Papers by Furio Ferraresi
Filosofia Politica, 2003
... gura espansiva dell'imprenditore; la riflessione sulla 'villa schiavistica&... more ... gura espansiva dell'imprenditore; la riflessione sulla 'villa schiavistica' di età tardo-repubblicana, intesa come azienda capitalistica, e sulle forme del co-lonato tardo-imperiale, nonché sul consolidamento dell'economia dell'oikos ... 18 Song-U Chon, Max Webers Stadtkonzeption. ...

Filosofia Politica, 1999
Lo scopo di questo saggio è di ricostruire le linee storiche fondamentali del concetto moderno di... more Lo scopo di questo saggio è di ricostruire le linee storiche fondamentali del concetto moderno di comunità e di altri lessemi appartenenti concettualmente e storicamente al medesimo campo semantico-come quelli di 'organismo' e di 'popolo'-nell'area di lingua e cultura tedesche dalla fine del Settecento all'inizio del Novecento 1. La ricostruzione che del concetto di comunità viene fornita prende le mosse dalla riflessione kantiana sulla distinzione tra «organismo» e «macchina» 2 , in conseguenza della quale Kant vale come «il creatore del moderno concetto di organismo» 3 , e si svolge lungo tutto l'Ottocento tedesco, con particolare riguardo a due snodi a nostro avviso centrali: la Gesellschaftslehre a partire da Lorenz von Stein; e la riflessione giuspubblicistica in ambito di Staatslehre da Carl Friedrich von Gerber a Georg Jellinek, ruotante intorno alla teorizzazione posi
Cantieri d'Occidente. Scienze sociali e democrazia tra Europa e Stati Uniti dopo la Seconda guerra mondiale, 2008

Scienza & Politica , 2020
The essay identifies and analyses the main similarities between Weber’s and Foucault’s work. They... more The essay identifies and analyses the main similarities between Weber’s and Foucault’s work. They con-cern the three main areas of their reflection: knowledge, power and the subject. These thematic axes are always firmly intertwined in their work. With regard to knowledge, both authors practice a form of his-torical knowledge in which both the “subject”of knowledge and the “object”known are radically called into question. Regarding power, they abandon the model of the state and sovereignty in order to analyse the relations of power and domination that run through the entire social body and that “govern”the con-duct of individuals. As for the subject, both elaborate ethical forms of subjectivity and “care of the self”that take on an ascetic significance. For Weber, however, it is a question of making objectivity itself a “vocation” for the subject, while Foucault proposes a resistance and a struggle for a new subjectivity.
This essay reconstructs the main lines of Ferdinand Tönnies’ (1855
1936) critical approach to t... more This essay reconstructs the main lines of Ferdinand Tönnies’ (1855
1936) critical approach to the thought of Hobbes and Spinoza. Specifically it shows the role played by the two philosophers in
developing the categories of community (Spinoza) and society (Hobbes). From the stand point of political thought, the essay reveals
how Tönnies’ on going interpretation of Hobbes focuses more
and more on the constitutive moment of the modern form of State. In this area it draws on Spinoza’s reflections on democracy as an
absolutum omnino imperium . Tönnies is thus able to distin-
guish conceptually between the Hobbesian State, as a “society”
that absorbs allnatural law, and its natural law origin (the «original assembly»), where we find a “common” element that can never be
entirely neutralized by the State.

Scienza Politica Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine, Jun 29, 2013
This article explores how the classical world conceived political conflict, beginning ... more This article explores how the classical world conceived political conflict, beginning with its views on “factions” and “parties”. Starting from Homer and Hesiod, for whom Justice is what enabled the transition from original chaos to an organized cosmos, the article then focuses on the birth of the polis as mediator in the conflict between the social “parts”. It examines the works of Thucidides, Plato and Aristotle, who share a critical view of “parts”, which are seen as “factions” destroying political order. Polybius, on the other hand, credits the “parts” with being constituents of the political “whole”, whereas for Sallustius “factions” are responsible for the decline of the RomanRepublic. Cicero, too, rejects “factions” as undermining the “concord” of the State, whereas with the advent of the Empire, the particularistic horizon of the poleis is superseded. It will take Tacitus to point out the contradic-tions of a particular powerthat legitimizes itself as universal.

This essay explores the theme of the legitimacy of power in Weber from the standpoints of social ... more This essay explores the theme of the legitimacy of power in Weber from the standpoints of social science, historical investigation and political reflection. It investigates how Weber develops this theme in Katego-rienaufsatz (1913), Soziologische Grundbegriffe (1920), Die Stadt (1911-14) and Politische Schriften (1917-19). Power, as a relationship of command/obedience, is founded on the representations of legitimacy of the individuals involved and on the Einverständnis (consent) which is the condition of possibility of this relationship. It is back to the medieval city that Weber traces the genesis and interweaving of various forms of legitimation, which continue to exist as possibilities even within the modern State. The memory of medieval events re-emerges when Weber, after Germany's defeat in the First World War and the threat of revolution that followed, tries to lay a foundation for the legitimacy of " leader democracy " by reintroducing the command/obedience relationship between leaders and masses.
Papers by Furio Ferraresi
1936) critical approach to the thought of Hobbes and Spinoza. Specifically it shows the role played by the two philosophers in
developing the categories of community (Spinoza) and society (Hobbes). From the stand point of political thought, the essay reveals
how Tönnies’ on going interpretation of Hobbes focuses more
and more on the constitutive moment of the modern form of State. In this area it draws on Spinoza’s reflections on democracy as an
absolutum omnino imperium . Tönnies is thus able to distin-
guish conceptually between the Hobbesian State, as a “society”
that absorbs allnatural law, and its natural law origin (the «original assembly»), where we find a “common” element that can never be
entirely neutralized by the State.
1936) critical approach to the thought of Hobbes and Spinoza. Specifically it shows the role played by the two philosophers in
developing the categories of community (Spinoza) and society (Hobbes). From the stand point of political thought, the essay reveals
how Tönnies’ on going interpretation of Hobbes focuses more
and more on the constitutive moment of the modern form of State. In this area it draws on Spinoza’s reflections on democracy as an
absolutum omnino imperium . Tönnies is thus able to distin-
guish conceptually between the Hobbesian State, as a “society”
that absorbs allnatural law, and its natural law origin (the «original assembly»), where we find a “common” element that can never be
entirely neutralized by the State.