Papers by Dr. Hakim Arif

arXiv (Cornell University), Nov 5, 2023
Lemmatization holds significance in both natural language processing (NLP) and linguistics, as it... more Lemmatization holds significance in both natural language processing (NLP) and linguistics, as it effectively decreases data density and aids in comprehending contextual meaning. However, due to the highly inflected nature and morphological richness, lemmatization in Bangla text poses a complex challenge. In this study, we propose linguistic rules for lemmatization and utilize a dictionary along with the rules to design a lemmatizer specifically for Bangla. Our system aims to lemmatize words based on their parts of speech class within a given sentence. Unlike previous rule-based approaches, we analyzed the suffix marker occurrence according to the morpho-syntactic values and then utilized sequences of suffix markers instead of entire suffixes. To develop our rules, we analyze a large corpus of Bangla text from various domains, sources, and time periods to observe the word formation of inflected words. The lemmatizer achieves an accuracy of 96.36% when tested against a manually annotated test dataset by trained linguists and demonstrates competitive performance on three previously published Bangla lemmatization datasets. We are making the code and datasets publicly available at 1 in order to contribute to the further advancement of Bangla NLP.
Dhaka University Journal of Linguistics, 1970
Establishing the nature of relationship between Linguistics and bio-sciences, especially Genetic ... more Establishing the nature of relationship between Linguistics and bio-sciences, especially Genetic Studies is nether an imagination today, nor an ambitious project at all, as psychologists, linguists and genetic scientists started to put there keen interest in this endeavour at the beginning of the twentieth-first century. The study of FOXP2-a potential human gene responsible for the degeneration of half of the members of famous KE family's speech and language performances, starts an epoch-making initiative in this regard. This paper provides a brief description of the research projects dedicated to explore POXP2 gene, including identifying speech and language behaviour of human beings with particular reference to this gene.
Kültür araştırmaları dergisi, Mar 15, 2020
Philosophy and progress, Jan 14, 2016
Pragmatics-dealing with the nature of language usage or contextual meaning of language expression... more Pragmatics-dealing with the nature of language usage or contextual meaning of language expression-passes a long history to establish its own identity in the world academic arena. Although pragmatics is now identified as one of the core branches of linguistics, it originally derives from a special branch of philosophy of language. This paper providing a brief sketch of the origin of pragmatics isolates not only its philosophical tradition but also the nature of interaction with semiotics and linguistics. Finally, it describes how pragmatics assimilated with two prominent knowledge traditions of the world maintaining two different names and identities as well.
8 The nature of opaque orthography and techniques of reading literacy of Bengali children: A psyc... more 8 The nature of opaque orthography and techniques of reading literacy of Bengali children: A psycholinguistic interpretation HAKIM ARIF DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS, UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA, BANGLADESH Orthographic representation of the sounds of a language ...
Chinese Semiotic Studies, 2013
Abstract Semiotics has tremendous potential as a subject to be studied globally since it deals wi... more Abstract Semiotics has tremendous potential as a subject to be studied globally since it deals with the signs and sign-processes that exist in every society. In addition, it interprets culture, and related phenomena, by means of the scientific method. Further, the domain of semiotics includes social, temporal and spatial phenomena, from aerospace to the human mind, and from prehistory to the remote future. Viewed in this light, semiotics could be regarded as an essential discipline of the academic world. This paper explains the necessity of studying semiotics worldwide, its nature and characteristics, and its scope as a global discipline.

Human brain is considered the biological centre of reading technique. All types of reading activi... more Human brain is considered the biological centre of reading technique. All types of reading activities are always processed through the brain. As the storehouse of cognitive mechanism the brain activates reading process— one of the most complex cognitive functions of human beings. In fact,Reading involves visual information from a written text with the help of some invisible techniques derived from the stimulation of the neural components of the brain. Here the written text works as the visual stimuli of the reading process. So, nowadays most research experiments on depicting cognitive as well as neural aspects of reading techniques involve words (both familiar and unfamiliar) and pseudowords as stimuli. This book provides a comprehensive methodology of how to select words stimuli as well as construct pseudowords from the respective words to be used in the experiment. Though the method, this book discusses, emphasizes the designing process of the Arabic and Bengali words as well as p...
Establishing the nature of relationship between Linguistics and bio-sciences, especially Genetic ... more Establishing the nature of relationship between Linguistics and bio-sciences, especially Genetic Studies is nether an imagination today, nor an ambitious project at all, as psychologists, linguists and genetic scientists started to put there keen interest in this endeavour at the beginning of the twentieth-first century. The study of FOXP2-a potential human gene responsible for the degeneration of half of the members of famous KE family's speech and language performances, starts an epoch-making initiative in this regard. This paper provides a brief description of the research projects dedicated to explore POXP2 gene, including identifying speech and language behaviour of human beings with particular reference to this gene.
Philosophy and Progress, 2016

Dhaka University Journal of Linguistics, 2010
Establishing the nature of relationship between Linguistics and bio-sciences, especially Genetic ... more Establishing the nature of relationship between Linguistics and bio-sciences, especially Genetic Studies is nether an imagination today, nor an ambitious project at all, as psychologists, linguists and genetic scientists started to put there keen interest in this endeavour at the beginning of the twentieth-first century. The study of FOXP2-a potential human gene responsible for the degeneration of half of the members of famous KE family's speech and language performances, starts an epoch-making initiative in this regard. This paper provides a brief description of the research projects dedicated to explore POXP2 gene, including identifying speech and language behaviour of human beings with particular reference to this gene. Key Words: Grammar gene, language development, autism, SLI, Dyspraxia.DOI: 10.3329/dujl.v2i3.4151 The Dhaka University Journal of Linguistics: Vol.2 No.3 February, 2009 Page: 173-184
Dhaka University Journal of Linguistics, 2009
This paper provides a detailed description of Mean Length of Utterance (MLU) including a research... more This paper provides a detailed description of Mean Length of Utterance (MLU) including a research experiment with a view to getting a comparative result on counting MLUm and MLUw-two specialized versions of MLU. In this experiment the data of a ...
Philosophy and Progress, 2016

Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2020
Egemen bir sosyo-kültürel ve manevi görüngü olan din, tüm dünyada kendiliğinden gerçekleşen insan... more Egemen bir sosyo-kültürel ve manevi görüngü olan din, tüm dünyada kendiliğinden gerçekleşen insan faaliyetlerini farklı şekillerde kontrol eder. Ayrıca kutsal kitapların göz ardı ettiği sosyal gelenekleri, görenekleri ve insan davranış kalıplarını ve bunlardan türetilen kuralları ve yasaları da yasaklamaktadır. Önde gelen sosyal kurumlardan biri olan din, bir toplum içindeki inananlar tarafından izlenecek farklı kodları yürürlüğe koymaktadır. Bu tür sosyal kodlar bazen psikolojik durumları, özellikle farklı bilişsel uygulamaları çok yönlü bir şekilde kısıtlar. Böylece din, insan zihnini ve sosyalleşme sürecini azami ölçüde kontrol etmek amacıyla farklı toplumsal düzenleri tanımlar ve pekiştirir. İnsanların nöro-bilişsel motor davranışlarının bir tezahürü olan jestler, dünyanın birçok yerinde bu tür kuralcı din kodları tarafından denetlenmektedir. Bengalce konuşulan bölgede, İslami kurallar ve yasalar, kamusal işlevlerde el hareketlerini, özellikle de sol elin hareketlerini çok kaba bir davranış olarak ele alır. Bu bölgedeki insanlar, bu tür dini kuralları takip etme yöntemi olarak, bu elin hareketlerini farklı sosyal ve dini faaliyetlerde çok kuvvetli bir şekilde kontrol etmektedir. Bazen, dini değerlerin ve geleneklerin baskısı nedeniyle, halka açık yerlerde yapılan sol el hareketlerinden bir tür kendiliğinden olan bilişsel tahrik- kaçınmaları gerekir. Bu makale, hem Bengalce konuşan insanların sol el tabularının doğasını hem de sol elin jest üretimi esnasında kısıtlı zamansal ve uzamsal oranlar ile kontrollü kullanımını incelemektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sol El Tabusu, Tabu, Jest ve Biliş, Sol El, Bilişsel Kontrol.
Thesis Chapters by Dr. Hakim Arif
This PhD dissertation explains various Bengali Everyday Emblematic (BEE) Hand gestures from the p... more This PhD dissertation explains various Bengali Everyday Emblematic (BEE) Hand gestures from the perspective of Searle's Speech Act Theory. Searle's theory helps identify the underlying communicative intentions of these hand gestures a Bengali sender regularly performs to communicate with the receiver in Bengali linguistic culture. Finally, this dissertation arguably extracts the linguistic structures of the above symbolic hand gestures.
Papers by Dr. Hakim Arif
Thesis Chapters by Dr. Hakim Arif