part of a richer, perhaps surprising, body of knowledge and ideas. Then there are those who are actually studying the subject, who will clearly benefit from being able to see the phenomena of the business world from outside the confines of the usual textbook approach. Last but not least, there are those who are already working in business and who will welcome the opportunity to develop ideas and points of view that, at first sight, have little to do with their everyday world.
Tiziano Vescovi is Full Professor of Strategic Marketing at the Department of Business Management of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He is also Director of the Asian Studies and Management School and Co-Director of the International Management to Asia research project (IMA-lab). His main fields of research are international marketing and international management. Since 2007 he has been Scientific Director of the Italian School of Bookshop Management in Rome. He plays the flute in a rock band and, when he can, enjoys long cycle rides.
In order to analyze the impact of Chinese globetrotters on European luxury retailing, a research was made inside a Christian Dior shop in Venice, by mean of the observation of 346 consumer behaviors in a period of four months. The evidences from the observation of the Chinese consumer behaviors in the Dior’s retail store in Venice underline some aspects should be analyzed and considered in facing the Chinese consumer going global. Despite the event limitations this research disclosed an additional aspect in the luxury goods buying behavior that is strictly connected with the globalization of the Chinese customer, influencing the sales strategy of western companies not only in China but also in their domestic markets.
L'opportunità richiede però appropriate strategie di marketing. Accanto a importanti specificità culturali e sociali da conoscere e interpretare, l'emergere di nuovi consumatori nelle aree urbane, l'apertura dei mercati del lusso e del divertimento, l'impatto dei mass media e una relativa occidentalizzazione dei modelli di consumo sono infatti aspetti critici che hanno mutato di recente il mercato cinese.
La ricerca da cui deriva questo libro, che ha coinvolto Unità di Ricerca di quattro università italiane, Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Firenze, Macerata e Trieste attraverso indagini dirette su operatori e consumatori, si è posta l'obiettivo di individuare i fattori di successo e i modelli di business più corretti, su cui possono basarsi le imprese italiane per le loro strategie di presenza e di sviluppo internazionale verso la Cina.
Le imprese italiane, anche quelle minori, sono attori attivi nei mercati internazionali. È quindi molto interessante approfondire la conoscenza di quei modelli di business "all'italiana" adottati dalle aziende per competere oltre confine, verificando nel contempo come le connotazioni tipiche delle imprese (una tecnologia, un prodotto, una soluzione organizzativa, una marca) vengano trasferite al mercato cinese."
This volume deals with a subject of greater importance for the Italian companies in international trade: the opportunity to penetrate one of the most rapidly developing markets, the Chinese market.
The opportunity, however, requires appropriate marketing strategies. In addition to important cultural and social specificity to know and understand, the emergence of new consumers in urban areas, the growing markets for luxury and fun, the impact of media and the Westernization of consumption patterns are in fact critical aspects who are changing the Chinese market.
This book, which involved research units of four Italian universities, Ca 'Foscari University of Venice, Florence, Macerata and Trieste through direct surveys on operators and consumers, has the objective of identifying the success factors and business models used by Italian companies for their presence and strategies of international development to China.
Italian companies, even small ones, are active players in international markets. It is therefore very interesting to deepen the knowledge of those "Italian" business models adopted by companies to compete across borders.
appendici pratiche e operative arricchite da una serie di esempi applicativi completano l'informazione e forniscono un valido supporto all'operatività dei manager.
il libro è destinato a studenti universitari e manager."
"The book proposes a scheme based on two levels of planning, strategic and operational, in order to follow the different relationships with different market players and then declined in various levels of relationship marketing, which enable a correct marketing management.
Operational and practical appendices. enriched by a series of application examples, provide valuable support to marketing managers.
The book is intended both for university students and managers. "
Il libro spiega come integrare l'uso della Rete nelle attività di marketing di un'impresa moderna e come la Rete cambia l'approccio strategico al mercato."