Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé
Physiologie végétale
In order to know the origin of the resistance in order to develop a control strategy that respects the environment and human health, this study was initiated. More specifically, it should make it possible to determine the reaction of wild... more
Rubber production in rubber trees is affected by dry notch disease, the cause of which has unfortunately not yet been fully elucidated. This study aims to evaluate the impact of biological factors on susceptibility to disease across... more
Black spot, caused by Mycosphaerella fijiensis, is one of the most devastating banana diseases. In banana production systems, black spot is mainly managed using fungicides. This method of disease management using systemic fungicides with... more
Utilisation efficiente des fongicides dans la lutte contre la maladie des raies noires du bananier (Musa spp) due au champignon Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet dans les bananeraies industrielles ivoiriennes REPUBLIQUE
6.1.2. Observation du mode d'organisation des équipes phytosanitaires et évaluation de la gestion des paramètres environnementaux dans les bananeraies industrielles............. 6.1.3. Evaluation du niveau d'attaque ou pression d'inoculum... more