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: Anemone and Fish animations. Top row, the attractive fish swims from right to left over a Strawberry anemone: when the regal tang fish is close enough, the associated Hole field is activated (white sphere) and the tentacles are... more
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      AnimationPhysics Based Computer AnimationSimulationFISH
However, when dealing with a spectral rendering system, the use of traditional colour space COS to obtain pleasant associations of colours becomes impossible, principally due to metamerism. An interesting problem would be the derivation... more
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    • Computational
: A synthetic image where our proposed BRDF model is used on a fluorescent orange surface that is being illuminated by several collimated monochrome light sources. The scene geometry is similar to that shown in figure 2. Note the colours... more
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      FluorescenceComputer Graphic
This paper proposes two simple and powerful algorithms to automatically paint Celtic knots with aesthetic colors. The shape of the knot is generated from its dual graph as presented in . The first technique uses rules derived from... more
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      Color SpaceShading
L'animation temps-réel de personnages repose généralement sur une technique d'habillage, appelée skinning en anglais, permettant à la peau et aux vêtements de suivre les mouvements du squelette. Cette technique n'engendre malheureusement... more
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      Real TimeReal-time Animation
: Animation of a cat model, in real-time, using our dynamic skinning with one flesh element in the belly region. The (blue) dashes represent the displacement field of the skin vertices between their smooth skinning position and their... more
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      Video GameDynamicsCharacter AnimationReal Time
This paper proposes a new method for designing dynamic wrinkles that appear and disappear according to the underlying deformation of tissues. The user positions and orients wrinkling tools on a mesh. During animation, geometric wrinkles... more
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      Computer GraphicsAnimationComputational GeometryComputer Animation
Ce papier propose une nouvelle technique permettant d'ajouter des plis dynamiques de la peau ou des vêtementsà une animation de personnage existante. Cette technique temps-réel s'adresse principalementà des animations générées par... more
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A sign language utterance can be seen as a continuous stream of motion, involving the signs themselves and inter-sign movements or transitions. Like in speech, coarticulation constitutes an important part of the language. Indeed, the... more
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While human communication involves rich, complex and expressive gestures, available corpora of captured motions used for the animation of virtual characters contain relatively simple actions, ranging from locomotion to every day life... more
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This paper presents a Computer Animation curriculum worth 2.5 ECTS intended for graduate students enrolled in a Master's degree of Computer Graphics, Video Games and Virtual Reality. The content of the lecture fits the recommendations... more
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Brittany (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (a') (b') (c') (d') (e') Figure 1: Clusters and corresponding marker sets automatically determined by applying our K-means clustering algorithm (with K = 30 clusters) on the range-of-motion sequences of actors... more
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    • Computer Science
Cet article dresse un panorama des differentes problematiques liees a l'animation faciale basee donnees et presente les dernieres avancees et solutions proposees par l'etat de l'art. Le but de l'animation basee donnees est... more
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Ce chapitre traite des problèmes relatifs à la peau, aux cheveux et aux vêtements des personnages virtuels. La peau et les cheveux sont des parties naturelles de l'être humain alors que les vêtements ne le sont pas. Ces parties, qui... more
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In this paper, we present and evaluate Elemental, a NIME (New Interface for Musical Expression) based on audio synthesis of sounds of meteorological phenomena, namely rain, wind and thunder, intended for application in contemporary... more
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    • Computer Science
Ce papier presente une technique originale permettant d'ajouter des plis dynamiques de la peau ou des vetements a une animation de personnage existante. Cette technique temps-reel s'adresse principalement a des animations generees... more
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    • Art
Ce papier presente le fonctionnement d'un systeme visant a creer automatiquement des corpus d'animations faciales annotees pour la Langue des Signes Francaise (LSF) a partir de donnees issues de capture du mouvement (MoCap).... more
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    • Art
La capture de mouvement permet d'aboutir a des corpus precis et complets d'enonces en Langue des Signes Francaise (LSF). Ceux-ci peuvent ensuite servir de base aussi bien a une etude linguistique qu'a de la synthese de... more
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    • Art
Figure 1: Animation of a cat model, in real-time, using our dynamic skinning with one flesh element in the belly region. The (blue) dashes represent the displacement field of the skin vertices between their smooth skinning position and... more
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      Computer ScienceVideo GameDynamicsCharacter Animation