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The consumption of meat has never been a trivial practice in ancient Near Eastern societies, even when, and where, meat was available in large quantity -this being certainly the case more often than is commonly thought. The act of eating... more
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    • State Archives of Assyria Bulletin
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Lucio Milano (a cura di), Mangiare divinamente. Pratiche e simbologie alimentari nell'antico Oriente
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      AssyriologyHistory Of Food ConsumptionEblaite (Languages and Linguistics)History and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
per un'analisi delle statue proto-dinastiche nel loro contesto rituale si veda Selz 2004, con bibliografia precedente.
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      AssyriologyFood HistoryHistory of ReligionsHistory and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
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      AssyriologyFood History
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      AssyriologyHistory Of Food ConsumptionEblaite (Languages and Linguistics)History and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
This contribution is dedicated to a friend whom I never saw depressed in forty years. His optimism and his painstaking activism in the field of Ancient Near Eastern studies can be considered an achievement in itself. When I joined the... more
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      AssyriologyHistory and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
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      AssyriologyHistory and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
Uno dei maggiori ostacoli alla caratterizzazione strutturale della società eblaita è costituito dalla difficoltà di intendere adeguatamente (e quindi anche di tradurre) molti dei termini che indicano categorie di persone, sia in rapporto... more
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      AssyriologyEblaite (Languages and Linguistics)History and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
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      AssyriologyEblaite (Languages and Linguistics)History and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
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      History and Archaeology of the Ancient Near EastAssyriology Sumerology Akkadian Sumerian Sumerian & Akkadian literature Sumerian Religion Mesopotamia History Ancient Mesopotamian Religions Cuneiform Ancient Near East Ancient Near Estern Languages Religious Studies
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      AssyriologyHistory and Archaeology of the Ancient Near EastAncient Near Easter Law, Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Semitic Languages
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    • History and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
1. Questo convegno si occupa di "popoli eletti", ma nel mio contributo si tratterà poco o nulla di popoli e forse ancor meno di "elezione". Mi occuperò invece di paradigmi storiografici che hanno a che fare con ambedue questi concetti. Mi... more
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Lucio Milano 1. Devo premettere a questa relazione 1 che, occupandomi di un tema molto vicino a quello già trattato l'anno scorso in un analogo seminario su "Sistemi finanziari e monetari dell'antichità" (Roma, Banca d'Italia, 3 marzo... more
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