Papers by Muhammad-Qumrul Hassan
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

The seismic risk in densely populated areas is one of the major socioeconomic concerns that warra... more The seismic risk in densely populated areas is one of the major socioeconomic concerns that warrant serious attention. Bengal basin covers most of Bangladesh and part of India. The basin is the world's youngest and largest delta, nearly twice the size of the Mississippi delta. It is seismically active due to a complex intraplate tectonic setting and junctions between the Indian shield and a systematically folded Indo-Burma range. The northeast motion of the Indian plate crushed the continental and oceanic crusts, pushed and yielded a deeper ocean basin (15-18 km) over undulated Cretaceous basement, and filled up with Himalayan sediments. 0 There is prediction of 9 Magnitude Earthquake in the newly born Bengal Delta, by a group scientists from Columbia University Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory … What is next for >250 millions living in and around this delta.. Any idea for preparedness..? MIR FAZLUL KARIM If we sum all of the energy release from all of the earthquakes over the past ~110 years, the equivalent magnitude ~ Mw9.95. If the San Andreas Fault were to rupture end-to-end (~1400km), with ~10m of average slip, it would produce an earthquake of Mw 8.47. If the South American subduction zone were to rupture end-to-end (~6400km), with ~40m of average slip, it would produce an earthquake of Mw 9.86. You would need ~14,000km fault length, with a seismogenic thickness averaging 40km (width of 100km), to slip and average of 30m to produce an Mw 10. This graph demonstrates the logarithmic nature of earthquake magnitudes and energy release. (USGS)

Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2008
Accumulations of iron, manganese, and arsenic occur in the Chandina alluvium of southeastern Bang... more Accumulations of iron, manganese, and arsenic occur in the Chandina alluvium of southeastern Bangladesh within 2.5 m of the ground surface. These distinctive orange-brown horizons are subhorizontal and consistently occur within 1 m of the contact of the aerated (yellow-brown) and watersaturated (gray) sediment. Ferric oxyhydroxide precipitates that define the horizons form by oxidation of reduced iron in pore waters near the top of the saturated zone when exposed to air in the unsaturated sediment. Hydrous Fe-oxide has a high specific surface area and thus a high adsorption capacity that absorbs the bulk of arsenic also present in the reduced pore water, resulting in accumulations containing as much as 280 ppm arsenic. The steep redox gradient that characterizes the transition of saturated and unsaturated sediment also favors accumulation of manganese oxides in the oxidized sediment. Anomalous concentrations of phosphate and molybdenum also detected in the ferric oxyhydroxide-enriched sediment are attributed to sorption processes.
This paper deals with the Consumptive Use (U) and the Field Irrigation Requirement (FIR) for rice... more This paper deals with the Consumptive Use (U) and the Field Irrigation Requirement (FIR) for rice crop during the dry period of the Jessore district in the Ganges lowland of southwest Bnagladesh by using the Blaney-Criddle Method. The estimated U ranges from 3.11 mm/d in December to 7.65 mm/d in April. The minimum and maximum estimated FIR for rice crop in the months of December and April is about 3.54 mm/d and 6.61 mm/d, respectively. The total seasonal FIR is about 807 mm for rice crop during the present dry period. The above results may prove useful for the future planning of a rice crop-design calendar of the Jessore district during the dry period

The paper presents the physical properties and chemical constituents of surface and groundwater o... more The paper presents the physical properties and chemical constituents of surface and groundwater of southwest lowland area. Annual seasonal and tidal flooding are the common phenomenon in lowland of Bangladesh. Monson climatic condition is the main responsible for the flooding both from onshore to offshore areas. These physical processes, the regional hydraulic head declination during the dry period (November-April) and some man-made activities have caused the present deterioration of water quality from the acceptable limit for conjunctive use of the area. Physico-chemical analyses of water from river and groundwater have revealed that EC, TDS, TH, Na+, CT are higher concentration levels then the standard limit. In thois context, many studies on water quality have revealed that the surface water of southwestern lowland is of primary salinity type, which can be found in the every dry period. Observation shows that the salinity level normally decreases when the high stream flow dischar...

Bangladesh is a unique example of rapid urbanization where the urban population increased from 5 ... more Bangladesh is a unique example of rapid urbanization where the urban population increased from 5 to 58 million in last four decades. Due to complex geology and active tectonic setting, the urban ground is impacted by fluvio-deltaic processes and regional seismicity. The densely populated cities of the country are facing risks from many natural hazards like floods, tidal surge, riverbank and coastal erosion, scour, landslides, soil collapse and foundation failures. Geologists anticipate severe seismic threats from yet-undefined tectonic structures and seek to determine their consequential geo-structural responses and conformance to the national building code. With rapid growth, demands on infrastructure have driven the need for better understanding of geotechnical exploration and geologic factors that will contribute to a more manageable, livable, resilient and sustainable infrastructure. The relationship of geo-hazards, geotechnical exploration methods and engineering geologic practices are discussed here. The study indicates that geotechnical exploration method, reporting and laboratory testing practices in current use have yet to adopt standard and quality control techniques. Engineering geology is concerned with subsurface construction, operation and maintenance for safe and sustainable structures. Modified large-scale (1:5000) engineering geologic maps are prepared for selected parts of Dhaka to evaluate and integrate the geologic hazards and engineering geologic risk. Because of unplanned urban expansion, many cities of Bangladesh will require intense modification to the exiting infrastructures including effective utilization of underground space and construction of multilevel transportation system. Risk is always present in any alteration of geologic environment during and after construction. Although the underlying thick hard clay and very dense sand in Dhaka provide advantageous ground condition comparing to other cities of the world, the country is confronting difficult geo-engineering challenges for sustainable development and needs to have standardized geotechnical exploration methods, updated geologic maps and improved laboratory testing system to accurately characterize geologic materials for modeling to meet challenges of sustainable development and risk reduction.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2016
Cities without the use of underground space are unthinkable in a modern urban environment. Mega-c... more Cities without the use of underground space are unthinkable in a modern urban environment. Mega-city Dhaka in Bangladesh has yet to step into the underground construction world to take advantage of its underlying unique and firm soil, the stiff-to-hard Madhupur Clay Residuum, which overlies dense-to-very dense sandstone of the Dupi Tila Sandstone Formation. Dhaka is very densely populated and continues to be among the fastest growing city in Asia. Uncontrolled growth including skyward expansion have caused tremendous overcrowding and exasperating traffic congestions. However, use of underground space is still ignored and largely unexplored. The possibility of building an underground rapid transit system will relieve many of the present urban stresses. The city was developed on an uplifted tectonic block (anticlinorium) of Plio-Pleistocene age, which is isolated from the surrounding floodplains of active Ganges-Brahmaputra delta system. The top 20 ft of ground is composed of stiff-to-hard over-consolidated clayey soil (Layer 1), that overlies thick moderately lithified sand (Layer 2, drilled to 200 ft). A 3D geological model is prepared to illustrate the spatial distribution of these stratigraphic layers. Extensive geophysical and geotechnical exploration data including hydrogeological conditions are compiled to give insights and engineering options for shallow and deep underground construction. The geotechnical and geophysical properties of the geological strata include vertical consistency, density, undrained shear strength, consolidation and settlement characteristics, and shear wave velocity. A plot of geotechnical properties with depth indicates improved ground conditions occur with the increasing depth. The 3D geological model shows that strata are homogenous and uniformly distributed. The increase of density, shear strength and shear wave velocity (>1400 ft/s below 20 ft) with depth is a strong advantage for planning of safe tunnels and underground structures.
Nigerian medical journal : journal of the Nigeria Medical Association, 1979

Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014
AbstractUse of deep groundwater is becoming an important issue in Bengal Basin due to water quali... more AbstractUse of deep groundwater is becoming an important issue in Bengal Basin due to water quality problems in upper aquifers in many areas. Still >50 % of cultivable land in the model area has the potential for future irrigation. Prior to development of deep aquifers it is important to know the trend of flowpaths from recharge zone and travel time of stored water in field geologic conditions and development stresses, which is the principal objective of this study. A three-dimensional model was used for this study to simulate groundwater flow. Model simulation results depict that flowpaths and travel time of groundwater are primarily controlled by hydrogeologic characteristics. However, the recharge zone for different aquifer units is about the same in different conditions with variation of travel time. Continued irrigation abstraction from the shallow aquifer may decrease vertical percolation of recharge water to deeper aquifers. The water of the shallow, i.e., the 1st aquifer, generally has a higher head than water in the main, i.e., the 2nd aquifer. Water from the shallow aquifer may move downward into the deeper units through aquitard windows. The water level of the deep, i.e., the 3rd aquifer, is higher than that of the main aquifer. The arsenic or chloride-rich groundwater in the upper aquifers is not likely to be drawn into the deep aquifer under conditions of moderate use of the deep aquifer.

Tumor Biology, 2014
The rate of direct smoking, second hand smoking, and smokeless tobacco users as well as the amoun... more The rate of direct smoking, second hand smoking, and smokeless tobacco users as well as the amount of environmental pollutant like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarons is increasing in Bangladesh. Therefore, the prevalence of lung cancer is increasing day by day. To the best of our knowledge, no pharmacogentic study of CYP3A4, CYP3A5 genes has been reported on Bangladeshi population relating those with lung cancer. The present study was conducted to determine the association of CYP3A4, CYP3A5 gene polymorphisms and tobacco smoking in the development of lung cancer in Bangladeshi population. A case-control study was carried out on 106 lung cancer patients and 116 controls to investigate three allelic variants-CYP3A4*1B, CYP3A5*3, and CYP3A5*6 using Polymerase Chain Reaction Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism. Risk of lung cancer was estimated as odds ratio (OR) and 95 % confidence interval (CI) using unconditional logistic regression models. The variant allele frequencies for CYP3A4*1B (*1A/*1B+*1B/*1B) were 2.83 % and 0.86 % and that of CYP3A5*3 (*1A/*3+*3/ *3) were 88.68 % and 85.34 % in cases and controls, respectively. Individual carrying at least one variant allele of CYP3A4*1B (CYP3A4*1A/1B+*1B/1B) has a 3.35 times more risk (OR=3.35, 95 % Cl=0.34-32.71, p =0.271) for developing lung cancer whereas individual carrying at least one variant allele of CYP3A5 (CYP3A5*1A/3+*3/3) has a 1.26 times more risk (OR=1.35, 95 % Cl=0.61-2.97) and both are statistically non-significant (p >0.05). CYP3A5*6 was absent in the study population. No association of lung cancer with the mentioned polymorphisms was found both in heavy and light smokers. In the cases of all three major types of lung cancer-squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and small cell carcinoma-significantly strong relationships (p 0.05) have been found. To confirm the association of lung cancer with the mentioned polymorphisms, large number volunteers (patients and controls) will be required.
Papers by Muhammad-Qumrul Hassan
A unique erosion phenomenon prevailing in this part of Bengal delta prompted this study. During Aug-Sept, 2018 a sudden complex attenuation of current, wave and vortex in the Padma water flow caused an extraordinary disaster and made more than 5000 people homeless overnight by devouring away houses including concrete buildings, factories and markets. It is observed that geologically the Padma River remained confined within a width of 5 miles striking NW-SE trend following the margins of older alluvium and Faridpur Trough. The river tends to a meandering pattern consisting of deep vertical trenches along the Naria curvature. The deep trenches form along right bank and render the ground increasingly more vulnerable to subaqueous slope failure due to presence of thick (~200 ft.) alternating cross-bedded silt and micaceous fine sand of very high dilatancy and low angle of friction.
The present study identifies some application of technological advancement for developing real-time engineering geological mapping systems for monitoring and managing complex river bank erosion. Large scale 3D engineering geological map coupled with air-borne photogrammetric and radar inferrometry methods can be applied for real-time monitoring and prediction of differential settlements, subaqueous failures and ground movement. The point cloud maps developed using data from these systems can refine engineering geological maps for decision makers and improve the design of protective measures and sustainable engineering structures